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To graduate from a general course in science, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

1. The student must complete the work indicated in the foregoing general prescribed list.

2. He must obtain 30 hours' credit in some one of the subjects in the foregoing list of major electives, or 40 hours in more than one.

3. He must obtain at least 5 hours' credit in physics or geology, and 5 hours in botany or zoology.

4. He must secure enough additional credits from the list of general electives to complete the graduation requirement of 130 hours.

A thesis course may be taken in any department (subject to the approval of the head thereof) in which the student has done 20 hours of major work preceding his senior year. Students desiring to take a thesis course in geology or mineralogy may add to their credits in those subjects the credits received for chemistry also; and students in physiology may add to their credits in that subject those in zoölogy and bacteriology. Only students graduating with a thesis will, as a rule be selected for fellowships, scholarships, and other similar university honors.


In the following list, the prescribed subjects, the major electives, and the general electives open to beginners are indicated for the freshman year. For the remaining years only the prescribed subjects are given. In making up the study list for any semester students should take the subjects italicized, and select from the remainder enough to make the requisite amount of work.

First Semester

First Year

(Prescribed subjects) Art and Design 1; Chemistry 1; Mathematics 3 or 4; Military 2; Physical Training 1, 3 or 7, 9.

(Major Electives) Botany 2, 11; Household Science 2; Mathematics 1 or 2; Zoölogy 10, I.

(General Electives) Astronomy 1; Entomology 1, 4; Geology 3; Physical Geography (Geology 8); Economics 7, 26; English 1; French 1; German 1; History 1, 11; Latin 1 (for those offering 3 units for entrance); Library Science 12; Rhetoric 1; Horticulture ; Animal Husbandry 21.

Second Semester

(Prescribed Subjects) Chemistry 2, 3a or 3 b and 4; Military 1, 2; Physical Training 1, 3 or 7.

(Major Electives) Botany I, 5; Entomology 1; Geology 3; Physical Geography (Geology 8); Household Science 1, 3; Mathematics 6; Physiology 4; Zoölogy 2.

(General Electives) Astronomy 4; Economics 22, 26; English 4, 23; French 1; German 3; Greek 2; History 1; Rhetoric 1; Agronomy 6; Animal Husbandry 21.

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To graduate in ceramics the student must follow one of the courses outlined below. The conditions are such that but little election can be allowed.

Special courses will be arranged for those who wish a limited amount of work in ceramics, but those pursuing them will not be entitled to a degree and will not be recognized as graduates.


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By making the substitutions indicated below in the course in ceramics, that course will be found to meet the needs of the student who wishes to prepare for the manufacture of limes and cements:

In the first semester of the third year, substitute chemistry 65 and ceramics 10 for Art and Design 1 and Ceramics 4. In the second semester substitute physics 17 for Art and Design 8.

In the fourth year, first semester, substitute chemistry 68b and civil engineering 5 for ceramics 6 and chemistry 68a; and in the second semester, substitute ceramics 9 for ceramics 8.


To graduate in chemistry the candidate must take, in addition to the subjects of the general prescribed list as printed on pp. 97-8 (including the second alternative in chemistry), the following studies, prescribed for this


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He must further take 22 hours' work from the general list of major electives, subject to the approval of the head of the department; and additional studies, subject to the approval of the Dean of the College, sufficient to amount to 130 hours' credit in all, including military and physical training.

He must also file a thesis acceptable to the head of the department. Summarized, the course includes:

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1. General Elementary Chemistry (Chem. 1); German 1; Mathematics 1, 3 or 2, 4; Rhetoric 1; Military 2; Physical Training I, 3 or 7, 9.

2. Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry (Chem. 2); German 3; Mathematics 6; Qualitative Analysis (Chem. 3a); Military 1, 2; Physical Training 1, 3 or 7.

Second Year

I. German 4; Physics 1, 3; Quantitative Analysis (Chem. 5a); Military 2; History 1, 3 or English 1.


German 5; Organic Chemistry (Chem. 9 and 9a); Physics 1. 3; Rhetoric 1; Military 2.

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