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"Sub Art. S. Bonaventura. "Nunc doctissima ejus scripta prosequemur et quid de iis alii senserint adjiciemus. Variis temporibus, variisque editionibus novis creverunt augmeutis neque vero hactenus omnia prodiderunt. Nos magnam præparamus additionem ad ea quæ hunc usque prodierunt in editione Vaticana omnium copiossissima, ex penu etiam Vaticano exscriptis multis, quæ nusquam prodierunt operibus. Ut vero creverint quæ prius erant nota, quæ posterius innotuerant, et quibus aucta incrementis, ut clarius lector perspiciat, variorum authorum qui de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis scripserunt catalogos præmittemus.

"Art S. Bonaventure. We shall now turn to his very learned writings, and subjoin that which others have thought of them. At various times and in various editions they have been augmented by new matter, and notwithstanding all have not yet been published. We are preparing a large edition to those that have already appeared in the Vatican edition, the most copious of all, having also transcribed many pieces from the Vatican store, which have never been published. But in order that the reader may see more clearly how those writings of his which were first known increased, what ones be

came known at a later period, and by what editions they were enlarged, we shall first give the catalogues supplied by the various authors who have treated of ecclesiastical writers."

Wadding refers to Henricus Godavensis, who does not mention the Psalter; next, to Jacobus Odo Perusinus, who does not profess to give a full catalogue; next, to Bartholomæus Pisanus, who does not give a full catalogue; next, to Gulielmus Eisengrenius, who also does not give a full catalogue; next, to Trithemius, who gives the Greater and Lesser Psalter as genuine productions.

"Marianus Florentinus, in fasciculo Chronicorum Ordinis Minorum apud me manuscript. lib. ii. cap. 25: Benaventura Minister Generalis, &c., non ob. stante officii pondere, quod egregie qui. dem prosequebatur semper in prædicando, legendo, et libros scribendo se occupabat. Multa docte et pie composuit.

Ea sunt,

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Legendam Majorem et Minorem S. Francisci.

"Itinerarium Mentis in Deum.

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He then refers to the Vatican edition of Sixtus V., and shews that it includes the Psalters.

F. Sbaralea says, in his work entitled, Supplementum et Castigatio ad

Scriptores Ordinis Minorum. Recensuit Fr. Lucas Waddingus. Superiorum facultate.

Romæ, 1806.

Scriptores trium Ordinum S. Francis

ci a Waddingo aliisque descriptos à Fr Io. Hyacintho Sbaralea minore conventuæ sacræ Theologiæ magistro, Roma, 1806, superiorum permissu, at page 159, "Psalterium Majus B. Mariæ Virginis defenditur à Card. Bellarmino in Apologia pro responso ad librum Jacobi Angliæ Regis." "The Larger Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary is defended by Cardinal Bellarmine in his apology for the answer to the book of King James of England." He continues,

"Extat tamen B. V. Mariæ sub nomine Bonaventuræ MS. in Bibliotheca Murbacen. diœces. Basileæ; ex catalogo apud Montfaucon, tom. ii. p. 1176, et in Victorina Paris, sub. кк. num. 7. ex Arturo in Martyrol. Franc. ad diem 14 Julii § x. et seqq., qui notat Psalterium istud diversimode reperiri impressum, ac unumquodque differre ab alio tum in quibusdam verbis, nominibusque, cum in dispositione ac ordine recitationis, eaque omnia reperiri in Bibliothec. Annunciat. B. V. Recollect. prope Parisios.


Prodiit primum Argentinæ anno 1495; inde Venetiis, an. 1504; et Parisiis, vel rectius Beinæ in Burgundiæ an. 1521 in 12. per Tielmannum Kerverum Sapphicis versibus expressum a Jodoco Badio Ascensio... Brixiæ an. 1553 in 16., et 1596 in 16. Hispali an. Matriti anno 1625, in


1624 .. 16., et iterum anno 1628 an. 1697; . . . . . et alibi cum aliis opusculis S. Bonaventuræ.

