curing seawor of a ship and the master or any seaman thereof, and in every instrument crew with of apprenticeship whereby any person is bound to serve as an apprentice respect to seon board any ship, there shall be implied, notwithstanding any agree- thiness. ment to the contrary, an obligation on the owner of the ship, that the owner of the ship, and the master, and every agent charged with the loading of the ship, or the preparing thereof for sea, or the sending thereof to sea, shall use all reasonable means to insure the seaworthiness of the ship for the voyage at the time when the voyage commences, and to keep her in a seaworthy condition for the voyage during the same: Provided, that nothing in this section shall subject the owner of a ship to any liability by reason of the ship being sent to sea in an unseaworthy state where, owing to special circumstances, the so sending thereof to sea is reasonable and justifiable. 40. For the purpose of punishment, jurisdiction, and legal proceedings, Legal proceedan offence under this Act shall be deemed to be an offence under "The ings. Merchant Shipping Act, 1854." Sec. 45 repeals as from the commencement of the Act (amongst other Repeal of Acts. enactments) 17 & 18 Vict., c. 104, s. 449; 34 & 35 Vict., c. 110 (The Merchant Shipping Act, 1871), s. 11; 36 & 37 Vict., c. 85 (The Merchant Shipping Act, 1873), ss. 11, 12, 13 and 14, and 38 & 39 Vict., c. 88 (The Merchant Shipping Act, 1875). INDEX ΤΟ THE THREE VOLUMES. ABANDONING CHILDREN, i. 947 offence and punishment, ib. ABATEMENT, pleas in, i. 37 A. undue, of price of native commodities indictable, i. 350 forcible and fraudulent, of women, ib., et seq. offence at common law, i. 883 by statute, ib. for lucre, &c., i. 886 offender incapable of taking any property, i. 883 indictment, i. 886 evidence of woman carried away, i. 887 construction of the 9 Geo. 4, c. 31, s. 19, i. 886 there must be evidence of taking from motives of lucre, ib. unlawful abduction of a girl under sixteen from her parents or knowledge of defendant that girl was under ib. marriage of Royal family, i. 900 age, construction of 4 & 5 Ph. & M. c. 8 and 9 Geo. 4, c. 31 (now re- forcible abduction and sending of persons into other countries, i. 901 ABETTORS, i. 156, et seq.-See tit. AIDERS AND ABETTORS. ABORTION, murder in attempt to procure, i. 760 administering poison, &c., to cause miscarriage, &c., i. 853, et seq. procuring drugs, &c., for that purpose, ib. destroying infants in the mother's womb, i. 605, 853 ABROAD, conspiracy to murder any one abroad, i. 906 murder or manslaughter abroad, where triable, i. 14, 786 ACCEPTANCE, of a bill, forgery, ii. 819 before the fact, i. 164 who is to be so considered, ib. in murder, i. 167.-See MURDER. may be in manslaughter, i. 167 how and where to be tried, i. 175, et seq. indictment against accessory before conviction of principal, i. 180 after the fact, in murder, i. 780, et seq., 799 in manslaughter, i. 167, 810, 841 proceedings against, indictment, &c., i. 174 principal and accessory in same indictment, ib. or for a substantive felony, ib. punishment of, i. 185 accessory after may be charged with a substantive felony, i. 176 prosecution of accessories, i. 177 several charged in one indictment, ib. where trial may be, ib. offences at sea, i. 179 indicted as accessory to several, found guilty as accessory to one, the no person shall be tried more than once for the same offence of former acquittal, when a good bar, i. 182 he may be tried where principal has been convicted, though not at- he may controvert the guilt of the principal, i. 183, et seq. in what county he shall be tried, i. 177 a confession by the principal no evidence against the accessory, i. 184 letters and statements of principal, ib. in murder, i. 780, et seq. in manslaughter, i. 810, 841 in rape, i. 865 in sodomy, i. 880 in abduction of women, i. 884 in every felony under Offences against the Person Act, i. 178 in mayhem, none, i. 911 in offences respecting coin, i. 208 in cases of felo de se, i. 179 poisoning, ib. in piracy, i. 260 none in extortion, i. 396 all are principals in a riot, i. 367 ACCESSORIES, in burglary, ii. 51 in sacrilege, ii. 55 in housebreaking, ii. 58, 61 in stealing in a dwelling-house to the value of 57., ii. 64 in breaking, &c., and stealing in buildings within the curtilage, ii. 70 in robbery, ii. 82, 117 ACCESSORIES-continued. in larceny, ii. 284 in stealing from the person, ii. 285 in stealing horses, cows, sheep, &c., ii. 287 in plundering shipwrecked vessels, ii. 308 in forgery, ii. 689, 738 in malicious injuries, ii. 895 in sending threatening letters, iii. 236 include all the participes criminis, i. 156 evidence against a prisoner, iii. €00 approvement, ib. mode of admitting to give evidence, ib. principal a witness against accessory, iii. 609 accomplice's evidence alone sufficient in point of law, iii. 603 but in practice corroboration always deemed essential, ib. corroboration should be such as goes to fix the identity of the party charged, iii. 604, et seq. and to fix each prisoner, ib. confirmation by wife of accomplice insufficient, iii. 608 confirmation as to principal none as to receiver, and vice versâ, ib. where there are several accomplices, iii. 609 where confirmation is not required, ib. in cases of misdemeanor, iii. 610 where accomplice has been summarily convicted, ib. the jury may convict some and acquit others on the same accomplice's accomplice evidence for prisoner, ib. forging, ii. 819 ACCOUNTANT-GENERAL, forging signature of, ii. 805 ACCOUNTS, falsification of, ii. 883 clerk falsifying books, ii. 884 ACCUSING OF CRIMES.-See THREATS AND THREATENING LETTERS. with intent to extort property, ii. 80; iii. 231, et seq. letter accusing, ib. ACKNOWLEDGING, recognizance, bail, cognovit, &c., without authority, ii. 890 ACQUITTANCE for money, forging, ii. 819 exchequer stealing, ii. 223 AD QUOD DAMNUM, writ of, virtually abolished, i. 457 repairs of a road made in pursuance of, i. 488 ADMINISTERING poison, &c., with intent to murder, i. 911 so as to endanger life, &c., i. 915 with intent to injure, &c., ib. with intent to procure abortion, i. 853 chloroform, &c., with intent to commit offences, i. 947 attempting to administer poison, &c., i. 913 |