Treaty Series 2421 I: 43681-43726United Nations Publications, 2011 - 520 strani In accordance with Article 102 of the Charter and the relevant General Assembly Resolutions, every treaty and international agreement registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat since 1946 is published in the United Nations Treaty Series. At present, the collection includes about 30,000 treaties reproduced in their authentic languages, together with translations into English and French, as necessary. The Treaty Series, where treaties are published in the chronological order of registration, also provides details about their subsequent history (i.e., participation in a treaty, reservations, amendments, termination, etc.). Comprehensive Indices covering 50-volume-lots are published separately. A Standing Order service is available for the series and out-of-print volumes are available on microfiche. |
PaysBas et Organisation du Traité de lAtlantique Nord | 3 |
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 223 |
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 229 |
Avtorske pravice | |
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Abkommen accordance with article agreed Agreement anderen Vertragsstaat Annex ansässig apply Artikel Authentic text besteuert Betriebsstätte Članak članka contingent Contracting State country cultural object dispositions dividendes druge drugoj državi ugovornici društva države ugovornice effect Einkünfte el país enterprise Entry into force Federal Republic Gobierno Gouvernement Government including income International Development Association internationale de développement Kampala können l'article l'autre État contractant l'Organisation des Nations Level major equipment matériel lourd means medical MINUK mogu Nations Unies necessary notification oder operational osoba paragraphe Party pays contributeur permanent establishment person personal personnel PNUD poreza présent Accord project property provided provisions proyecto purpose reconstruction remboursement Republic of Germany République fédérale d'Allemagne resident samo self-sustainment services soutien logistique autonome Staat stavka taux troop-contributor Uganda Ugovor UNDP UNHCR Unidroit United Nations Unternehmen Walsoorden Томон امور پناهنده گان این به حکومت عالی ملل متحد کمشنر عالی ملل که متحد در امور یا