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appears at recitations the next day, nine chances out of ten the results of his labors will prove to be in a state of disorder rivaled only by the distracting condition of that study table.

It is a noticeable fact that those students, as well as others, who have added to their list of virtues that famous axiom from the pen of the wise old Ben Franklin - "Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time"-are the ones who are sought when careful and painstaking work is to be done; for their very carefulness insures good and accurate work. The student who observes his margins, his indentation, his indorsements, his spelling, in fact the general appearance of his manuscripts, in mathematics as well as in English, is likely to hand in good papers, either in tests or in daily work, for the very characteristics which beget attention to these things beget also thoroughness in preparation for his recitations.

Psychology teaches that the cultivation of the habit of systematic attention to detail reacts upon the mind causing it to work with more and more accuracy, thereby gradually improving under the rigid discipline until the habit of systematic and accurate thinking becomes a fixed characteristic of the mind itself.

In a recent article in the INDUSTRIALIST a writer points out very plainly that one cause of failure in class work among our students is due primarily to failure to make the very best use of the time at their disposal. This fact no one for a moment questions; but it might be added that failure to give attention to what students are inclined to term "minor details" or "impractical things" is another. Too many take life only in the gross, assuming that the little things will take care of themselves, and forgetting that these little things make up the gross.

It is with success in life as it is with happiness, of which Franklin so wisely says: "Human felicity is produced not so much by the great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by the little advantages that occur every day." INA E. HOLROYD.

The experiments in the testing and breeding of wheat and other cereals that have been conducted at Halstead, by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Experiment Station, for the last two years have been transferred to McPherson. The Station has rented nineteen acres of good wheat land near the city. These experiments are in charge of Leslie A. Fitz, '02.

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The Board of Regents will meet Wednesday, September 23. Clean up! is the present motto of the Animal Husbandry and Farm Departments.

Prof. A. B. Brown has moved his family into the Dempsey cottage, on Houston street.

Professor Halstead has moved into the Winne cottage, at the corner of Humboldt and Third streets.

Manhattan is advertising for bids on the construction of the new Carnegie Public Library building.

Professor Kammeyer has moved his family into Professor Walters' new cottage, on Bluemont Avenue, near the Athletic Park.

The great pile of old rubbish which has been accumulating behind the farm machinery shed for years is being rapidly cleaned up.

Among the many repairs made during the summer vacation may be mentioned the rebuilding and painting of the two large front porches of Anderson Hall.

What has become of all the bicycles that used to barricade the entrances of every College building? It almost looks as if the "bike" was becoming a thing of the past.

Three departments were represented in the exhibit made by the Agricultural College at the Topeka State Fair last week-Animal Husbandry, Agriculture, and Engineering.

The Manhattan schools enrolled seven hundred fifty-one pupils during the first three days of the fall term. A new stone school building will be erected in ward three this fall and winter.

Assistant Shoesmith is in charge of the College exhibit at Iola this week. He also acts as one of the judges in awarding premiums in farm products and gives a demonstration in corn judging each day.

The College exhibits at the Riley County Fair and the Topeka State Fair were very creditable and did honor to the departments represented. This is an excellent way of calling the attention of the people to the work which is being done at the College and Experiment Station.

The old farm house north of the feed lots has been cleaned up and repaired for a dwelling for Asst. G. C. Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler will move into his new quarters as soon as the water service and plumbing can be completed.

Percy J. Parrott, formerly assistant entomologist in the Experiment Station here, and later holding a similar position in the New York Station, from which he went to Ohio as entomologist of the Experiment Station, has recently been appointed entomologist of the New York Station at Geneva.

The Franklin Literary Society will have a room of their own this year. President Nichols had the old gymnasium in the basement of Fairchild Hall cleaned, calsomined and painted for their especial use. The windows along the south side have been enlarged and the hall is now the roomiest of the society homes.

The Farm Department has had considerable extra labor in preparing exhibition samples for the fairs at Riley, Topeka, and Iola. The exhibits consisted mainly of a large number of samples of varieties of grain in the straw and grasses, neatly tied in small bundles with royal purple, samples of the thrashed grain in glass jars and in bulk, some very fine samples of ear corn, and samples of the roots of corn, oats, and Bromus inermis.


