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with tents, and drawn by 6 or 8 horses, which they drive sitting on the front seat, more by the exercise of a long whip than by the rein,-guiding them with wonderful dexterity at a full gallop, over heathy and deep sands, or up and down the steep and stony passes of high and rugged hills. The wealthiest gentleman-farmer in England cannot be more independent than one of these old family-freeholders at the C.

Boers.] The korn-boers live in, or near the C. district, mostly on freehold estates, and are in general a very wealthy people. They chiefly inhabit that portion of the C. district to the N and E of Saldanha bay, and most parts of Stellenbosch, on both sides of the first range of mountains, as far as four or five days' journey from C. Town. Most of them cultivate the vine also for their own use, and even those beyond the mountains bring wine to the C. market. Many of them are substantial farmers, who can send to the capital 4,000 or 5,000 bushels of wheat annually, besides their own supply, which is not trifling, and that of their neighbours who content themselves with grazing cattle. Their houses are, generally, much inferior to those of the wine-boer; and are usually to be known by six or eight trees, generally oak. The vineyard of the korn-boer is, however, the only patch he has enclosed, unless he should have-which is not often the case-a small garden, with a few straggling cabbages; or-which is still more rare-an orchard of oranges, peaches, and the more common fruits of the country. The korn-boer is a most unskilful agriculturist. He knows nothing of the advantages of a rotation of crops; nor has he the most distant notion of raising any other green food except a little barley or maize; though turnips, carrots, potatoes, lucern, clover, and, we have reason to think, every kind of artificial grass would do well in this climate. No provision of dry food is ever made to meet the contingency of a drought; and, in consequence of this neglect, the cattle sometimes perish in great numbers. Wheat is the only grain which he cultivates for the market. His plough-an unwieldy machine, heavily dragged along by 12 or 16 oxen-only scratches the surface, and avoids any little patch that may be stony or bushy, or a little stiffer than the rest. He sometimes turns the ground to let it lie.fallow, but seldom gives himself the trouble of collecting manure; yet he rarely reaps less than 15 for one; frequently from 20 to 30, and, when he has the command of water, a great deal inore. In few parts of the world is finer wheat raised than at the C. Specimens of it have been exhibited in Mark Lane, which were considered superior to every other in the market. The grounds of the korn-boer being unenclosed, they have all the appearance, when the grain is off, of heathy wastes; though by a moderate share of labour, they might in two or three years be completely sheltered and protected by hedge-rows of oak, or of the keur-broom, which grows still more rapidly. We have little doubt, that the hawthorn would answer remarkably well; and the lemon makes an excellent fence. By a little exertion of skill and labour, water might be raised from the rivers, which generally run in deep chasms, and thus be made available to the irrigation of land; in which case the returns would at least double those now obtained.

The ree-boer, or grazier, is still more slothful, and a great deal more savage than the korn-boer. He generally possesses a tract of not less than 5,000 acres, and consequently has no neighbours within some miles of him. By means of spirits and tobacco, he has not only contrived to juggle the poor Hottentot out of his cattle, but has also compelled him to become their keeper. Having thus no regular employment at home, to kill time, and break the even tenor of a lazy life, under the old regime he would frequently roam abroad to destroy game, or, in default of other sport, to shoot wild Hottentots or Bosjesmen. His enormous musket, which he calls a roer, is his inseparable companion; indeed, he would not consider himself safe without it; with it he travels with confidence, for so expert is he in the use of it that he seldom fails to bring down his object, whether it be a Bushman or a wild beast, with a single ball. To an European, the whole establishment of a vee-boor presents a scene of filth and discomfort which could scarcely be imagined. His hovel, generally perched upon an eminence that no hostile attack may be made upon it unperceived, whether by man or beast, has neither tree nor shrub, nor blade of grass near it: a few straw huts, with a number of Hottentot women and children, naked or halfclothed in sheep skins, are the principal objects that attract the eye. Between these huts and the boer's house, is the kraal or pen in which the cattle and sheep are shut up at night, to protect them from the wolves and hyænas, or to prevent their straying. The dung of these kraals-the accumulation of years-sometimes rises even to the very eaves of the house; this, however, gives no concern to the boer, who would probably see it overtop them with equal apathy: the only chance of its ever being cleared away is its taking fire, which, in damp weather, sometimes happens. The lambing season is the season of rains; and generally not a few of the lambs on being dropped, are smothered in the bog, a fate which also occasionally attends the calves; and this where wood for constructing sheds might be had almost without trouble, and at no expense. Nor does the interior of the vee-boer's establishment make any amends for its exterior filthi


A clay floor, in the pits of which are splashes of sour milk or mud,--a roof open to the thatch,-a square hole or two in the wall for windows, without glass, an old rug or blanket, or a wattled partition, separating the sleeping apartment,- are the leading features of his hovel. A large chest, which serves as a table at home, or a seat in his waggon when he travels,-a few ricketty stools, with bottoms made of the thongs of sheep-skins,

-a bedstead or two of the same fashion and material,-an Iron pot, and a few dishes,-a musket of tremendous size, and a large horn to contain his gunpowder, constitute nearly the whole inventory of his furniture. Yet this man is probably the owner of 500 or 600 head of cattle, and 4,000 or 5,000 sheep. His children run wild among the little Hottentots, and his wife crouches within the hovel as listless and as unwieldy as himself.-During late years, the boers have migrated in great numbers across the C. frontier; and this again has led to reprisals by the displaced native tribes, which have been attended with much bloodshed, and even threatened the safety of Cape town itself.

