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" ... notice in writing of such appeal, and of the cause and matter thereof, within three days after such conviction and seven clear days at the least before such sessions, and shall also either remain in custody until the sessions, or enter into a recognizance... "
A Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors - Stran 658
avtor: Sir William Oldnall Russell - 1877
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A Treatise on Crimes and Indictable Misdemeanors, Količina 1

Sir William Oldnall Russell - 1826 - 780 strani
...conviction, for the county, riding, or division wherein the cause of complaint shall have arisen ; provided that such person shall give to the complainant...three days after such conviction, and seven clear days ¡it the least before such sessions, and shall also either remain in custody until the sessions, or...
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British Farmer's Magazine, 43. izdaja

1862 - 602 strani
...of complaint ahall have arisen, provided that such perion shall give to the complainant a notice iu writing of such appeal, and of the cause and matter...days at the least before such sessions, and shall, within three days, enter into a recognizance, or bond of caution in Scotland, with a sufficient surety,...
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A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law: Comprising the ..., Količina 2

Joseph Chitty - 1826 - 132 strani
...Conviction, for the County, Riding, or Division wherein the Cause of Complaint shall have arisen ; provided that such Person shall give to the Complainant...Cause and Matter thereof, within Three Days after such Conviciion, and Seven clear Days at the least before such Sessions, and shall also either remain in...
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A Treatise on Crimes and Indictable Misdemeanors, Količina 1

William Oldnall Russell - 1826 - 788 strani
...conviction, for the county, riding, or division wherein the cause of complaint shall have arisen ; provided that such person shall give to the complainant...notice in writing of such appeal, and of the cause aud matter thereof, within three days after such conviction, and seven clear days at the least before...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1826 - 668 strani
...Complaint shall have arisen, not less than Twelve Days after the Day of such Conviction, such Person giving to the Complainant a Notice in Writing of such Appeal and of the Cause and Notice of ApMatter thereof, within Three Days after such Conviction, and peal. Seven clear Days at...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in ...

Great Britain - 1826 - 662 strani
...Complaint shall have arisen, not less than Twelve Days after the Day of such Conviction, such Person giving to the Complainant a Notice in Writing of such Appeal and of the Cause and Notice of ApMatter thereof, within Three Days after such Conviction, and peal. Seven clear Days at...
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A Collection of the Law Statutes, Passed for the Administration of Criminal ...

John Tidd Pratt - 1827 - 210 strani
...arisen; provided that such Notice in writing to person shall give to the complainant a notice beg've". in writing of such appeal, and of the cause and matter...also either remain in custody until the sessions, or enter into a recognizance with two sufficient sureties before a justice of the peace, conditioned personally...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1827 - 642 strani
...Conviction, for the County, Riding, or Division wherein the Cause of Complaint shall have arisen ; provided that such Person shall give to the Complainant...Days after such Conviction, and Seven clear Days' at at the least before such Sessions, and shall also either remain in Custody until the Sessions, or enter...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in ...

Great Britain - 1827 - 638 strani
...such Conviction, for the County, Riding, or Division wherein the Cause of Complaint shall have arisen; provided that such Person shall give to the Complainant...Cause and Matter thereof, within Three Days after euch Conviction, and Seven clear Days • • at at the least before such Sessions, and shall also...
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The Criminal Statutes of England: Analysed, and Arranged Alphabetically ...

John Collyer - 1828 - 700 strani
...conviction, for the county, riding, or division wherein the cause of cumplaint shall have arisen ; provided that such person shall give to the complainant...also either remain in custody until the sessions, or enter into a recognizance with two sufficient sureties before a justice of the peace, conditioned personally...
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