Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm : for love is strong as death ; jealousy is cruel as the grave : the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame... The Chobham Book of English Prose - Stran 19avtor: Stephen Coleridge - 1923 - 264 straniCelotni ogled - O knjigi
 | John Flavel - 1671 - 576 strani
...and shoulders, Exod. 28 : 9, 12, 28, 29. To which the church is supposed to allude in that request, " Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm." Cant. 8 : 6. Now the very sight of Christ our High Priest in heaven prevails exceedingly with God,... | |
 | Charles Drelincourt - 1732 - 536 strani upon his Heart, according to the Prayer of the Spoufe in the Canticles.,"Cant. viii. Set me as tt Seal upon thine Heart ^ as a Seal upon thine Arm, for Love is as ftronz as Death. The High- Prieft of the yews did caft off the Names of the twelve Tribes with the... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 strani
...his MERCY lie lived us by the wafhing of Regeneration, and renewing otthe HOLY GHOST. Can!-, viii. 6. Set me as a Seal upon thine Heart, as a Seal upon thine Arm: fnr LOVE is str-oNO R r «« them into the Fire, and they arc burned. 7. If ye abide in me, and my... | |
 | John Flavel - 1770 - 558 strani
...Set me as afeal upon thy heart, as afeal upon thine arm : for love is jirtng as death .,- jealoufy it cruel as the grave : the coals thereof are coals of fire, •which hath a meft vehement flame, 31 2 MEDITA FION XII. Eph. iii. 1 9.— And to know the love of Chrift, which... | |
 | 1787 - 674 strani
...Cupid as coming to his gale at night, foliating entrance, becaufe he was cold and wet. ' Jealoufy is cruel as the grave ; the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a mod vehement flame.' • We have a little fitter, and flic hath no breafts. What (hall we do for our... | |
 | Theocritus (of Syracuse) - 1792 - 242 strani
...i» Qti&t xe TWJ {fCWo-ai To» t/Ao» 'iro9w, The Septuagint : ' Love is ftrong as death; Jealoufy is cruel as the grave: The * coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a moft vehement ' flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the • floods drown it.5 - •... | |
 | John Gill - 1796 - 570 strani
...This bond of •"on remains firm and sure, and gives such a nearness to him the church *1shedtor¡ Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm, Cant. ""• 6. see Prov. xviii. 24. Rom. 'viii. 35. The same may be said of the love " 'be Spirit ;... | |
 | Jacques Saurin - 1800 - 308 strani
...Set vie as a seul upon thy heart, as a seal upon thine arm, for lave is strong us death, jealousy is cruel as the grave, the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a moat vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love- neither can. floods drottiy- it, Cant. v. '2.... | |
 | Jacques Saurin - 1800 - 310 strani
...over me is love. Turn away thme eyes from me, for they have overcome me. Set me as a seal upanthine heart, as a seal upon thine arm, for love is strong as death, Jealousy is cruel as the grave, the coals thereof are coals of fire, which have a most vehement flame. Many... | |
 | Thomas Boston - 1802 - 422 strani as a feal upon thine heart, as a feal upon thine arm ; for love is ftrong as death ; jealoufy is cruel as the grave ; the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath hath a moft vehement flame." Rejoice in him, delight in him, and blefs ourfelves in our choice of him.... | |
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