Slike strani
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Looney, Mathew Sylvester Augustine, D.Sc., LL.D., Ph.D., Cashel, Ireland..

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Crook, Emma Elizabeth, Paia Maui, H. I.
Driscoll, Edward Paul, Ph.G., San Francisco
Dunbar, Arthur White, San Francisco....
Elwert, Charles Philip, Ph.G., San Francisco
Fitzgibbon, Frank T., San Francisco
Ford, Campbell, Marwell.

Gibbon, James Edward, San Francisco

Iredale, Charles P., San Francisco..

Lagan, Edward, San Francisco..

Larkey, Frank X., San Francisco
Macdonald, John Munroe, Oakland
MeMurdo, John Richard, San Francisco
Milton, Joseph Leo, Oakland..

Molony, James J., Ph.G., San Francisco..

COLLEGE ADDRESS. 1932 Stockton St., S. F. .1844 Geary St., S. F. 1001 Powell St., S. F. ...913 Geary St., S. F. .....114 Oak St., S. F. .14 Frederick St., S. F. 602 Lombard St., S. F. 1820 Market St., S. F. Presidio, S. F. 1412 Post St., S. F. .6381⁄2 Valencia St., S. F. 1932 Stockton St., S. F. 2112 California St., S. F.

..101 Van Ness Ave., S. F.

.2100 Filbert St., S. F. .....114 Oak St., S. F. Stockton St., S. F.

1839 San Pablo Ave., Oakland. 410 Eddy St., S. F.



Burton, Lord L., North Yamhill, Oregon....Cor. Choate St. and Bancroft Way, Berkeley. Morse, Fred Wellington, Ph.B., San Francisco..

O'Donnell, G. W..

Oviedo, Louis P., San Francisco..

Petrie, Frank Branson, Ph.G., San Francisco.. Sanborn, F. H., Indianapolis, Indiana...

Schlenker, T. W.

Sims, John Marion, San Francisco.

Smith, Weston Olin, Addison, Vermont.....

Tyrrell, Gerrard George, Jr., Sacramento.

Van Werthern, Joseph, Ph.G., San Francisco..

Warner, James Kyle, San José..


Sacred Heart College, Eddy St., S. F. -21162 Van Ness Ave., S. F.

Wayson, James Thomas, Port Townsend, Washington.....

313 Devisadero St., S. F. .721 Franklin St., S. F. St. Mary's Hospital, S. F.

826 Powell St., S. F. 826 Powell St., S. F.




Bailey, R. J., Fort Ripley, Minn...

Caglieri, Guido E., B.S., San Francisco.

Castagnetto, Albert

Conklin, Franklin

Crees, R., Philadelphia, Pa.

Feuss, John Henry, San Francisco

Fraser, Simon James, Avondale, Prince Edward Island..

Freeman, Ernest Maynard, Newport, Nova Scotia..

Gilbride, Bernard Charles, Healdsburg.

Hooper, H., San Francisco..

Johnstone, Ernest L. K., Devon, England.

Kalliwoda, H., M.D., Athens, Ga....

Lovdal, G. B., Sacramento.

Lowe, Frederick William, Knight's Ferry.

Marconney, A.B. von B...

McCone, James Francis, B.S., Virginia City, Nev.
McMenomey, Charles..

Miller, Philip, Alameda..

Nelson, John Archibald, Sacramento..

Nicholson, Isaac Emmet, Jr., Oakland..

Ogden, George Weston, Sacramento

Rathbun, William T., Williams

.1022 Filbert St., S. F.

.117 Cedar Avenue, S. F. San Rafael. .Cor. Bay and Larkin Sts., S. F. 771 Harrison St., S. F.

219 Powell St., S. F.

826 Powell St., S. F.

Occidental Hotel, S. F.

.3110 Santa Clara Ave., Alameda.

1010 Powell St., S. F.

626 Eighth St,, Oakland. 1010 Powell St., S. F. .965 Howard St., S. F.

Russell, Annie Kerzer..

Ryer, M. B..

Schram, Lillie Bussenius, St. Helena..
Simon, Grace

Smith, Howard Sparrow, Sacramento.......
Stanton, Edward Bernard, San Francisco
Terry, Wallace Irving, B.S., Sacramento..
Tiedemann, Carl William von, New York.
Von Adelung, Edward, Jr., B.S., Oakland..
J. N. Vroom, M.D., Washingtonville, N. Y..

