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ed, under the penalty of ten dollars, to be recovered by the party grieved; but no execution fhall me by any juftice awarded against the body of the defendant.

H. ALL petitions which may be brought by the first day of April next, for any fum lefs than ten dollars, or four hundred pounds of Tobacco, fhall be tried and determined as heretofore; and executions may thereupon. iflue.

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whom to be ordered 1.

Regulation in Peterí

Warch in Fredericks. bug.

g claufe.

Pants for killing deer wpm certain periods.


An Act con erning Patroles.

[Paffed the 16.h of January, 1801.]

B have power to order our Patroles when to him it that appear neceffary,

Fit enacted by the General Affimbly, That any juftice of the peace shall

and may on particular occafions appoint an officer of patrol, who fhall have the fame powers, and receive the tame pay, as the patrol appointed by the commanding officer of the battalion. Any officer or patrol, fo ordered out by a Magiftrate, failing to attend and do his duty, thall forfeit and pay, the officer three dollars, and the patrol one dollar, each; to be recovered and applied in the fame manner as other militia fines.

II. AND be it further enacted, That the court of the corporation of Peterfburg fhall have power to divide the militia, refiding within the limits of faid town, into wards or diftriéts, and may appoint one or more officers in each ward, to be denominated captains of patrol; each othcer fhall be compelled, when on duty, to vifit all parts of faid town, and shall patrol once in every week (or oftener if required by the court,) and thall receive for every twelve hours fervice, the officer one dollar, and each patrol leventy-five cents, to be levied on the house keepers in faid town. The militia of faid town thall he exempted from patrol duty without the limits of the town; but in all other fervices, required by law, fhall continue attached to their respective regiments.

III. AND be it further enacted, That the corporation court of Fredericksburg fhall be, and is hereby empowered, to impote and levy an annual tax upon the house keepers within the jurifdiction thereof, to be appropriated to paying a watch to be kept therein.


IV. THIS act shall commence and be in force from the pafing thereof,


An Act to Prevent the Killing of Deer, within certain Periods annually. [Paffed the 16th of January, 1801.]

B E it enacted by the General Affembly, That if any free white perfon, or perfons, within this Commonwealth, by fhooting, trapping, hunting, ranging, driving with dogs, or otherwife, fhall kill or destroy any one or more deer, (the fame not being his own tamed, or thall be found in poffeffion of any) between the first day of January, and the fint day of August, in any year, every fuch free white perfon, or perfons, fo offending, for every deer to killed or destroyed, fhail forfeit and pay the fum of five douars, to be recovered, with cofts, by warrant, before a juice of the peace of the county where the off.nce fhall have been committed, or the offender or offenders may rende, to the afe and benefit of the informer, provided the offence be proved by the confession of the party, or by the oath of one or more credible witness or witneffes, other than the informer; but if the offence should be eliablished by the oath of the informer only, in that cafe the said forfeiture thall be payable to the Overfeers of the poor of the county where the conviction fhail have been, and applied towards lettening the poor rates the eaf. And be it further enacted, I nat if any white perion, free negro, or mulatto, fhall be guilty of the nike offence, and be thereof July convicted before a justice of the peice of the county where the offence fhall have been committed, or the offender relides, the aid offender thail forfeit and pay to the informer, or to the Overies of the poor, as the cate may be, the tum of live dollars, and coits; and I.. Cic of mabili v, or retulaj

to pay, fhall, by order of the faid juftice of the peace, receive not lefs than ten, nor more than twenty, lashes on his bare back.

II. THAT if any flave thall be guilty of the like offence, and be thereof Penalty on å ves. lawfully convicted before any juftice of the peace, of the county where the offence thall have been committed, or the matter or owner of fuch flave refides, fuch flave fhail, by order of the faid juftice of the peace, receive on his bare back

not lefs than ten, nor more than twenty, lashes.

III. AND be it further enacted, That nothing herein contained hall Restrictia of this a&t. be construed to extend to any of the counties weft of the Allegany mɔun


IV. THIS act shall commence and be in force from and after the passing Enacting claufe. thereof.


An Act to empower the Governor to transport Slaves condemned, when it shall be


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deemed expedient.

[Paffed the 15th of January, 1801.]

