Geography of the State of New York: Embracing Its Physical Features, Climate, Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, Zoology, History, Pursuits of the People, Government, Education, Internal Improvements &c. With Statistical Tables, and a Separate Description and Map of Each CountyJ. H. Mather & Company, 1847 - 432 strani |
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academy acres Agriculture Albany American beautiful bog iron BOUNDARIES British butter Canandaigua Cayuga Cayuga lake Champlain Chemung Chenango Chenango canal churches CLIMATE Clinton Colonel colony command commerce considerable corn county seat court creek Delaware district libraries District number East eight elected Episcopalians erected Erie canal extensive Falls Family feet female seminary fertile fish flour flourishing Genesee Genesee river GEOLOGY AND MINERALS Governor grain granted hemlock Hudson river Indians inhabitants iron killed Lake Ontario land legislature limestone Long Island manufactures maple Methodists Mohawk mountains Niagara Niagara river North northern oats Oneida Oneida Lake Onondaga Oswego pine Population portion pupils PURSUITS railroad RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS Rensselaer ridge rocks sandstone Saratoga Schenectady Schoharie Seneca Seneca lake settlement settlers SOIL AND VEGETABLE southern springs Square miles STAPLE PRODUCTIONS surface thriving village tion town tract tribe troops valley Valuation VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS West wheat wool York
Priljubljeni odlomki
Stran 115 - It shall be the duty of the Legislature to provide for the organization of cities and incorporated villages, and to restrict their power of taxation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit, so as to prevent abuses in assessments and in contracting debt by such municipal corporations...
Stran 104 - For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained or lost a residence by reason of his presence or absence while employed in the service of the United States ; nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of this State or of the United States, or of the high seas ; nor while a student of any seminary of learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or other asylum at public expense ; nor while confined in any public prison.
Stran 107 - Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and publish the same, except such parts as may require secrecy. The doors of each house shall be kept open, except when the public welfare shall require secrecy.
Stran 115 - The term corporations, as used in this article, shall be construed to include all associations and joint-stock companies having any of the powers or privileges of corporations not possessed by individuals or partnerships.
Stran 103 - No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, (except in cases of impeachment, and in cases of militia when in actual service, and the land and naval forces in time of war, or which this State may keep, with the consent of Congress, in time of peace, and in cases of petit larceny under the regulation of the Legislature), unless on presentment or indictment of a grand jury ; and in any trial in any court whatever, the party accused shall be allowed to appear and defend...
Stran 117 - Assembly ; and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon...
Stran 108 - Governor ; if he approve, he shall sign it ; but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have originated ; who shall enter the objections, at large, upon their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of the members present...
Stran 104 - All grants of land within this State, made by the king of Great Britain, or persons acting under his authority, after the fourteenth day of October, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, shall be null and void; but nothing contained in this Constitution shall affect any grants of land within this State, made by the authority of the said king or his predecessors, or shall annul any charters to bodies politic and corporate, by him or them made...
Stran 103 - The people of this state, in their right of sovereignty, are deemed to possess the original and ultimate property in and to all lands within the jurisdiction of the state...
Stran 117 - I do solemnly swear, (or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will support the constitution of the United States, .and the constitution of the State of New- York; and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of according to the best of my ability.