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At this particular season every one is showing his colors.


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A sample of this pencil, together with many others all useful in the school-room, will be sent to any teacher that mentions this publication and encloses 16 cents in stamps.



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n Teaching


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Every teacher wants one or more of these Portraits for the home lilish speaking people, have hailed Mr. Fitch's brary, even one for such use is worth the cost of all. All of them ry kind of instruction and school organiza are worthy a place in every schoolme practical; it is based on psychology; it room; nothing else at such small nnected with teaching, from the furnishing cost is so good for school-room tions for examination. Its style is singu- decoration. ome one has said that it requires as much

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61 E. 9th St.. New York and Beneke and a comparison of their

ing THE SCHOOL JOURNAL when communi


creeds. A good portrait accompanies
each creed.

E. L. KELLOGG & CO., 61 E. 9th St., N. Y.

it is well to have a pen with a well-known name, as


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We want this Summer forty-six young-Civics of Education, men and young women Teachers, who Browning's Aspects of Education Rooper's Apperception, have "vim" above the average, to work Kellogg's Outlines of Psychology for us, at Institutes, among Teachers out-Lang's Great Teachers of Four C Fitch's Art of Questioning, pape side, among School Boards, and to some Art of Securing Attention, pap extent in the better class of homes where Hughes' How to Keep Order, par Huntington's Unconscious Tuitio they will be welcomed. Quick's How to Train the Memor McMurry's How to Conduct the 1

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The convention record as one of the educational meeting determined as yet,

tion was several ti thing, from the pra ments for the comm was intelligently, cin The hotel service only thing that cause sentiments. The w there might have b ments concerning th have been construct speakers supply the least no other visible aerial circulation. Unfortunately both sociation and the pres prevented from being which they had plann foresight. Dr. Beard his arrival at Minneap ing the entire meeting regretful about this. state badge a button president of the Iowa Supt. Barrett had with taken from an historic was to present to Dr. the teachers in the P dress also remained un JOURNAL secured a cop printed in the near fut Supt. J. H. Phillips, detained at Baltimore critical operation. In National Council of E Miss Mary E. Nicholson Was strong and admir had a most profitable an sion of school taxation special committee to ma subject of taxation as r Harris's philosophic tre tween Efficient Causes Human Freedom," dire asting foundations of President Harper, of Ch ive review of the educa One session was devoted the ideals and the philo the great present movem school a social center. the late Charles C. Roun closed the best-planned Council has had for many A fuller editorial repe the Minneapolis

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National Educational Association.

vention at Minneapolis will, no doubt, go on ne of the largest, if not the best attended meeting. The figures have not been finally as yet, but on the closing day the registraeveral thousand ahead of Detroit. Everythe program of exercises, to the arrangethe comfort and entertainment of visitors, gently, circumspectly, and carefully planned. service at headquarters was almost the hat caused the brethren to express untoward

The weather was delightful. Otherwise t have been heard, too, some vigorous comcerning the convention hall, which seemed to constructed with a view toward letting the apply the motive power for ventilation; at er visible provision was made for keeping up lation.

ately both the president of the National Asd the president of the National Council were rom being present at the deliberations for had planned with so much solicitude and Dr. Beardshear was overtaken by illness, on at Minneapolis, and was kept to his bed durre meeting. All the Iowans felt particularly Dout this. Every one of them wore as a a button with the portrait of the popular I the Iowa State Agricultural college. State tt had with him a gavel made of the wood an historical building at Manila, which he ent to Dr. Beardshear as a greeting from in the Philippines. The president's ad emained undelivered. However THE SCHOOL cured a copy of it, and an abstract will be he near future.

H. Phillips, of Birmingham, Alabama, was Baltimore where his wife was undergoing a ation. In his absence the sessions of the uncil of Education were presided over by E. Nicholson, of Indianapolis. The program and admirably organized, and the council profitable and telling meeting. The discusol taxation resulted in the appointment of a mittee to make a comprehensive study of the axation as related to public education. Dr. osophic treatment of "The Difference Beent Causes and Final Causes in Controlling edom," directed attention anew to the everdations of the higher life of humanity. arper, of Chicago university, gave an extenf the educational progress in the past year. was devoted to the thoughtful exposition of d the philosophic and practical aspects of esent movement toward making the common al center. A memorial session in honor of les C. Rounds and Francis Wayland Parker est-planned and most inspiring meeting the ad for many years.

ditorial report and notes of the doings of olis convention will be published next week.


TX7 Dilint of Horvord

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of the association as the convention city for n It was especially fitting also that the nominatio be offered by Pres. Nicholas Murray Butler, of C Many would have preferred to vote for Supt. J Foshay, of Los Angeles. But then, if it is to b in 1903 it is well to be in due form and vouched for with President Eliot at the head. Declaration of Principles.

The resolutions adopted by the convention w ually vigorous in character. Here they are:

1. "On account of the increased responsibilities the bureau of education in the organization and ad tion of public school systems in the recently added of the United States, in successfully conducting an system of Indian schools, and in aiding the various territories in securing good and efficient school sy urge upon Congress the necessity for organizing th upon broader lines, and clothing the commissioner wi and more definite powers. We believe that the time for the recognition of the great importance of educa terests of the country in the conduct of state affai organization of the department of education as an dent department, taking equal rank with other depart

2. "We reiterate the statement which has so of made in the declaration of principles of this associa the common schools of this country are for the edu all the children. They are the one great agency up the nation is to rely for a barrier against the setti class distinctions which have no place on American believe that a conservative but efficient compulsory law, with the proper regulation of child labor, is to the complete realization of a good common schoo for increasing the necessary qualifications of teac 3. "We heartily commend every step which may hope soon to see as definite a standard for the tr teachers as is now fixed by the best schools in the co the training of physicians or lawyers.

plete education of the child, constantly keeping in 1 4. "Again we would plead for unity of effort for the present division of the work of instruction into tary, secondary, and higher, is for administrative only.

5. "We believe that it is both just and possible to country schools in the foregoing, and all, respects highest standard of excellence and efficiency. We, congratulate those states which have been pioneers strating the possibilities of this mode of reorganiz plan yet proposed in relief of the isolated one-room

renew our endorsement and commendation of it as

6. "We commend to all local authorities the ne greater care in the arrangement of courses of study, may be adapted to the pupils to be instructed, ra that pupils should be adapted to a fixed course of! an inflexible system of grading. We hold that the i ity of the pupil should be carefully considered to th he may be instructed in the light of his limitations city. And we urge greater thoroness in instruction called elementary subjects, rather than an enric courses already overtaxed, at the expense of thor satisfactory work.

7. "We regard true education as inseparable fron and believe the public school the recognized agen this relation binding. We urge public school aut the country, teachers and parents, to give strict at

moral instruction in our schools as the true fou character and citizenship. Every consideration of

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