Slike strani

by Andrew Lang. N. Y., Truslove & Comba, [1898.] 25+120 p. 1 il. S. cl., $1.25. [3838

Prose extracts on the pleasures of literature, taken from ancient and modern writers.


*Shelley, Percy Bysshe and Eliz. Original poetry, by Victor and Cazire; ed. by R: Garnett. N. Y., J: Lane. 1898. 27+66 p. 8°, cl., $1.50. *Sherwood, Mary. Dryden's dramatic theory and practice. Bost., Lamson, Wolffe & Co., 1898. C. 110 p. 16°, (Yale studies in English.) cl., 50 c. [3840 Slosson, Annie Trumbull. Dumb foxglove, and other stories. N. Y., Harper, 1898. C. 3+218 p. il. D. cl., $1.25. [3841 The stories are semi-pathetic tales of Connecticut village life, and interwoven are touches of descriptions of flowers and natural scenery, done with a sympathetic and loving hand. "Dumb foxglove," which gives the title, shows the analogous resemblance between the dumb flower of the name which no care or condition of soil will cause to unfold, but, when picked open, discloses "the prettiest posy in the world," and the little crippled child, who is all beautiful within. *South Carolina. Acts and joint resolutions of the general assembly, passed at the regular session of 1898. Columbia, [R. L. Bryan & Co.,] 1898. 36+683-980+22 p. O. shp., 85 c. [3842

Printed by order of the general assembly, and designed to form a part of the 22d v. of the statutes at large, commencing with the acts of the regular session of 1896.

*Stables, W: Gordon, M.D. A life on the ocean wave; or, the cruise of the good ship Boreas. N. Y., E. P. Dutton & Co., 1898. 344 p. pl. 12°, cl., $1.25. [3843 Stanley, Olga. A pocket history of the ladies of the White House and information about the executive mansion, its apartments, etiquette, and social code. N. Y., The Woolfall Co., 1898. C. 80 p. Te. cl., [3844

25 c. Contains portraits of the ladies of the White House, from Martha Washington to Mrs. McKinley, together with a carefully written biographical sketch of each, the dates of their occupancy, births, deaths, etc. Fol lowing these sketches are descriptions and illustrations of the White House and its various public, private, and State apartments; the seasons' entertainments, general etiquette, and the special social code now adopted in diplomatic circles, giving also the correct order of precedence.

Stevens, Sheppard. I am the king: being the account of some happenings in the life of Godfrey de Bersac, Crusader-Knight. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1898. c. 5+ 213 p. D. cl., $1.25.


When Richard I., or "Richard Coeur de Lion," and Godfrey de Bersac were beset by Saracens in the Holy Land, De Bersac proclaimed himself king, and thus saved his royal master. Incidents of De Bersac's life as a captive in the camp of Saladin are introduced in a story which also revives scenes of English life in the Middle Ages. *Stillman, W: Ja. The union of Italy, 18151895. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1898. 10+412 p. map, 12°, (Cambridge historical ser.) cl., net, $1.75. [3846 Stockton, Frank R: The associate hermits; il. by A. B. Frost. N. Y., Harper, 1899 [1898.] c. '98. 4+257 p. D. cl., $1.50.

[3847 The novel deals with the adventures of a middleaged gentleman and his wife, who take their daughter's wedding-journey by proxy, in order to permit the newly married couple to enjoy all the comforts of the home during their honeymoon. Their trip lands them in an Adirondack camp, where they find themselves intrusted with the care of a young maiden, the daugh ter of a friend, whose attractions are such that all the young unmarried men in the vicinity fall in love with

her. As a possible relief from the rigors of the situation, they welcome an idea of a sister of one of the

numerous lovers, and at her instigation they form an association of hermits, all dwelling together, but each working out in his own way his own individual inclinations.


Stoddard, W: Osborn. The first cruiser out: a Cuban war story; Visitors at Grampus Island; and The tale of an oar. Chic., H. S. Stone & Co., 1898. C. 3+291 p. il. D. cl., $1.50. Three short stories for boys. "The first cruiser out" is the history of a privateering expedition of a wealthy New Yorker during the recent American war with Spain. "Visitors at Grampus Island "deals with the brave exploits of a native New England boy and a brave western lad, who had never seen salt water until the events narrated occurred. "A broken oar gives an account of a brave youth's mishaps. Storke, Francis Eugene. Mr. De Lacy's double. N. Y., Continental Pub. Co., [1898.] C. 2-306 p. D. cl., $1.25.

