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favour of other belligerent powers, who fhall apply to him, in order to enter into negotiation with the French government.

17. The prefent treaty fhall not have effect till after having been ratified by the contracting parties; and the ratifications fhall be exchanged within the space of a month, or fooner, from the date of this day.

In witnefs whereof, we the underfigned plenipotentiaries of the French republic, and of his majefty the king of Spain, in virtue of our full powers, have figned this prefent treaty of peace and amity, and have put to it our refpective feals.

Done at Bafle, the 4th of the month of Thermidor, the third year of the French republic (July 22, 1795).



Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and the Landgrave of Hefe-Caffel, Aug. 28.

The French republic having accepted of the good offices of the king of Pruffia in favour of his moft ferene highnefs the landgrave of Heffe Caffel, and being animated with the fame fentiments as the landgrave, to make a folid and permanent peace fucceed to a war which had difunited them; in confequence of which, the contracting powers have appointed as follows:

The French republic on her part, citizen François Barthelemy, her ambaffador in Switzerland, and the landgrave of Heffe Caffel, his privy counsellor Frederick Sigifmond, baron of Waitz d'Efchen.

Which minifters, after having exchanged their refpective powers,

agreed upon the following articles: Art. 1. There fhall be peace, friendship, and good understanding between the French republic and the landgrave of Heffe Caffel.,

2. In confequence of which, all hoftilities between the two parties fhall cease from the date of the ratifications of the prefent treaty, and neither of the two powers fhall, after that period, furnish against each other, under whatever quality or condition it may be, fuccours or contingents, either in men, horfes, provifions, money, ammunition, or other things.

3. As long as the war fhall be continued between the French republic and England, the landgrave fhall neither prolong nor renew the two fubfidiary treaties exifting between him and England.

This difpofition will begin to have its effect from the date of the prefent treaty.

4. With respect to the paffing of any troops whatever through his states, the landgrave fhall ftrictly conform himself to the difpofitions ftipulated in the convention, concluded at Bafle, on the 17th of May, 1795, between the French republic and the king of Pruffia.

5. The French republic will continue to occupy the fortress of Rheinfelds; the town of St. Goar, and the part of the county of Katzenellenbogen, fituate on the left bank of the Rhine. The definitive arrangements with respect to thofe countries remain fufpended, until a general pacification between the French republic and the parts of Germany which are yet at war with the republic.

6. All commercial communications and relations fhall be re-established between France and the ftates of the landgrave of Heffe Caffel, on the footing on which


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8. All the prifoners made refpectively fince the beginning of the war, without confideration of the number or rank, fhall be delivered up to each other within two months, at the latest, after the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty, without any reclamation of expences, paying, however, any debts of the privates, which might have been contracted during their captivity. The fame fhall be obferved with refpect to the fick and wounded, immediately after their recovery.

Commiffioners fhall be appointed on both fides to proceed to the execution of this article; the difpofitions of which fhall be applied to the Heffian troops in the fervice of England, and who have been made prifoners of war.

9. The prefent treaty to have no effect until it is ratified by the contracting parties, and the ratifica tions exchanged in this town of Bafle, within a month from this day, or fooner if poffible.

We, the underfigned plenipotentiaries of the French republic, and of his moft ferene highnefs the landgrave of Heffe Caffel, in virtue of our refpective powers, have figned this prefent treaty of peace, and have fealed it with our refpective feals.

Done at Bafle, the eleventh of the month Fructidor, of the third republican year, and the 28th of Auguft, 1795.




Baron of Waitz d'Eschen.

Treaty of Alliance, Offenfive and Defenfive, concluded between the Republic of France and the Republic of the United Provinces.

Art. 1. The republic of France acknowledges and guarantees the independence of the republic of the United Provinces, as alfo the abolition of the stadtholdership.

2. There shall be a lafting peace, amity, and good understanding between the two republics.


3. There fhall also be an alliance, offenfive and defenfive, against all the enemies of the respective republics during the prefent war.