The Hottentots.] The original proprietors of this fine soil, the poor Hottentots-the fabricated stories of whose filthiness are known to every schoolboy, and have made them proverbial in every nation of Europe-are probably the simplest and most inoffensive of the human race. By open robbery and murder, and by a cruel and persevering system of oppression on the part of the Dutch colonists, they have been reduced to not much more than 15,000 souls. "Under the Dutch government, it was considered as a severe crime to mention the subject of religion to a native: they were not admitted within the walls of the churches. By a notice struck above the doors of one of the churches, Hottentots and dogs' were forbidden to enter." [Philip.] Under the protection of the British government, by the instruction of the missionaries, and their increased importance in the colony as labourers since the abolition of the slave trade, their number is now considerably on the increase. The truth is that the filthy appearance of the Hottentot was never from choice but necessity. The anxiety which he now shows to get quit of his sheep-skin clothing for cotton, linen, or woollen, and to keep his person clean, proves that he is far more sensible than the boer to the comforts of civilized life. "Whoever," says the excellent Mr. Latrobe, the father of the Moravians in this country, "charges the Hottentots with being inferior to other people of the same class, as to education and the means of improvement, knows nothing about them. They are, in general, more sensible, and possess better judgments than most Europeans, equally destitute of the means of instruction." The Hottentots are of a deep brown or yellow-brown colour; their eyes are pure white; their head is small; the face, very wide above, ends in a point; their cheek-bones are prominent; their eyes sunk; the nose flat; the lips thick; the teeth white; and the hand and foot rather small They are well-made and tall; their hair is black, either curled or woolly, and they have little or no beard. Barrow and Grandpré conceive them to be of Chinese origin. They call themselves Gkhui-gkhui, pronounced with a click of the tongue or thr xat; and say that they did not come from the interior of Africa, but over the sea. The Hottentots are divided into several tribes.-The Dammarras occupy the most northern part of the country, beyond the Copper mountains, to the 21st degree of latitude, or as far as the country of the Makosees. The Great Namaquas have ascended the banks of the Orange river, in a NE direction. The Little Namaquas are found to the S of the same river. The Kabobiquas and Geissiquas appear to be branches of the Namaquas. The Koranas or Kora-Hottentots occupy a central contry of great extent. Mr. Campbell says their chief towns are to be found on the banks of the Orange river.

The Bushmen, Griquas, Fingoes, &c.] On the confines of the colony, to the north, inhabit the Bosjesmans, or Bushmen, who bear also the various appellations of Baraos, Buschies, Sonquas, or Obiquas, and are supposed by some to be the aboriginal inhabitants of this part of Africa. See article BOSJESMANS. We must also refer our readers to our article on CAFFRARIA for an account of the third native race of the S extremity of Africa. The Griquas, or Bastaards, a half-caste race settled along the banks of the Orange river for 700 m., already number 20,000, They are of industrious agricultural habits, and have always proved the victors in their struggles with the savage tribes in their vicinity. The Fingoes are a distinct tribe from the Caffres, who retain them in a state of slavery. They are, "generally speaking, thicker set, and shorter of stature; whilst the colour of the skin-approaching nearer to black-proclaims an origin from a locality much more contiguous to the torrid zone. Another distinguishing mark of this people is a slit in the upper part of the ear, and which the Fingoe immediately shows, as a sign of identity, if accused of being of the hated Amakosa race. Fingoe women have also much more of the brunette in their complexions than the Caffir beauties; their figures are more fully developed; and, though their countenances possess not the least pretension to beauty, and are frequently of the darkest hue, I have often beheld sable nymphs of this tribe, whose perfect form might have served as very models for the sculptor's art. In their dress and equipments, when preparing to meet the foe-during their war-dances, and other ceremonies-the Fingoes show a great fondness for barbaric pageantry and display. The shieldthat martial appendage-a few years ago so essential a part of the war dress, both with Caffirs and Fingoes, being found ineffectual against the effects of villanous saltpetre,' is now cast aside, and become nearly obsolete and forgotten." [Napier.]