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Girard Stone was called "Mr. De Lacy's double" because of his striking resemblance to the dead friend of a certain Captain Richards. Richards was so impressed with the unaccountable likeness that he tells Stone the sad story of his lost love, and the strange history of De Lacy's life and death, with other remarkable incidents of his own career, which introduce strange psychic phenomena, etc. *Strobel, E: H: The Spanish revolution, 1868-1875. Bost., Small, Maynard & Co., 1898. c. 7+293 p. por. map, 12°, cl., $1.50.


Taylor, M. Imlay. A Yankee volunteer. Chic., A. C. McClurg & Co., 1898. c. 6383 p. D. cl., $1.50.


Massachusetts in the time of the American Revolution is the scene of a story supposed to be told by John Allen, a colonial soldier. Among the incidents of historic interest are the closing of the port in Boston, and the events leading up to the memorable "Boston tea party," with an account of the convening of the first Continental Congress in Philadelphia. The hero also tells of his love for a Tory maiden, and how be converted her to his way of thinking.

*Temple, Sir R: A bird's-eye view of picturesque India. N. Y., New Amsterdam Book Co., 1898. il. 8°, cl., $2. [3852 Thackeray, W: Makepeace. Works; with biographical introductions by his daughter, Anne Ritchie. Biographical ed. In 13 v. V. 8, The Newcomes: memoirs of a most respectable family; ed. by Arthur Pendennis, esq; il. by R: Doyle. N. Y., Harper, 1899 [1898.] c. '98. 40+806 p. O. cl., $1.75.


Thayer, Ja. Bradley. A preliminary treatise

on evidence at the common law. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1898. 36+636 p. O. cl., net, $3.50. [3854


Pt. 2 can be had separately at $2. Tiffany, Nina Moore. Samuel E. Sewall: a memoir. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. c. 5+175 p. por. D. cl., $1.25. [3855 The subject of this memoir was a descendant of Samuel Sewall, the famous chief justice of Massachu setts in colonial days. A member of the famous class of 1817 at Harvard, and a graduate in the first class in its law school, he was for sixty-five years an active practitioner in the courts of Massachusetts, devoting his time and talents with especial consecration to the defence of the fugitive slaves arrested in their fight to freedom, and to the amelioration of the laws affecting women. He was a coadjutor of Garrison's from the very inception of the Liberator, and of Whittier's in the Liberty and Free Soil party movements. compact narrative of his eventful career affords val uable glimpses of the stirring times in which he lived and played so noble a part. Topham, T. W., M.D. Health of body and mind: some practical suggestions of how to improve both by physical and mental


culture. N. Y., The Alliance Pub. Co., 1898. c. '97. 2-296 p. por. il. D. cl., $1.25. [3856 Contains an extended series of movements and passive motions for the improvement of the muscles. Tucker, W: Jewett. The making and the unmaking of the preacher: lectures on the Lyman Beecher foundation, Yale University, 1898. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1898. c. 4+224 p. D. cl., $1.50.

[3857 Contents: Preaching under modern conditions; The making of the preacher by education; The unmaking process; The preacher and his art; What the preacher owee to the truth; What the preacher owes to men; The pulpit and the church; The optimism of Christianity.

