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GENERAL MCCLELLAN, immediately eminently prejudicial to good order and

after the battle of Bull Run, hastened from the scene of his victories in Western Virginia, at the call of the Government, to take command of the army before Washington. By an order of the War Department, dated July 23, 1861, he was placed at the head of a special geographical division, composed of the Department of Washington, including the Maryland counties of Prince George, Montgomery, and Frederick, and the department of North-eastern Virginia. He arrived the same day in Washington, by the way of Philadelphia, and at once entered on the duties of his command. One of his first employments was to restore to the camps the authority which had been always more or less relaxed, and free the capitol from the disgraceful spectacle of the throng of officers absent from their posts, lounging at the hotels, and an unruly crowd of soldiers which had beset the peaceful inhabitants since the disastrous retreat from Bull Run. An order dated July 30th, remains an historical record of the confusion which then existed in the city. "The General commanding the Division," was its language, “has with much regret observed that large numbers of officers and men, stationed in the vicinity of Washington, are in the habit of frequenting the streets and hotels of the city. This practice is

military discipline, and must at once be discontinued. The time and services of all persons connected with this division should be devoted to their appropriate duties with their respective commands. It is therefore directed that hereafter no officer or soldier be allowed to absent himself from his camp and visit Washington except for the performance of some public duty, or the transaction of important private business, for which purposes written permits will be given by the commanders of brigades." To enforce these regulations, Colonel Andrew Porter of the 16th United States Infantry, was detailed for temporary duty as Provost Marshal. This able and energetic officer entered upon his duty with such vigor that, in a day or two, the city was freed from the disorder and disgrace of the vagrant soldiery. The officers ceased to throng the bar-rooms, and the men to annoy the shop-keepers and citizens. By an order of the Provost Marshal all soldiers found in the streets, hotels, or other places in the city after 9 o'clock in the evening were to be arrested, taken to the central guard-house, and detained for trial and punishment. A military board was organized by the War Department, with the concurrence of the General-in-Chief, General Scott, for the examination of all

officers of volunteer regiments as to their fitness for the positions assigned them. Officers found to be incompetent were to be rejected, and the vacancies thus occasioned were to be filled by the appointment of such persons as had passed the examination before the Board. On the 19th of August, a month after the battle of Bull Run, a list was published of two hundred and twenty-five company officers whose resignations had been accepted.

of the Federal Union. Its movements have been marked by violence and fraud. Wherever it has manifested itself, it has disregarded the rights of citizens, coerced them into the ranks of its armies, and exercises an absolute control over person and property, in utter defiance of the Constitution and laws of the land. Ambitious and designing men, disappointed in their personal aims, have been enabled, chiefly by misrepresenting the feelings of one portion of the country toward the other, to usurp and exercise a power which has become not only tyrannical and oppressive in several States whose constitutional governments it has

Congress had at once, losing no time in vain regrets, met the disaster at Bull Run by authorizing the President to call a force of volunteers to the number of 500,000 into the field. The greatest temporarily suspended, but dangerous to activity prevailed in the War Depart- the entire Union; the pretences originment to assemble and equip a portion of ally held forth as a justification for acts this army. The Governors of the loyal of lawlessness and treason have been States again, as after the attack upon laid aside; the intention of the leaders Sumter, gave every assistance to the ap- of this wicked rebellion to destroy the plication. The call was instant, and it Union, cemented by the blood of our was immediately responded to. Gover- forefathers, is now fully manifest; and, nor Curtin of Pennsylvania, ready at all | elated by an accidental success, they autimes to aid the Government, within daciously threaten the national capital. four days after the disaster at Manassas, forwarded, for the defence of the capital, ten full regiments of infantry who had been for some time collected in camps of instruction. On the 25th of July, Governor Morgan of New York called for 25,000 volunteers from the State. The following month he further seconded the demands of the administration and the patriotic action of Congress by a special appeal to the people of the State. "A conspiracy," was the language of his Proclamation of August 22, "not the work of a day, but the result of years of false, wicked, and traitorous machinations, has for several months disturbed the peace of the State of New York and

* Order of the War Department, July 25, 1861.