Languages.] Besides the Dutch and English languages spoken among the colonists, the frequent visits of trading-vessels have made several other languages to be commonly understood: such as the French, the Portuguese, and the Malay. Of the Hottentots and Caffres, the languages are entirely different. That of the former is of a barbarous structure, possessing some remarkable verbal affinities to the Mongolian and Calmuck; and some words, it is said, in common with the Hindostanee, and of a pro

In pro

nunciation so harsh and difficult as to be grating to an European appropriate amount for emigration-purposes, and the ear, and almost impossible to an European tongue. funds required for the various alterations in the exnouncing many of their words, the tongue is forcibly pressed, sometimes against the teeth, sometimes against the palate, pro-isting administration of affairs, Sir Harry Smith looks ducing a combination of sounds which no character with which to the sales of new land placed at the disposal of the we are acquainted can indicate. The diphthongs eao, aao, and ouou predominate; and the phrase frequently ends with a final ing. government, irrespective of progressive custom-house This mode of pronunciation gives the language a sound so gut receipts, &c. The expenditure has usually exceeded tural and harsh, as to be extremely disagreeable. The language the revenue; but the full resources of this country of the Caffres is said to be soft and sonorous, with a harmonious have not yet been called into action, and its value pronunciation. Nothing like a written character exists either must be estimated at present, not by its actual reveammg them or the Hottentots. "Savage tribes," remarks Malte Bran, are continually changing their idioms; every new chief nue, but from the circumstance of its forming a conwishes to introduce some new form of speech, hence arise an necting link between Great Britain and her possesinstability and multiplication of dialects which perplex critical sions in the East. study. This is a general phenomenon both in Asia and America. It is particularly the case in the customs of the different Hottentot idioms which are continually varying." The Bosjesmen speak a Hottentot dialect; but the idiom is sufficiently strong to prevent the two races of people from communicating with each other except by signs.

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Government.] Since the capture of this colony in 1806, the government has been rather of a military than of a civil character; as the governor was not only the first civil officer, but also the commander of the forces. He was assisted in the civil administration by legal assessors. Affairs are now administered by a governor nominated by the crown, aided by an executive council, and a legislative council appointed by the home-government. Each district has a civil commissioner who acts also as a resident magistrate; and each district is subdivided into several smaller divisions termed veld-cornetcies. Trial by jury in criminal cases has been introduced; and a new supreme court instituted, which opens to the colonists all the advantages of an English court of unlimited jurisdiction. It is composed of a chief justice, and three puisne judges, whose appointments are rendered by the charter as independent as those of English judges.

Revenue.] While this settlement was subject to the Dutch East India company, its revenue was never adequate to the contingencies and extraordinary expenses of its government; and it was retained merely as a place of refreshment for the outward and homeward bound India ships, which was considered an ample compensation for the annual expenditure of 300,000 guilders. In 1770, the deficiency in the receipts for defraying the expenses of the colony amounted to £26,768 11s. 3d. sterling, being nearly two-thirds of the expenditure; and in 1779 it had increased to £28,191. The average revenue from 1784 to 1794 was about 100,000 rix-dollars yearly; but, by the new regulations and imposts of the Dutch commissaries general in 1793, it was raised to 211,568 rixdollars; which was farther increased to 450,713 during the last year of Lord Macartney's administration. The revenue of the colony arises from various sources, the principal of which are: land, import duties, stamps, and duties on sales and transfers. In 1828 it amounted to £128,971; in 1836 to £158,697. The aggregate fixed revenue for the years 1844, 1845, and 1846, amounted to £174,180, £178,554, and £187,547 respectively; exhibiting, when compared with the financial average for 1841, 1842, and 1843, an average increase of £29,000. The average annual revenue derived from the sale of crown lands, land-rents, &c., in 1844, 1845, and 1846, amounted to £22,781. The actual revenue in 1847 amounted to £216,085, being £56,462 in excess of the estimates. The great increase was observable in customs, auctions, transfer-dues, postage, and land sales, all these branches indicating a gradual but steady return of prosperity now that the Caffre war is concluded. The revenue for 1849 is estimated at £213,424, and the expenditure at £210,000. Besides a reduction of postage to the level "enjoyed by the inhabitants of the mothercountry," it is also proposed to exempt the press from stamp tax. For supplying £16,000, suggested as the

