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lightning, occur during these months about once its improvement. The lands on each side of the St. a-week, or every ten days, which generally shift the Lawrence, and of the rivers which fall into its chanwind to the NW, and produce for a short time an nel, for a space of nearly 300 m. in length, extending agreeable coolness. The nights at this season ex- from 90 m. below Quebec to 30 m. above Montreal, ceed in splendour the most beautiful ones in Europe. were granted, in extensive lots called seigneuries, to To portray them in their true colours, would require officers in the army, and such other individuals as more than any language can accomplish, or any possessed interest to procure them, and who thus bepencil, but that of imagination, can execute." The came seigneurs or lords of the territory. These tenwinter, although very severe, is not without its en- ures were entirely of a feudal nature, held immedijoyments. The Canadians always take advantage ately of the king; and, upon every transfer of the of this season to visit their friends at a distance. property, the new purchaser paid a fifth part of the By means of curioles, or sledges, they transport value to the receiver-general, who gave a receipt themselves over the snow in a most agreeable man- upon the title, and by this act invested him with the ner, and with a degree of swiftness that appears possession. Each of these seigneuries occupied from almost incredible; for with the same horse, they 100 to 500 sq. m.; and the proprietors were bound will go 80 miles a-day,-so light is the draught of to concede them in smaller lots to settlers, upon these vehicles, and so favourable is the snow to the certain conditions. These lots were very narrow feet of the horse. "Many of these are very hand- in front, seldom extending along the course of the some, ornamented with rich furs, and drawn by fine river more than 3 acres. but they stretched a conhorses, with showy harness, set off by high hoops siderable way, generally 80 acres, into the country. with silver bells on the saddles, rosettes of ribbon or These grants, or concessions, were of a feudal charglass, and streamers of coloured horse hair on the acter; the grantees were the vassals of their lords, bridles; while the gay chirping sound of the bells, as the lords were the vassals of the king. It was and the nice crisp sound of the runners of the sleigh seldom that any price was given by way of purchase through the new snow, have a very cheerful effect. money for these lots; and the rent paid by each tenant Ladies' dress in winter does not undergo so great a was very inconsiderable, frequently not more than transformation as that of men; all wear muffs and three livres, (2s. 6d.) a-year, besides a bushel of wheat boas, certainly, but their bonnets and pelisses are and a couple of fowls. But the seigneur derived much like those worn in England. Men always a handsome revenue, partly from these trifling rents, wear fur caps, often with large flaps down over their partly from the fees received at his mills, to which cheeks, enormous pea-jackets or blanket coats, with his tenants were bound to bring their grain, and India-rubber shoes or moccassins of moose skin, or partly from the fine due to him upon every transfer thick cloth boots, with high leggings. In the very of the lots by sale or long lease. There were about cold weather they often wear coats of buffalo, or 100 of these seigneuries in Lower C., all subject to other skins, and move about like some great wild French law. By the customs of Paris,'-as the animal, with nothing to be seen of the human form French laws of Č. were termed-the lords, poor as but a blue nose and a pair of red eyes. Although they were, holding immediately of the crown, gave the temp. is usually kept very high within doors, by out portions of their seigneuries to other lords, who means of stoves, people never seem to suffer by sud-again gave out to others some of these lands, all den transition to the extreme cold of the open air. which were subdivided into such small parts as not The great dryness of the air preserves them from to be capable of further severance; and so these lands danger. In the very low temp., a razor may be ex- have descended ever since, so that now these subdiposed all night to the air without contracting a stain visions of property are a source of the greatest diffiof rust. Colds are much less frequent in winter than culty. One might read in a C. newspaper an adverin summer. The winter-markets at Quebec are very tisement offering for sale 1-300th part of one of these curious; everything is frozen. Large pigs, with the lordships. It was quite a common thing to see and peculiarly bare appearance which that animal pre- hear of a third, of a seventh, or of a half of a sixth, sents when singed, stand in their natural position on and so on in such a way as made it quite impossible their rigid limbs, or upright in corners, killed, per- for any one to know what suit, or service, or fines, he haps, months before. Frozen masses of beef, sheep, was to owe. Each possession owed various services deer, fowls, cod, haddock, and eels, long and stiff, and duties, all of a most vexatious description. like walking-sticks, abound in the stalls. The farmers "Can a law," it has been asked, "which, along the have a great advantage in this country, in being able whole coast of the St. Lawrence, so far as it is directly to fatten their stock during the abundance of the open to the sea, would keep every acre of real estate summer; and, by killing them at the first cold wea- subject to the payment of a heavy tax on all imther, they keep frozen, to be disposed of at their provement, to a seigneur who does nothing to impleasure during the winter. Milk is kept in the prove it,- -can such a law, by any skill of man, be same manner, and sold by the pound, looking like kept in force for ever? All land held under the lumps of white ice." [Hochelaga.] seigneurial tenure is burdened with a yearly payment of a fixed irredeemable rental-cens et rentes-to the seigneur, often light, but not unfrequently the reverse. Whenever it is sold, a twelfth part of the purchase-money is due to this same seigneur, in the shape of lods et ventes. Thus, if a man buy land for 1,000 dollars, and in a year or two improve or build upon it to the value of 20,000 dollars, it will cost him the twelfth part of that sum to dispose of what he has just spent so much to get. If he had made no improvements, he might have sold again for the twelfth part of his first 1,000 dollars, the cost at which his unimproving predecessor parted with it. Let an estate change hands often, and its whole value is soon gone, in successive twelfths to the do-nothing seigneur. The seigneuries extend all along both banks of the St. Lawrence, and for miles back on

