Mount Hope. 1,437 1,360 1,236 1,128 1,786 1,589 1,708 Newburgh Newburgh city New Windsor. 4,543 3,752 4,246 4.785 5.132 4,807 4,034 23,087 24,536 24,943 26,498 27,805 27,876 30,366 2,621 2,191 2,392 2,887 2,667 2,745 2,984 Port Jervis city. 9,564 9,413 10,171 Tuxedo. 1,678 1,813 2,277 2,865 Wallkill. 2,755 2,727 2,725 2.736 2.858 3,636 2,355 2.578 2,803 2,598 Warwick 6,000 5,984 6,403 6,690 7,141 8,113 7,462 Wawayanda. 1,625 1,554 1,539 1,574 1,603 1,954 1,689 Woodbury 1,528 1,554 1,666 1,822 2,216 2,300 1,885 5,773 5,880 5,749 6.399 6,455 7,253 5,846 2,154 2,099 1,937 1,809 1,812 1,875 1,622 2,374 2,297 2,338 2,236 2,259 2,289 1,832 Clarendon 1.731 1,663 1,518 1,455 1,335 1,373 1,139 Gaines.. 2,070 2,049 1,889 Kendall.. 1,775 1,681 1,616 1,839 1,946 1,981 1,669 1.638 1.585 1,678 1,275 Murray. 3,465 3,527 3,656 3,931 3,969 4,221 3,390 Ridgeway. 5,790 5.882 5,898 6,130 6.538 6,721 5,969 Shelby. 3.702 3,653 3,679 3,900 3,945 4,240 3,937 Yates. 1,969 1,995 1,884 1,961 2,156 2,288 1,940 Inmates of inst'ns... 31 25 Totals. 30,803 30,762 30,164 31,323 32,000 33,919 28,619 COUNTY OF OSWEGO. POPULATION. 1890. 1892. 1900. 1905. 1910. 1915. 1920. 617 2,172 2,071 1,724 1,635 1,472 1,510 1,288 1,557 1,520 1,408 1,399 913 1,461 1,476 1,256 929 2,671 23,368 924 890 3,090 1,662 25,426 23,626 1,361 1,255 1,281 1,046 1,770 1,839 1,530 1,383 1,311 1,392 1,265 1,060 1,084 911 792 803 678 Parish Redfield. 647 3,771 3,637 3,535 3,611 3,791 3,920 3,738 2,707 3,149 2,326 2,018 2,617 Williamstown. 1,215 1,236 1,028 Inmates of inst'ns.. 102 Totals.. 7 71,883 70,970 70,881 70,110 71,664 75,929 71,045 COUNTY OF OTSEGO. 1 Minetto town organized from part of Oswego town since 1910. 1,323 1,312 1,225 1,088 1,039 976 912 8,018 8,347 8,910 9,928 1,307 1,527 1,601 9,491 10.474 11,582 Queens borough..... 118,059 141,805 152,999 198,240 284,041 396,727 469,012 North Greenbush. 4,768 4,794 4,719 1,222 1,293 1,383 1,408 Petersburg. Pittstown. 1,461 1,584 1,449 1,350 1,238 1,238 1,066 1 Towns of Hempstead, North Hempstead and Oyster Bay erected into county of Nassau, January 1, 1899, and Long Island City, together with the towns of Flushing, Jamaica and Newtown were consolidated with New York city January 1, 1898, and constitute the borough of Queens. COUNTY OF RENSSELAER - (CONTINUED). TOWNS AND POPULATION. 1890. 1892. 1900. 1905. 1910. 1915. 1920. 1,602 1,502 1,362 1,143 1,078 1,134 1,002 7,301 7,462 7,466 10,715 10,711 11,210 10,823 2,555 2,474 2,299 2,205 2,128 2,140 1,916 3,059 2,973 2,631 3,181 2,780 2,711 2,17/ 4,388 4,514 4,334 4,424 4,780 4,647 3,992 1,764 1,799 1,545 1,424 1,289 1,287 1,109 60,956 64,986 60,651 76,910 76,813 75,488 72,013 COUNTY OF ROCKLAND. 5,216 5,552 6,305 7,669 7,980 7,931 7,317 9,079 7,714 9,874 10,482 9,335 9,266 9,027 10,343 10,173 10,456 12,868 14,370 13,601 14,284 5,910 6,599 7,502 10,142 11,537 12,384 11,709 4,614 3,656 4,161 3,862 3,651 3,721 3,211 32 9 35,162 33,726 38,298 45,032 46,873 46,903 45,548 COUNTY OF ST. LAWRENCE. 2,333 2,179 2,270 1,922 Canton. 6,096 6,013 6,387 6,798 6,151 6,777 6,497 Clare. 1 Constituted a part of New York city January 1, 1898, and known as the borough of Richmond. Enumerations of 1900, 1905 and 1910 reported by wards. |