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attainment of any given age does not constitute adequate qualification for admission to this status.

Applicants will not be admitted directly from the secondary schools to the status of special student.

The graduates of accredited high schools are not admitted as special students, but are expected to qualify for regular undergraduate standing in accordance with the usual rules. Such students may, with the approval of the proper study-list officer, pursue strictly elective or limited programmes, if they do not desire to become candidates for degrees.

The University has no "special courses''; all courses are organized for regular students-that is, students who have had the equivalent of a good high school education and have been fully matriculated. Special students are admitted to those regular courses for which, in the judgment of the instructor, they have satisfactory preparation.

Entrance examinations in the subjects of fundamental importance for the work proposed will be assigned in practically all cases. Special students will seldom be able to undertake the work of the engineering and professional schools until they have had all or nearly all of the prerequisite subjects.

All applicants for admission to special status will be required to take a psychological test, which will be given at the time scheduled for matriculation examinations. A circular giving the dates of these examinations may be obtained from the Recorder of the Faculties.

Instruction is not offered in such essential preparatory subjects as elementary English, elementary algebra, plane geometry, United States history, elementary Latin and Caesar, and, save in the Summer Session, algebraic theory, elementary chemistry, and elementary physics.

Before applying for admission, then, the applicant should see that he is prepared in these whenever they are prerequisite to work he may wish to do in the University.

Upon petition special students, not candidates for any University degree, may be excused from the exercises in physical education and hygiene; such students, however, in case they become candidates for degrees, must meet these requirements in full. Students over twenty-four years of age at the time of admission are excused from military science.

The administration of special students is in the hands of the Board of Admissions. Prospective applicants should communicate with this Board through the Recorder of the Faculties, who will furnish forms for application for admission and for transcript of high school record.

Applications should be made at least six months in advance in order to allow time to prepare for the entrance examinations assigned for admission. In general, admission to the University can be completed only by personal conference with the University Examiner, and when necessary with the departments, schools, or colleges concerned.


Graduates of the institutions constituting the Association of American Universities and of many other institutions are admitted to the Graduate Division upon presentation of their Bachelor's diploma at the office of the Recorder of the Faculties. Graduates of institutions not in the accepted list of the University may be admitted to the Graduate Division with the approval of the Dean of the Graduate Division after an evaluation of their certified college record by the University Examiner. Admission to the Graduate Division does not of itself imply admission to candidacy for a higher degree.

The grade of work which graduate students may elect and their standing as candidates for degrees will depend upon the extent and character of their undergraduate courses. If the preliminary training of candidates has not been sufficient to qualify them for strictly graduate work, they must pursue such undergraduate courses as may be suited to their needs. For the conditions under which the advanced degrees may be obtained and for the graduate courses in the various departments of instruction leading to advanced degrees see the latest ANNOUNCEMENT of the GRADUATE DIVISION, to be obtained on application to the Recorder of the Faculties.



The work of the lower division comprises the studies of the freshman and sophomore years. The junior certificate marks the transition from the lower division to the upper division.

The junior certificate in the College of Letters and Science will be required for admission to the upper division in and after August, 1921, of all candidates for the bachelor's degree except those who in August, 1920, had completed more than 12 units or who in August, 1921, shall have completed more than 44 units in the lower division of the College of Letters and Science. It will be required of all students for admission to the upper division in and after January, 1922.

Students who transfer from other colleges of the University of California or from other institutions will be required to meet substantially the junior certificate requirements, but will not be held strictly to the time distribution of requirements.

In the lower division of the College of Letters and Science it is expected that the student, in addition to fulfilling the prerequisites for the major work upon which he will concentrate in the upper division, will make an effort to establish a basis for that breadth of culture which will

*See also Study-Lists Regulations below.

give him a realization of the methods and results of some of the more important types of intellectual endeavor, and a mental perspective that will aid him in reaching sound judgments. The junior certificate requirements were designed to provide in some degree for the accomplishment of this purpose, without unduly limiting the student's opportunity to satisfy his individual tastes and preferences.

Certain courses taken in the high school are accepted as fulfilling in part or in whole some of these junior certificate requirements. It is desirable that the student should so arrange his high school programme as to reduce the required work in the fields of foreign language, mathematics, and natural science. This makes his programme more flexible, gives him a greater freedom of choice, and prepares him to pass more quickly into advanced work or into new fields of study. In no case, however, does the satisfaction of junior certificate requirements in the high school reduce the amount of work required in the University for the junior certificate (60) or for the degree (124).

