REGISTER OF THE COLLEGE OF LETTERS, THE COLLEGES OF SCIENCE, AND THE LICK ASTRONOMICAL DEPARTMENT. PAGES 23-118. REGISTER OF THE COLLEGES OF LAW, MEDICINE, DENTISTRY, AND PHARMACY A change of calendar, whereby the academic year of the University will begin in AUGUST instead of SEPTEMBER, and will close in MAY instead of JUNE, will take effect in August, 1892. (See Calendar on page 5.) In 1892, Entrance Examinations will be held in JUNE and in AUGUST. (See Calendar on page 5.) OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. 1-COLLEGE OF LETTERS:- (c) COURSE IN LETTERS AND 4-COLLEGE OF MINING. 5-COLLEGE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 6-COLLEGE OF CHEMISTRY. 7-LICK ASTRONOMICAL DEPARTMENT. 8-COLLEGE OF LAW. 9-MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 10-COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY. 11-COLLEGE OF PHARMACY. 1891-92. BERKELEY: PUBLISHED BY THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. 1892. OFFICE DIRECTORY. IN BERKELEY. The office of the PRESIDENT is in Room No. 20, North Hall. The office of the DEAN is in Room No. 32, North Hall. The office of the RECORDER is in Room No. 21, North Hall. The office of the SECRETARY and LAND AGENT, and of the BOARD OF REGENTS is in South Hall. AT MT. HAMILTON. The address of the DIRECTOR OF THE LICK OBSERVATORY is Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, Santa Clara County, California. IN SAN FRANCISCO. The BOARD OF REGENTS meets in Room 14, Halleck Block, 320 Sansome Street. The office of the TREASURER OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS is at No. 310 Sansome Street. The office of the REGISTRAR OF THE COLLEGE OF LAW is at No. 230 Montgomery Street, Room 15. Lectures in the COLLEGE OF LAW are delivered in Old Pioneer Hall, No. 808 Montgomery Street. The office of the DEAN OF THE MEDICAL FACULTY is at No. 603 Merchant Street. The MEDICAL DEPARTMENT is situated on Stockton Street, between Chestnut and Francisco Streets, in Toland Hall. The Medical and Surgical Clinics of the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT are held at the City and County Hospital, corner Twenty-second Street and Potrero Avenue. The Dispensary Clinics of the MEDICAL DEPARTMENT are held in Toland Hall. The office of the DEAN OF THE DENTAL FACULTY is at No. 500 Sutter Street. Lectures in the COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY are delivered in the Donohoe Building, No. 18 Taylor Street, near Market Street. The office of the DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY is at No. 859 Market Street. The COLLEGE OF PHARMACY is situated at No. 113 Fulton Street, between Polk Street and Van Ness Avenue. |