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From the original painting by Chappel in the possession of the publishers

Johnson, Fry &o. Publishes. New or




Colonel Pool wanted to know how much time would be granted. 'No longer than will enable you to report to your senior.' Colonel Pool retired, and, after waiting or what he supposed was sufficient length of time without a reply, General Foster commenced closing on the enemy, when Major Stevenson, of the 24th Massachusetts, who had gone with Colonel Pool to receive Colonel Shaw's answer, appeared with a message that General Foster's terms were accepted. The usual forms of capitulation were gone through, and about 2,000 rebels laid down their arms. They were variously affected. Some of them had arrived from Norfolk the same morning, and they joked and swore by turns at the way they had been led into the trap. The celebrated Wise Legion, among the captives, were disposed to be considerably uproarious. Some of the officers expressed themselves glad that the result was as it was, and appeared to be well satisfied. As a general thing, utter dismay and astonishment prevailed. Meanwhile, General Reno had pushed on, and came up with a body of about 800 rebels, commanded by Colonel Jordan, who surrendered his entire force unconditionally, and afterward stacked their arms in the presence of the victors. Colonel Hawkins, finding the two-gun battery on Shallow bag Bay deserted, took possession of it, and shortly after came up with a body of rebel fugitives, about 200, whom he took prisoners. Wise here undertook to escape in a boat, and with others had already moved off, when he received three shots, one of them through his lungs, wounding him mortally. The batteries which the rebels had constructed on the island fell with this surrender. Indeed, the surrender to General Foster included all the defences and forces on the island.

"After completing the surrender, General Foster immediately returned to report the result to General Burnside. At the same time, a force was started for the Pork Point battery, to take it by


storm, should it hold out. But the rebels had fled our troops entered the battery unopposed, and at quarter past four the stars and stripes floated from four points of the work. The rebels had already left the two batteries above. The expedition against the barricade had pushed its way through into the waters of Albemarle, and at that moment we had possession of that chain of sounds, whose strategic importance had been recognized and acknowledged on both sides by making it the scene of so important operations. Our forces, as they flung out the Union banner from Pork Point battery, were welcomed by a burst of cheers from the gunboats and transports in the sound. FlagOfficer Goldsborough immediately hoisted the signal "The fort is ours," which called forth long-continued cheers, and were responded to by our brave men in the battery. Simultaneously with these scenes of triumph, another was being enacted on the opposite side of the sound, which is here about five miles across. The rebel steamer Curlew, which in the conflict the afternoon previous had been disabled by a shell exploding in her hold, and which, to prevent her sinking, had been run ashore under the battery on Redstone Point, was at this moment set on fire by the rebels to prevent her falling into our hands. The battery and barracks were also set on fire, and a cloud of smoke and a sheet of flame rose over the scene. It was the rebel sign that all was lost. The other rebel steamers had already disappeared up Albemarle Sound. The schooners, which in the morning had landed on Weir's Point the rebel force from Norfolk, had suddenly left, taking what few men they could. snatch from the tide of disaster which was sweeping onward. The fire which had been lit at Redstone Point continued to burn, and illuminated the darkening sky. The magazine of the battery exploded with the noise of thunder, sending up a sheet of flame high in the air, succeeded by a gloom which seemed to ren

der the scene symbolic of the rebellion ferson Davis, in his message to the Conin its last throes."

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federate Congress at the close of the month, "of the surrender of Roanoke Island to make us feel that it was deeply humiliating, however imperfect may have been the preparation for defence."

