1690 Schenectady massacre by French and Indians; First Contin ental Congress at New York city. 1691 Popular assembly called and liberal laws formed. 1692 Fletcher arrives as Governor. 1693 First printing-press in the colony; Episcopal Church established in the colony. 1696 Trinity Church opened. 1698 Bellomont arrives as Governor. 1702 Lord Cornbury arrives as Governor. 1705 Grammar school created. 1708 Lovelace made Governor; Newburgh started. 1710 Hunter becomes Governor. 1711 Canadian expedition fails. 1712 Panic over Negro plot. 1715 Court of Chancery established; Lewis Morris made Chief Justice. 1719 Peter Schuyler acts as Governor. 1720 Burnet appointed Governor. 1722 Congress of Governors at Albany. 1728 Montgomery Governor. 1731 French build fort at Crown Point; boundary with Connecticut settled. 1732 Cosby Governor; public free school in New York city. 1733 Zenger's Weekly Journal established to uphold people. 1736 Cosby succeeded by Clarke as Governor. 1737 New Assembly grants revenue for one year. 17:38 Jews disfranchised, 1741 Second Negro panic. 1743 Clinton Governor. 1745 Saratoga destroyed by French and Indians. 1746 Sir William Johnson made head of Indian Department. 1748 Great Indian Council at Albany. 1752 First house built in Troy. 1753 Osborne follows Clinton, 1754 Albany Congress held; King's College founded. 1755 Hardy made Governor; meeting of Governors at New York over French and Indian war; Fort Edward built and battle of Lake George won. 1756 French take Forts Ontario and Oswego. 1737 Fort William Henry surrendered to the French; Indian mass acres, 1758 English repulsed at Fort Ticonderoga; children of Negro slaves freed. 1759 All French posts in New York captured. 1760 DeLancey succeeded by Colden as Governor. 1761 Monckton becomes Governor. 1765 Stamp Act passed; "Sons of Liberty" organized; Stamp Act Congress at New York city. 1766 Stamp Act repealed; Parliament suspends power of assembly. 1767 Tax on tea, glass, paper, etc. 1768 Assembly asserts rights of colonists. 1770 Duties repealed except on tea; Committee of One Hundred. 1771 Tryon chosen Governor - last royal executive of New York. 1773 Saratoga settled. 1775 Delegates sent to Second Continental Congress; temporary State government established by First Provincial Congress; Crown Point and Ticonderoga captured; Canadian expedition fails. 1776 Declaration of Independence read to troops; New York ratifies the Declaration of Independence; Battle of Long Island (August 26-29); British capture New York (Sept. 15); Nathan Hale executed; naval combat on Lake Champlain. 1777 First State Constitution adopted; State government organized; George Clinton elected as first Governor; Battle of Oriskany (August 6); Battle of Bennington (August 16); Burgoyne's invasion and surrender (October 17). 1778 Indian and Tory raids in Cherry Valley; settlement at Elmira. 1779 Stony Point captured and recaptured; Sullivan's expedition. 1780 Arnold's treason and Andre's execution. 1781 Washington's army leaves New York for Yorktown. 1782 New York transfers her western lands to the nation; Sir Guy Carleton in command at New York; American army winters at Newburgh. 1783 Washington refuses crown at Newburgh; treaty of peace signed; New York city evacuated by the British; Washington's farewell (Dec. 4). 1784 State Legislature meets in New York city; Continental Congress removes to New York city. 1787 Constitution of the United States formed; Act disfranchising Tories repealed. 1788 New York adopts the Constitution of U. S. (July 25); Representatives to Federal Congress elected. 1789 Washington inaugurated at New York city (Apr. 30); Schuyler and King chosen as first Senators. 1790 Congress removes to Philadelphia. 1791 Assembly and senatorial districts reapportioned; State lands ordered sold. 1793 Citizen Genet in New York. 1795 Common schools granted $50,000 for five years; Jay becomes Governor. 1796 Fitch's steamboat tried at New York. 1797 Albany made the State capital. 1798 Company created to build canal from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. 1799 Partial abolition of slavery. 1801 Common-school system organized; 'Constitutional Convention meets. 1804 Military Academy at West Point established by Congress; Burr kills Hamilton in duel; Clinton chosen Vice-President. 1805 School fund begun. 1806 Corner stone of old State Capitol laid at Albany (Apr. 23). 1807 Fulton's "Clermont" on the Hudson. 1808 Clinton re-elected Vice-President. 