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more especial object of the battery was to dismount the guns on the fort. For this object the flat, impinging surface of the shot was peculiarly adapted, as it was less liable to glance, a fault common with sharp-pointed shot. The next and last battery was that of four 8-inch mortars. It was located one hundred yards further on, or twelve hundred yards from the fort, under a sand hill near the beach. It was in charge of Lieutenant Prouty, and manned by a detachment of battery I, 3d New York artillery. In addition to the above, rifle pits had been dug in various parts of the 'spit,' on the flanks and in front of the battery, in which our pickets were posted to repel any sortie which the enemy might make. The batteries, again, were connected with each other by trenches sunk in the sand and skirting the hills. Communication was thus kept open between the various positions by this means, while they also served as a protection to the pickets and reliefs sent from one point to another during the progress of the bombardment. The siege train employed for the reduction of the fort, it will be seen, embraced only eleven pieces-four 10-inch mortars, four 8-inch mortars, and three siege guns. In view of the work accomplished, the facts themselves will tell how admirably and effectively the batteries were managed. It entered into the plan originally to have batteries at the westerly side of Beaufort, and on Shackleford banks, on the opposite shore of the inlet, so that the fort would be surrounded in a semicircle. With their fire and that of the gunboats and blockading fleet, the fort would have been a target for shot and shell from all points of the compass. But they were not erected, as the investment was deemed sufficiently complete for the opening of the bombardment. Had the fort made a protracted resistance their construction would have been occasioned as a means to its speedier reduction."*


These various preparations for the bombardment were completed on the 23d of April, when General Burnside arrived from Newbern on board the steamer Alice Price, through the inner waters of Cove sound, bringing with him two barges fitted up as floating batteries-the Shrapnel, in command of Captain Nichols of the navy, and the Grenada, Lieutenant Baxter. Each was armed with two 30-pound Parrott guns; and the former had, in addition, a 12-pound Wiard steel rifled cannon. They were protected by bales of cotton and hay as breastworks. These vessels, with the gunboat Ellis, armed with a 100-pounder, under the command of Captain Franklin, were intended to operate against the fort from the inner waters of the bay, in the direction of Beaufort. In addition there was the blockading fleet off the harbor, under command of Commander Samuel Lockwood, which we shall find taking part in the action.

Immediately after his arrival General Burnside sent the Ellis toward the fort bearing a flag of truce. Captain Briggs, an old classmate of West Point of Colonel White, proceeded from the steamer when it came to anchor in the channel, in a small boat, and was met midway by a sailboat from the fort, with a similar flag of truce. On board the latter was Captain Stephen D. Pool, of the Beaufort Grays, accompanied by other officers of the garrison. Captain Briggs submitted to them the demand of General Burnside for the surrender of the fort. The message was communicated to Colonel White, who, after some hours' delay, returned an answer declining to surrender. An arrangement was at the same time made that the two commanders should meet the following day.

Accordingly, early on the morning of the 24th, General Burnside, accompanied by Captain Briggs, was landed on the beach before the fort, and held a courteous interview with Colonel White, when

* Beaufort Correspondence N. Y. Herald, April 27, 1862. permission was asked and readily ob

tained for the garrison to send open let- withdrew after being engaged about an ters to their friends at Beaufort. No concessions were made to arrest the impending bombardment. General Burnside returned to his quarters, and order was given by telegraph to General Parke on the island to open fire at once. One of the batteries not being quite ready, the action was postponed till the


About six o'clock in the clear morning of that day, Friday, the 24th-it was noticed that Friday was General Burnside's lucky day, the victories of Roanoke and Newbern having been fought on that day the fire from the batteries was opened by Captain Morris's Parrott guns, followed by a discharge from Lieutenant Flagler's and Prouty's mortars. The fort did not respond immediately, but after some little delay, the guns bearing on the Federal batteries were brought into action, and at eight o'clock, both parties improving in the range, the firing was in general well directed; the works of the fort, affording the better target, evidently suffering most in the operation.