E it enacted by the General Affembly, That the governor with the ad- Shives under fentence expedient, to contract and agree with any perfon, or perfons, for the fale and to be purchased and purchafe of all thofe flaves who now are or hereafter may be under fentence of transportes. death, for confpiracy, infurrection, or other crimes. The perfon, or perfons, at the time of making fuch purchase, thall enter into bond, with fufficient fecurity, in the penalty of five hundred dollars for each flave, payable to the governor and his fucceffors, for the ufe of the commonwealth, with condition that be, or they, will carry out of the United States all the daves by him, or them, purchafed, who are now, or who hereafter may be under fentence of death; and the fale and difpofal of every fuch flave fhall amount to a reprieve of him, or them, from fuch fentence of death. Provided always, that if any lave, fold purfuant to this act, fhall return into this ftate, he fhall be apprehended and executed under the condemnation of the court, as if no reprieve had taken place. And in all cafes where any flave or flaves fhall be tried and convited for any crime which may affect life, the court before whom fuch trials shall be had, shall caule Executive. the teftimony for and againit every fuch flave to be entered of record, and a copy of the whole proceedings to be tranfmitted forthwith to the Executive.

Subject to execution if they return.

T-(my in all trials tibe recorded, and a copy trini nitted to th:

II. THE owners of all flaves fo fold, or transported, fhall be paid in the Owners to be paid. fame manner as for flaves executed.

III. THIS act shall commence and be in force, from the paffing thereof.

Euating clauf.

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An Act directing the allowances of Witnes in certain Cafe.
[Paffed the 21st of January, 1891.]

E it enacted by the General Affembly, That in all cafes hereafter, when any perfon, or perfons, fhall be fummoned as a witnefs, or witneffes, in any profecution for a crime or misdemeanor, to attend any court out of the county, or counties, in which he, the, or they may rende. the fame allowance fhall be made him, her, or them, for fuch attendance, as is allowed by law to witneffes and venire men in fuch cafe attending the district courts.

II. THIS act thall commence and be in force from the paing thereof.

Compenfation to wit

nett's fun oned out the county of the re filence.

Enacting chuSAL


An Act paying sheriff for their trouble, in attending to compare the pulls, un elections for Senators to the General affmbly.



[Paffed the 20th of January, 1801.]

E it enacted by the General Affembly, That the fheriffs and other oficers, conduling an eledion for a fenator, to the General Affemble, fhall be allowed one dollar, fixty leven cents, par Jay, for each day on which they shall neceffarily attend to compare the different polle, and four cew's per

A wanc

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Rates increased.

Rares on American bottomi.

From Hampton road to fea.

Allowance for expofures to contagion.

For detention.

Maryland pilots.

When the fees fhall be paid.

Fines increased.

Repealing claufe

Who shall pay the pilot


mile for travelling to and from the place appointed for that purpose, befides ferriages, to be paid in the fame manner as the electors who are to vote for a prefident of the United States are paid.



An Act to increase the rates of pilotage at certain places.
[Paffed the 21st of January, 1801.]

7HEREAS the rates of pilotage heretofore allowed by law, have in cer tain cafes, been found inadequate to the fervices performed: for remedy whereof,

I. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That the rate of pilotage, at prefent allowed by law on all foreign bottoms coming from fea to any of the har bours or ports of delivery within this Commonwealth, shall be increased in the proportion of one-fourth.

ÎÎ. AND be it further enalted, That the pilots shall be entitled to receive hereafter nine pence per foot, in addition to the pilotage at present allowed by law, on all American bottoms, and two dollars in addition to the rates now allowed on all American veffels coming in, from fea to the first port.

IIL AND be it further enacted, That the rate of pilotage from Hampton road to fea, shall hereafter be feven dollars and an half, and no more.

IV. AND be it further enacted, That in every cafe hereafter, when a pilot fhall be decoyed on board a veffel, having on board any contagious disease, and thereby be compelled to remain on board and perform quarantine, fuch pilot fhall be allowed and paid two dollars per day for every day of fuch detention: and moreover, in every cafe where a pilot boat fhall be employed in performing the orders, whereby the pilot is enjoined to give notice of contagion on board any veffel to the health officer, the compenfation of five dollars which is allowed in and by the third fection of the aft paffed in the year one thousand feven hundred and ninety-five, upon the faid fubject, shall be, and is hereby increased one-fourth.

V. AND be it further enacted, That in all cafes hereafter, when a veffel outward bound shall be laden and anchored in Hampton road, and the captain shall detain the veffel and pilot after a fair wind offers for going out to fea, fuch pilot shall then be allowed and paid ten shillings per day, during fuch detention of veffel and pilot: Provided always, that the fame shall not extend to veffels falling down into Hampton Road, and not intending to proceed immediately to fea; but in every fuch cafe, the captain may discharge the pilot.