Soil and Cultivation.] The northern parts of L. Canada are too barren to be cultivated with any success; and, even in the neighbourhood of Quebec, the crops of grain seldom exceed 12 bushels to the acre. The settlements of this prov. are chiefly on the banks of the St. Lawrence; the soil of which gradually improves as you ascend the river. Wheat is sown early in May, and is generally ripe by the end of August. Maize is also grown, and a little tobacco. The grass land is good, even as low as Quebec. Good arable land, in the best situations, sells for £5 per acre; indifferent land for 4 or 5 dollars; wood land for 2 dollars. When the French commenced their settlements in C., the country presented the appearance of one vast unbounded forest; and great privileges were bestowed on the colonists to encourage them to attempt

each side, till we get beyond Montreal, the head of all navigation from over sea: on both sides of the Richelieu almost to the province-line, or outlet of Lake Champlain: and for some distance up most of the other considerable rivers of the province: in a word, everywhere where trade and enterprise have the best field offered them by nature. There is a law in force-an act of the British parliament by the way, and most vehemently complained against by the French Canadian assembly-providing a means for getting rid of this tenure; but unluckily it put the cart before the horse, by requiring the seigneur to move first in each case; and the said cart has stood remarkably still on the strength of it. There is an ordinance, too, just passed by the special council, for the emancipation of the city and island of Montreal; but, from some of its provisions, it may be doubted whether the procedure under it will not prove much too tedious for the exigencies of the case. What those exigencies are, may be readily inferred from the fact, that the city of Montreal, among the very oldest European settlements on the continent, and with natural advantages probably inferior to those of no other site in North America, New York and New Orleans hardly excepted, ranks with the third or fourth-rate cities of the Union. By nature the seaport of a territory only less than the great valley of the Mississippi, having water-power easily available. and enough to cover her island with the mills and factories it might keep at work,—with a denser rural population round her than surrounds any other city on the continent for the same distance,-and with no serious natural difficulty in the way of the extension of her trade in any direction whatever,-this city has a population of little more than 30,000 souls, and the whole island on which it stands, 32 m. long, and 10 m. broad at its widest part, city and country together, numbers only about 50,000!"-After the conquest of C. by the British arms, those parts of the lower prov. which had not been previously granted as seigneuries were surveyed, divided into townships, and granted to individuals to be held by the English tenure of free and common soccage. These townships are in general divided into lots of above 200 acres each. The first step of a settler in the process of cultivation, is to build a log-hut, and open a road of communication with the nearest neighbours. He next proceeds to clear the land of wood; and this is done in various ways. One mode is, to cut down the timber, dig out the roots, and then burn the whole in heaps upon the ground, which, when thus laid open, is soon covered with vegetation, and capable of grazing cattle; but this method, besides being very tedious, is attended with great expense, and costs about 30s. per acre. A more simple and economical, and, at the same time, equally successful plan, is to cut down and burn the trees; and, after turning up the earth with a hoe or harrow, to sow the spaces between the standing roots. A third method is to set fire to the growing wood, to stop the growth of the larger trees by cutting a deep circle in the bark, to sow the interstices with grain, and to remove the decayed timber at leisure. In clearing the ground, however, a certain portion of wood is always left standing, for supplying fuel and other domestic purposes; and these stripes of forest, while they serve as boundaries between the different lots, contribute to give to the cultivated districts a wooded appearance. With the exception of a few cases, the French Canadians are very deficient in agricultural skill. In consequence of the peculiar tenures before mentioned, their farms are generally small, and their capitals limited. They are also generally ignorant of recent improvements, inclined to indolent habits, and strongly averse to any innovations. It is only

