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" A Manual of Palaeontology, for the Use of Students. With a General Introduction on the Principles of Palaeontology. "
Elements of Modern Geography - Stran 297
avtor: Alexander Mackay - 1872 - 297 strani
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Proceedings, Količina 10

Royal Society of Edinburgh - 1880 - 864 strani
...for Angina Pectork 8vo. Lond. 1879. Nicholson (Professor Henry Alleyne). A Manual of Palaeontology for the use of Students, with a General Introduction on the Principles of Palaeontology. 2nd edition, revised and greatly enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. 7 Nicholson (Professor H. Alleyne)...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Notes and Queries

1887 - 700 strani
...Лс. Popular Edition. Crown 8vo. 1». This day Is published, SEVENTH EDITION, REWRITTEN AND ENLARGED, A MANUAL of ZOOLOGY, for the Use of Students. With...Principles of Zoology. By HENRY ALLEYNE NICHOLSON, MDDSc. Ph.DFS8. FG8., Regius Professor of Natural History in the University of Aberdeen. Seventh Edition,...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Notes and Queries

1887 - 692 strani
...Лс. Popular Edition. Crown Svo. I>. This day Is published, SEVENTH EDITION, REWRITTEN AND ENLARGED, A MANUAL of ZOOLOGY, for the Use of Students. With...Introduction on the Principles of Zoology. By HENRY ALLEYME NICHOLSON, MDDSc. Ph.DF8.8. FGS, Regius Professer of Natural History in the University of Aberdeen...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Bibliotheca historico-naturalis et physico-chemica, oder ..., Količina 3

1880 - 348 strani
...Kretechmer etc. 2—10. Hft. Leipzig, Brockhaus. 1. Bd. 1. Abth. S. 49-432. gr. 8. ä 30 ^ Nicholson, HA, manual of zoology for the use of students. With a general introduction on the principles of zoology. 6th ed. London, Blackwoods. 840 p. 8. 14 sh. Pascoe, FP , zoological classification. A handy book of...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Popular Science Review: A Quarterly Miscellany of ..., Količina 9

James Samuelson, Henry Lawson, William Sweetland Dallas - 1870 - 496 strani almost exclusively with the history of these objects, and is by no means a made-up work, but * " A Manual of Zoology, for the Use of Students, with...Principles of Zoology." By Henry Alleyne Nicholson, MD, D.Sc. Vol. i., Invertebrate Animrtls. London: Hardwicke, 1870. a genuine and interesting record of...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Geological Magazine, Količina 16

1879 - 636 strani
...induced to undertake for the other orders of the Palaeozoic corals. III. — A MANUAL OP PALEONTOLOGY FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS, WITH A GENERAL INTRODUCTION ON THE PRINCIPLES OF PALEONTOLOGY. By HENRY ALLEYNE NICHOLSON, MD, D.Sc., Ph.D., FRSE, FGS ; Professor of Natural History...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education and University Reform ...

Sir William Hamilton - 1866 - 900 strani
...Ancient Classics for English Readers.' Crown 8vo, as. 6d. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS. 17 NICHOLSON. A Manual of Zoology, for the Use of Students. With a General Introduction on tlio Principles of Zoology. By HENRY ALI.EYNE NICHOLSON, MD, FRSE, FGS, &c., Professor of Natural History...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Records of the Geological Survey of India

Geological Survey of India - 1891 - 336 strani
...Every. 4° Oxford, 1891. NICHOLSON, Henry Alleyne, and L\VEKKs.R,Richard.— A Manual of Palaeontology for the use of students with a general introduction on the principles of PERIODICALS, SERIALS, &c. Titles of Books. Donort. Official Year. Book of the Scientific and learned...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Chips and Chapters, a Book for Amateur and Young Geologists

David Page - 1869 - 326 strani
...which supplies a real want."— Saturday Hccicw. NATUBAL HISTORY. A MANUAL OF ZOOLOGY, for the U»e of Students. With a General Introduction on the Principles of Zoology. By HENRY ALLEYNE NICHOLSON, MD, 0.Sc.,MA, PH.D., FRSE, FGS, Professor of Natural History in the University of St Andrews. Fifth Edition,...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Nature, Količina 8

Sir Norman Lockyer - 1873 - 744 strani
...TO THE STUDY OF BIOLOGY. By the same. Crown 8vo, with numerous Engravings. A MANUAL OF PALEONTOLOGY, for the use of Students. With a General Introduction on the Principles of Palaeontology. By the same. Crown 8vo, with upwards of 400 EnEXAMINATIONS IN NATURAL HISTORY ; being...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

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