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August 5, Thursday-August 10, Tuesday.-Extrance examinations at Berkeley for students to matriculate for three years' course. Permits to enter the examination room must be secured in advance from the Recorder of the Faculties at Berkeley. September 7, Tuesday.--Matriculation on credentials. Entrance examinations for two years' course begin.

September 9, Thursday.-Assignment of seats, desks, and lockers. Apparatus given out.

November 1, Monday.-Subjects of theses to be submitted to Dean. November 25, Thursday.-Thanksgiving Day: a holiday.

December 15, Wednesday.-Christmas vacation begins.


January 4, Tuesday.-College work resumed.

February 22, Tuesday.-Washington's Birthday: a holiday.

March 8, Tuesday. Senior theses to be handed in.

March 23, Wednesday.-Charter Day: a holiday in the University.

April 30, Saturday.-Last day of instruction.

May 2, Monday.-Examinations begin.

May 10, Tuesday.-Board of Regents meet to confer degrees.
May 11,Wednesday.-Commencement Day.

The California College of Pharmacy was established in 1872. Affiliated with the University of California, its internal management and nearly all its teaching have been conducted by practical and experienced pharmacists of progressive tendencies. For years it has contended for better educated and better trained graduates, and it has no thought of giving up this contention. And inasmuch as the feeling in favor of demanding a college diploma of every applicant for examination by the State Boards is growing so rapidly that several States have enacted laws imposing this condition, it is incumbent upon all students of pharmacy to observe the signs of the times and govern themselves accordingly.

The College building is situated near Golden Gate Park, is spacious, conveniently arranged and well lighted. It consists of four floors, each 50 by 150 feet, entirely devoted to pharmacy. It comprises a general lecture hall that is capable of seating one

hundred and fifty students; five laboratories-the Chemical, the Pharmaceutical, and the Pharmacognostical, Chemical Research, and the Bacteriological; also review class rooms, museum, library, and students' study room; besides offices, cloak rooms, store rooms, etc., and a large room reserved for students' recreations.

The subjects taught are Chemistry, Pharmacy, Botany, Materia Medica, Pharmacognosy, Physiology, Toxicology, and Bacteriology. The teaching includes the technique of the microscope, spectroscope, polariscope, and other instruments of precision, as well as the manipulations involved in chemical and analytical work, and in operative pharmacy. Courses of lectures are also given in Pharmacal Jurisprudence and the business side of Pharmacy.

Courses of Instruction. For the degree of Pharmaceutical Chemist the course consists of two college years of eight calendar months each. For the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy the course consists of three college years of eight calendar months each. (See requirements for admission.)

Degrees. Two degrees are conferred by the University of California upon those who satisfactorily complete the required studies in the California College of Pharmacy: (1) that of Pharmaceutical Chemist (Ph.C.), after two years' college work, and (2) that of Bachelor of Pharmacy (Phar.B.), after three years' work.

Drug Store Experience.-The California College of Pharmacy no longer demands drug store experience as a condition of graduation. Not that it does not believe in the value of such experience, but because the college should not be held to account for any experience, information, etc., which candidates for graduation may receive outside. The degree is based entirely upon the instruction given and work done at the college.

The hours of instruction are from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 m. daily, during which hours each student is expected to be in attendance. The reading room and library are open to students in the afternoons until 4 o'clock daily, and the laboratories three days a week for such work or study as they may wish to do.

Special Students.-The advantages of this college are offered to those persons who may wish to receive the instruction and perform the laboratory work, but who do not wish to take the regular course, or to comply with all the conditions required to obtain a degree. They can enter as special students in any or all of the subjects taught, by paying the fees for such as they take.

Garden of Medicinal Plants.-The San Francisco Park Commissioners have established a garden of medicinal plants in Golden

Gate Park. This important action has been brought about through the efforts of the Directors and Faculty of the California College of Pharmacy, coöperating with the Commissioners, all recognizing that the climatic conditions of San Francisco are peculiarly, favorable for such an undertaking. Over five hundred species of the more important medicinal plants are now under cultivation, and further additions are made each year. This is the first of the more comprehensive gardens of its kind in the United States, and the members of the senior class are given opportunities to study the living plants which yield drugs. The plants grown are also available for special research work on active constituents, physiological action, comparative structure, etc.