of late years, and to a small extent, that they hav begun to adopt the application of manure, the rotation of crops, and the use of artificial grasses, or to employ the marl which is found in considerable quantities on the shores of the St. Lawrence. Their general practice was to plough the same field, and sow the same grain, twenty times over; while their only remedy for land exhausted in this manner, was to leave it fallow for a few years.

Population.] The pop. of C., when it fell into the hands of the British, in 1760, amounted, according to General Murray's report, to 71,000 inhabitants; but the extensive province of Upper C. was not then inhabited by Europeans. According to a census taken in 1814, the pop. of Lower C. amounted to 335,000, of whom 275,000 might be called native Canadians; the remainder being a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, and Americans. In 1844 it contained a pop. of 699,806, of whom 524.000 were of French origin. The rate of increase appears to be only about 17,500 per annum. The greater part of the French pop. is confined to the northern branch of the St. Lawrence, from Montreal to Quebec.

The habitans or French settlers "are usually tall and slender, of sinewy build, and with a dark brown complexion; the girls are black eyed, and disposed to be beautiful; while the women are always dumpy, but good-looking. Their dress is similar to that of the French peasantry; the men wear the old-fashioned capote on their heads, every variety of fantastic caps and hats, jackets or mantelets, which are made of bright colours, and on

and on their feet a mocassin made of cow-hide; the women wear the heads either a cap or a straw hat, made in the gipsy fashion. Occasionally they make an effort to imitate the English in their dress, and at such times invariably appear ridiculous. As a class they are devoted principally to agriculture." [Lanman.]

The landholders, among the old French settlers, are described as strongly attached to ancient prejudices; but honest, inoffensive, and very hospitable. "Indeed," says Grey, "you need never be at a loss for a house to stop at. There is not a farmer, shopkeeper, nay, nor even seigneur, or country-gentleman, who, on being civilly applied to for accommodation, will not give you the best bed in the house, and every accommodation in his power." settlers, contrasted with that of the British or American settlers,

