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young woman had been induced to attend. She was asked afterwards how she liked the service. "Well," she said, "I don't think much of the choir, for they had to sing the 'Amen' aver ever so many times before they got it right."

Another story told in the above-mentioned book illustrates the difficulties that beset some clerical visitors. Mr. Money called on an unregenerate cobbler who was ill. The minister asked the sick man if he would like his visitor to read to him. "Ah,' he said in a vcice full of scorn, 'I don't want any of that child's stuff. What I wants to know about is this here Wainewright murder.' "The visitor felt it necessary to give the man a severe calling down for his ribaldry. "To my intense astonishment," the author says, "this hard old man was utterly frightened, and said in tones of alarm, Come, none of that, now; don't you put anything on me!' He thought that I was trying to put a curse on him!"

In one of the serious paragraphs in the amusing book just quoted from the author passes on an "infallible" cure for hiccoughs. "Laugh as much as you like," he says, "but try it the next time you are in the grasp of hiccups. Take a tumbler and fill it about half full of water, put your lips to the opposite side of the rim to what you ordinarily would in drinking, tilt the glass away from you instead of towards you, and so sip the water. That is all, but you will want nothing more."

"Topsy-turvy" pronunciations: "Every night at eight o'clock in that village the perfume' blew and the children had to go indoors."

"He was discussing the celluloid lights in the automobile curtains and remarked, That there Sarah Lord ain't much good. It breaks right out.""

"This happened at a Culebra hotel table where even the waiters sometimes made a joke:

"Well, George, what have we for desert?'

"Sand, sir, I 'spects.'

"George couldn't understand why the rest laughed."

This is also an example of darky wit, though not of the "topsy-turvy "kind: "Mr. Smith, that ham you sold me am sure bad."

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The following answers from examination papers, which a subscriber sends, show that words correctly pronounced by a teacher may easily become " topsyturvies" in a pupil's ear:

"The equator is a menagerie lion passing around the earth."

"In India a man out of one cask can't marry a woman out of another cask."

"A vacuum is a large empty place

where the Pope lives."

"Trailing art beauties are small flowers." "The clouds are a heavy midst which rises up into the air."

The trailing arbutus has a beautiful order."

"Coil [the question was on coal] is made from a substance something like rope."


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THE OUTLOOK. November 24, 1920. Volume 126, Number 13. Published weekly by The Outlook Company at 381 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Subscription price $5.00 a year. Entered as second-class matter. July 21, 1893 at the Post Office at New York under the Act of Monah 9 1830











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