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" Comparison of a disputed writing with any writing proved to the satisfaction of the Judge to be genuine, shall be permitted to be made by witnesses ; and such writings, and the evidence of witnesses respecting the same, may be submitted to the Court and... "
A Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors - Stran 570
avtor: Sir William Oldnall Russell - 1877
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1874 - 1086 strani
...her master had given her (1). Section 27 of the Common Law Procedure Act, 1854, is as follows — " Comparison of a disputed writing with any writing...shall be permitted to be made by witnesses, and such writings, and the evidence of witnesses respecting the Kimc. m.iy be submitted to the Court and jury...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1856 - 532 strani
...instrument may be proved by admission, or otherwise, as if there had been no attesting witness thereto. 30. Comparison of a disputed writing with any writing...the satisfaction of the Judge to be genuine shall bo permitted to be made by witnesses ; and such writings, and the evidence of witnesses respecting...
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The Family friend [ed. by R.K. Philp].

Robert Kemp Philp - 1855 - 936 strani
...Common Law Procedure Act with respect to , disputed handwriting. It is provided by the 27th section that comparison of a disputed writing with any writing...shall be permitted to be made by witnesses, and such writings, and the evidence of witnesses respecting the same, may be submitted to the court and jury...
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Statuts de la province du Canada

Canada - 1856 - 620 strani
...may be proved by admission or otherwise, as if there had been no attesting witness thereto. CLXIV. Comparison of a disputed writing with any writing...shall be permitted to be made by witnesses ; and such writings and the evidence, of witnesses respecting the same, may be submitted to the Court and Jury,...
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The Irish Jurist, Količina 6

1854 - 836 strani
...ment may be proved by admission, or otherwise, as if there had been no attesting witness thereto. 28. Comparison of a disputed writing with any writing...judge to be genuine shall be permitted to be made by wtnesses ; and such writings, and the evidence ot witnesses respecting the same may be submitted I...
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The Common Law Procedure Act, 1854, 17 & 18 Vict. C.125, Količina 473

John Thompson (Barrister-at-law) - 1854 - 214 strani
...trial, that the deficiency may be supplied. 27. Comparison of a disputed writing with any comparison writing proved to the satisfaction of the judge to...shall be permitted to be made by witnesses ; and such writings, and the evidence of witnesses respecting the same, may be submitted to the court and jury...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Legal Observer, and Solicitors' Journal

1854 - 1060 strani
...effecting Alterations in the Law. otherwise, as if there had been no attesting witness thereto. 27. Comparison of a disputed writing with any writing...the satisfaction of the Judge to be genuine shall he permitted to be made by witnesses ; and such writings, and the evidence of witnesses respecting...
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The Common Law Procedure Act, 1854, (17 & 18 Vict. Cap. 125), with Practical ...

Robert Malcolm Kerr - 1854 - 270 strani
...accordingly suggested an alteration in the rule of law, and their recommendation has been adopted. Comparison of a disputed writing with any writing...proved to the satisfaction of the judge to be genuine, may now be made by witnesses ; and such writings, and the evidence of witnesses respecting the same,...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Legal Observer, and Solicitors' Journal, Količina 47

1854 - 532 strani
...may be proved by admission, or otherwise, as if there had been DO attesting witness thereto ; e. 24. Comparison of a disputed writing with any writing...proved to the satisfaction of the Judge to be genuine (and, if sought to be used by the party in whose handwriting it is, further prored to have been written...
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The Common Law Procedure Act, 1854: With Treatises on Injunction and Relief ...

Henry Thurstan Holland, Thomas Chandler, Charles Edward Pollock - 1854 - 380 strani
...of writing of a particular word, but to prove a peculiar mode of spelling a word.) But, henceforth, any writing, proved to the satisfaction of the Judge to be genuine, may be used for the purpose of comparison, and submitted to the jury. The Common Law Commissioners...
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