The following character of the descendants of the old French from the pen of Volney, himself a Frenchman, is little favourable to his countrymen as settlers or colonists: "The American settler, of English or German descent, naturally cold and phlegmatic, sedately forms a plan of managing a farm. He turns his mind,

not ardently, but without ceasing, to every thing conducive to its formation or improvement. If, as some travellers have laid to his charge, he becomes idle, it is not till he has obtained the object of his pursuit, or what he considers as a competency. The Frenchman, on the contrary, with his troublesome and restless activity, is led by enthusiasm or some sudden fit to undertake a project of which he has calculated neither the expense nor the difficulties. More ingenious, perhaps, he rallies the slowness of his German or English rival, which he compares to that of the ox; but the German or the Englishman will answer, with his cool good sense, that the slowness of the ox is better adapted to the plough than the fire of the mettlesome racer. And, in fact, it often happens, that the Frenchman, after having done, corrected, and altered what he had begun, and harassed his mind with desires and fears, is at length disgusted, and relinquishes the whole. The American settler, slow and silent, does not rise very early; but, when he has once risen, he spends the whole of the day in gives orders to his wife, who receives them with coldness and an uninterrupted series of useful labours. At breakfast, he coldly timidity, and obeys them without contradiction. If the weather be fair, he goes out, ploughs, fells trees, makes fences, or the like: barn, and stables; repairs the doors, windows, or locks; drives if it be wet, he takes an inventory of the contents of his house, nails, makes chairs or tables; and is constantly employed in making his habitation secure, convenient, and neat. With these dispositions, sufficient to himself, he will sell his farm, if opporunity offer, and retire into the woods, 30 or 40 m., to form a new settlement. There he will spend years in felling trees; making for himself, first a hut, then a stable, then a barn; clearing the ground and sowing it, &c. His wife, patient and serious as himself, will second his endeavours on her part, and they will remain

sometimes six months, without seeing the face of a stranger; but at the expiration of four or five years, they will have acquired an estate that insures a subsistence to their family. The French settler, on the contrary, rises early in the morning, if it were only to talk of it. He consults his wife on what he shall do, and listens to her advice. It would be a miracle if they were always of the same opinion; the wife argues, opposes, disputes; the husSometimes his house is irksome to him, and he takes his gun, band insists upon or yields the point, is irritated or disheartened. goes a shooting, or a journey, or to chat with his neighbours.

At other times he stays at home, and spends his time in talking

with good humour, or in quarrelling and scolding." -"This alone," adds Volney, "is one of the most distinguishing and characteristic features of the two nations; accordingly, the more I reflect on the subject, the more I am persuaded that the domestic silence of the British Americans is one of the radical causes

