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and foreign Possessions for the sur-sitzungen über die Auslieferung solcher render of such individuals as shall Individuum die in der Schweiz ein im have committed in Switzerland any Vertrag genanntes Verbrechen beganof the crimes hereinafore mentioned, gen haben, aber innerhalb dieser Kowho may take refuge within such lonien und auswärtigen Besitzungen | Colonies and foreign Possessions, on Zuflucht gefunden haben, auf mögthe basis, as nearly as may be, of lichst gleicher Grundlage mit den the provisions of the present Treaty. Bestimmungen des gegenwärtigen Vertrages besondere Anordnungen zu treffen.

The requisition for the surrender Begehren betreffend die Ausliefeof a fugitive criminal from any Co- rung von Verbrechern, welche aus lony or foreign possession of Her einer Kolonie oder auswärtigen BesiBritannic Majesty shall be governed tzung Ihrer Grossbritannischen Majeby the rules laid down in the pre- stät geflüchtet sind, sollen nach den ceding Articles of the present Treaty.

Bestimmungen der vorstehenden Artikel des gegenwärtigen Vertrages behandelt werden.

Art. XVII. The present Treaty Art. XVII. Der gegenwärtige Vershall come into force ten days after trag soll zehn Tage nach seiner, in its publication in conformity with the Gemässheit der durch die Gesetzgebung forms prescribed by the laws of the der hohen vertragenden Theile vorgeHigh Contracting Parties. It may schriebenen Formen erfolgten Veröfbe terminated by either of the Hgih Contracting Parties, but shall remain in force for six months after notice has been given for its termination.

fentlichung in Kraft treten. Der Vertrag kann von jedem der beiden hohen vertragenden Theile aufgekündet werden, bleibt jedoch nach erfolgter Aufkündigung noch sechs Monate in Kraft.

The Treaty shall be ratified, and Der Vertrag wird ratifizirt und die the ratifications shall be exchanged Ratifikationen werden nach vier Woat Berne in four weeks, or sooner chen, oder wo möglich früher, in if possible. Bern ausgewechselt werden.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done at Berne, the thirty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four.

A. G. G. Bonar.
J. M. Knüsel.

Zu Urkund dessen haben die beiderseitigen Bevollmächtigten die gegenwärtige Uebereinkunft unterzeich net und mit ihren Wappen untersiegelt.

So geschehen in Bern den einunddreissigsten März, Eintausend achthundert vier und siebenzig.

A. G. G. Bonar.
J. M. Knüsel.


The Undersigned Plenipotentiaries of Die unterzeichneten Bevollmächtigten Her Majesty the Queen of the United Ihrer Majestät der Königin des VereinigKingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation, having met in Conference, have taken into their consideration the following subject:

They have directed their attention to the fact that the second paragraph of the XVIth Article of the Treaty, which stipulates that the requisition for the arrest of a fugitive criminal who has taken refuge in any of the Colonies or foreign possessions of Her Britannic Majesty shall be made through the Swiss Consul-General in London to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, was not in accordance with the law of England, and they have consequently resolved to declare that the second paragraph of that Article beginning:

The requisition for the arrest,< and concluding with, and the laws of the land, shall be null and void, and in lieu thereof the following words shall be substituted:

The requisition for the surrender of a fugitive criminal who has taken refuge in any of such Colonies or foreign Possessions shall be made to the Governor or to the supreme authority of such Colony or Possession through the Swiss Consul, or, in case there should be no Swiss Consul, through the Consular Agent of another State charged for the occasion with the Swiss interests in the Colony or Possession in question.

> The Governor or Supreme Authority above-mentioned shall decide with regard to such requisitions as nearly as possible in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty. He will, however, be at liberty either to consent to the extradition or report the case to his Government- <

The other provisions of Article XVI remain in force as they have been agreed upon in the Treaty.