1811 Canal authorized at estimated cost of $5,000,000. 1812 Common-school system organized; Bank of America chartered; War with England; New York center of military operations; Perry's victory on Lake Erie. 1813 British capture Ogdensburg; British defeated in Battle of Plattsburg; Buffalo and Black Rock burned. 1814 British capture Fort Ontario at Oswego; British invade northern New York; Battle of Lake Champlain. 1815 News of peace treaty received. 1817 Slavery abolished after July 4, 1827. 1819 New York called "Empire State." 1821 Constitutional Convention called. 1822 New York adopts her second Constitution; lotteries abolished. 1823 Judicial system reorganized; Champlain canal completed. 1825 Erie canal completed at cost of over $9,000,000, 1826 Constitution amended. 1829 Banking law passed; [presidential electors chosen by general ticket. 1831 Railroad opened between Albany and Schenectady; imprisonment for debt abolished. 1832 Van Buren elected Vice-President; first horse street car operated in New York city. 1834 Anti-slavery society of New York formed. 1837 Van Buren elected President. 1838 General banking law passed. 1839 Anti-rent trouble. 1840 Governor Seward refuses to give up colored fugitives. 1841 Erie railroad opened to Goshen. 1842 Slavery trouble. 1844 Anti-rent difficulties; American party organized. 1845 Anti-rent war. 1846 War with Mexico; third Constitution adopted. 1848 Fillmore Vice-President. 1849 Slavery extension condemned. 1850 Fillmore President. 1853 Railroad laws passed. 1854 People vote to enlarge canals; State Superintendent of Public Instruction created. 1855 Slavery denounced. 1857 Temperance law passed; financial panic. 1858 First cablegram received in New York from London; John Brown invades Virginia. 1859 Negro sufirage rejected by the people. 1861 Legislature appropriates $3,000,000 to sustain the Union; Governor Morgan calls for 25,000 troops. 1862 120 regiments sent to war: $3,500,000 paid in bounties. 1863 Draft riots in New York city; "Peace Meeting." 1864 State tax levied for war; conspiracy to burn New York city. 1866 Fenian raid into Canada; Constitutional Convention called; common schools made entirely free. 1869 Legislature ratifies the XVth amendment. 1871 Corner-stone of new State Capitol laid at Albany: Orange riot in New York city. 1872 Greeley defeated for President. 1873 Financial panic. 1874 Compulsory education law passed; term of Governor Robinson changed from two to three years, 1876 Tilden defeated for President; Centennial of Independence celebrated. 1877 Revolutionary centennials. 1878 Elevated railroad built in New York city. 1879 New Capitol at Albany opened. 1881 Arthur President. 1883 Brooklyn Bridge opened; Civil Service Commission created. 1884 Cleveland elected President. 1886 Women admitted to legal practice; Statue of Liberty erected in New York harbor. 1888 Morton Vice-President. 1889 Centennial of Washington's inauguration celebrated. 1893 Great naval parade at New York city; Buffalo strike. 1894 Fourth Constitution adopted. 1897 Charter granted for Greater New York; Van Wyck the first Mayor of Greater New York. 1898 Greater New York charter goes into effect; Primary Election law passed; War with Spain. 1899 The Independent Labor Party formed in Greater New York; the Dewey reception. 1900 Roosevelt Vice-President; rapid transit begun for New York city. 1901 Pan-American Exposition; President McKinley shot at Buffalo; Roosevelt becomes New York's fifth President. 1903 People authorize use of $101,000,000 to rebuild the Erie Canal. 1907 Public Utilities Act created Public Service Commissions. 1908 Laws prohibited gambling at race tracks. 1911 Direct Primary Election Law. 1912 Roosevelt leader of "Progressives." 1916 Military Training Commission created. 1917 New York's activities in World War; State Constabulary created; Woman's suffrage amendment to the State Constitution passed; compulsory military training bill for boys between 16 and 19. 1919 Federal prohibition amendment passed. 1920 Soldiers' bonus submitted to a popular referendum; expulsion of five Socialists from the Assembly. 1921 State Motion Picture Censorship Commission established. 1922 Shortest session of Legislature in State's history; Children's Courts eestablished; $20,000,000 appropriated for highways. 1923 Soldiers' bonus appropriation of $45,000,000 authorized by vote of the people. 1924 Legislature enacts and Governor signs 669 new laws. |