customs of Paris,' was given to the colony, and a council-of-state was established in the capital. This council consisted of the governor, the bishop, the intendant, 4 counsellors chosen by these 3, a procuraof their industry, activity, and success in agriculture, commerce, tor-general, and a chief secretary. But this constiand the arts; and the same applies to the English, Dutch, and other people of the north, from whom they are descended. In tution subsequently underwent various alterations. silence they concentrate their ideas, and have leisure to combine The number of counsellors was gradually increasedi them, and make accurate calculations of their expenses and reto 12; and the subaltern judges to so great a multiturns. They acquire more clearness in their thoughts, and contude that a litigious spirit began to prevail among sequently in their expression. Hence there is more decision in their conduct, both public and private, and it is more to the point. the colonists, from the influence of which they have On the contrary, the Frenchman, with his perpetual domestic continued to suffer even to the present day.-During chattering, evaporates his ideas, submits them to contradiction, the first four years after the conquest of C. by the excites around him the tattling of women, backbiting, and quarrels with his neighbours; and finds at length he has squandered British, it was divided into three military governaway his time, without any benefit to himself or his family." ments; and the officers of the army acted in the The antagonism between the French and English settlers, thus not- double capacity of commanders and judges. The ed and lamented by Volney, many years ago, is still apparent to the latest observers. Sir Charles Lyell thus sketches the contrast laws of England, however, were soon established in in taste and habits between the two races even in the S part the prov.; and its criminal code, particularly, was of the United States: "I observed that all whose native tongue speedily experienced to be an inestimable benefit in was English were indignant at the small value which the captain seemed to set on their time; but the Creole majority, who spoke comparison with the summary proceedings under the French, were in excellent humour. A party of them was always French system. But the English civil laws were playing whist in the cabin, and the rest looking on. When sum- not received with equal approbation by the old colomoned to disembark at their respective landings, they were in no nists; and, in 1774, an act of the British legislature haste to leave us, wishing rather to finish the rubber. The contrast of the two races was truly diverting, just what I had seen restored to their place the old coutumes de Paris. A in C. Whenever we were signalled by a Negro, and told to halt council was at the same time appointed, consisting of 'till master was ready,' I was sure to hear some anecdote from the lieutenant-governor, the chief-justice, the secrean Anglo-Saxon passenger in disparagement of the Creoles. My attention was next called to the old-fashioned make of the French tary of the prov., and 20 other members chosen indifploughs. On this river [the Mississippi], as on the St. Law-erently from the French and British residents. This rence,' said an American, the French had a fair start of us by council was invested both with legislative and exemore than a century. They obtained possession of all the richest cutive authority, and power to perform every act of lands, yet are now fairly distanced in the race. When they get into debt, and sell a farm on the highest land next the levee, they government except that of imposing taxes. This ar do not migrate to a new region farther W, but fall back some- rangement, however, was not greatly relished, either where into the low grounds near the swamp. There they retain by the British emigrants, who found themselves deall their antiquated usages, seeming to hate innovation. To this day they remain rooted in those parts of Louisiana where the prived of some of the most valuable privileges which mother-country first planted her two colonies two centuries ago, they had enjoyed in their own country, or by the and they have never swarmed-off, or founded a single new set- native Canadians, who had begun to relish the adtlement. They never set up a steam-engine for their sugarmills, have taken no part in the improvement of steam naviga- vantages of a free government.-In 1791-2, the tion, and when a railway was proposed in Opelousas, they op- colony was divided into two provinces, the Upper posed it, because they feared it would let the Yankees in upon and Lower; and a legislative council and an assemthem. One of the passengers had been complaining to me that bly were constituted in each. The council of the a Creole always voted for a Creole candidate at an election, however much he differed from him in political opinions, rather than upper province consisted of at least 7 members, support an Anglo-Saxon of his own party. I could not help and that of the lower of 15; which numbers, howsaying that I should be tempted to do the same, if I were of ever, might be augmented at the king's pleasure. French origin, and heard my race as much run down as I had These were summoned by the governor, under the done since I left the Balize. A large portion of the first French settlers in Louisiana came from C., and I have no doubt Gayarre royal authority, and were nominated for life. The is right in affirming that they have remained comparatively sta- house-of-assembly in Lower C. consisted of 50 memtionary, because they carried out with them, from the mother bers, and in Upper C. of 16, chosen by the freecountry, despotic maxims of government, coupled with extreme intolerance in their religious opinions. The bigotry which checked holders in the towns and counties. In counties, the growth of the infant colony was signally displayed when electors required to be possessed of landed property Louis XIV. refused to permit 400 Huguenot families, who had to the clear yearly value of 40 shillings or upwards; fled to 8 Carolina, after the revocation of the edict of Nantes, to be incorporated among the new settlers of the Mississippi. Not- and, in the towns, of a dwelling-house and lot of withstanding the marked inclination of the Anglo-Saxons to seek ground to the yearly value of £5 sterling; or to have no other cause than that of race to account for the alleged sta- paid, for one year at least, a rent of £10 per annum. tionary condition of the Creoles, I was glad to find that one of The house-of-assembly was elected for four years at the most intelligent citizens of New Orleans took a more hopeful and less fatalist view of the matter. I observe,' he said, that most; but subject to be dissolved before the terminathose French emigrants who have come out to us lately, espe- tion of the full period. The governor, together with cially the Parisians, are pushing their way in the world with as such of the executive council as were appointed by much energy as any of our race; so I conclude that the first settlers in Canada and Louisiana quitted Europe too soon, before the king for the affairs of each province, acted as a the great revolution of 1792 had turned the Frenchman into a court of civil jurisdiction for hearing and determinprogressive being. Among the Creoles with whom I came in ing appeals; and the governor was styled Governorcontact, I saw many whose manners were most polite and agreeable, and I felt as I had done towards the Canadian 'habitans, general of the British provinces in North America; that I should have had more pleasure in associating with them but each of the four provinces had a lieutenant-gothan with a large portion of their Anglo-American rivals, who, vernor, who, in the absence of the governor-general, had all the powers of chief magistrate.