This Protocol shall be regarded and

ten Königreichs von Grossbritannien und Irland, und des Bundesrathes der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, haben in einer Conferenz folgenden Gegenstand in Erwägung gezogen :

Sie haben ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf die Thatsache gerichtet, dass der zweite Absatz von Artikel XVI des Vertrages, welcher bestimmt, dass das Gesuch um Verhaftung eines flüchtigen Verbrechers, welcher sich nach einer der Colonien oder auswärtigen Besitzungen Ihrer Grossbritannischen Majestät gewendet hat, durch den schweizerischen General-Consul in London an den Staatssekretär für die auswärtigen Angelegenheiten gerichtet werden soll, mit den Gesetzen Englands nicht in Einklang steht. Sie sind daher übereingekommen zu erklären, dass der zweite Absatz besagten Artikels, also beginnend:

Der Antrag auf Verhaftung «, und schliessend, der bestehenden Gesetze zu verfahren hat, « null und nichtig sein und an Stelle desselben die nachfolgenden Worte eingeschaltet werden sollen:

> Der Antrag auf Auslieferung eines flüchtigen Verbrechers, welcher in einer dieser Colonien oder auswärtigen Besitzungen Zuflucht gefunden hat, soll bei dem Gouverneur oder bei der höchsten Behörde der betreffenden Colonie oder Besitzung durch den in derselben residirenden schweizerischen Consul, oder in Ermangelung eines solchen, durch den Consularagenten eines andern Staates, welchem für diesen speciellen Fall die Wahrnehmung der schweizerischen Interessen in der fraglichen Colonie oder Besitzung anvertraut wird, gestellt werden.

> Der Gouverneur oder die höchste Behörde, welche oben erwähnt sind, sollen bezüglich solcher Auslieferungsbegehren möglichst conform mit den Bestimmungen des vorliegenden Vertrages entscheiden. Es steht ihnen indess frei, die Auslieferung zu bewilligen oder den Fall ihrer Regierung zum Entscheid zu überweisen. <

Die andern Punkte von Artikel XVI bleiben in der im Vertrag vereinbarten Form in Kraft.

Dieses Protokoll soll als integrirender

acted upon as forming part of the Trea- | Bestandtheil des Vertrages angesehen und
ty in question.
beobachtet werden.

In witness whereof the Undersigned have signed this Protocol, and have hereunto affixed their seals.

Done in duplicate at Berne, the twentyeighth day of November, in the year of Grace one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four.

The Plenipotentiary of Great - Britain,
Edwin Corbett.

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Traité d'extradition signé à La Haye, le 19 juin 1874*).
Parl. Paper [1061] 1874.

Texte anglais.

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, having judged it expedient, with a view to the better administration of justice and to the prevention of crime within the two countries, that persons charged with or convicted of the crimes hereinhafter enumerated, and being fugitives from justice, should, under certain circumstances, be reciprocally delivered up; their said Majesties have named as their Plenipotentiaries to conclude a Treaty for this purpose, that is to say:

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Honourable Sir Edward Alfred John Harris, a Vice-Admiral in Her Majesty's Royal Navy, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the King of the Netherlands;

And His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, M. Joseph Lodewyk Hendrik Alfred Baron Gericke van Herwynen, Commander of the Order of the Netherland Lion, Knight Grand Cross of the Oaken Crown of Luxemburg, &c., &c., His Majesty's Minister for Foreign Affairs; and M. Gerrit de Vries, Commander of the Order of the Netherland Lion, His Majesty's Minister of Justice;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles:

Art. I. It is agreed that Her Britannic Majesty and His Majesty

*) En anglais et en hollandais. Les ratifications ont été échangées à La Haye, le 21 juill. 1874.

the King of the Netherlands shall, on requisition made in their name by their respective Diplomatic Agents, deliver up to each other reciprocally, any persons who, being accused or convicted of any of the crimes hereinafter specified, committed within the jurisdiction of the requiring Party, shall be found within the territories of the other Party.

