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of his fubjects, on the tried valour of his forces by sea and land, and on the zeal, public spirit, and refources of these kingdoms, which can never be called forth under circumstances more important to their permanent welfare, and to the general fecurity and interefts of Europe.

Mr Fox moved the following amendment to the above address: · We your Majesty's faithful Commons, having feen with inexpreffible concern that the negotiations which the Directory of France have unhappily and abruptly terminated, confider it our duty to fpeak with the freedom and earneftnefs which becometh. reprefentatives of a great people; we regret, from the memorials and other documents fubmitted to our confideration, that your Majelty's minifters appear not to have been fo fincere in their profetions for peace as we had been induced from their repeated declarations to fuppofe. The fincerity of the overtures which have been made for peace is to be inferred from minifters having infifted on the surrender of the Netherlands by France; this they have thought proper to term the fine qua non; while the enemy, profiting by the bad conduct, by the incapacity, of those minifters, urge their demands. Your faithful Commons have moreover seen, with extreme regret, that when only a very finall portion of the German empire was occupied by the arms of France, when the fecurity of Holland might have been guarantied by your arms, when your Majefty's allies were firm in the union, and apparently fincere in their profeffions, your Majefty's minifters did not employ themselves for the purpose of procuring peace to England. and to Europe; but, on the contrary, repeatedly refused to enter into any negotiation with the French Republic, not for any wellgrounded reafon, not becaufe that the Republic was really hoftile to all other nations, but on an infulting and arrogant preference for the forms and ufages of the ancient courts of Europe, by attempting to prove that the Republic of France could not maintain the accustomed relations of peace and amity. Your Majesty's minifters having accordingly advifed your Majefty to recommend in your fpeeches from the throne, to continue a war ruinous in itself, after the moft calamitous fufferings by the defection of the major part of your Majefty's allies; your faithful Commons will proceed therefore to inveftigate the caufe of that misconduct, on the part of your Majefty's minifters, which has involved this nation in her misfortunes and produced the failure of that negotiation.

Mr. Fox's addrefs was negatived by a majority of 212 to 37.

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ON N Thursday October 13, 1796, his excellency Earl Camden came in the usual state to the House of Peers, and the Commons being present, opened the feffion with the following speech from the throne:

My Lords and Gentlemen,

I have his Majefty's commands to acquaint you, that he has thought it neceffary to require your attendance in Parliament at this early period, and to refort to your deliberative wisdom at a time when the ambitious projects of our enemies have threatened to interrupt the happiness and profperity of his people, by making a defcent on this kingdom and Great Britain. And although his Majefty looks forward with the utmost confidence to the spirit, loyalty, and ability of his faithful people of Ireland to repel fuch an attack, it will yet become your wifdom to neglect no precautious which may preclude the attempt, or fecure the speedieft means of turning it to the confufion of the enemy.

His Majefty has been graciously pleased to direct an addition to be made to the regular forces in this kingdom, by troops fentfrom Great Britain, the greater part of which is already arrived; and in pursuance of his Majefty's commands, I have alfo encouraged the loyal and zealous difpofition, which has generally difplayed itself, to affociate in arms, under his Majesty's authority, for the better fecurity of property, and the preservation of tranquillity and good order.

In confequence of the fteps which his Majefty has taken to reftore peace to Europe, and fecure its future tranquillity, a way has at length been opened for an immediate and direct negotiation; and I am commanded to acquaint you, that it is his Majefty's intention to fend a perfon to Paris, with full powers to treat for the restoration of general peace.

The apparently hoftile difpofitions and conduct of the court of Spain has led to difcuffions, of which I am not able to acquaint you with the final result; but, whatever may be their iffue, they cannot but afford to Europe a further proof of his Majefty's moderation and forbearance, and cannot fail to animate your utmost exertions in defending the dignity, rights, and interest of the empire against every aggreffion.

In reviewing the events of this year, it must afford you the greatest fatisfaction to obferve, that by the fpirit and exertions of his Majesty's navy, the commerce of this kingdom has been protected in a degree almoft beyond example; and in no part more completely, than by the fkill, activity, and bravery of the squadron ftationed on the coafts of this kingdom.

The fuccefs of his Majefty's arms in the Eaft and West Indies, has been highly honourable and advantageous to the empire; and



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eyinces, in the strongest manner, the valour and good conduct of his forces both by fea and land.