"Psalterium S. Bonaventuræ

litaniis Matriti an. 1613


..... In

Italicum idioma versum ..... vulgatum

est Genuæ an. 1616




prodiit Coloniæ an. 1605 in 12. Sinensium idiomà etiam translatum fuit a Fr. Emmanuele, a S. Jo. Evan. &c.

"[Sbaralea 87 opera reducit in tres classes; certa (inter quæ Corona B.V.M.) 45; dubia 8; et spuria 24, inter quæ numerantur Speculum B. V. M. Carmina super Salve Regina, Laus Mariæ Vir. ginis, Psalterium majus et minus B. Mar.]


The Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary is to be found in MS. under Bonaventure's name in the Library of Murbach, diocess of Basle: as appears from Montfaucon's catalogue, tom. ii. page 1176, and in the Victorin Library of Paris under Kк. num. 7, according to Arturus in the Franciscan Martyrology, at July 14th, § 10, &c., who notes that this Psalter is found printed in various ways, and that the copies differ from each other as well in some of the words and names as in the arrangement

and order of the reading, and that all these sorts are to be met with in the Library of the Annunciation of the B. V. belonging to the Recollects, near Paris.

"It was published first at Strasburg, in 1495; afterwards at Venice, an. 1504; and at Paris, or rather at Beaulne, in Burgundy, an. 1521, in 12mo., by Tielman Kerver, in Sapphic verse, by Jodocus Badius Ascensius at Brescia, anno 1553 in 16mo., and 1596 in 16mo.. at Seville, an. 1624 ..... at Madrid, anno 1625, in 16mo., and again anno 1628 and an. 1697 ...... and elsewhere with Bonaventure's minor works.



"The Psalter of S. Bonaventure, with litanies, at Madrid, anno 1613...... Translated into Italian It was published at Genoa, an. 1616...... It appeared in German at Cologne, an. 1605. It was also translated into the Chinese language by Fr. Emmanuel, a S. Jo. Evan, &c."

"[Sbaralea," observes Mr. King, "reduces 87 works attributed to S. Bonaventure into three classes; certain (including the Crown of the B. V. M.), 45 ; dubious, 8; and spurious, 34! The first class includes the Mirror of the B. V. M.; the verses on Salva Regina, the Praise of Mary, and her Two Psalters.]"

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"Wherefore we require and admonish all and singular occupying stations of dignity, that they solemnly publish these our present letters among the entire body of the clergy and people of their states, diocesses, and parishes, and that they exhort the same persons humbly to entreat of God himself, the source of all good that being prevailed on by the merits and intercessions of this holy Doctor and Confessor S. Bonaventure, he may ever protect and defend the Church Militant, the Apostolic faith, and all the faithful of Christ, from the attacks of heathen and other infidels and heretics, and from all perils."

Pope Sixtus V. confirmed the acts of his predecessor of the same name, and enjoined the use of the writings of the canonised blasphemer in schools and colleges, as follows:

"S. D. N. Sixti Papæ Quinti Decretales Litteræ quibus Sanctus Bonaventura

inter eximios egregiosque Sanctos Catholicæ Ecclesiæ Doctores annumeratur.

quam sane gratiam in ejus ore et calamo diffusam, admirans prædecessor noster Sixtus IV. Pontifex, illud dicere non dubitavit, Spiritum Sanctum in eo locutum videri ...... nos quoque


... ipsum S. Bonaventuram, jure sanctorum Doctorum consortio ab eodem Sixto IV. ascriptum et connumeratum, auctoritate Apostolica tenore præsentium inter præcipuos et primarios, qui Theologicæ facultatis magisterio excelluerunt habendum ac venerandum esse decernimus et declaramus.

Atque ob eam causam... .... illius libros, commentarios, opuscula, opera denique omnia, prout ex nostra typographia Vaticana, quam emendatissima

emittuntur, ut aliorum ecclesiæ Doctorum qui eximii sunt, non modo privatim, sed publice in gymnasiis, academiis, scholis, collegiis, lectionibus, disputationibus, interpretationibus, concionibus, sermonibus, omnibusque aliis ecclesiasticis studiis, Christianisque exercitationibus, citari, proferri, atque cum res postulaverit adhiberi volumus et decernimus.

