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2. Bacteriology.

(To be announced.) This course consists of lectures, recitations, and laboratory demonstrations. It will include a discussion of the occurrence, range, and distribution, the morphology and physiology of microbes; microbes in health and disease; the use of microbes in the various industries; disinfectants and disinfection; immunity, natural and acquired; phagocytosis, opsonins, toxins, bacterins (vaccines), tuberculins, phylacogens, sanitation, etc. The course is intended to give the student a general view of the subject with special reference to its bearings upon pharmaceutical practice. It is also a preparatory course to the work of the third or graduate year.



This course consists of lectures and recitations. It includes the history of toxicology, with definitions of terms, and a sketch of the field of usefulness of this subject to the pharmacist. The influences of habit, tolerance, and idiosyncrasy are fully considered.

Particular attention is given to dosage, medicinal, toxic, and lethal. Also absorption, elimination, and cumulative actions of poisonous substances. The signs and symptoms of poisons are studied in each case, and antidotes and medical treatment receive attention.

Text-book: Brundage's Toxicology.



Preliminary Course.

This is to prepare students to understand the law as applied to pharmacy.

History and development of the law; Constitution of the United States; The State Constitution; federal law and state law in their relation to each other; definitions. 2 lectures.

Principles of the Law Applied to Pharmacy.

This course deals with the broad responsibility and liability of the pharmacist under the general principles of the law. Its purpose is to acquaint him with his risks as well as his rights, that he may minimize the one and more fully enjoy the other.

The origin, history and scope of pharmacal jurisprudence; the nature of contracts, and the implied contract of guaranty on the part of the pharmacist; liability for negligence (case law); liability for error (case law); liability of manufacturing pharmacist (case law); contributory

negligence as a defense, and other special features; important business features, insurance, patents, copyrights, expert witness, ownership of prescription, etc. 7 lectures.

Statutes or Positive Law Bearing upon Pharmacy.

There is probably no field of legislative activity in which the morality of the age is expressing itself more vigorously, at the present time, than in that pertaining to pharmacy. It tends to prove both a growing morality and a growing profession. The path of business in which the modern pharmacist must walk has become very straight and narrowbusiness failure on one side, fines or jail on the other. While this may convince him of his importance in public estimation, it also makes it necessary that he be informed as to his rights and forewarned of the dangers that await him. The following course of lectures is designed for this end:

The necessity for and the constitutionality of statutes regulating the practice of pharmacy; the legal boundary between pharmacy and medi cine; the California statute regulating the practice of pharmacy; the statutes regulating the sale of poisons, hours of employment, the sale of tobacco to minors, the sale of insecticides, etc., itinerant vendors, etc., considered respectively; the Federal Pure Food and Drugs Act, and the California Pure Drugs Act; the study of cases under the foregoing statutes and acts. 7 lectures.



The graduate courses are intended to meet the needs of two classes of persons-those desiring to continue their studies beyond the customary requirements for the degree of Graduate in Pharmacy and to receive the Bachelor's degree, and those who wish for special instruction in the theory and technique of the branches of science included in a course of pharmacy but who are not candidates for graduation.

Students desiring to obtain the degree of Ph.C. or Phar.B., already possessing the degree of Ph.G., whether graduates of this college or of other colleges requiring equivalent qualifications for graduation, are admitted to this course without examination, if they were matriculated upon qualifications that would have admitted them to the College of Letters and Science of the University of California.

The course consists of thirty-two weeks' instruction, including quantitative chemical analysis, toxicology, the chemistry of the urine, bac

* These courses are subject to change. The full details of the third as well as fourth year courses will be given upon application.

teriology, the assay of drugs, foods, and pharmaceuticals, and advanced work in microscopy and pharmacognosy. Upon completing the course, with attendance, presenting a thesis showing original work, and passing all examinations the successful candidate will receive the degree of Pharmaceutical Chemist after three years' work, or Bachelor of Pharmacy after four years' work.

Other students who are not candidates for the bachelor's degree, pharmaceutical chemist's or whether seeking to qualify themselves to serve as examiners under the pure food and drugs laws or simply desiring special advanced instruction, will be admitted on giving proof by examination or otherwise of their fitness to take up the work with advantage to themselves and with credit to the college. Provision has been made for those who may wish to take these courses but have not acquired the knowledge and technique of advanced pharmacy, analytical chemistry, and microscopy which are needed to pursue profitably the line of study required. Such persons will be required to do preliminary work in order to fit themselves for the courses. On satisfactorily completing the course or courses they will receive certificates of record.