The fteady and dignified conduct of the Emperor, and the intrepidity of the Auftrian forces under the command of the Archduke Charles, have given fo effential a change to the aspect of affairs on the continent, as to infpire a well-grounded confidence that the final refult of the campaign will be fuch as materially to promote his Majesty's endeavours to obtain a fafe and honourable peace for himself and his allies.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

The expediency of the vigorous measures which you have adopted in the last feffion of Parliament, has been amply proved by the outrages, which they were intended to fupprefs having in a great measure fubfided. I am, however, to lament, that in one part of the country good order has not yet been entirely reftored, and that in other diftricts a treasonable fyftem of fecret confederation, by the adminiftering of illegal oaths, ftill continues, although no means within the reach of government have been left untried to counteract it.

Gentlemen of the Houfe of Commons,

'I have ordered to be laid before you an account of such articles of expense as are not included in the estimate of the current year, and which the prefent circumftances have rendered neceffary; and when you confider the great interefts for which we are engaged, and the objects for which we are contending, I doubt not that you will grant the fupplies which may be requifite for them with your accustomed chearfulness and liberality; and when the ordinary accounts and eftimates for the enfuing year fhall be laid before you, I truft you will then proceed with the zeal you have always manifefted in providing for the exigencies of the state, and the honourable fupport of his Majesty's government.

You will not fail at a proper time to continue your attention to the manufactures, the agriculture, and the commerce of the country, and to extend your accustomed benevolence to the Proteftant charter-fchools, and the other inftitutions of education and charity which have been fo long foftered by your liberal encourage


The profperity and refources of the kingdom, fo highly improved by your meritorious care, ftill remain unimpaired by the preffure of war; and I trust to your unremitting attention for the further advancement of your national profperity.

You have learnt the fteps which his Majesty has taken to procure the bleffings of general peace upon a folid and permanent bafis. Should thefe gracious endeavours of his Majesty not be followed by the fuccefs which he has every reafon to expect, he is fatisfied that the affections, courage, and perfeverance, of his


people, will enable him to fruftrate the defigns of our enemies, and to maintain the honour and dignity of his crown.

It will afford me the highest fatisfaction to be aided at this important crifis by your advice, and I rely with a confidence you have taught me to indulge, upon your liberal interpretation of my conduct, and upon that fupport I have fo amply experienced fince I received his Majefty's commands to repair to this country; and it will be peculiarly gratifying to me, if I fhould have the good fortune, in the administration of the King's government, to imprefs upon your minds the full extent of his Majesty's paternal care of this kingdom, and of my own anxiety to promote, by every means, its interefts, its fafety, and its profperity.

In the House of Lords, an addrefs in anfwer to the above fpeech was moved and carried nem diff.

In the House, of Commons of Ireland, Mr. Vefey moved an addrefs, which was feconded by colonel Bagwell.

Mr. Grattan moved an amendment to the following effect: "To represent to his Majefty, that the most effectual method for ftrengthening the country and promoting unanimity, was to take fuch measures, and to enact fuch laws, as to infure to all his Majefty's fubjects the bleffings and privileges of the conftitution, without any diftinction of religion."

Mr. Grattan's amendment was negatived, and the original addrefs was carried.


Kington, May 7. Sunday last his honour the lieutenantgovernor was pleafed to command the attendance of the Hon. Houfe of Affembly in the council chamber. After which, his honour was pleased to close the feffion of Affembly with the following speech:

Gentlemen of the Council, Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Affembly,

I am fenfible that you must be defirous of repofe, after the long and unremitted attention you have paid to your legislative duties, during the interesting and important feffion; and therefore it is with the greatest pleasure I grant you a recefs.

Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Affembly,

Accept my warmeft thanks for the fupplies you have fo liberally voted.

I felt great concern at the magnitude of the expenfe, occafioned by the measures which I was obliged to adopt at a late critical and alarming period; and it is no fmall confolation to my feelings, that you have made provifion for the fame with a cheerfulness


ftrongly indicative of favourable fentiments refpecting the motives which actuated my conduct.

Gentlemen of the Council, Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Affembly,

I have paffed all the bills which have been brought before me for my affent; and I feel infinite pleasure in being able to fend you to your families and homes with eafe and comfort to yourfeves, freed entirely from that apprehenfion and anxiety which fo lately difturbed your minds.

I do therefore prorogue this General Affembly unto the 8th day of June next; and it is now prorogued accordingly.


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