Ecclesiastical affairs.] Strictly speaking, there is no established church in this colony. Provision, however, is annually made by vote of the legislative council for the support of the ministers in charge of the several congregations belonging to the Dutch Reformed church, and for the chaplains of the English Episcopalian church. Grants are also voted annually towards the support of the Scottish and Lutheran churches in C. Town, the Wesleyan church at Salem in Albany, and the Roman Catholic church in C. Town and Graham's Town. The votes in 1846 in behalf of these several communities were as follows:-In support of 33 ministers of the Dutch Reformed church, stationed in various districts of the colony, £7,000; of 12 chaplains belonging to the Church of England, £2,945; the Scotch and Lutheran churches in C. Town, £203 14s. 6d.; the Wesleyan church. Salem, £150; and the Roman Catholic church in C. Town and Graham's Town, £300. In the Dutch and English churches the government reserves the right of appointment to all vacancies. Beyond this the government claims no interference with the internal economy and order of the Dutch Reformed church, which is exclusively ruled by its own judicatories. With respect to the English church, the governor is, in the absence of a bishop, ex officio the ordinary. From returns received for 1846 from 115 congregations belonging to the two provinces, it appears that of these 32 belong to the Dutch Reformed church, 13 to the English Episcopalian, 8 to various Presbyterian denominations, 4 to the Roman Catholic church, 21 to the Wesleyan church, 23 were Independents, 5 Moravian, and 9 Lutheran. In connexion with the above congregations there were, in the aggregate, 70,310 white persons, and 41,748 coloured; yielding a total of 112,058; which constitutes, on a rough estimate, three-fifths of the pop. of the colony. It further appears that every denomination has, to a greater or less extent, provided, by Sunday and evening schools, for the religious instruction of the young, and of such as have grown up to mature age in heathenism, or in entire ignorance of the principles of Christianity. The number taught in such schools during 1846 amounted to 14,134. It is not known what proportion of these were white, and what persons of colour; but it may with safety be asserted that upwards of two-thirds of the whole number were coloured persons. The number of schools receiving aid in 1847 amounted to 86. In these there were enrolled 9,080 pupils, that yielded a daily attendance of from 6,000 to 6,500, of whom 250 were receiving instruction in the higher branches. In all of these schools the English language is taught, in respect to which there is no prejudice existing among any class of the community, a sure test of this is its rapid extension and adoption in the daily transactions of society. The London, Wesleyan, Moravian, and Glasgow missionary societies have several agents in this quarter. The Malays have their own imaum in C. Town.

Districts.] The following table of the area and pop. of the earlier settled districts of the colony, is from the Cape Register of 1838:

[blocks in formation]









9.233 2.100 11,728 13,660 14,938 11,019


Graaf Reinet,

Tarka, the Bambosberg, and the Zuureberg, divided it from the Caffres on the E, the Camtoos river, the Lion's river, and the Nieuweveld mountains from Swellendam and Stellenbosch districts on the W; Plettenburg, Landmark, the great Table mountains, and the Karrooberg from the Bosjesman Hottentots on the N. The mean length and breadth of the district was about 250 m. by 160 m.

Algoa bay.] This rising settlement, known also as Port Elizabeth, and formerly called Twartkop'sbay, is situated 500 m. E of C. Town, between it and the newly settled district of Albany. The white population is 33,146; and the black-who are very orderly, though not industrions-37,075, making a Cape district.] The Cape district is at once the total of 70,221. Its revenue has for several years smallest and most populous in this colony, containing been in excess of its expenditure. Its live stock is in 1823, on a surface of about 3,240 sq. m., a pop., valued at £2,000,000 sterling; there are 35,000 acres exclusive of the capital, of 7,462 souls; but with the of land under cultivation, chiefly wheat, oats, and pop. of the capital, it cannot now be under 40,000 souls. barley, and the annual produce of the settlement is About 40,000 acres are under cultivation in this district, valued at £269,000. Sheep farming is the principal and 3.000 acres are laid out in vineyards and gardens. pursuit, as requiring less labour than tillage. This It consists of two parts; the peninsula on which the part of the colony is divided into six districts, and town is built, about 30 m. in length and 8 m. in comprises a sea-coast of about 200 m., extending also breadth, connected with the continent by a low flat about an equal distance inland. The distance from isthmus; and a slip of land extending from the shore Graham's Town, its capital, to C. Town, is nearly of Table bay to the mouth of Berg river, or about 80 700 m., and an overland mail twice a-week conveys m. from N to S, and 25 m. from E to W. The lead- the post in about 5 days. From Port Elizabeth, ing physical features in the vicinity of C. Town are which is about 94 m. from Graham's Town over bad the magnificent serrated mountains of the Blueberg roads, there is a steamer to C. Town that performs stretching N into the interior, and the promontory the distance in about 3 days. The colonists are dewhich extends from Table mountain to the Cape. sirous of promoting emigration, but what is wanted Each of these ranges consists of flat-topped masses is a continuous rather than a large supply of really interspersed with pyramidal or pointed peaks, and useful English labourers. The sum expended on separated by deep ravines. A level area extends emigration from surplus revenue was in 1844, £500; from the base of the Blueberg to the shore; and be- in 1845, £285; and in 1846, £5,885. In 1847 the autween the S termination of the Blueberg and Table thorities authorized the Commissioners to proceed mountain is a low sandy district called the Table with emigration, and voted £10,000 for the purpose; flats, forming an isthmus between Table bay and but the apprehensions entertained among the labourFalse bay, which must at one time have been united ing classes in England as to the dangers of the Caffre by a sheet of water more than 60 fath. deep, making war put a stop to it. In this division there is genCape promontory an island. A prominent but sub-erally an abundance of water. The wheat grown in ordinate physical feature is the Lion's hill below some of its districts is said to be the finest in the Table mountain. See CAPE TOWN. world. A great road in course of construction from Stellenbosch and Drakenstein.] The district of Stel-C. Town to the E frontier, by convict-labour, is lenbosch and Drakenstein formerly included the likely to promote in a high degree the improvement country from Cape L'Agulhas, the southernmost of the territory. point of Africa, to the river Koossie, the N boundary of the colony, a line of 380 m. in length, and 150 m. in breadth. Part of this territory consists of naked mountains and arid plains; but the remainder is a fruitful soil stretching along the great chain of mountains from False bay to the mouth of Elephant's river. Stellenbosch is a handsome village, about 26 m. E of C. Town, founded in 1670.