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holy doctors, be estimated and honoured among the chief and principal of those who have excelled in the attainments of the theological profession.

"And for this reason.....


we will and decree, that his books, commentaries, tracts, in fine all his works, as they are published in the most correct manner from our Vatican press .. be in the same way as the works of other doctors who are held in repute, cited, adduced, and brought forward when the occasion shall require, not only privately, but pub. licly, in seminaries, academies, schools, colleges, in lessons, disputations, interpretations, addresses, discourses, and all other ecclesiastical studies and Christian exercises."

It is abundantly evident that every reference made by Popish priests to disprove the authenticity of the writings of their saint is a distinct proof of the brazen effrontery of that reckless hierarchy. Luke Wadding, the most competent of all authorities on the works of Bonaventure, who has issued, or is issuing, a complete edition of the saint's works, tells us, at the close of his list of Bonaventure's works, "the Psalter of the B. V. M. composed by him is learnedly and piously defended by Petrus Canizius against the objections of the heretic Platzius." Nor is the papal priesthood more successful in repudiating their idolatrous practices by solemnly declaring that the Psalter of the saint is in the Index Prohibitorius. We have looked carefully into a large collection of Indices, and in no one of them is the saint's psalter mentioned. From Mr. King's pamphlet, page 84, it appears that an edition of the Psalter was published in 1611, under the very highest auspices, bearing the following imprimatur on its titlepage: "Ulisipone cum facultate supremi senatus Inquisitionis et ordinarii Necnon regis Lusitaniæ. Excudebat Antonius Alvarez, anno Domini 1611." What, also, can be more decisive than the fact, that it was published by Sixtus V., in his collection of the works of the saint, and commended by his holiness to schools, universities, &c.? To shew how faithfully the injunction of this pope has been complied with, we have only to give the successive editions which the Psalter has reached. The following are a few only:-Venetis, 1476; Argentina, 1425; Ve

net. 1504; Genuæ, 1521; Brixiæ, 1553; Ingolst. 1593; Brixiæ, 1596; Valencenis, 1605; Genevra, 1606; Colne, 1608; Constantiæ, 1611; Ulisipone, 1611; Matriti, 1613; Genuæ, 1616; Hispali, 1624; Matriti, 1625; Insulis, 1659; Lugduni, 1668; Brux. 1672; Paris, 1677; Matriti, 1697; Antv. 1700; Brux. 1701; Liege, 1702; Neuhusii, 1709; Rouen, 1823; Romæ, 1836; Romæ, 1839.*

We have thus finished our present paper on the worship of the church of Rome. We intend in some future number to add other exemplifications, no less pregnant with idolatry, and no less authentic and genuine. Is it then to this caricature of Christianity that the popish bishops and priests in England desire to bring us over? Is this the liturgic exercises we are to receive in the room of the form of sound words drawn from the source of light? We have no hesitation in saying, that the Roman

Catholic Institute may be brought in as guilty of encouraging the sale of blasphemous writings as Owen or Carlisle. The poison may be more subtle, but it is no less real.

It is certainly a remarkable fact, that at the very time that the Papal apostasy makes the most gigantic efforts at progress, the Protestant clergy should be enabled most perspicuously to reveal her dreadful doctrines. The harlot appears before the world guilty of cruelty against man and blasphemy against God, at once the persecutor of the church and the dishonourer of God. The blood of saints is on her robes, -blasphemy against Heaven interwoven with her very being. Her sin is unpardonable; her doom is near. When it comes we shall rejoice. We have no sympathies with her in the time of her sure torture: her crimes are too awful, and her desert too righteous.



