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" Flats canal on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the " United States, and further engages to urge upon the State "governments to secure to the subjects of her Britannic majesty " the use of the several State canals... "
Handbook of Treaties, &c., Relating to Commerce and Navigation Between Great ... - Stran 979
avtor: Great Britain, Great Britain. Foreign Office - 1908 - 1192 strani
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Količina 113

1872 - 802 strani
...Lawrence, and other canals in the Dominion on termsof equality with the inhabitants of the Dominion ; and the Government of the United States engages that...shall enjoy the use of the St. Clair Flats Canal on tenns of equality with the inhabitants of the United States, and further engages to urge upon the State...
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The Public Papers of Grover Cleveland: Twenty-second President of the United ...

United States. President (1885-1889 : Cleveland) - 1839 - 596 strani
...equality with the inhabitants of the Dominion, and to also secure to the subjects of Great Britain the use of the St. Clair Flats Canal on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the United States. The equality with the inhabitants of the Dominion which we were promised in the use of the canals of...
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Michigan Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Michigan, Količina 7

Michigan. Supreme Court, Randolph Manning, George C. Gibbs, Thomas McIntyre Cooley, Elijah W. Meddaugh, William Jennison, Hovey K. Clarke, Hoyt Post, Henry Allen Chaney, William Dudley Fuller, John Adams Brooks, Marquis B. Eaton, Herschel Bouton Lazell, James M. Reasoner, Richard W. Cooper - 1860 - 600 strani
...of navigating the River St. Lawrence, &c., shall continue. And the government of the United States further engages to urge upon the state governments...Britannic Majesty the use of the several state canals, on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the United States." If any jurisdiction of either nation,...
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The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Količina 31

1854 - 792 strani the above clause of the present article, shall continue; and the Government of the United States further engages to urge upon the State Governments...Britannic Majesty the use of the several State canals on terme of equality with the inhabitants of the United States. And it is further agreed that no export...
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The Revised Statutes of New Brunswick, Količina 2

New Brunswick - 1854 - 544 strani the above clause of the present Article shall continue, and the Government of the United States further engages to urge upon the State Governments...Britannic Majesty, the use of the several State Canals on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the United States. ARTICLE V. The present Treaty shall...
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Hunt's Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Količina 31

Freeman Hunt, Thomas Prentice Kettell, William Buck Dana - 1854 - 812 strani the above clause of the present article, shall continue ; and the Goverument of the United States further engages to urge upon the State Governments...Britannic Majesty the use of the several State canals on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the United States. And it is further agreed that no export...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Količina 16

United States. Congress. House - 1854 - 496 strani the above clause of the present article, shall continue ; and the government of the United States further engages to urge upon the State governments...subjects of her Britannic Majesty the use of the several canals, on terms of equity with the inhabitants of the United States And it is further agreed, that...
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The Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Količina 31

1854 - 794 strani
...article, shall continue ; and the Government of the United States further engages to urge upon the Stale Governments to secure to the subjects of her Britannic Majesty the use of the several State canals on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the United States. And it is further agreed that no export...
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Monthly Nautical Magazine, and Quarterly Review, Količina 1

1855 - 528 strani the above clause of the present article, shall continue ; and the government of the United States further engages to urge upon the State governments...Britannic Majesty the use of the several State canals, on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the United States. And it is further agreed, that no export...
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Elements of International Law

Henry Wheaton, William Beach Lawrence - 1855 - 938 strani the above clause of the present article, shall continue ; and the government of the United States further engages to urge upon the State governments...Britannic Majesty the use of the several State canals on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the United States. And it is further agreed, that no export...
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