Colonel Edward Ferrero, in command of the 51st New York volunteers, which, in company with the Massachusetts 21st, took the rebel battery in flank on its right, claims in his report the honor, for Among the Union losses, were two the company of Captain Wright of his officers, who fell much lamented by their regiment, of first planting the American commander and the army. One of these, flag in the fort. Lieutenant-Colonel Lieutenant-Colonel Vigier de Monteil, Maggi, in command of the Massachusetts was a native of France. The son of an regiment, also commemorates the share officer of the army of Napoleon, he had of his men in this crowning incident of passed his life from boyhood in the service the day. After describing the passage of his country, in which he had attained of the swamp in face of the enemy, he the rank of First Lieutenant of Artillery. says, in his report to General Reno, Compelled to leave France after the re"At the edge of the swamp and in front volution of 1848, in consequence of his reof me, was an exposed ground of one publican opinions, he sought refuge in the hundred yards. The regiment once in United States, and made his home at line, I charged that distance and ordered New York, where like many of his counthe men to lie down and load, covered trymen in exile in other days, he honorby a small natural elevation. During ably supported himself by teaching his that march we suffered four or five min-native language. At the first call of his utes a thick fire, and lost fifteen men. adopted country, the old soldier sprang The battery was already flanked. You to arms and became Lieutenant-Colonel came and said to me : Charge and take of the regiment of volunteers known as it! We arose and did so. At our the D'Epineuil Zouaves. When this left flank, were three companies of the regiment was sent back from Hatteras by 51st New York. Our State color was General Burnside, De Monteil remained the first on the battery, afterward the behind, and accompanied the army to flag of the 51st, then, immediately after, Roanoke. On the day of the battle, he our regimental flag. One of our men had taken a Sharp's rifle, as a volunteer, found in the battery a rebel flag, with and joined the ranks of the 9th New the motto: Aut vincere, aut mori." York, Hawkins' Zouaves. When the Thus gallantly was the capture of Roan- order to charge was given he was found ake effected, with what resolution, may among the foremost cheering the men in be estimated from the disparity in the the onset, and as he advanced to the asnumbers killed and wounded, of the sault, he fell, killed on the instant by a assailants and defenders. While the ball through the head. The last I saw Union loss is stated at 50 killed, and of him alive," says Colonel Hawkins, in 222 wounded that of the enemy, was 16 a letter of condolence to the widow of killed and 39 wounded. The rebels, this gallant man, "he was standing on a though opposed by superior numbers, fallen tree, urging my men on to the had the advantage of fighting from well- charge. The last words I heard him guarded positions and behind intrench- utter were, 'Charge, mes enfans; charge, ments. The opinion was freely ex- Zouaves!' No soldier ever more galpressed at Richmond, that they should lantly acted or more nobly fell. He was have made a more obstinate resistance. the bravest of the brave, and truly paEnough is known," said President Jef- triotic, and died in one of the best causes for which man has ever fought." In an



*New York Herald, Record of the Rebellion, for 1862.

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order of the day, at Roanoke Island, General Burnside "desiring to express his deep respect for the memory of a gallant soldier," gave the name of De Monteil to one of the batteries captured in the action.

Coupled with this officer in gallantry, General Burnside, in his dispatch, records the name of Colonel Charles Lambert Russell, of the 10th Connecticut volunteers. A native of that State, a resident of Birmingham, where he was engaged in business, he had for many years served as an officer of militia, when the rebellion called him to the field as Adjutant of the 2d Connecticut volunHe was at the battle of Bull Run, his name appearing in the report of Colonel Keyes, honorably mentioned for his conspicuous gallantry in defending the regimental colors during the retreat." He subsequently raised a company for the 8th Connecticut volunteers in the new enlistments, from which which he was promoted, to the command of the 10th. He fell in the charge at Roanoke, at the head of his men. No external wound being found upon his body he was supposed to have been killed by the concus


sion of a cannon ball.


"About ten o'clock,"
"About ten o'clock," says the narrative
of the engagement, published in the
Richmond Enquirer, finding his bat-
talion exposed to the galling fire of a
regiment, turning to Captain Coles, (of
his own regiment, the 46th Virginia) he
said, 'This fire is very hot; tell Colonel
Anderson we must fall back or be rein-
forced.' Captain Coles turned to pass
the order and was shot through the heart,
dying instantly. Captain Wise was
wounded, first in the arm and next
through the lungs, which latter wound
threw him to the ground. He was borne
to the hospital in charge of the gallant
Surgeon Coles, and received two addi-
tional wounds while being borne from
the field. That evening Surgeon Coles
put him into a boat to send him to Nag's
Head, but the enemy fired upon it, and
he was obliged to return. The enemy
seemed to regret this and treated him
him very kindly, taking him out of the
boat on a mattress and starting back to
the hospital. The next day about eleven
o'clock, A. M., he calmly and in his per-
fect senses, without suffering, softly
passed away. Colonel Hawkins, and
Lieutenant-Colonel Betts of the 9th New
York regiment, were with him when he
died, and wept like generous-hearted
soldiers. The former said, 'There is a
brave man.'

Captain O. Jennings Wise, "the fighting editor of the Richmond Enquirer," the most noted of the confederate officers who fell in this engagement, was the son The dispatches of General Burnside of General Henry A. Wise, former Gov-and Flag Officer Goldsborough, announernor of Virginia. The latter, whose movements we have followed in the western part of the State, was at the time of the action, in command at Nag's Head, on the spit of sand between Roanoke and the ocean, from whence he sent, on the morning of the 7th, a battalion of the "Wise Legion," to the island in command of his son. A severe attack of pleurisy prevented General Wise taking further part in the engagement than to forward troops to the field. On the morning of the 8th, Captain Wise was in command on the left of the fort where the main action occurred.

cing the victory to General McClellan and Secretary Welles, celebrate the courage of their respective commands, and especially the fidelity with which their plans, formed before the expedition left Hatteras, had been carried out. "It is enough to say," wrote General Burnside, "that the officers and men of both arms of the service have fought gallantly." "Roanoke Island," wrote Flag Officer Goldsborough on the 9th, "is ours. The military authorities struck to us yesterday. Their means of defence were truly formidable, and they were used with a determination worthy of a

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