In tragedy his performance seems constantly to be worse, as his labour is more. The effusions of passion, which exigence forces out, are for the most part striking and energetic ; but whenever he solicits his invention, or strains his faculties, the offspring... Dr. Johnson - Stran 60avtor: John Dennis - 1910 - 85 straniCelotni ogled - O knjigi
 | William Shakespeare - 1788 - 346 strani
...have been always some modes of gaiety preferable to others, and a writer ought to choose the best. In tragedy, his performance seems constantly to be...exigence forces out, are for the most part striking and cnergetick ; but whenever he solicits his invention, or strains his faculties, the offspring of his... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1803 - 494 strani
...have been always some modes of gayety preferable to others, and a writer ought to choose the best. In tragedy his performance seems constantly to be...exigence forces out, are for the most part striking and energetick ; but whenever he solicits his invention, or strains his faculties, the offspring of his... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1804 - 256 strani
...delicacy, nor are sufficiently distinguished from his clowns, by any appearance of refined manners. -•' In tragedy his performance seems constantly to be...solicits his invention, or strains his faculties, the effect of his throes is tumour, meanness, tediousness, and obscurity. " In narration he affects a disproportionate... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1806 - 376 strani
...however, have been always some modes of gaiety preferable to others, and a writer ought to chuse the brst. In tragedy his performance seems constantly to be...exigence forces out, are for the most part striking and energetick ; but whenever he solicits his invention, or strains his faculties, the offspring of his... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1806 - 394 strani
...have been always some modes of gaiety preferable to others, and a writer ought to choose the best. In tragedy his performance seems constantly to be worse, as his labour is more. The effusions of paslion, which exigence forces out, are for the most part striking and eiiergetick ; but whenever he... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1809 - 488 strani
...have been always some modes of gaiety preferable to ethers, and a writer ought to choose the best. In tragedy his performance seems constantly to be...strains his faculties, the offspring of his throes is tumor, meunness, tediousness, and obscurity. In narration he affects a disproportionate pomp of diction,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1809 - 390 strani
...of gaiety preferable to others, and a writer ought to choose the best. In tragedy his performances seems constantly to be worse, as his labour is more....exigence forces out, are for the most part striking and energetick ; but whenever he solicits his invention, or sustains his faculties, the offspring of his... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1809 - 394 strani
...of gaiety preferable to others, and a writer ought to choose the best. In tragedy his performances seems constantly to be worse, as his labour is more....passion, which exigence forces out, are for the most pr.rt striking and energetick ; but whenever he solicits his invention, or sustains his faculties,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1810 - 444 strani
...have been always some modes of gaiety preferable to others, and a writer ought to choose the best. In tragedy his performance seems constantly to be...exigence forces out, are for the most part striking and energetick ; but whenever he solicits his invention, or strains his faculties, the offspring of his... | |
 | Samuel Johnson, Arthur Murphy - 1810 - 488 strani
...have been always some modes of gayety preferable to others, and a writer ought to choose the best. In tragedy his performance seems constantly to be...exigence forces- out, are for the most part striking and energetick ; but whenever he solicits his invention, or strains his faculties, the offspring of his... | |
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