from a greater readiness to welcome new ideas, are more likely to improve, and will probably outstrip them in knowledge and power."

III. OF CANADA IN GENERAL.] We shall now devote a few paragraphs to some general notices of the entire province of C. which could not be conveniently arranged under either of the special heads of the Upper and Lower prov.

The government above traced has undergone several modifications of late years; and on the 23d July, 1840, an act was passed for the re-union of the provinces of Upper and Lower C., which are governed by a governor appointed by the Crown, assisted by a legislative council, and house-of-assembly; the former answering to the house-of-lords, the latter to the Government.] Previous to the year 1664, the su-house-of-commons in the British constitution. The preme authority in C. was entirely military; and the will of the governor was the sole fountain of justice. At that early period, a code of laws, founded upon the practice in Paris, and hence called 'the

governor gives or refuses his assent to bills originating either in the council or assembly; but this assent or refusal must be signified within two years of the time when the bill is presented. The governor trans

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mits copies of such bills as have been passed; and his majesty may confirm or annul them within two years after such official information. In addition to these powers, he appoints the speaker of the legislative council; all the various functionaries of the internal government (judges, revenue-collectors, justices of the peace, militia and police officers, &c.); he exercises certain portions of the Crown's power in the government of the church, in presenting Protestant incumbents to parsonages, rectories, &c.; in virtue of his office of providing for defence against exterior attacks, he has the control over the British troops in the country, and the militia; he remits or carries into execution sentences of death; he may remit or commate fines, &c.-The executive council, corresponding to the privy council of England, consists of 12 members. Its office is to supply the governor-necessarily a stranger-with such information regarding persons and local affairs as is necessary to enable him to discharge the duties of his office. To this body are delegated the powers of the treasury. But the Canadians demand the immediate cession to the house-of-assembly of the whole public revenues of the province, from whatever source derived, without any preliminary stipulation for a civil list, or even for the continuance of a few life-charges created on the hereditary portion of those revenues, before the cession of her majesty's right to them was contemplated by government. The members of the legislative council, or upper house, are appointed and summoned by the governor under the queen's authority. They are not to be under 20 in number. These members continue in office during life, unless their place is forfeited by four years' continued absence, or by swearing allegiance to a foreign power. Their qualification consists in being seised as of freehold in lands or tenements of the clear value of £500.— The house-of-assembly, or lower house of parliament, consists of 84 members, who are chosen by the freeholders in the towns and counties, each province returning 42. The qualification of electors remains the same as above-noted, and includes nearly every active male. The legislative council and house-of-assembly must meet at least once every year; and the same assembly continues four years, unless sooner dissolved by the governor. The forms of business are nearly the same as in the British parliament; the proceedings and reports are in the English language; and every matter is decided by a majority of votes. Her majesty has power to authorize the governor to appoint the time and place of the meetings of the Council and assembly, and to prorogue or dissolve when he shall think proper. On the union of Upper and Lower C., Montreal, from its centrical position, was made the seat of government; but this measure was very unpopular with the British settlers. In consequence of the outrageous proceedings of a party in Montreal styling themselves loyalists,' who publicly assaulted the governor-general, and set fire to the parliament-house, on the 26th of April, 1849, the seat of government was transferred to Toronto in Upper C.; and it is understood that this arrangement has been definitively settled.