Swellendam.] The district of Swellendam, previous to the late subdivision of the colony, included the coast between the Breede river on the W and the Camtoos river on the E, running northerly to the Black mountains. Its length was about 380 m., and its breadth 60 m. The principal village consists of about 30 houses irregularly disposed in a fertile valley. In this district, Mossel-bay opens to the SE, and affords a safe anchorage when winds blow from SSW, W, and round ENE.-The next division to Mossel-bay is the Outinæquas Land, extending as far as the Kayman or Crocodile river. The mountains here are covered with forests, and the land affords sustenance to immense herds of cattle.Plettenburg - bay begins at the Kayman river and continues to the inaccessible forests of Sitsikamma. This tract is exceedingly beautiful, and produces fine large timber.

Graaf Reynet.] This district, previous to its subdivision, extended to the eastern limits of the colony, 500 m. from C. Town. The Great Fish river, the

Natal.] The colony of Natal is distant 1,200 m. from the C. settlement, and 600 m. from Algoa bay. It is a country abounding with wood and water, having a very fertile soil and a most delightful climate, although not so salubrious as the C. colony proper. Its only want is a safe and commodious harbour. There is no road from Algoa bay to Natal; but Sir Harry Smith has it in view to create one, although the difficulties are very great. There are, however, good natural roads for horses and ox-waggons, and before the war there was a regular postal communication carried on by native runners to Graham's Town. As yet there has been no regular exploration of the Natal district. The whole area has been estimated at upwards of 13,000 sq. m. The district seems capable of growing every useful product, and, above all, it is believed available for the growth of cotton, which, unlike the American cotton, is not an annual, but a perennial. Some specimens, grown experimentally in a garden, and sent to the manufacturing districts in England, have been well-reported upon; and Lord Grey has instructed the local authorities to give every facility for its cultivation. Indigo is found as an indigenous plant. Fine crops of wheat are said to have been grown; but the abundance of water, and a luxuriant grass, which covers a large part of the district, render it especially favourable for pasturage. The amount of European population is not known. The early Dutch emigrants

the East Indies, planted a colony here. The result showed that immediately felt, and it daily increased in magnitude and imporRiebeck's views were sound. The utility of the settlement was

tance; while the Hottentots gradually receded with their flocks and herds from the vicinity of Table bay, towards the N and NE. In 1774, the whole race of those unfortunate natives, who yet lingered on the frontiers, and had not submitted to servitude, were ordered to be seized or extirpated, by the Dutch govern

hold large grants, which, it is apprehended, may prove an obstruction. Most of the new settlers, how ever, have bought their land from the Dutch at very low prices. The settlement was originally formed about 11 years back by an emigration of Dutch boors from the E districts, but it was not recognised by the home-government until 1845. It is at present gov-ment; and a series of commandoes, or military parties, were sent erned by a lieutenant-governor, who holds under the governor of the C.; and about 500 troops constitute its military establishment. For the year ending January 5, 1846, its imports were £32,000, and its exports £10,000.

against them, who perpetrated the most wanton atrocities in the execution of this order. The Namaqua Hottentots, formerly inhabiting the Nieuweveld, the Bokkeveld, and the Roggeveld, worn out by the repeated aggressions of the colonists, quietly retired into the immense deserts stretching from the Kamiesberg to the bay of Angra Pequina on the SW coast of Africa; but on the E, the Caffres and colonists constantly came into hostile col

alleged by the boers, limited the colonial government and its subjects, in demanding restitution for cattle, horses, and sheep stolen by the Caffres, "so as to neutralize all the benefits which might otherwise have resulted to those semi-savages from the treaties, and as to convert them into a premium on the robbery and murder of the frontier-colonists." These new treaties were signed in June 1837; and produced, it is asserted, a state of constant irritation and annoyance on the Eastern frontier. The boers, alleging numerous grievances, resolved to leave the colony en masse, if arrangements more efficient to protect them were not substituted. Mr. Banbury enumerates these grievances to have been: 1st. The inadequate compensation allotted to these old colonists on the emancipation of their slaves by the act of 1833. They complain

