ing privileges by, prohibited, etc..... law imposing, to state object of. state debts, for interest and principal of....... TAXATION-cities and villages to be restricted in.... 12 exemption from, not to be granted........... TESTIMONY-in equity cases, how taken... 3 24 111 7 3 THREE-FIFTHS-necessary for a quorum. tract..... 8 10 147 debts for improvement of highways, sinking stocks or bonds, not to become owner of....... TREASURY-no money to be paid from, without TWO-THIRDS of all elected to pass certain bills..... UNITED STATES DEPOSIT FUND-income of, officers, not to hold seat in legislature......... Art. Sec. Page. VACANCY IN OFFICE-judge of court of appeals. 6 legislature to declare what constitutes. 8 128 6 10 8 154 10 VILLAGES-bonds and stock, not to become owners VOTES-certain, for members of legislature, void.. WATERS OF STATE-on forest preserve lands... 10 2 153 8 1 145 8 10 147 14 2 162 2 1 90 2 4 92 criminal cases, not to testify against himself.... religious belief, not incompetent on account of.. WORKMEN-compensation for injury to or death of. CHRONOLOGY. 1492 Columbus discovers America. 1498} Conjectured voyage of the Cabots. 1524 Discovery of Verrazano. 1525 Gomez calls the Hudson River "San Antonio." 1609 Champlain enters New York from Canada; Hudson enters New York Bay. 1611 Christiansen and Block sail for Manhattan. 1614 Fort Nassau built on Castle Island below Albany; the "Onrust" launched; Amsterdam merchants given a trading charter for "New Netherland." 1615 Champlain invades New York a second time. 1617 "Treaty of Tawasentha" near Albany. 1620 Puritans refused right to settle in New Netherland. 1621 Dutch West India Company chartered. 1624 Mey sent out as Director; Dutch and Walloons settle Albany; Fort Orange built. 1625 Verhulst succeeds Mey as Director. 1626 Minuit arrives as the first "Director-General of New Netherland;" Manhattan Island bought for $23; block house and palisades built and called Fort Amsterdam. 1627 Friendly relations with Plymouth established. 1629 Charter of Privileges to "Patroons" granted by West India Company. 1630 Patroonship of Rensselaerwyck at Fort Orange established by Kilian van Rensselaer; Patroonship of Pavonia created. 1632 Patroons quarrel with Company; England claims New Nether land. 1633 Van Twiller made Director-General. 1634 West India Company buys back Pavonia. 1638 Kieft arrives as Director-General. 1639 New Charter of Privileges granted colonists. 1640 English purchase tracts in Kings and Queens counties from Indians; Kieft sends armed force against Raritan Indians. 1641 Council of people called by Governor Kieft; "Twelve Men" appointed first-representative assembly; war declared against 1642 Kieft dismisses "Twelve Men;" church built in the fort at savages. New Amsterdam; city tavern erected. 1643 Massacre of Indians by whites; colonists attacked in turn; Hempstead begun by English from Stamford; the "Eight Men" summoned. 1644 New Haven helps New Amsterdam in war on Indians; massacre of Long Island Indians. 1645 General peace concluded on Bowling Green; Flushing settled by English. 1646 Yonkers started. 1647 Kieft replaced by Stuyvesant as Director-General; "Nine Men" organized; Dutch and English boundaries settled. 1652 Esopus settled by Thomas Chambers. 1653 City government at Manhattan, earliest within U. S.; "Remonstrance" of the eight towns called at New Amsterdam. 1654 English intrigue to conquer the Dutch; Oswego settled. 1655 General Indian outbreak quelled. 1658 Kingston (Esopus) begun. 1659 War with the Esopus Indians. 1661 Schenectady settled - land purchased from Indians. 1663 Second Esopus War. 1664 New Netherland granted to the Duke of York by Charles II; Popular Assembly called; New Netherland surrenders to the English. 1665 "Duke's Laws" promulgated by Nicolls, first English Governor of New York; powers of taxation in Governor and Council. 1668 Lovelace succeeds Nicolls. 1670 First New York exchange established. 1672 War between England and Holland. 1673 Dutch recap are New York; first postal service in America. 1674 By treaty England regains New York; Andros appointed Governor. 1678 The "Bolting Act" gives New York the flour monopoly. 1679 Indian slavery abolished; Fort Niagara built by La Salle. 1683 Dongan made Governor; first elected representative Assembly called; "Charter of Liberties" granted; ten counties created within present New York. 1686 New York and New England consolidated; City of Albany incorporated, Peter Schuyler first Mayor. 1688 Dongan replaced by Andros. 1689 Union of England and New York dissolved. |