4. There hall also be a lafting alliance, offenfive and defenfive, against Great Britain.

5. No treaty fhall be entered into with Great Britain, without the confent of the two republics.

6. The French republic fhall make no peace with any power whatever, without comprifing in it the republic of the United Provinces.

7. The republic of the United Provinces fhall furnish for the prefent campaign twelve fhips of the line and eighteen frigates, for the North Sea and the Baltic.

8. The republic of the United Provinces fhall furnish for the prefent campaign half the number of the troops which the republic shall have on foot.

9. All the

forces employed in (K 4)



actual service fhall be under the command of the French generals. The arrangements for the campaign fhall be made in concert; the statesgeneral may fend a deputy, who fhall fit and have a deliberative voice in the committee of public welfare at Paris.

10. All arfenals and ammuni tion belonging to the republic of the United Provinces fhall be restored."

II. From the ratification of the prefent treaty, reftitution shall be made of all the countries and places belonging to the United Provinces, with the exceptions contained in the following article.

12. Dutch Flanders and the right fide of the Hondt, Maeftricht, Venlo, and their dependencies, fhall be referved by the French republic, as indemnities.

13. A French garrifon fhall be admitted in peace and war into the town of Flushing, until other arrangements fhall have been decided.

14. The port of Flufhing fhall be open to the two republics, conformably to the rules laid down in the separate articles attached to this treaty.

15. In cafe of hoftilities on the fide of the Rhine, or of Zealand, French garrifons fhall be admitted into Breda, Bois-le-Duc, and Bergen-op-Zoom.

16. At the epoch of a general peace, ceffion fhall be made to the United Provinces of portions of territory equivalent in extent to the ceffion contained in the 12th aṛticle, and in a pofition moft convenient to the republic of the United Provinces.

17. Until the general peace, fuch a number of troops fhall be stationed in the neceffary places as fhall be deemed adequate for the defence of them.

Scheldt and the Hondt fhall be 18. The navigation of the open to the two republics; French and Dutch veffels fhall be indif criminately admitted under the fame conditions.

19. The French republic gives Provinces, all the unmoveable efup to the republic of the United fects belonging to the house of Orange, and all the moveable property not already difpofed of.

the expences of the war, the re20. As an indemnification for public of the United Provinces fhall pay to the republic of France one hundred millions of livres, foreign powers, as fhall be agreed either in fpecie, or in bills upon upon.

ufe their good offices with foreign 21. The French republic fhall Provinces, in order that they may powers in favour of the United obtain the payment of the fums due to them before the war.

by the republic of the United Pro22. No afylum fhall be given, vinces, to the French emigrants; and no afylum fhall be given by the republic of France to the Orange emigrants.

ratified within two decades, or 23. The prefent treaty fhall be fooner if poffible.

SEPARATE ARTICLES relative to the Port of Flushing.

indifcriminately make ufe of the
Art. 1. The two nations fhall
ports and docks.

ber-yards, &c.
2. Each nation fhall have tim-

3. From the ratification of the
United Provinces fhall relinquish
prefent treaty, the republic of the
company, and the ground adja.
the building for the Weft India
cent to it, and alfo one of the

4. All new acquifitions for the conftruction of fresh arfenals, and all acquifitions of ground, fhall be made at the expence of the French republic.

5. The expences of the repairs of the bafin, and the quay, fhall be defrayed by the two republics, but the direction of the remainder fhall belong to the republic of the United Provinces. The French republic, however, fhall be informed of every operation, and the procès verbaux fhall be fent to the French government, who will defray half the expence.

6. No admiral's fhip, nor guardhip belonging to either of the two republics, shall be in the port of Flushing.

7. If any difpute should arise relative to the foregoing regulations, which fhall not be amicably adjufted, they fhall be decided by five arbitrators; two of whem fhall be French, and two Dutch; and for the fifth, each republic shall choose one, and it shall be decided by lot.

8. Thefe regulations fhall be carried into execution, as part of the treaty of alliance, offenfive and defenfive, between the republic of France and the republic of the United Provinces.

