983 908 954 840 769 828 834 733 1,687 1,738 1,705 664 506 1,571 1,535 1,495 1,454 870 834 737 1,328 1,383 1,147 1,610 1,589 1,500 1,328 890 788 1,260 1,377 1,605 1,971 12,651 30,893 29,911 35,672 34,687 37,176 40,093 45,393 1,289 1,216 996 898 889 840 761 3,482 3,310 4,944 4,826 5,376 6,033 6,809 2,044 2,096 2,201 2,073 2,034 2,320 3,084 1,658 1,864 1,406 1,086 1,134 1,116 1,816 1,813 1,652 1,475 1,470 1,565 1,471 1,028 48,265 47,223 54,063 51,600 54,662 59,017 65,872 COUNTY OF CHENANGO. 2,083 2,088 1,920 1,851 1,780 1,809 1,840 2,117 2,165 1,991 1,968 2,017 2,004 2,009 1,109 1,034 997 863 838 794 683 1,166 1,117 987 889 764 793 733 1 Including part of Elmira Heights village. Ghent. 2,903 2,654 2,698 2,581 2,819 3,118 2,451 1,247 1,224 1,191 1,151 1,639 1,470 1,103 1,369 1,133 2,313 1,909 1,841 1,541 46,205 45,205 43,211 42,868 43,658 44,111 38,930 COUNTY OF CORTLAND. 1 Part of Greenport town annexed to Hudson city since 1910. Andes. 2,264 2,183 1,927 1,860 2,007 2,084 1,922 1,007 927 932 916 912 867 858 Colchester. 2,973 2,692 3,156 3,070 3,193 3,250 2,849 Davenport. 1,789 1,824 1,620 1,560 1,427 1,393 1,313 Delhi 2,908 2,793 3,243 2,908 2,815 2,852 2,721 Deposit. 1,664 1,683 1,747 1,895 1,641 1,645 1,415 Franklin. 2,897 2,638 2,529 2,444 2,403 2,222 2,132 Hamden. 1,507 1,455 1,378 1,386 1,373 1,387 1,248 Hancock. 4,745 4,593 5,308 5,701 5,191 4,908 4,122 Harpersfield. 1,386 1,336 1,221 1,244 1,244 1,223 1,184 Kortright 1,588 1,535 1,485 1,527 1,481 1,608 1,559 Masonville. 1,397 1,464 1,245 1,120 1,053 Meredith 1,555 1,529 1,508 1,469 1,393 1,472 1,394 Middletown. 3,313 3,503 3,619 3,819 3,802 4,026 3,522 Roxbury 2,272 2,248 2,134 2,206 2,164 2,318 2,258 Sidney 3,122 3,320 4,023 4,319 4,148 4,215 4,133 Stamford. 1,940 1,902 1,997 2,049 Tompkins.. 2,626 2,727 2,482 2,277 2,127 1,919 1,737 Walton. 4,543 4,811 4,869 4,996 5,088 5,275 5,425 Inmates of inst'ns.. 57 12 77,879 78,342 81,670 81,633 87,661 91,044 91,747 COUNTY OF ERIE. 2,304 2,377 2,396 2,453 2,748 2,866 2,433 4,014 3,960 4,223 4,493 4,629 5,389 6,286 3,266 3,371 4,015 4,180 4,479 5,446 5,312 1,278 1,247 1,398 1,627 1,535 1,489 1,325 1,396 1,387 2,005 1,998 2,424 2,854 *1,830 255,664 278,727 352,387 376,587 423,715 454,630 506,775 2,974 3,250 5,156 6,671 7,650 9,405 11,923 3,195 3,151 2,948 2,817 2,991 3,082 2,660 1,378 1,384 1,260 1,307 1,303 1,390 1,259 Colden.. Collins. 2,362 2,203 3,753 2,602 4,568 2,653 4,061 Concord. 3,881 4,067 4,086 4,452 4,391 4,570 4,223 East Hamburg. 2,304 2,351 2,350 2,575 2,636 3,004 3,120 Eden. 2,288 2,206 2,368 2,495 2,526 2,616 2,352 322,981 347,328 433,686 473,700 528,985 571,897 634,688 Part of Cattaraugus Indian Reservation in Brant and Collins towns, but independent thereof; for population, see footnote, Cattaraugus county. Tonawanda Indian Reservation located in Erie and Genesee counties. Total population: 400 in 1920 (55 in Erie, 345 in Genesee); 497 in 1910 (63 in Erie, 434 in Genesee); 488 in 1900 (142 in Erie, 346 in Genesee). • Exclusive of part of Cattaraugus Indian reservation. + Exclusive of part of Tonawanda Indian reservation. |