Judiciary.] There are independent supreme courts in Quebec and Montreal,-the court of Queen's bench for the district of Quebec, and the court of Queen's bench for the district of Montreal. The former consists of the chief-justice of the province, and 3 junior judges; the latter of the chief-justice of Montreal, and 4 junior judges. A court of Queen's bench for Upper C. is held at Toronto. There is an admiralty court in which a single judge-who is also one of the judges of the court of Queen's bench-presides. The two courts of Queen's bench have each a civil and criminal side, and despatch all business not included

in the jurisdiction of certain petty courts. There is a provincial court at Three Rivers, over which a single judge presides; and similar courts at Gaspé and at St. Francis. From all these courts, with the excep tion of the admiralty court, there is an appeal in civil cases to the court of appeals at Quebec, which is composed of the governor or lieutenant-governor, two or more members of the executive council, and the chief-justice of Montreal,-any 5 of these form a court; but the judge from whom appeal is made is unable to sit on the trial of the appeal. All the judges are appointed by the governor; and there is a graduated scale of appointments, by which the younger judges are maintained in a state of expectancy of more important and lucrative situations. | The salaries of the various officials are as under:

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Revenue.] There are no direct taxes raised in C., except on licenses for retailing spirits. The revenue, arising chiefly from the duties of customs, yielded £206,000 in 1835, and £182,000 in 1836. average is £194,000. But, adding about £6,000 for sales of land and licenses to cut timber, the whole amounts to £200,000 gross receipts, and in currency, or £170,000 in British money. The taxes paid by the Canadians, therefore, amount only to 5s. 3d. per head, which does not amount to one-tenth part of the sum taken from the pockets of their fellow-subjects in Britain, and is even less by one-half than what is paid by the Americans in their neighbourhood. Of these taxes, too, a part comes back to them; for the civil government does not absorb one-half, and the residue is applied to the support of schools, and to other purposes for which a local tax would have been more appropriate. The Canadians, moreover, are so happy as not to pay for their own defence; Britain sustains that charge herself. In 1832, it was £208,000, and must be more now. Her generosity, indeed, goes much farther: she has disbursed about £2,000,000 within the last twelve years, on public works, chiefly

on the Rideau and Welland canal.

Religious establishments.] When under the domi nion of France, the inhabitants of C. universally professed the Roman Catholic religion, and the Jesuits were possessed of immense wealth in this country. In 1793, his Britannic Majesty erected the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada into a bishop's see. The bishop had the title of Bishop of Quebec. In 1839, the prov. of Upper C. was created a bishopric under the

Bishop of Toronto. New settlers repairing to C. are encouraged by government to take out with them ministers of whatever denomination they choose; and 100 acres of ground is appropriated by government for the support of every such minister, which is cultivated for him by his flock. In Lower C., the great majority of the inhabitants profess the Roman Catholic religion. The annual expense of the ecclesiastical establishments in Lower C. is about £6,500. The bishop of Quebec has £2,000; the Catholic archbishop at Quebec, £1,000; the ministers of the Presbyterian churches at Quebec and Montreal, £50 each; and their brethren | at Argentuil, £100.

Emigrants.] C. offers an excellent field to emigrants of industrious habits and accustomed to country life and labour; for artisans and mechanics the prospects of employment are not quite so good. But with perhaps a few exceptions," says an intelligent settler, there will not be a family of emigrants to C., when ample scope is given to their labour and industry, but will, in the space of two or three years, be enabled to clothe their families with English manufactures." The emigration to C. and the United States for 12 years, from 1829 to 1841, was as follows:


United States.

