The contract for erecting the new Auditorium, for which the last legislature appropriated $40,000, was awarded on July 28 to Henry Bennett, of Topeka, for $34,444, and the work is now well under way. The excavations are made, the concreting of the wall footings is nearly completed, and the contour walls are about five feet high. The building will measure about 125x125 feet in extreme dimensions and seat, when completed, about three thousand persons. A description will be given in a future number of the INDUSTRIALIST.

Assistant Shoesmith had charge of the exhibits at the Riley and Topeka Fairs. He acted as judge in awarding premiums at Riley, and made a demonstration of corn judging at both places. At Topeka he was kept busy in answering questions and discussing the methods of culture practiced in growing the fine samples of corn, grasses and grains exhibited by the Farm Department, and explaining how the interesting samples, illustrating the root growth of different farm crops, were secured.

Messrs. H. C. Kyle and J. M. Scott, class of '03, have been doing some valuable work for the Farm Department during the summer in washing out and preparing, for the St. Louis Exposition, samples of the roots of all the common farm crops. Several of these samples were exhibited at the Topeka State Fair and were the wonder of all who saw them. The work is also experimental and a careful study is being made of the root systems of the different farm crops. A bulletin will be issued later giving results of this study. Every one who can should visit the Agricultural Hall and see the collection of root samples.

Contractor John Winters, of the new Dairy Hall, is pushing his work to the utmost to complete it before the opening of the winter term, when the classroom and laboratories will be needed. The basement walls are finished and the joists of the main floor are placed. Four weeks of good working fall weather, such as we usually have in Kansas, will get the walls ready for the roof.

The club women of Manhattan are preparing and arranging for the program of the fourth annual meeting of the Kansas Fifth District Federation of Women's Clubs, which will be held in Manhattan November 11, 12, and 13. Mrs. Alden F. Huse, of this city, is president and Mrs. Evelyn Bradford, of Concordia, is secretary. This annual session is expected to be one of the best ever held by the federation. The counties comprising the fifth district are Republic, Cloud, Ottawa, Saline, Washington, Clay, Riley, Marshall, Dickinson, and Geary.

G. O. Dietz, a brother of C. E. Dietz, who coached the K. S. A. C. football team last year, has been employed by the Athletic Association to coach the "farmers" this fall. He is a graduate of Northwestern University, and coached very successfully last year at Drake University. While at Northwestern, Dietz won much praise for his work on the football team, both at tackle and half-back, and was considered one of the most aggressive players in the West. The schedule of games opens with the State Normal team on the home grounds, and on October 3 the team plays K. U., at Lawrence.

Capt. Andrew S. Rowan, who for the past year was instructor in military science and tactics and commandant of the cadet battalion, has been recalled from his detailed service. The Captain has spent the summer in Washington, D. C., but as soon as a new commandant is appointed here he expects to join his regiment, the Nineteenth United States Infantry, at Vancouver Barracks, Oregon. Captain Rowan's name has been made famous by his quest for Garcia at the outbreak of the Spanish-American war, in which he carried a message to the insurgent leader from President McKinley. He is a fine soldier. The well wishes of the Faculty and the students go with him to the far west.

From the Bureau County (Ill.) Republican of August 13, which had an extensive writeup of many of the farmers of that county, including pictures of their dwellings, we clip the following: "The family of Irving W. Hopps consists of himself and wife, Maggie, four girls, one boy, Hugh M., and a mother, Mrs. J. Hopps. The daughters of the family are Misses Caroline L., Grace G., Hester M., and Alida B. Miss Caroline L. Hopps is a graduate of the University of Chicago with the degree of Ph. D., and was recently elected to a position in the English Department of the Kansas State College of Agriculture, at Manhattan. And to the credit and honor of this accomplished young lady the writer is proud to add, that during the haying season just past, with its attending scarcity of farm help, she unhesitatingly assumed the reins of control over her father's mowing machine."

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