Commander Lockwood, in the mean time, was getting the blockading vessels under way to take part in the action. "When within range," says he, in his report, "and as near as the shoals allowed us to approach, the Daylight opened fire, followed in succession by the State of Georgia, Commander James F. Armstrong, the gunboat Chippewa, Lieutenant Commanding A. Bryson, and the bark Gemsbok, Acting Lieutenant Edward Cavendish. The three steamers kept under way, steaming around in a circle, delivering their fire as they came within range, at a mile and a quarter distant from the fort. The bark was anchored. After firing a number of rounds of shot and shell, finding that the sea, from a southwest wind which was blowing on shore, caused the vessels to roll so quick and deep as to render our guns almost unmanageable to our range and the accuracy of our aim, I reluctantly

hour and a quarter, hoping that the wind and sea would subside so as to enable us to renew our firing in the afternoon; and the more readily adopted that course, as we did not contemplate to be continuously engaged, but occasionally open fire on the enemy, whom we expected would hold out for several days. The wind and sea increasing rendered the renewal of the engagement impracticable that afternoon by the gunboats. We expended nearly one-half of our fifteensecond fused shells, and, I am happy to say, with good effect; and our time of attack was most opportune, as we drew the fire of the enemy from an important land battery, which enabled our forces to repair damages caused by the concentrated fire thereon. The fire of the enemy on the vessels from guns of greater range was excellent. shell fell around us in every direction. Many good line shots passed just over and beyond us as we successively passed their line of fire, and we were exceedingly fortunate in receiving so little damage. The Daylight was struck by an 8-inch. solid shot on the starboard quarter, below the spar deck, passing through several bulkheads and the deck below, to the opposite side of the vessel in the engine-room, about six inches above the machinery, among which it dropped. A splinter fractured the small bone of the right fore-arm of Acting Third Assistant Engineer Eugene J. Wade, and I am happy to state that this was the only casualty that occurred."

Their shot and

After the gunboats had retired, the two armed barges were brought within three miles of the fort, and threw about thirty shots from the Parrott guns. By the afternoon the guns of the Federal batteries-the range being now fully secured-told upon the fort with destructive effect, and shortly after four o'clock, a white flag on the west front announced that the surrender was at hand. It was an odd medley of the association of war



and peace that while the bombardment to be released on their parole of honwas going on, a boat was sent under a flag or not to take up arms against the of truce to the fort from Beaufort, bear- United States of America until proping the answers to the letters which had erly exchanged, and to return to been transmitted from the garrison the their homes, taking with them all their day before. "Many of the letters," it is private effects, such as clothing, bedding, said, "contained exhortations and en- books, etc." The three officers were. treaties to officers and soldiers to prevail landed at the fort, when Colonel White, upon Colonel White to surrender the summoning the garrison, informed them place without resistance. Others exhib- of the terms of capitulation, and prepared ited more pluck on the part of the femi- for the final act of surrender. In the nine correspondents. They besought meantime, General Burnside, General their friends to fight a little while and Parke, Captains Briggs and King, adthen surrender, to show that they were vanced on the beach toward the batteries. not cowards." This tender mail, how- The 5th Rhode Island was ordered up to ever, carrying the prayers and anxieties march into Fort Macon. Happily, a new of the relatives and friends of the volun- set of colors bearing the words "Roanteer soldiery of Beaufort, was not admit- oke," "Newbern," a present from their ted till the further defence of the fort was State, had just been received by the abandoned. regiment. General Burnside then unfurled them for the first time, and walking at the head of the troops, they marched onward by the ocean surf in the clear morning sunlight, to raise the national flag once more on the fort which their arms had restored to the United States. The rebel flag which had been raised on the fort, it was observed, was made of the old United States flag of the garrison, mutilated and altered to meet the requirements of treason, "the red and white stripes ripped apart and arranged in the broad bars of the new dispensation. Of the thirty-four stars in the field, those which were not needed to represent the traitorous sister States of the Confederacy were cut out, and the holes left unsewn. The flag which was hoisted in place of this patchwork ensign was found in the fort in one of the casemates. It had been taken from the wreck of the steamer Union, which went ashore on Bogue Beach, and was wrecked at the time of the Port Royal expedition."*