Work in Stores.-There are about 300 drug stores in San Francisco and vicinity (Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, San Rafael, etc.), and of late years practically all who wish to do relief work while attending college have done so, receiving fair compensation for the services rendered. In this way some students earn their board and carfare and others a less amount. The Dean keeps a register for the purpose of bringing employers and employees together.

The Herbert E. Law Scholarship of a full year's tuition in the graduate class is awarded each year to the student who, in the judgment of the Faculty, is most likely to do the best research work in one or more of the subjects taught in the college. Faculty Scholarship is awarded to the student who receives the highest rating in all studies.




1. Applicants must be at least eighteen years old, except in the case of graduates of high schools, of accredited schools, of normal schools, or of other institutions of a grade equal to the above, who may be admitted at seventeen years of age. (While it is advisable that students shall have had one or two years' practical training in a drug store before entering the college, it is not compulsory.) 2. Applicants will be accepted who bring any of the following credentials:

(a) Certificates of graduation from high schools.

(b) Diplomas of graduation from schools or academies accredited by the State University. (See Undergraduate Circular of the University of California.)

(c) Certificates of high standing in other institutions of col

legiate grade.

(d) Diplomas from normal schools of this State.

(e) First-grade teachers' certificates of this State.

(f) Certificate of having completed satisfactorily the second year's course in a high school in this State.

3. Applicants who do not present any of the foregoing credentials will be examined in the following branches:

(a) English. Grammar and composition.

(b) Geography.

(c) Free-hand Drawing.

(d) Arithmetic. Fundamental rules; fractions, common and
decimal; denominate numbers; percentage; propor-
tion; weights and measures, metric, apothecaries',
and avoirdupois.

(e) Algebra, to quadraties with one unknown quantity.
(f) Latin. Elementary. The applicant will be expected to
be able, with the aid of a dictionary, to translate
simple Latin sentences into English, and vice versa,
and to analyze grammatical forms.

(g) Geometry. Elementary, including mensuration of solids. An applicant who fails to pass the entrance examination may be conditioned in not more than two subjects, in which he will be reëxamined after three months. Should he again fail, his fees will be refunded, except that the sum of twenty-five dollars will be retained, which will be placed to his credit if he should return to the college and pay the balance of his fees within two years.

Applicants who desire to be matriculated without examination for the course leading to the degree of Pharmaceutical Chemist may present their credentials to the Dean at any time before the opening of the college in September. All others will present themselves for examination at the college on the first day of the session.

B. FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF PHARMACY. Applicants will be matriculated who have received a degree in Letters or Science, or who have been matriculated in the University of California, or who present a diploma from an accredited high school or other institution whose credentials will be accepted for entrance to the Colleges of Letters, Arts, or Sciences of the University. Such diplomas or credentials should be presented to the

Dean before August 5. Those who cannot present such credentials are required to take the entrance examinations at Berkeley. Applications by mail for examination permits should be sent to the Recorder of the Faculties at Berkeley. These permits must be secured in advance.

Matriculation examinations at Berkeley were held on August 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10, 1909.

The examinations will be prepared and conducted by such officers as may be appointed by the departments.


Inorganic and Didactic.



Professor GREEN.

The phenomena of changes, physical and chemical. Lectures and experiments.

The construction of chemical formulae; stoichiometry; the groups typified by the elements hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorin, and carbon, with their compounds; the chemistry of the metals, with their oxides and salts; the chemistry of inorganic materia medica.


Professor GREEN.

Organic and Didactic. Organic chemistry, lectures and laboratory work. The aliphatic hydrocarbons of the paraffin, olefine, and acetylene series; the derivatives of the open-chain hydrocarbons, riz.: the halogen derivatives, alcohols, ethers, sulphuric compounds, aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters, amins, amids, carbohydrates, carbonic acid, and cyanogen derivatives; the cyclic hydrocarbons and derivatives; organic bodies containing nitrogen, especially the alkaloids; the study and classification of the modern synthetic remedies.




Professor GREEN.

Chemical action; the chemistry of the gases; the non-metals; the manufacture of salts and acids used in pharmacy, with their doses; the properties of the metals as shown by reagents, together with the behavior of the acids; qualitative analysis.


Analytical and Experimental.

Professor GREEN.

Elementary crystallography; organic chemistry; quantitative chemical analysis; volumetric, gravimetric, and colorimetric; quantitative (gravimetric) chemical analysis and manipulation, and volumetric analysis and its application to practical pharmacy.

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