Orange river sovereignty.] The Cape journals of lision. The Dutch retained this territory till 1795, when a British March 1849, announce the form of government about squadron, under General Clarke and Admiral Keith Elphinstone, to be adopted for the territories N of Orange river. took possession of it without resistance. It was restored at the peace of Amiens; but Holland being dragged into the war which This territory is to be called 'the Orange river sovspeedily ensued between France and Britain, an expedition was ereignty, and divided into four districts: the Griagain fitted out, under General Baird and Commodore Sir Home qualand, of which Queen's Fort is to be the seat of Popham, for the purpose of reducing this important settlement. The British forces arrived in Table bay on the 4th of January, magistracy; the district of Winberg, with the town 1806; a landing was effected on the 6th; and, after a sharp acof the same name; the district of Vaal river, with the tion on the 8th, in which the Dutch were completely defeated, town of Vleedorp; the district of Caledon river, with the British advanced to C. Town, which immediately capitulated. the town of Smithfield. The sovereignty is to be The surrender of the whole colony followed; and, by the pacification of 1814, this valuable possession was fully ceded to Great governed by her majesty's high commissioner, aided Britain. For many years the colonists and the Caffres have carby a local council composed of the British resident, ried on hostilities against each other on the N and E frontiers of as chief, with 4 other magistrates, and 8 councillors the colony. The colonists seized the lands, and, in many instances, the cattle of the Caffres; and the Caffres retaliated by -2 for each district-to be appointed by his excelincursions into the British territory. In Dec. 1834, and Jan. leney from among the resident landowners. Each 1835, it is asserted they carried off 1,000 horses, and 50,000 head councillor is to serve for three years, unless sooner of cattle. The governor, Sir Benjamin D'Urban, thereupon dedismissed. The council is to meet only once a-year, clared war against them, and speedily compelled their apparent submission. At the conclusion of the war, Sir Benjamin annexed, and consider only such subjects as are suggested by by treaties concluded in September 1835, a considerable portion the commissioner, or proposed by the resident. The of Caffraria to the British dominions in South Africa, and brought council is not competent to entertain any project the Caffres under the dominion of British laws. Lord Glenelg, which shall interfere with the exclusive jurisdiction however, disallowed this arrangement: sent out Sir Andries Stockenstrom as lieutenant-governor of the Eastern division of the of the native chiefs over their tribes. The annual C. colony; restored to the Caffres the greater part of their conestimates and expenditure are to be published.-Thequered country; and concluded treaties with their chiefs, by which law of the sovereignty is to be the Dutch Roman law of they were treated as an independent nation, while the treaty, it was the colony: local ordinances of the Cape shall have no force unless re-enacted. Each of the 4 magistrates shall hold a court in his district. The natives shall be governed by their own penal laws, as far as not repugnant to religion and morality. Parties accused of very grave crimes shall be tried by the courts of the Cape colony.-All lands allotted to natives shall be held according to their usages, to be judged and decided by themselves. All other lands to be held by royal grants on quit-rents; the quit-rents to go to the public revenue. -For every license to keep a shop, store, &c., 100 dollars per annum is to be paid; for every license for waggon, &c., to carry merchandise, 50 d. per annum. Heavy penalties are attached to trading without licenses. The remaining heads state that there shall be churches, schools, a general post, roads, &c. The regulations leave everything to the absolute will of the Lord High commissioner, and are vague in the extreme; and the powers left to the native chiefs will be a source of anarchy and misrule. History] Whether the ancients had any knowledge of the S extremity of Africa, is a doubtful point; but the first European navigator who doubled the Cape was Bartholomew Diaz, an officer in the service of John IL of Portugal. In 1493, he sailed to the parallel of 24° 8; and then, stretching boldly out to sea, never approached the coast again till he was 40° to the E of the Cape, which he had passed without seeing it. He then advanced as far as the Rio-del-Infanta; and returning, discovered the grand promontory of the continent, which, on account of the storms which he had experienced in his approach to it, he called Cabo Tormentoso; but King John of Portugal called it the Cape of Good Hope, as it gave new confidence to the expectation of an winterrupted passage by sea to the East Indies. In 1496, Vasco de Gama doubled this cape; and sailed to Calicut on the Malabar coast, in the East Indies. In 1510, Francis Almeida, first viceroy of the Portuguese dominions in India, was defeated and killed in an obstinate engagement with the Hottentots, near the Salt river, not far from the site now occupied by C. Town. When the new passage to India by the Cape was ascertained, the trade passed almost entirely in that direction. In 1620, two English ships took formal possession of Saldanha bay; but of the C. no use was made till 1650, when Van Riebeck, a Dutch surgeon, convinced of the utility of a settlement in a situation which would afford convenient refreshments to ships passing between Europe and

The money

ed that they had received scarcely a third of their value. The
average value of slaves in the C. colony was nearly double
what it was in the West Indies, and the compensation was
calculated with reference to these latter colonies.
was paid in London, so that the slave-owners of the Cape had
to pay discount and commission to the amount of 12 per cent.
and upwards, in order to receive their share at Cape Town. 2d.
The want of adequate protection against the inroads of the Kafirs,
Bushmen, and other aborigines, was urged as one of the grievances
of the colonists residing near the frontier. "At first it strikes one as
rather singular that they should seek to remedy this evil by plung-
ing into the very midst of the savage tribes, and braving the ut
most effects of their hostility; but their object was, to be able to
take the law into their own hands, without the restraints imposed
by the British government." 3d. A sore evil was the prevalence
of vagrancy. Great numbers of Hottentots, Bastaards, emanci-
pated or runaway slaves, and others, roamed about the colony,
without any regular means of subsistence, and committing num-
berless depredations on the property of the farmers; and this
without any check, owing partly to the absence of a regular po-
lice, and more to the want of a law for the repression of vagrancy.
4th. A number of farmers, whose cattle and horses were seized
for the use of the army during the Kaffir war of 1835, were unable
to obtain any compensation for the losses thus sustained. To
these causes of discontent was added the distress occasioned by
protracted droughts in the N and NE districts. The farmers of
those regions, unable to subsist with their large families on those
parched and exhausted lands, naturally felt a wish to better their
condition, and seek more fertile possessions beyond the colonial
boundary. "It must not be forgotten that, from a very early
period of the settlement, it had been a common practice of the
colonial farmers to remove themselves and their families beyond
the frontier as often as they found themselves distressed by unfa-
vourable seasons or by want of room, and had any expectation of
finding more abundant resources in the country not yet colonized.
Thinly peopled as are all the interior districts of the Cape colony,
the population, nevertheless, is soon found to press hard on the
means of subsistence; for so great a proportion of the land is ut-