VI. AND be it further enacted, That the pilots refiding in the ftate of Maryland may hereafter apply to the examiners appointed under the authority of this commonwealth, and on obtaining a branch, may exercise fuch branch in like manner as the pilots of Virginia, and shall receive fimilar fees: Provided always, that this privilege shall not be enjoyed until the ftate of Maryland shall have paffed a fimilar law in favor of the pilots of Virginia. No negro or mulatto shall after the paffing of this law, obtain a branch as a pilot: Provided however, that this prohibition shall not extend to, or affect any fuch perfons now having a branch.

VII. THE fees allowed by law for piloting a veffel into this commonwealth, shall only be paid when a pilot has boarded the veffel without the capes of Virginia, or oppofite to them. If the veffel shall be boarded by the pilot within the capes, then the pilot shall demand and receive only one half of the fees before specified into Hampton road; the fees for pilotage up the rivers, as heretofore, with the additional rates allowed by this act.

VIII. THE fines and penalties impofed upon pilots by the act, intituled, "An act to reduce into one the feveral acts for regulating pilots, and afcertaining their fees," fhall be, and are hereby increafed one-half refpectively.

IX. SO much of the last recited at as permits pilots to depofit their accounts with the collector, and authorises him to refufe a clearance to the veffel fo piloted, until the payment of the account, shall be, and hereby is repealed.

X. THE confignee or fupe cargo of every vessel not owned by a citizen

refiding in this state, shall be liable for the pilotage, if it be not paid by

the master.

XI. ALL boats on the fea fhore shall hereafter have their names marked Boats, how markeds four feet below the head of the forefail.

XII. ALL and every act and parts of acts, coming within the purview of Repealing clause. this act, fhall be, and are hereby repealed.

XIII. THIS at shall commence and be in force, from the first day of Enafting claufe. March next.




An Act concerning the Manufacture of Tobacco.

[Paffed the 20th of January, 1801.]

E it enacted by the General Affembly, That no perfon fhall at any time after the last day of February next, ftem or manufacture any tobacco, without firft having obtained a licence for that purpose, in the manner prefcribed by this act and every person who fhall prefume to stem or manufacture tobacco, without fuch licence, fhall forfeit and pay fifteen dollars for every fifty pounds of tobacco fo by him or her ftemmed or manufactured, to be recovered by an action on the cafe, in the name of the deputy attorney, of the county or corporation where the offence fhall be committed; one-half of which fine fhall go to the informer, and the other half shall be applied towards leffening the county or corporation levy.

Penalty for ftemming or manufacturing tobacco

without license,

II. EVERY perfon intending to ftem or manufacture tobacco, may apply Manng in which a li for a licence to the court of the county or corporation where he refides, and cenfe is to be obtained, where such stemmery or manufactory is intended to be carried on: and the faid courts are hereby authorised to grant fuch licence, upon fatisfactory evidence being produced to them that the perfon applying is a man of honesty, probity and good demeanor; but no licence fhall be granted for a longer term than one year.

III. NO ftemmer or manufacturer fhall ftem or manufacture, or fuffer to be ftemmed or manufactured, any tobacco but fuch as fhall have been infpected and paffed at some public infpection in this Commonwealth; and every stemmer or manufacturer who shall stem or manufacture, or suffer to be stemmed or manufactured, any tobacco which fhall not have been infpected and paffed in manner aforefaid, fhall forfeit and pay fifteen dollars for every fifty pounds of tobacco by him stemmed or manufactured, or fuffered to be ftemmed or manufactured.

IV. EVERY ftemmer or manufacturer who shall buy or receive any tobacco from any negro, mulatto or Indian, (bond or free) fhall forfeit and pay five times the value of the tobacco fo bought or received, and fhall moreover be liable to be profecuted as a receiver of ftolen goods, provided the fame be stolen tobacco.

V. CORPORATION courts shall have the exclufive right of granting licences to ftem or manufacture tobacco within the limits of their respective corporations.

VI. EVERY perfon to whom a licence fhall be granted to ftem or manufacture tobacco, fhall in open court, and at the fame at which licence

Tobacco first to be inspected and passed.

Penalty for buying to bacco from any negro.

is granted, enter into bond with two fufficient fureties, in the penalty of two Bond and fecurity to be thousand dollars, payable to the governor and his fucceffors, for the ufe of the given. commonwealth, with a condition that he will not export, or fuffer to be exported, either by land or water, any tobacco received by him for the purpose of ftemming or manufacturing, until the fame has been stemmed or manufactured, that he will not ftem or manufacture, or fuffer to be stemmed or manufactured, any tobacco, but fuch as fhall have been inspected and paffed, at fome public infpection in this commonwealth: and that he will not buy or receive any tobacco from any negro, mulatto or Indian, bond or free.