Advanced Pharmacy.


Professor NISH.

This course is offered with the idea of qualifying students for the more highly technical processes involved in drug assaying and the standardization of pharmaceutical preparations.

It includes the following estimations: the per cent of alcohol and of extractive in samples of galenicals; the per cent of iodine in the official and proprietary preparations containing iodine; the per cent of arsenic in the official and proprietary preparations containing arsenic; the digestive power of samples of pepsin and of the various preparations containing pepsin; the digestive power of pancreatin and of the various preparations containing pancreatin; the per cent of available oxygen in samples of Aqua Hydrogenii Dioxide and other preparations carrying hydrogen peroxide.

Gasometric estimations are made of several samples of Spiritus

Aetheris Nitrosi.

The per cent strength of such ointments as sulphur, zinc oxide mercurial and ammoniated mercury, is ascertained by methods best suited for their estimation.

Alkaloidal Assaying. The assay process of the Pharmacopoeia and other approved methods are carried out for the valuation of all vegetable drugs and their preparations possible of assay.

The student is required to carry on individual work, to keep an accurate record of all processes and their results, and to submit the completed record at the end of the course. This record shall constitute a report of the year's work in pharmacy.

Chemistry: Analytical and Applied.

Professor GREEN.

This course is a continuation of the senior laboratory work, but in addition to dealing with the chemical examination of drugs and medicinal preparations, it aims to fit pharmacists to become analysts of foods.

The course comprises the assay of certain drugs and spices for the purpose of estimating the proportion of the most valued constituents; also the complete analysis of others, determining the ash, fibre, sugars, oils, resins, alkaloids, glucosides, and other active principles.

Fixed oils, fats, and waxes are analyzed according to the U. S. P. methods, and also by the official and provisional methods of the Division of Chemistry of the Department of Agriculture.

Essential oils are assayed and tested by the U. S. P. methods.

The spectroscope is used in the recognition and study of the alkalies and alkali-earths. Also the absorption spectra of colors are observed. Refractrometric studies are made by means of the Abbe and the

immersion refractometer.

Water analysis from its sanitary aspect is taught.

Attention is given to the chemistry of the sugars, including the gravimetric and polarimetric methods in use.

Toxicology, embracing the study of the inorganic, volatile, and organic poisons, receives the student's attention at the latter part of the course. The course includes a study of the chemistry of the urine, with the qualitative and quantitative estimations of its constituents, both normal and pathologie.

The period of study parallels the other chemical laboratory courses.


Histology of Foods and Drugs.

(To be announced.)

This course will consist of a microscopical examination of food products and drugs and their more common adulterants. Its aim is to prepare the student to meet the demands of the pure food and drug laws. It will conform as nearly as possible with the methods of study and investigation recommended by the United States Department of Agri



(To be announced.)

This course consists of laboratory work, including the preparation of culture media, culture methods, and methods of staining; the culture, examination, and identification of some of the more common microbes of earth, air, and water; a study of the nature of opsonins and of toxins, antitoxins and microbic products generally. Furthermore, each student is assigned some special work, as the study of the microbic contaminations of pharmaceutical preparations, of water, of foods, etc. There are occasional seminar meetings for the purpose of reading papers, comparing notes and reporting progress.



Advanced Pharmacy.

Professor NISH. 1. The preparation and purification of inorganic chemical compounds.— The mineral deposits in the states west of the Rocky Mountains furnish an abundant source for some of the most interesting and valuable inorganic salts. The salts of potassium, sodium, lithium, ammonium, magnesium, calcium, aluminum, chromium, boron, zinc, manganese, iron, silver, mercury, sulphur, and arsenic offer an attractive list from which the student can make a selection for this particular line of work.

2. The preparation and purification of organic compounds. Such organic acids as acetic, citric, and tartaric are produced from the crude materials which are quite easily obtained, particularly the latter two, owing to the cultivation of the citrus fruit and of the vine in California. A number of synthetic compounds are produced from the bitumen and the petroleum which occur in abundance. Ether, chloroform, chloral, thymol, iodide, idoform, terpin hydrate, ethyl nitrite, ethyl acetate, and a number of other organic compounds are prepared in the laboratory.

3. The preparation of compressed tablets, hypodermic tablets, ampules, toilet creams, dental creams, mulls, pastes, etc.-Each student is required to submit formulas, to prepare and to present in a marketable form these and a number of similar pharmaceutical and commercial products.

4. The preparation of diagnostical reagents for clinical tests. Such diagnostical reagents as may be required in the Department are prepared in the pharmacy laboratory.

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