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cleared farms will range from 20 to 30 dollars per acre, according to situation, &c.; and wild land at from 10 to 12-with the exception of the townships of York, Toronto, and Scarborough, in which the uncleared land is valuable for the wood, on account of their vicinity to Toronto. In the northern townships of the district, wild land may be bought at from 1 to 4 dollars per acre, and cleared at from 10 to 15 dollars. In the Huron district prices vary according to locality, with the exception of the two government townships, Ashfield and Wawanosh, where all the land (wild) is rated at 8s. currency. In the back townships between the Thames and Lake Erie, and also in those on Bear creek, land of fine quality may be purchased at from 1 to 3 dollars. On the river St. Clair there is but little wild land, at least close to the river, and that is worth 10 dollars per acre, the wood being in demand for the steamboats. In the townships of Plympton and Warwick, wild land of the best quality is to be bought at from 2 to 3 dollars per acre. By cleared farms is generally understood those which have from 70 to 80 acres cleared out of 100, and it is for such farms that these prices are calculated; and of course the price will always vary according to the quantity of land cleared and under cultivation, and the value of the buildings. Comparatively few British emigrants settle in Lower C.

Indian population.] As the country is far from being completely settled, the ground already laid out in farms being only about one-tenth of that still lying in woods, the number of Indians is still considerable. In 1841, the Indians resident in Upper C. were returned at 11,143. All the various tribes of Indians inhabiting the British possessions in North America, and the back settlements of the States, have a strong resemblance to each other, in their general manners and customs. Their progress in civilization-if one may so speak, where so little progress has actually been made-is everywhere the same; they are all in that primary state of soci

The emigration from 1842 to 1848 was as follows: ety which by philosophers has been called the state

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of hunters. It is certainly a singular fact, that a race of men should thus have continued for ages stationary in a state of the rudest barbarism, without exhibiting, notwithstanding their intercourse with Europeans, the slightest tendency to improvement.

Animals.] The greater part of the animals peculiar to North America are found within the bounds of C. Of buffaloes there are three kinds: the buffalo properly so called, the musk-bull, and the bison. The buffalo has a striking resemblance to the common ox, both in its appearance and in its habits: nevertheless, it is said to be a species entirely distinct. It is larger than an ox, high upon the shoulders, and deep through the breast. The flesh is used as beef; the hide makes good leather; and the hair, which is woolly, has been manufactured into a kind of coarse cloth.-The musk-bull is so called from a strong smell of musk of which its flesh cannot be divested. It has a hump on its shoulders, and very long hair of a dusky red colour. They herd together, abound chiefly in rocky and mountainous countries, and ascend the steeps with much agility.—The bison, though more unlike the ox than the buffalo, is nevertheless found to be of the same species with the former. It is larger than the domestic ox, and has a bunch on the back which is covered with long woolly hair.-There are several varieties of the deer kind in this country. The great stag, or round

Average, All lands in the possession of the Crown, with very few exceptions, are sold at 8s. currency per acre, which may be paid for either in cash or scrip. This scrip is usually to be purchased at a discount of 20, 25, and sometimes 30 per cent. If the settler gets it at a reduction of 25 per cent., his land (supposing he purchases Crown lands) will only cost him 6s. currency per acre, which is 3d. per acre less than the government price of land in the United States. In the Victoria district of Upper C., land near the front may generally be purchased at from 4 to 10 dollars per acre for wild land; and for cultivated farms (including buildings), from 20 to 35 dollars per acre; in the back townships, at from 1 to 4 dollars for wild land, and from 8 to 20 for cultivated. In the Newcastle district, in the first range of townships, wild land will be worth from 5 to 10 dollars, and cultivated from 20 to 30; and in the back townships, from 2 to 5 dollars for wild land, and from 12 to 25 for cultivated. Some few farms in the neigh-horned elk, is a very large animal, nearly 5 ft. high; bourhood of Port Hope and Cobourg may be valued as high as 40 or 50 dollars. In the Colborne district, in the townships of Whitby, Pickering, Scarborough, Markham, Whitchurch, York, Vaughan, the front of King, Toronto, and Chinguaconsy,

and about 9 ft. in length from the end of the muzzle to the insertion of the tail. The horns are not palmated, but when full-grown measure about 6 ft. from tip to tip. Its hair is long, of a dark dun colour on the back and sides, and brown on the head

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