It remained now only to adjust the terms of surrender. The exhibition of the white flag at the fort was succeeded by the appearance of two of the officers of the garrison, Captains Pool and Guion, with a number of attendants, coming toward the batteries. They were met by Captain Pell and Lieut. Hill, of the staff, and Lieutenant Prouty, "all three begrimed with dust and powder smoke." After the usual civilities, Captain Guion stated that he was charged with a proposal from Colonel White for a cessation of hostilities with relation to the surrender of the fort. General Parke was then sent for, and on his arrival a truce was agreed upon till the next morning. A consultation was meanwhile held with General Burnside on board the Alice Price, and early in the forenoon of the following day, the 26th, the steamer again approached the fort, when Colonel White came on board, and together with the two generals and Commander Lockwood, of the squadron, agreed upon the articles of capitulation. They were embraced in two short articles, "The fort, armament and garrison to be surrendered to the forces of the United States. The officers and men of the garrison

By the direction of General Burnside, who was solicitous to spare the feelings of the rebel garrison still within the fort, the Union troops were requested to make

April 26, 1862.
Correspondence New York Tribune. Fort Macon,

no demonstration of applause on the elevation of the national flag. The voice of the multitudes who thronged the opposite shores was, however, not to be repressed. They sent up three loud cheers at the sight of the banner, which were heard distinctly within the fort.

There were comparatively few casualties in the reduction of Fort Macon. The Union loss at the batteries was but one killed, William Dart of the 3d artillery, killed, and two wounded; and that of the enemy within the fort, eight killed and twenty wounded, out of a garrison of four hundred and fifty. "It is remarkable," says Commander Lockwood, "that so important a victory should have been achieved with so little loss of life, particularly as the interior of the fort was literally covered with the fragments of the bombs and shells, and many of their guns were disabled."

portions of the 89th New York and 6th New Hampshire. They immediately proceeded to Elizabeth city and commenced disembarking on the 19th inst., at midnight, at a point about three miles below on the east side. Colonel Hawkins' brigade was landed by three o'clock in the morning, when he was ordered to proceed at once against South Mills. General Reno remained to bring up the other two regiments, which had been detained by the transports which carried them getting aground at the mouth of the river. They came up at daylight, and were landed by 7 A. M., when General Reno proceeded directly toward South Mills. About twelve miles out he met Colonel Hawkins' brigade, which, owing "either to the treachery or incompetency of the guide," had been led some miles out of their way, thus defeating the chances of a surprise, and wearying the men before they arrived at the scene of action. The tired brigade then fell behind General Reno's fresher regiments, and advanced with them four miles further, to within a mile and a half of South Mills, or Camden. Here the enemy were unexpectedly discovered, with a battery of four guns in a line across the road on which the

By a general order dated Beaufort harbor, April 26, General Burnside paid his tribute to the officers and men who had secured this victory: "The general commanding takes peculiar pleasure in thanking General Parke and his brave command for the patient labor, fortitude, and courage displayed in the investment and reduction of Fort Macon. Every expedition was advancing. There was a patriot heart will be filled with gratitude to God for having given to our beloved country such soldiers. The regiments and artillery companies engaged have earned the right to wear upon their colors and guidons the words Fort Macon, April 25, 1862.'"

While General Parke, with his brigade, was engaged in the capture of Fort Macon, General Reno, by order of General Burnside, departed from Newbern on an expedition to the upper waters of Albemarle sound, in the rear of Norfolk. He left Newbern on the 17th of April with the 21st Massachusetts and 51st Pennsylvania regiments, stopped at Roanoke island, and was there joined by a brigade commanded by Colonel Hawkins, composed of part of his 9th New York and

clear open space in front of the guns, and behind was the protection of a dense wood. A better position for defence could not be desired. The 51st Pennsylvania and the 21st Massachusetts were ordered to pass over by the edge of a wood on the right to turn the enemy's left, and Colonel Hawkins was presently sent with the 9th and 89th New York to support the movement. The 6th New Hampshire was placed to the left to support four small howitzers in the advance on the road, under charge of Colonel Howard, of the coast guard, who rendered most efficient service in the engagement. "As soon," continues General Reno, in his officical report," as the 51st Pennsylvania and 21st Massachusetts had succeeded in turning their left, they

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