The degree requirement of 124 units is calculated on the assumption that the student will normally take 64 units of work in the lower division, including the prescribed work in military science, physical education, and hygiene, and 60 units in the upper division. However, the junior certificate will be granted on the completion of not less than 60 units of college work and the fulfillment of the following specific requirements: (a) General University requirements.*

Subject A.†

Military, 6 units (men).

Hygiene, 1 unit (men) or 2 units (women).

Physical Education, 2 units.

(b) Foreign Language. At least 15 units in not more than two languages. Each year of high school work in a foreign language will be counted in satisfaction of 3 units of this requirement. Courses given in English by a foreign language department will not be accepted in fulfillment of this requirement.

(c) Mathematics. Elementary Algebra and Geometry. These subjects are not regularly given in the University except in the Extension Division, but for the academic year 1921-22 a course covering these subjects may be organized for students who have not completed this requirement in the high school.

*For information concerning exemptions from these requirements apply to the Recorder of the Faculties.

+ An examination in Subject A: English Composition is required of all intrants at the time of their first registration in the University. Date of next examination, Saturday, August 13, 1921, 2 p.m. For further regulations concerning Subject A see General Regulations of the Faculties, in the Circular of Information, Academic Departments.

(d) Natural Science. At least 12 units chosen from the following list: High School Physics (3A), 3 units (1 high school credit).

High School Chemistry (3B), 3 units (1 high school credit).
Astronomy 1, 2A-2B, 4, 5, 11.

Bacteriology 1.

Botany 1, 2A-2b.

Chemistry 1A-1B, 5, 6A-6B, 8.

Geography 1c, 2c.

Geology 1A, 1B, 6.

Mineralogy 1A-1B, 2AB.

Paleontology 1.

Physics 2A-2B, 3A-3в, or 3C-3D.

Zoology 1A-1B, 10.

(e) Additional. At least 9 units (a year sequence plus enough to make up at least 9 units) from one of the following groups and at least a year course in each of two others:

(1) English, Public Speaking.

(2) Foreign Language (additional to b). This may be satisfied in whole or in part in the high school, provided the language be Latin.

(3) Mathematics: Plane Trigonometry, Plane Analytic Geometry, Introduction to Calculus. This may be satisfied partly in the high school.

(4) History, Economics, Political Science.

(5) Philosophy.

The work offered in satisfaction of requirement (e) must consist of subjects of college grade, except as otherwise provided, as shown in detail in the following list:


Group 1-English and Public Speaking

Year course: English 1A-1B, 1x-1в; Public Speaking 1A-18.

9-unit option: a year sequence plus 3 units from the following:

English 4A, B, C, D, E, or F, 51A, 51B, 52A, 52b, 53a, 53B.

Public Speaking 2A, 2B, 5A, 5в, 10a, 10в.

Group 2-Foreign Languages

Year course: Celtic 1A-1B.

French: any two consecutive courses of A, B, C, D, 1a, 1B, 5, or any upper division year sequence.

German: any two consecutive courses of A, B, C, D; or RC-RD; SC-SD; or any upper division year sequence.

Greek: 1A-1B; 2A-2B; 1AB-2AB; or 101, 102.

Italian: any two consecutive courses of A, B, C, D, or any upper division year sequence.

Latin: any year sequence from the following: C, D, LA-LB; 1, 5, 102, 106.

Oriental Languages: 3A-3B; 3C-3D; 9A-9B; or 9c-9D.

Sanskrit: 101A-101B.

Semitic Languages: 3A-3B.

Slavic Languages: 1A-1B; 6A-6в; 10A-10в or 14A-14B.

Spanish: any two consecutive courses of A, B, C, D, or any upper division year sequence.

9-unit option: 9 units selected from the courses offered in any department, except that courses given in English, or courses not requiring a study of the language or literature in the original will not be accepted. High School Latin may be used to satisfy this requirement in part or in whole, each year of High School Latin counting as 3 units.

Group 3-Mathematics

Year course: any two consecutive courses of C, 5, 9, 3A-3B.

9-unit option: any 9 units selected from C, 5, 9, 3A, 3B, 4A-4B. High school plane trigonometry (2e) and plane analytic geometry (2f) will each count for 2 units.

Group 4-History, Economics, Political Science

Year course: History 4A-4B; or 8A-8B.

Economics 1A-1B; or 10-11.

Political Science 1A-1B.

9-unit option: a year sequence plus 3 units from the following:

History 4A-4B, 8A-8B.

Economics 1A-1B, 10, 11.

Political Science 1A-1B, 2.

Group 5-Philosophy

Year course: Philosophy 1A--1B; 3A-3B; or 4A-4B.

9-unit option: a year course plus enough to make 9 units, selected from

the following: Philosophy 1A-1B, 3A-3B, 4a-4b.

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