VII. AND upon every breach of the condition of fuch bond, an action of debt may be inftituted against all the obligors in the faid bond, or against the How fuits may be furvivor or furvivors of them, or against the legal reprefentatives of the de- brought in cafe of breach ceafed obligor or obligors, and judgment thall be rendered thereon: And of this aft, and judgthe faid bond fhall not become void on the firit recovery, but may be put in fuit and profecuted from time to time, until the whole penalty be recovered. Eco

ment recovered,

Duty of infpectors in certain cafes.


Enacting claufe.

And if in any fach action brought against the principal obligor, or against him and one or both of his fureties, judgment fhall be recovered, fuch judgment fhall be a complete revocation of his licence, and he fhall, at no time thereafter, be capable of obtaining another licence to ftem or manufacture tobacco.

VIII. THE infpectors of the feveral warehouses within this commonwealth fhall deliver any infpected tobacco to any perfon who shall duly demand the fame, by delivery of the notes, or otherwife, for the purpose of manufacturing it, and grant him a manifeft therefor, upon his paying the ufual duties, and lodging with the inspector a certificate from the clerk of fome county or corporation court of his having obtained a licence to ftem or manufacture tobacco in the manner prefcribed by this act.

IX. NOTHING herein contained fhall be fo conftrued as to prevent planters or farmers in country places from flemming or manufacturing tobacco the produce of their own farms or plantations; nor fhall this act extend to any county weftward of the blue ridge, nor to any county in which there is no infpection of tobacco.

X. THIS act fhall commence and be in force, from and after the laft day of February next.

Manner of conveying criminals to the Peni

tentiary prefcribed, and fheriffs authorifed to imprefs.

Sheriffs and guards exempted from aireft.

Travelling expenfes.



An Act, for Paying the Expenses of removing Criminals from the District Jails to the Penitentiary House, and for other Purposes.

[Paffed the 21st of January, 1801.]

I. E it enacted by the General Aembly, That whenfoever any perfon, or
Berfona, thall be fentenced by a diftrict court to undergo confine

ment in the jail and Penitentiary Houfe, it fhall be lawful for a judge of fuch
court, or any two juftices of the peace, of the county wherein the faid court was
held, by warrant under his or their hands and feals, to empower the fheriff
charged with the conveyance of fuch prifoner, or prifoners, in all counties and
places through which he thall pafs with him or them, to imprefs, upon the best
terms that the nature of the cafe will admit of, fuch and fo many men, horses,
and boats, as fhall be neceffary for the fafe conveyance of the faid prifoner, or
prifoners, to the faid jail and Penitentiary Houfe; which warrant the theriff is
hereby required to execute, and to his commands in virtue thereof, all perfons
are to pay due obedience.

II. THE sheriff and guard attending any prifoner, or prifoners, by virtue of a warrant, as aforefaid, fhall be privileged from arrefts in all cafes, except treafon, felony, and breaches of the peace, during the time that they are employed in conveying fuch prifoner, or prifoners, to the faid jail and Penitentiary House, and in returning therefrom, allowing one day for every twenty miles from their places of abcde; and fhall be authorifed to have and receive each one dollar and four cents for every day they fhall be fo employed, and four cents per mile for travelling to the laid jail and Penitentiary, and the fame for returning, befides ferriages; and fuch sheriff fhall alfo be allowed all neceflary expenfes incurred by him, as well for horfes and boats impreffed for the purpotes aforefaid, as for the fupport of the prifoner, or prifoners, during the time of their removal.

III. IN cafe any horfe, or horfes, fhould be impreffed by a fheriff, either for himself, or any of the guard, all charges, on account thereof, shall be deducted out of the pay of the perfon ufing fuch horfe, or horfes, and the auditor of public accounts is required to iffue his warrants on the treasurer for any money allowed by this act.

IV. PROVIDED Lowever, That before the fheriff, attending any prifoner, fhall be entitled to a warrant or warrants, under this act, he thall produce to the faid auditor a receipt from the keeper of the faid jail and Penitentiary, for the prifcner, or prifoners, which he was required to convey, and make oath, that the number of men, beats, and horfes, impreffed by him. in removing fuch prifoner, cr prifcrets, and other expenfes thereby incurred. were in his opinion aliclutely neceflary. And any perfon imprefled as guard, by virtue of this act, before he thall receive a warrant for the fum to which he is entitled, thall make oath as to the number of days he was employed, the distance he travelled, and the ferriages paid, or to be paid by him

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