As chief magistrate of the State, it is my solemn duty to warn all good and loyal men of the dangers to which our institutions are exposed, and to urge upon them the necessity of an earnest and zealous coöperation with the authorities of the State and General Governments; of a cheerful contribution of their means to support the public credit, and of active enrollment in the forces now being organized for the defence of the Union; convinced that the tranquility of the country, so wantonly disturbed, can only be restored by the prompt and vigorous suppression of rebellion and treason, wherever they may appear. The representatives of the people of the United States, lately convened in Congress at



the call of a constitutionally-elected Pres- cess, they have augmented their forces, ident, in view of the perils which sur- and enhanced the necessity for vigilance round the Union, have, by legislative and power in Washington, in Western enactments, provided for liberal supplies | Virginia, and at Missouri. Twenty-nine of men and means for the enforcement regiments of infantry, together with a of the laws, and have thus invited a proportionate force of artillery and cavhearty and zealous response on the part of several States. New York has never wavered in her devotion to the Union. She prizes it on account of the many blessings which all parts of the country alike have received from it; on account of the memory of her patriot sons, by whose blood it was purchased; and for the inestimable benefits it confers upon the present, and secures to future generations. Her noble response to the call of the President, in April last, was such as to preserve to her the proud title she has long borne in the family of States. Another stage in the great rebellion has been reached, and the Government, appreciating the dangers now menacing it, appeals for aid. The whole country, the civilized world, now looks to the State of New York. Let the response be worthy of her history. Let her answer go back in full ranks of earnest men, who, justly valuing the magnitude of the interests involved, temporarily relinquish their pursuits, and prepare to meet the crisis."

Governor Dennison of Ohio, in a Proclamation dated August 28th, reminds the people of the State that, without a regiment of troops at the opening of hostilities, they had already sent more than 30,000 men into the field armed and equipped. "The Federal Government," said he, "again calls upon you for soldiers. The late disaster at Manassas, serious as it was in many respects to the rebels, has added to their audacity and insolence. Encouraged by apparent suc

alry, are now being organized in your State. As the Executive of the State, it becomes my duty to appeal to you to perfect those organizations as rapidly as possible." In allusion, doubtless, to the suggestions of the "peace" advocates, the "rump" of the old Democratic party as they were termed, he added: "I invoke you to give no ear to any counsels unfriendly to the prompt and effective consolidation of the military force which the General Government requires to repel the threatened assaults of the enemy and crush the rebellion. It must be suppressed or the Government is subverted. Its suppression can only be effected by vigorous measures on the part of that Government, promptly sustained by the people, animated by a positive and comprehensive policy. I conjure you to give no heed to any proposition, under whatever sanction it may come, for negotiation or compromise with armed rebellion. The only condition upon which negotiation can be tolerated is the complete surrender of the rebels to the national Government, and an unqualified return of their allegiance to its supreme authority. Without that, there should be no adjustment, without it there can be no peace." Indiana, with her Crittenden, Dumont, Milroy, and other noble spirits of the war at the head of her regiments, exhibited equal alacrity in recruiting and sending her forces into the field. Early in August the State had thirty-six regiments rapidly equipping, besides several batteries of artillery and cavalry regiments.

Governor Buckingham of Connecticut, in his Proclamation of August 31st, particularly denounced various acts interfering with the support of the Government in its conduct of the war. After a brief allusion to the course of the seceding States combining their energies to rob us of the blessings of a free Government as the greatest crime recorded in history, he added: "At this critical juncture our liberties are still further imperiled by the utterance of seditious language; by a traitorous press, which excuses or justifies the rebellion; by several organizations, which propose to resist the execution of the laws of this State by force; by the public exhibition of peace flags,' falsely so called; and by an effort to redress grievances regardless of the forms and officers of the law."

One of these peace flags alluded to had been hoisted a few days before at Stepney, ten miles north of Bridgeport, on occasion of a meeting of persons supposed to be unfriendly to the war. As the assembly was about opening, "a procession of carriages appeared containing one hundred of the first citizens of Bridgeport and twenty-five of the returned volunteers. In less than forty seconds the secession flag was trailing in the dust, and in twenty seconds more it was torn in five hundred pieces. Several pistols and one gun were taken from the secessionists, who drew, but dared not fire them. A Union meeting was then organized, of which Elias Howe, Jr., was appointed President, and P. T. Barnum Secretary. Some glorious Union resolutions denouncing peace secession meetings were passed."* At another meeting at New Fairfield the same day an at

* Special Despatch of P. T. Barnum to N. Y. Tribune, August 24, 1861.

tempt to pull down the peace flag which had been raised, was resisted, and a serious fight ensued, in which two "peace men" were severely handled.