Art. II. The crimes for which the extradition is to be granted are the following:

1. Murder (including assassination, parricide, infanticide, and poisoning), or attempt to murder.

2. Manslaughter.

3. Counterfeiting or altering money, or uttering counterfeit or altered


4. Forgery, counterfeiting or altering of public or private documents, including forgery, counterfeiting or altering of paper money, bank notes, or other public securities.

5. Embezzlement or larceny, comprehending any larceny that by the Netherland Penal Law is not considered as >> vol simple.<<

6. Obtaining money or goods by false pretences, including the crimes designated in the Netherland Penal Law as peculation, abstraction, or misapplication by bailies or public accountants.

7. Crimes against Bankruptcy Law which by the Netherland Penal Law are considered as fraudulent bankruptcy.

8. Perjury.

9. Rape.

10. Arson.

The extradition is also to take place for participation in any of the aforesaid crimes, provided such participation be punishable by the laws of both the Contracting Parties.

Art. III. No subject of the Netherlands, shall be delivered up by the Government of the Netherlands to the Government of the United Kingdom; and no subject of the United Kingdom shall be delivered up by the Government thereof to the Government of the Netherlands.

With reference to the application of the present Treaty, are comprised in the denomination of »subjects, not only naturalized citizens of the country, but also such foreigners as, according to the laws of either of the Contracting Parties, are assimilated to subjects, as well as such foreigners, who being domiciled in the country, and having married a citizen thereof, have one or more children by that marriage born there.

Art. IV. The extradition shall not take place if the person claimed on the part of the Government of the United Kingdom, or the person claimed on the part of the Government of the Netherlands, has already been tried and discharged or punished, or is still under trial, in the Netherlands or in the United Kingdom, respectively, for the crime for which his extradition is demanded.

If the person claimed on the part of the Government of the United Kingdom, or if the person claimed on the part of the Government of the Netherlands, should be under examination for any other crime in the Ne

therlands or in the United Kingdom, respectively, his extradition shall be deferred until the conclusion of the trial, and the full execution of any punishment awarded to him.

The extradition shall also be deferred if the person claimed should be detained for debt by a sentence passed before the requisition for the surrender under the laws of the country where he shall be found.

Art. V. The extradition shall not take place if, subsequently to the commission of the crime, or the institution of the penal prosecution, or the conviction thereon, exemption from prosecution or punishment has been acquired by laspe of time, according to the laws of the State applied to.

Art. VI. A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the offence in respect of which his surrender is demanded is one of a political character, or if he prove that the requisition for his surrender has in fact been made with a view to try or to punish him for an offence of a political character.

Art. VII. A person surrendered can in no case be kept in prison, or be brought to trial in the State to which the surrender has been made, for any other crime or on account of any other matters than those for which the extradition shall have taken place, until he has been restored or has had the opportunity of returning to the country from whence he was surrendered.

The period of one month shall be considered as the limit of the period during which the prisoner may, with the view of securing the benefits of this Article, return to the country from whence he was surrendered.

This stipulation does not apply to crimes committed after the extradition.

Art. VIII. The requisition for extradition shall be made through the Diplomatic Agents of the High Contracting Parties, respectively.

The requisition for the extradition of an accused person must be accompanied by a warrant of arrest issued by the competent authority of the State requiring the extradition, and by such evidence as, according to the laws of the place where the accused is found, would justify his arrest if the crime had been committed there.

If the requisition relates to a person already convicted, it must be accompanied by the sentence of condemnation passed against the convicted person by the competent Court of the State that makes the requisition. for extradition.

A requisition for extradition cannot be founded on sentences passed in contumaciam.

Art. IX. If the requisition for extradition be in accordance with the foregoing stipulations, the competent authorities of the State applied to shall proceed to the arrest of the fugitive.

The prisoner is then to be brought before a competent Magistrate, who is to examine him and to conduct the preliminary investigation of the case, according to the laws of the country in which he is found.

Art. X. The extradition shall not take place before the expiration

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