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“I fancy mankind may come in time to write all aphoristically, except in narration; grow weary of preparation, and connection, and illustration, and all those arts by which a big book is made." -JOHNSON.

"The greatest compliment that can be paid an author is to quote him. His merit may pass without notice, huddled in the variety of things, and thrown into the general miscellany of life.”—JOHNSON.

"Many useful and valuable books lie buried in shops and libraries unknown and unexamined, unless some lucky compiler opens them by chance, and finds an easy spoil of wit and learning."-JOHNSON.

"Classical quotation is the parole of literary men all over the world."-JOHNSON.

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“I fancy mankind may come in time to write all aphoristically, except in narration; grow weary of preparation, and connection, and illustration, and all those arts by which a big book is made.” -JOHNSON.

"The greatest compliment that can be paid an author is to quote him. His merit may pass without notice, huddled in the variety of things, and thrown into the general miscellany of life."—JOHNSON.


'Many useful and valuable books lie buried in shops and libraries unknown and unexamined, unless some lucky compiler opens them by chance, and finds an easy spoil of wit and learning."-JOHNSON.

"Classical quotation is the parole of literary men all over the world." JOHNSON.

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