Slike strani

On the petition of Mrs. Margaret Hetzel, widow and adminis-
tratrix of A. R. Hetzel, late assistant quartermaster in the

On the claim of Captain George E. McClellan and his company
of mounted volunteers, for services, &c., in Florida

On the memorial of citizens and seamen of Pennsylvania who
served in connexion with the army during the Mexican


On the petition of George Poindexter

On the petition of Colonel James R. Creecy
On the memorial of Brevet Colonel J. K. F. Mansfield, of the
U. S. corps of engineers -

On the bill (S. 269) to provide for raising two additional regi-
ments of cavalry

On the petition of C, J. Cook and A. A. Lockwood
On the memorial of the legislature of Maryland in favor of a
grant of land to teamsters who served in the war with

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On the memorial of John Crosby, administrator of Andrew D.


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On the memorial of William A. Christian



On the memorial of John Peirce, jr.

On the memorial of Charles Colburn

On the petition of John D. Aiken, and Julia his wife
On the memorial of James Mc. McIntosh

[blocks in formation]

On the memorial of Lewis Warrington, for himself and the
officers and crew of the Peacock, praying payment of
prize money due them for the capture of the British ship
Epervier -

On the claim of Purser Francis B. Stockton for allowance of ex-
penses going to London, &c.

On the claim of Purser Francis B. Stockton for allowance of ex-
penses of a ball given on board U. S. Frigate St. Law-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

On the memorial of Margaret Carmick, widow of Major Carmick,
late of the United States marine corps

On the petition of John S. Van Dyke

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On the respective petitions of Thomas Marston Taylor and
Francis B. Stockton






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On the petition of Lieutenant John J. Glasson, in behalf of the
crew of the U. S. schooner "Falcon,'

On the memorial of the United States ship Boston

On the petition of Julius Meire

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[ocr errors]

On the petition of Jonathan Kearsley, receiver of public money
at Detroit, Michigan, and of John Biddle, late register of
the land office at that place
On the petition of citizens of Saut de Ste. Marie, Michigan,
praying that commissioners may be appointed to adjust
the land claims of the settlers at that place
On the petition of citizens of the parish of Terrebonne, Louis-
iana, praying the confirmation of the sixteenth section of
land sold by the register at New Orleans to J. B. and P.

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Vol. No.

1 4

1 5

1 16

On the bill (S. 3) to grant to the State of Arkansas the public
lands remaining unsold on account of overflow in that State 1
On the bill (S. 12) allowing exchanges of, and granting addi-
tional, school lands in the State of Arkansas

On the petition of Charles Byrne

On the petition of, and bill (S. 40) for the relief of, Joseph B.

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On the petition of Robert Butler

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1 20

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[ocr errors]

1 29


1 31

On the petition of Orville B. Dibble and George C. Bates, asking
the right of way and grant of land to aid in the construc-
tion of a canal around the falls of St. Mary's, and also
the joint resolution of the legislature of Michigan on the
same subject

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On the memorial of citizens of Kanesville, Iowa, praying a
grant of titles to the lands on which said town is

[blocks in formation]

On the petition of Nathaniel Champ
On the resolution to authorize the Secretary of the Senate to pur-
chase for the use of the Senate copies of Professor
Walter R. Johnson's recent work entitled "The Coal
Trade of British America, with researches on the character
and practical values of American and foreign coals"
On the documents relating to the claim of Nancy A. Dewitt
On the petition of Thomas Webb and John Cookern, register
and receiver of the land office at Greensburg, Louisiana I
On the memorial of the heirs of John Baptiste Valle

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On the petition of settlers on the reserved lands at the mouth of
the Ontonagon river

On the memorial of the legislature of Missouri in relation to the
pre-emption law -

On the memorial of the legislature of Alabama, asking that cer-
tain public lands reserved in that State for naval purposes
may be exposed for sale

On the resolution and certain documents to inquire whether an
amendment to the act of February 11, 1847, so as to au-
thorize the sale or assignment of land warrants before
they are actually issued at the land office, is necessary or
expedient -

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

On the petition of Simeon White and others, heirs of Isaac
White, deceased -

On the petition of James Higginbotham -

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Vol. No.

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[blocks in formation]

On the petition of Moses Paquette and Theresa J. Brisbois
On the petition of Mark and Richard H. Bean
On the application of the executive committee of the University
of Wisconsin, and the commissioners of school and uni-
versity lands in Wisconsin, for a donation of the Salt
spring lands in that State to said university

On the petition of William Wallis

[ocr errors]

On the memorial of the legislature of the State of Wisconsin,
and the petition of settlers on the Menomonie purchase,
asking a survey of said Menomonie purchase

On the petition of John Frazer and William Lindley, on behalf
of the heirs of John G. Clendenin

On the petition of citizens of St. Louis county, Missouri, resid-
ing in townships 43 and 44, praying that the public lands
in those townships may be offered for sale, and settlers
be permitted to enter them

On the petition of James J. Stark

[blocks in formation]
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1 119

[ocr errors]

1 126

On the resolution of the legislature of Indiana, asking for a grant
of lands for the use of the University of Indiana, in lieu
of other lands, &c.