A general order having been issued from the War Department in July prohibiting the mustering into the service of volunteers who do not speak the English language, and giving rise to much apprehension as to the employment of foreigners in the War, it was explained by a subsequent order as not applying to regiments or companies of foreign nationality in which men and officers speak the same tongue, but to prevent the enlistment, into regiments or companies whose officers speak the English language only, of men not understanding it, and to induce such persons to enlist under officers whose language they do understand.*. A communication on this subject was addressed by Mr. Alberger, the Mayor of Buffalo, to the Secretary of State, who replied that the misconceived order had been "entirely rescinded and vacated," and that there was no obstacle whatever to the acceptance of the services of volunteers on the ground of their nationality or language. "The contest for the Union," he added, with a just feeling of the occasion, its opportunities and necessities, "is regarded, as it ought to be, a battle of the freemen of the world for the institutions of self-government."

An address, delivered at a mass meeting of the people of Providence, Rhode Island, on the 16th of August, by the Hon. Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the Interior, may be taken as an exhibition of the policy of the Government, as the speaker asserted the conservative principles of the administration, reviewed its course, and justified its measures as dic* General Order War Department, Aug. 3, 1861.



their lives at the altar of patriotism. I want to make peace with your Johnsons and your Holts, and men of that classwith men who are loyal to the country, and not with rebels who have muskets in their hands."

The Hon. Joseph Holt of Kentucky, at a meeting in New York on the 3d of September, at the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce, delivered one of those kindling addresses with which he, perhaps, more than any other, nerved the minds of his countrymen to the struggle upon which they had entered. Speaking of his State of Kentucky, he said:

asunder, New York and Kentucky this night stand before the world as sisters. Kentucky has not now, she never has had, and she never can have sympathy with either the spirit or the purpose of those conspirators who, at the head of armies and in the mad pursuit of power, are now reddening their hands in a nation's blood. She abhorred them as Rome abhorred Cataline, as the American people abhorred Benedict Arnold, as Christians abhor the memory of Judas

tated by the necessities of the times. Touching upon a topic ever uppermost in the minds of a New England audience, he said: "I do not invoke you to engage in this war as a war against slavery. We are warring for a different principle. But there is an old adage brought down to us from the ancients, that 'whom the gods would destroy they first madden.' They are afflicted by that madness which, for their wickedness, God's providence has brought upon them; and that will do more to crush out the institution of slavery than would have been done by the peaceful administration of the Government in ten centuries. If that should" In spite of all the efforts to rend them be the consequence, I have no tears to shed. To the future and to Providence I leave the issues of this great question. It is not the province of the Government of the United States to enter into a crusade against the institution of slavery." At a Union meeting at Bangor, Maine, in this month (September) Vice-President Hamlin spoke. "There has been a great deal," he remarked, "said about peace. I am a peace man, and for peace, and am willing to fight for it; and I am here flanked on either side with two ma- Iscariot. That abhorrence was fully exjestic peace-makers-the very best in-pressed in her recent election, and yet in struments known to men to make a peace in times like the present. I am for a peace; and I want it founded upon that basis that shall not entail upon my children the necessity of again passing through this ordeal. I am for peace; but I want that peace that shall elevate us in the eyes of all the world, and which shall demonstrate that there is integrity and capacity enough in men for self-government; and I want a peace, too, that shall give security to the gallant men in the rebel States who have come forward and sacrificed their fortunes and almost of Kentucky, with all their sincere love

the very presence of that overwhelming popular demonstration, and in defiance and contempt of it, the public papers now assure us that the secessionists are preparing to precipitate that State into the horrors of civil war, simply and solely because she has refused to follow the example of Faust and sell herself to the devil. If, like the political bandits of South America, they atrociously persist in appealing from the popular vote to the sword, then I venture to predict that it will be found that the Union men

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