terly and irreclaimably barren, on account of the want of water, that a tract many square miles in extent may be fit to support but very few families. The country being almost everywhere unsuited to agriculture, the colonists require, in the best times, a wide range for the feeding of their flocks and herds; and the severe droughts which almost periodically afflict the northern and north-eastern districts, reducing to utter sterility the greater part even of those lands which are usually fit for pasturage, occasion most severe distress." For some time previous to the great migration, many farmers had crossed the boundary, singly or in small parties, and wandered into the more promising country to the NE, in search of grass and water for their cattle. Some of them penetrated as far as Port Natal, and sent back such accounts of the fertility of that district that many others were incited to follow. But there was no combined plan of emigration until after the close of the Kaffir war, when dissatisfaction began to be felt on account of the Stockenstrom treaty, and of the insufficient protection provided for the frontier colonists. Thus, influenced by a variety of motives, the desire to trek-as it was called--became a perfect passion, and infected even the long-settled districts near Cape Town. One of the first considerable parties of emigrants which quitted the colony soon after the close of the Kaffir war [1836], was headed by a man of the name of Louis Triechard. Crossing the Orange river they followed a NE course, keeping along the W side of the great Quathlamba chain of mountains; but, being little acquainted with the country, they penetrated too far to the N, and, having entered upon the swampy and pestilential plains in the neighbourhood of Delagoa bay, were cut off in great numbers by the fever which prevails there. The great body of the emigrants, although they took the same direction, did not advance so far, but spread themselves along the banks of the Likwa or Vaal river, which formed the S boundary of the dominions of the great Matabili chief, Moselekatse. This

to receive European strangers who came by way of Kuruman, or

savage had rendered himself the scourge and terror of all that part of the country, as Chaka and Dingaan were of the regions to the E of the mountains. He had shown himself not unwilling New Latakoo, considering the missionaries at that place as his best friends; but he had positively forbidden all strangers to enter his dominions by way of the Vaal river. Seeing the boers totally regardless of this prohibition, and finding that they brought him no presents, and made no attempt to conciliate him, he regarded them as enemies, and determined on their destruction. Accordingly, in May 1836, the emigrants, who were scattered in small parties along the banks of the river, unsuspicious of danger, and taking no precautions against it, were suddenly attacked by the Matabili warriors, many of them slain, and a part of their flocks and herds carried off. In October of the same year the attack was repeated, with more formidable numbers, and under the command of Moselekatse's chief captain; but this time the boers were on their guard, and the assailants were repulsed with great loss. Not many months afterwards, being reinforced by fresh swarms from the colony, the emigrants retaliated by an attack on Moselekatse's own kraal, in which they were successful.

The chief himself, however, escaped; and the victors, instead of

prosecuting farther hostilities against him, turned their enterprises in another direction. Peter Retief was elected, in the course of 1837, to be their governor and commander-in-chief; and under his guidance they succeeded in finding a way across the Quathlamba mountains into the fertile country about Port Natal

The emigration of the boers, as might be expected, added to the dissatisfaction of the Caffres; and war again broke out, which was, for the time, repressed by the new governor, Sir P. Maitland, who, in September 1845, concluded another treaty with the chiefs of the Slambie, Congo, and Fingo Caffre tribes, which practically extended over Lower Caffreland British sovereignty in all matters in which British interests were involved. The chiefs professed their readiness to submit to the authority of the British government to decide which party was right in their feuds and quarrels, and actively to aid that party; also to submit to the jurisdiction of British courts of justice, Caffres who should commit, or be charged with having committed, any crime, either in the colony or in Caffreland, cognizable by the colonial courts; and further, the right of protecting Christian converts amongst the Caffres from the oppressions of their chiefs, was conceded to the British government. These, with other provisions for the recovery and compensation of stolen cattle, for the subjection of the sea-coast of Caffreland to British rule, and for the encouragement of Christian schools, formed the main articles of Sir Peregrine Maitland's treaty, which was characterised in the following eulo