[ocr errors]

1 127

On the petition of Sidney S. Alcott, of Calhoun county, Michigan 1 128
On the petition of citizens of Iowa, and of the trustees of the
Fairfield branch of the Iowa State University, praying a
grant of land for said university; also the memorial of
citizens of Arcadia, Missouri, praying a grant of land for
the Arcadia High School; also the memorial of the "Pro-
testant University of the United States," at Cincinnati,
Ohio, praying a donation of land to that institution
On the petition of Jacob W. Cummings

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

On the resolution of the legislature of Indiana, relative to a

marsh and wet tract of land in the counties of Jay and
Adams, in said State; and also a bill directing a sale of
marsh land in said counties

[ocr errors]

On numerous bills, petitions, memorials; and resolutions on
the subject of a change in the management and disposal
of the public lands

[ocr errors]

On the petition of Peter Holser, jr., William Rierden, Leonard
Cameron, James Tucker, and others, praying the con-
firmation of certain lands in Missouri claimed under
Spanish concessions and settlement rights acquired by

On the petition of J. Epes Cowan

On the petition of certain owners of French and Spanish land
claims in Arkansas, praying the right of pre-emption

1 162

1 167

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On the petition of the representatives of J. W. Mason and others,
settlers on the "Maison Rouge grant," Louisiana - 1 17

On the memorial of certain settlers within the limits of the
"Baron de Bastrop grant,". in Louisiana

On the memorial of Joseph H. D. Bowman

On the petition of Mrs. Priscilla Prewitt

Vol. No.

1 90


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On the claim of Lewis A. Thomas and Thomas Rogers
On the documents relating to the claim of Joseph Watson
On the petition of the heirs of Joshua Kennedy

On the claims of H. J. McClintock, Harrison Gill, and Mansfield

On the petition of William Harding

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

On the memorial of the chiefs of the Menomonie Indians, pray-
ing the payment of a debt due by them to Robert Grignon 1
On the memorial of James M. Marsh
On the memorial of Thomas Snodgrass

On the memorial of Susan Coody and others, praying indemnity
for losses incurred by them in consequence of depreda-
tions committed by United States troops

[ocr errors]




On the memorial of Johnson K. Rogers, legal representative of
the widow and heirs of David Corderoy

1 158

1 175

On the memorial of Amos and John E. Kendall and S. C. Stam-

1 180

On the claim upon the United States by a portion of the follow-
ers and friends of the late General McIntosh, of the Creek
Indians -

On the claim of the chiefs and warriors of the friendly Creeks
for indemnity for losses sustained during the war of 1814

[ocr errors]

1 189

[ocr errors]

1 192

On the claim of the Seneca Indians
On the memorial of the Central Bank of Georgia, as assignee of
Henry W. Jernigan, H. W. Jernigan & Co., of Jernigan,
Gatchet, & Co., and Hill, Jernigan, & Co.

On the petition of the executor of A. R. S. Hunter

[blocks in formation]

On the memorial of the delegates of the Cherokee nation, and of
the Western Cherokees, and the report of the accounting
officers upon the treaty of August 6, 1846

- 1 176


On the bill for the relief of Charles Reeder and Walter R. John-


On the memorial of John M. McIntosh, praying the settlement
of the accounts of John Clutes

On the memorial of the permanent clerks in the office of the
Adjutant General, soliciting extra pay for extra services
during the war with Mexico

On the petition of Jeremiah Downs

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

On the petition of the American Colonization Society, praying
remuneration for the support of certain Africans recap-
tured from the slaver Pons By the United States ship

On the bill for the relief of Theodore Offutt

On the petition of Allen G. Johnson, an officer of volunteers,

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On the petition of Brevet Major H. L. Kendrick

On the petition of James Robertson

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On the petition of John Dawson, late pension agent in Illinois -
On the papers relating to the claim of Dr. B. F. Mullen
On the memorial of John H. Eaton

[ocr errors]

On the memorial of James Wilson, surviving partner of the firm
of William Wilson & Son

On the memorial of Isabella Cole, executrix of William Cole,

[ocr errors]

On the bill (S. 99) for the relief of William L. Cazneau
On the bill to provide for the unpaid claims of the officers and
soldiers of the Virginia State and continental lines of the
revolutionary army

On the memorial of Erskine & Eichelberger, merchants of Bal-

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On the petition of James A. Goff

On the bill (H. R. 14) for the relief of Gideon Walker
On the petition of John McAvoy

On the memorial of John Tucker

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1 210

On the petition of Thomas B. Winston -
On the memorial of Edward Tracy and others, praying that the
"Act of August 14, 1848, for the relief of John P. B.
Gratiot and the legal representatives of Henry Gratiot,"
may be extended to all persons who paid rent lead to the
government agents smelted from ores dug upon the lands
of the Ottowa, Pottawatomie, Chippewa, and other Indian

On the memorial of William A. Duer, as administrator of Wil-
liam Duer, deceased

[merged small][ocr errors]

On the memorial of citizens of Michigan in behalf of the widow
and children of Herbert La Croix

On the petition of Anthony Rankin
On the memorial of Thomas Allen

On the claim of Gamaliel Taylor, late marshal of the district of

On the memorial of Ezra Williams

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On the petition and papers of John S. Devlin, administrator of
Elijah J. Weed

On the bill (H. R. 90) for the relief of John Plunkett -
On the memorial of Daniel D. T. Benedict

On the memorial of Eugene Van Ness and John W. Brush, exec-
utors of Nehemiah Brush, deceased

On the memorial of Asa Andrews, of Ipswich, Massachusetts - 1
On the petition of Adam Stewart, a paymaster in the United

States army

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