*Vines, Sydney H. An elementary text-book of botany. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1898. 15+611 p. il. 8°, cl., net, $2.25. [3858 *Wallace, Edwin Sherman. Jerusalem the holy: a brief history of ancient Jerusalem; with an account of the modern city and its conditions, political, religious, and social. N. Y. and Chic., Fleming H. Revell Co., 1898. 259 p. il. maps, 8°, cl., $1.50. [3859 Watson, H. B. Marriott. The adventurers: a tale of treasure trove; il. by H. I. Keller. | N. Y., Harper, 1899 [1898. c. '98. 5+ 298 p. il. D. cl., $1.50. [3860

While on a visit to Wales, Edward Greatorex, a young London barrister, rescues an old man from assault. He is invited to a neighboring castle, where he spends a few days. At the end of this time the old gentleman dies and leaves the castle to his young friend. It then turns out that there is some sort of mystery connected with the place, and Greatorex soon learns that he is the owner of a vast amount of

hidden treasure. In his effort to find this treasure he becomes the object of violence to unscrupulous persons, is in many fights, and has some narrow escapes. Wheeler, H:, D.D. One thousand questions and answers concerning the Methodist Episcopal church: its history, government, doctrines, and usages; including the origin, polity, and progress of all other Methodist bodies, with an introd. by H: A. Buttz, D.D. N. Y., Eaton & Mains, [1898.] 7+ 235 p. D. cl., 90 c. [3861 Wheeler, Jos. The Santiago campaign, 1898. Bost., Lamson, Wolffe & Co., 1898. c. 17+ 369 p. por. maps, O. cl., $3. [3862

General Wheeler divides his work into two parts, viz.: "The campaign" and "Despatches on the field," the one supplementing and authenticating the other. He tells the story of the taking of Santiago and the surrender of the Spanish army from the beginning to the end. Parts of the campaign of which he was not a witness he includes descriptions of, taken from leading newspapers or correspondents

son, Wolffe & Co., 1898. c. 218 p. 8°, (Yale studies in English.) cl, $1 50. [3863 Wilcox, Marrion. A short history of the war with Spain. N. Y., F: A. Stokes Co., [1898.] c. 7+350 p. D. cl., $1.25. [3864 Opens with what is called "a medallion of Spanish history," a sketch of Spain's relations with the United States between 1795 and 1895; the Cuban problem; Antonio Maceo; policy of Campos, Weyler, and Blanco; the De Lome letter. After comes an account of the destruction of the Maine, and of all the various notable events of the war with Spain, with many interesting documents bearing on the subject, such as Senator Proctor's statement, etc., etc.

Wingate, C: F. What shall our boys do for a living? N. Y., Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898. C. 16+287 p. D. cl., $1. [3865 rial, by reading and personal investigation, for this The author was twenty years gathering the mate book. He interviewed hundreds of successful Americans on the subject, and quotes their opinions and suggestions. He offers many plain facts about different occupations, particularly the new ones, with their advantages and drawbacks; tells how to enter and how to get on in them, with other practical and specific information. His chief aim has been to show the value of thorough training, and that there is a demand for capable men in every calling. He places special stress on inclination and aptitude, and has tried to tell young men how to find their special bent, if they have any. Home training is fully discussed, and also the influence of environment.

*Winterbotham, Rayner. The kingdom of heaven here and hereafter. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1898. 266 p. 8°, (Churchman's lib.) cl., $1.


*Witts, Florence. Frances E. Willard; the story of a noble life. N. Y., T: Whittaker, [1898.] 143 p. il. por. 12°, cl., 50 c. [3867 Wood, T: Longstreet, comp. Arcade echoes: selected poems from the Virginia University Magazine, 1856-1890; collected and arr. by T: L. Wood; rev. and enl. by J: W. Fishburne, 1856-1894. [New issue.] Charlottesville, Va., A. C. Brechin, [1898.] c. 3-143 p. 1 il. S. cl., $1. [3868 *Woodberry, G: E: The North Shore watch, and other poems. New ed. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1898. 122 p. 16°, cl., $1.25. [3869 *Woodberry, G: E: Studies in letters and life. New ed. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1898. 296 p. 16°, cl., $1.25. [3870 *Yonge, Charlotte Mary. John Keble's parishes: a history of Hursley and Otterbourne. N. Y., The Macmillan Co., 1898. 11+234 p. 8°, cl., $2.50. [3871 Zollinger, Gulielma.

The widow O'Callaghan's boys. Chic., A. C. McClurg & Co., 1898. C. 6-297 p. il. S. cl., $1.25. [3872 The story of a brave little Irish widow, left in pov

*White, Caroline Louisa. Aelfric: a new study of his life and writings. Bost., Lam-erty with seven boys ranging from three to fifteen


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