Concluded at the Hague, on the 15th of May, at noon, 1795.

Procès Verbal of the Opening of the Body of the Son of the deceased Louis Capet.

The Tower of the Temple, this 21ft Prairial (9th June,) in the third year of the French republic, one and indivifible. Half paft eleven o'clock in the morning.

We the undersigned, Jean Baptifte-Eugene Dumangin, phyfician

in chief of the hospital of Unity, and Philippe Jean Pelletan, furgeon in chief of the great hofpital of humanity, accompanied by the citizens, Nicolas Jeanroy, formerly profeffor in the fchools of phy fic of Paris, and Pierre Laffus, profeffor of phyfic in the fchool of health at Paris, declare, that we affembled in confequence of an arret of the committee of general fafety of the national convention, dated yesterday, and figned Bergoing, prefident, Coutois, Gautier, Pierre Guyomar, directing us to affift together in the opening of the body of the fon of the deceafed Louis Capet, and to declare the condition in which we have found it, have acted as follows;

We arrived at eleven in the

morning at the outward gate of the Temple, and were received by commiflaries, who introduced us into the tower; we were conveyed to the fecond ftory, and were fhewn into an apartment where we found lying on a bed the dead body of an infant, who appeared to us to have been about ten years of age, which body the commiffaries declared to be the body of the fon of the deceafed Capet, and which two of us knew to be that of the infant who had been ill for feveral days.

The faid commiffaries declared to us, that the infant died on the preceding evening at three o'clock, upon which we proceeded to verify the figns of death, which we found characterized by an univerfal paienefs, a coldness of the whole body, a ftiffness of the members, a dulnefs of the eyes, violet coloured fpots on the fkin of the body, and particularly by a putrefraction, which had begun at the belly, the fcrotum, and within-fide the thighs.

We remarked, before we proceeded

ceeded to the opening of the body, a general leannefs, which proceeds from a marafmus; the belly was fwelled; in the infide of the right knee we remarked a fwelling, which had not changed the colour of the fkin, and another fwelling not fo large, on the os radius, near the right wrift. The fwelling of the knee contained about two ounces of a greyish coloured matter, pure and clean, fituated between the periofteum and the mufcles; the fwelling of the wrift contained matter of the fame kind, but thin


On opening the body, a pint of purulent ferum flowed out, yellow and extremely fetid; the inteftines were pale, and adhered together, as well as to the partitions of that cavity; they were fprinkled with a great quantity of pimples of different fizes, each of which contained the fame matter that was found in the fwellings of the knees and feet. The intestines, which we opened, were internally very found, and contained a very small quantity of bilious matter. 'The ftomach was in the fame ftate; it adhered to all the furrounding parts, was pale on the outfide, and fprinkled with lymphatic pimples fimilar to thofe on the furface of the inteftines.-The internal mem

brane was found, as well as the pylorous or lower orifice of the ftomach, and the cofophagus, or windpipe; the liver adhered by its convexity to the diaphragma, and by its concavity to the vifcera which it covered.

Its fubftance was found; its fize not larger than common. The gall-bladder was moderately filled with a bile of a greenish colour. The fpleen, the pancreas, the reins, and the bladder were found. The epiploon and the mefentery, not

fat, were covered with lymphatic pimples, like thofe of which we have already fpoken. Similar tumours were difperfed over the peritoneum, and the interior of the diaphragma: this muscle found."


The lungs adhered to the pleura, to the diaphragma, and to the pericardium, found in substance, and without any pimples: there were a few only near the trachean artery and the oefophagus; the pericardium contained the ufual quantity of ferum; the heart was pale, but in its natural state. The brain, and its dependent parts, were in a perfectly good condition.

All the diforders, of which we have given a detail, are evidently the effect of a fcrophulous habit, of a long standing, to which we decidedly attribute the death of the infant.

The prefent procès verbal has been drawn up at Paris by the underfigned, at half paft four o'clock, on the day above mentioned. Signed by us,

J. B. E. Du-

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