A History of Fundamentalism in America

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Bob Jones University Press, 1973 - 415 strani
In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, a massive attack was raised against the Bible and against its time-honored place as the verbally inspired and absolutely authoritative Word of God. Slowly but surely, that veneration was crumbling as scholars, teachers, denominational leaders, and educators within and without the Christian body joined to reject or redefine the historic truths of Christianity. This war swept away the spiritual foundations of our churches, our nation, and our heritage. In their place has come a new set of values, more scientific than scriptural, more man-centered than God-centered, more accommodating to the culture and political climate than the sound doctrine demanded by the Apostle Paul when he wrote Timothy that the time would come when they would not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3). - Introduction.

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