Since this article was begun, we received the last edition (edit. xi.) published at Rome, 1839. It is fuller than that of 1836, containing several additional portions of blasphemy. Its authority is thus given :-" Imprimatur Fr. V. A. Modena O. P. S. P. Apost. Magister Soc. Imprimatur A. Piatti Patriarch, Antioch Vicesg. Edizione xi. Roma 1839. Presso Alessandro Monaldi." We present one or two short extracts :-" Gesu, Giuseppe, e Maria vi dono il cuore e l'anima mea." Giuseppe, e Maria assistetemi nell' agonia." Gesu, Giuseppe, e Maria spiri in pace fra voi l'anima mia. 300 giorni d' indulgenza!!" Three hundred days of indulgence for this impious blasphemy! Under the title "Orazione alla Santissima Vergine" is a picture of the Virgin, with a halo of glory, and under this a prayer, the recital of which, by the authority of Pope Pius VII., gains 200 days of indulgence. Virgine Santissima, Madre del verbo incarnato, Te soriera delle Grazie e refugio di noi miseri peccatori, pieni di fiducia ricorriamo al vostro materno amore e vi domandiamo la grazia di far sempre la volonta di Dio e di voi. Consegnamo il nostro cuore nelle vostre santissime mani! Vi chiediamo la salute dell anima e dell corpo e speriamo di certo che voi nostra Madre amorosissima ci esaudirete intercedendo per noi e pero con viva fede diciamo Tre ave Maria."

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"I see by my paper."-Vide MATHEWS's Quid Nunc.

LEARNED SIRS!-I am one of those persons who look upon a newspaper as one of the daily necessaries of life; and I cannot relish my morning's tea and toast unless mixed up and digested with the news of the previous day in short, I am what is called A Constant Reader. I am not, however, a politician, neither am I a pryer into Domestic Affairs that are no concern of my own. And it is with pride I add, that I never suffer my eyes to look into Private Correspondence [which I must ever think, when laid open in your columns to general inspection, a most flagrant and unjustifiable breach of confidence; but this you will say is your affair, not mine: suffice it, that I never have perused the articles so headed, and never will]. I detest scandal in all its varieties, and therefore skip all paragraphs; and never read advertisements, unless I find myself in want of a servant or a horse. I take no interest in police transactions, because I consider them low; and as for the space devoted to theatres, I have long since ceased to place any reliance on the conflicting statements of contemporary criticism, which only serve to involve my mind in perplexity and doubt.

Being now a retired London tradesman, and eke a country gentleman residing in the salubrious village of Camberwell, I find myself with so much leisure, that I think it cannot be better employed than in superintending the education of my children (still young, from the circumstance of my not finding time to marry until late in life); and I take a pride in instructing my two boys in all that appertains to the every-day concerns of life, considering such of more value to them than Greek or Latin, -the sons of a tailor having no further occasion for such learning than to know the meaning of the Roman

initials of £. s. d., more than which they would unquestionably forget in a much shorter space of time than that employed in the acquirement. In order to qualify myself for the pleasing, though arduous, undertaking I have entered upon, I am careful to inform my own mind upon every matter likely to prove advantageous to my pupils; I therefore read diligently every work that falls in my way, from Doctor Johnson's Dictionary up to the Penny Magazine. And in addition to these sources of useful knowledge-and I hold all other utterly worthless-I take in, as I have already intimated, the morning newspaper; and as I think it a weary, if not a wicked, waste of time to employ myself upon any thing out of my walk of life, I neither trouble my head with politics (as aforesaid) nor fashionable intelligence; for since I closed my ledger, and quitted St. James's, I have cut the Court Circular,-the habits of high life giving me now no greater concern than a casual glance at my book of bad debts is apt to renew. Therefore, after my paper is delivered, and haply a supplement, by the newsman, and carefully dried, I anxiously turn to the corner wherein the births, deaths, marriages, are usually registered; and on the appointed days, to the list of bankrupts, not always without the flutter of old associations. I then look out, as Yankees say-[a queerish race them Yankees-never wear a well-made coat-but no matter] I look out for horrid murders and extensive robberies, distressing suicides and coroners' inquests, shocking accidents and crim. cons., omnibus nuisances and cruelty to animals. These, with high water at London Bridge and the printer's name, include, I take it, what may be called every body's business, and come home at once to

• Which book, by the way, I have bequeathed to my friend lukson (the best tailor, since I have given up business in town). It will remind him of the good-will of a brother snip when he has closed accounts, and dropped from the shop-board of life into his everlasting Sabbath.

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