826 Powell St., S. F.

1001 Powell St., S. F. .1833 Mission St., S. F. 1001 Powell St., S. F. .Sixth St., S. F. .153 East Tenth St., Oakland.




Allbright, Frederick Harrison, Red Bluff..
Backman, Gotthard Sigismund, Woodland.
Bray, George Frederick I., San Francisco..
Burleson, Frank Drake, Oakland..
Erhardt, Paul Charles, San José
Heider, William T., Oakland...
Herrick, Charles Alexis, San Francisco.
Jacobs, Saul Robert, San Francisco..
Litton, Charles Ashby, San Francisco...
Lovegrove, Walter Romain, San Francisco.
Martin, George, Oakland
McCargar, Richard, Chico

Rawson, Clark Harrison, San Francisco..
Redmond, John Mathew, Santa Rosa
Rulison, David Warren, Reno, Nev..
Sharp, William Fuller, San Francisco.

Shoaff, Walter Randall, San Francisco.

Sylvester, Albert John, San Francisco

Weyer, Gustavus Adolphus, Modesto.

COLLEGE RESIDENCE. 1920 Powell St., S. F.

1106 E. Nineteenth St., Oakland.

.1500 Taylor St., S. F. ..2026 Taylor St., S. F.

1504 San Pablo Ave., Oakland. ..1324 Eddy St., S. F. 1038 McAllister St., S. F. -425 Geary St., S. F. 612 Mason St., S. F. -702 10th St., Oakland. 1803 Stockton St., S. F. -772 Stevenson St., S. F.

1803 Stockton St., S. F. -1803 Stockton St., S. F. 2519 Washington St., S. F.

.813 Polk St., S. F. ..114 Eleventh St., S. F. 826 Powell St., S. F.

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2002 Pine St., S. F. 108 Ninth St., S. F. Sacramento St., S. F.

1108 Hyde St., S. F. .1811 Dupont St., S. F. 1204 O'Farrell St., S. F.

..Cor. Bay and Larkin Sts., S. F. .235 Post St., S. F.

1512 Eighth St., Oakland. .Cor. Bay and Larkin Sts., S. F. .1461 Tenth Ave., Oakland. 1101 Van Ness Ave., S. F. ....213 Geary St., S. F. 1101 Van Ness Ave., S. F. 1811 Dupont St., S. F. 604 Eighth St., Oakland.

.628 Minna St., S. F. .702 Tenth St., Oakland. .1124 Harrison St., S. F. .1324 Eddy St., S. F. ..12031⁄2 Bush St., S. F. -7151⁄2 Army St., S. F.

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Harvey, William Alonzo, M.D., San Francisco..
Hoover, Ulysses Grant, San Francisco..
Hueter, Gustav Adolph, San Francisco

Keefe, John Joseph, San Francisco
Leithold, John Vincent, Healdsburg..

Link, Victor Alphonse, San Francisco..
Mardis, Benjamin Allen, Napa
Medros, Joseph Jason, Boston...

O'Grady, James Joseph, San Francisco.

Patterson, Frank Frederick, San Francisco....

Prosser, Sanford Stephen

Redmond, John Emmet

Rowe, Frederick William, San Lorenzo..
Schmidt, Edwin Valentine, San Francisco.
Shumate, Thomas Edward, San Francisco.
Smith, Herbert Richard.
Smith, Kirby Barnitz, Oakland

Squires, Harry James, West Berkeley.
Trask, Henry Caustin, Missouri.
Ware, John Hiram.....

.543 Franklin St., S. F. 101 Grant Ave., S. F.

.S. E. Corner Howard and Sixth Sts., S. F. -588 Seventeenth St., S. F. ....313 Ellis St., S. F. -1450 Seventh St., Oakland. .400 O'Farrell St., S. F. 1744 Market St., S. F. .1450 Seventh St., Oakland. St. Mary's Hospital, S. F. 1924 Taylor St., S. F.

126 Fifth St., S. F.

2216 Van Ness Ave., S. F. .1501 Devisadero St., S. F.

..Cor. Fourteenth St. and Broadway, Oakland.

West Berkeley. -1033 Ellis St., S. F.

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