gistic terms. "Simple and explicit in language, it is wise and

humane in substance. It entirely abrogates the system under which, for the last eight years, the border-farmers have suffered so severely; by making the Caffres subject to British law, it renders the fulfilment by them of its stipulations a matter of selfinterest; by throwing around Caffre converts to Christianity the protection of British authority and power, it emancipates the tribes from the debasing thraldom of their chiefs, gives a fatal blow to the superstition and vices which induced Sir Benjamin D'Urban to declare the whole race 'irreclaimable,' and opens a path to civilization and true religion. Carried out with energy and system, this treaty will constitute a new era in our relations with the aborigines; for it lays down the basis by which only a civilized nation can reclaim and benefit a predatory and savage people." These anticipations were unfortunately destined to be speedily disproved. In the following year, the Caffres again crossed the frontiers, and carried alarm to the very seat of gov

ernment. A long and desultory warfare ensued, which was finally terminated by the vigorous measures adopted by Sir Harry Smith, who abrogated all former treaties and conventions, and on the 23d of December, 1847, annexed by proclamation all the territory between the Black Kei and the Keiskamma rivers to the British sovereignty, under the title of British Caffraria; and organized a kind of banat, or series of military villages, between the Great Fish river and the Keiskamma, for the better protection of the colonists. It would appear that this arrangement has hitherto worked well. See article CAFFRARIA.

The latest event of importance in the history of this colony, is the resolute resistance it has offered to its being made a penal settlement for the reception of transported convicts from the mother-country, or rather from the overflowing convict-settlement in the Bermudas.

Authorities.] Sparrman.-Le Vaillant.-Thunberg.—Stavorinus, -Percival's Account of the Cape.-Liechtenstein.-Burchell.-Barrow's Travels.-Pringle's Sketches.-Thompson's Travels and Adventures in S Africa-Moodie's Ten years in S Africa-Sir C. Harris' Travels in S Africa.-Philip's Researches, 2 vols.--Capt Foster's Voyage, vol. i.-E.rcursions in S Africa. By Lieut.-Col. Napier, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849.-Cape Almanac.—United Service Journal-Parl. Papers.

CAPE ISLAND, a village of Cape May co., in the state of New Jersey, U. S., 108 m. S of Trenton. It is situated on the Atlantic, and is much frequented as a watering-place.

CAPEL, a parish of Surrey, 6 m. S of Dorking. Area 6,990 acres. Pop. in 1841, 989. CAPEL-DDEWI, a hamlet in the p. of Llandyssyl, Cardiganshire. Pop. in 1841, 394.

CAPEL-GARMON, or GARTH-GARMON, a township of the p. and 43 m. S of Llanrwst, Denbighshire. Pop. in 1841, 728.

CAPELLA, a town and parish of Brazil, in the prov. of Sergipe. The sugar-cane forms the chief article of local culture.

CAPELLADES, a town of Spain, in Catalonia, in the prov. and 32 m. NW of Barcelona, and 5 m. SSE of Igualada, near the r. bank of the Noya. Pop. 2,798. It is of Saracenic origin.

CAPELLE, CAPELLE-AU-BOIs, or KAPELLE-OPDEN-BOSCH, a village of Belgium, in the prov. of Brabant, 14 m. N of Brussels, and on the Brussels and Schelde canal. Pop. 2,000. It is celebrated for its gin-distilleries.

CAPELLE (LA), a canton, commune, and town of France, in the dep. of Aisne, arrond. of Vervins. The cant. comprises 18 com., and in 1831 contained 15,726 inhabitants.-The town is 11 m. N of Vervins.

Pop. 1,341. It has a manufactory of whiteiron and a brewery, and is the entrepot of a considerable trade in grain. It was formerly fortified.

CAPELLE-BENHAC (LA), or BANHAC, a commune of France, in the dep. of Lot, cant. of Figeac. Pop. 2,205.

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CAPELLE - EN PEVILLE, a commune of France, in the dep. of the Nord, cant. of Cysoing. Pop. 1,367.

CAPEL-LE-FERNE, a parish of Kent. Area 1,490 acres. Pop. in 1841, 98.

CAPELLE-MARIVAL, a canton, commune, and town of France, in the dep. of Lot, arrond. of Figeac. -The cant. comprises 18 com., and in 1831 had a pop. of 12,982.-The town is on the Francase, 12 m. NW of Figeac. Pop. 1,240.

CAPELLE-OP-DEN-YSSEL, or KAPELLE, 2 village of Holland, in the prov. of S Holland, on the r. bank of the Yssel, 5 m. ENE of Rotterdam. In the environs are extensive tile-works.

CAPELLETTI, a town of the Morea, on an affluent of Lake Kotoki, 10 m. NNE of Gastrouni. CAPELLO (CAPE), a promontory of the island of Cerigo, at the SE extremity, in N lat. 36° 7', E long. 23° 5'.

CAPEL-ST.-ANDREW, a parish of Suffolk, to the W of the Butley, and 7 m. SE of Woodbridge. Area 2.400 acres. Pop. in 1841, 111.

CAPEL-ST.-MARÝ, a parish of Suffolk. Area 1,210 acres. Pop. in 1841, 303.

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