DEBT Continued. Art. Sec. Page. invasion, etc., debts to repel, may be contracted legislative power in creation of. not to be contracted, unless authorized by law, payment of, must be provided for, before con- DECISIONS, JUDICIAL - publication of.... removal of, by governor, after hearing defense.. DIVORCE granted only by judicial proceedings. DRAINAGE OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS.. 1 7 86 DURATION OF OFFICE - when not fixed by law.... 10 EDUCATION, sce Schools. ELECTIONS - ballot, or other method, to be by.... betting on, persons excluded from voting.... bi-partisan election board. bribery at, prohibited.. cities, elections in, when held. conducting of, etc., local bills not to be passed convicted of infamous crimes, excluded from offering or receiving bribes, excluded from right residence of, what constitutes. EMPLOYEES-injury to or death of.... FEES-judicial officers, except justices of the peace, restricted from receiving.... public officers, local bills creating, etc., not to state officers, certain, not to receive to own use. FEUDAL TENURES-abolished. FINES-certain, and quarter sales, to be void. excessive, not to be imposed.. 1 5 85 FOREST PRESERVE-lands constituting, to be kept.. state controlled reservoirs. FUND-moneys to be paid from, only by appropria tion... 3 21 110 See also Common School Fund; Literature Fund; GOVERNOR - bills, appropriations, certain items in, bills, approval of, within thirty days after ad- disapproval by, to be returned with ob jections. 4 9 116 chiefs of staff departments, appointment of.... 11 4 executive power vested in... for..... 4 4 114 judges of court of appeals, may appoint, to fill vacancy. justices of appellate division of supreme court, to designate. justices of supreme court, may appoint, to fill vacancy. laws, to see that they are faithfully executed.. major-generals, appointment of, by GRANTS certain, with rents reserved, void... king of Great Britain, made by. HABEAS CORPUS - not to be suspended, except, court for trial of, concurrence of two-thirds of governor, who to act in case of impeachment of. lieutenant-governor, when not to act as member of court of..... 6 13 131 INDIANS-purchase of lands from, void... electors. 2 2 91 persons not to answer for, unless on presentment, etc.... INFERIOR LOCAL COURTS - may be established.... objections of governor, to be entered on...... JUDGES attorney, etc., certain, not to practice inferior courts, removal of judges of..... review of cases decided by, not to sit in....... See also County Judges; Justices Supreme Court. JUDGES OF COURT OF APPEALS attorney or counselor in courts of state, not to practice as.... compensation of.... when continued after term... court of impeachment, to be members of...... quorum, five to constitute referee, not to act as... JUDICIAL OFFICERS - appointment or election of... cities, how chosen in... fees or perquisites of office, not to receive..... office, not to hold after seventy years of age.... JURORS drawing of... JURY - in libel cases, to determine law and fact.... property, to assess value of. when waived.. |