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an will not go there alone, and the man will not go there alone and claim exaltation. They may attain a degree of salvation alone, but when they are exalted they will be exalted according to the law of the celestial kingdom."1

3. The Opportunity of Being Help


Every good wife may have the satisfaction of knowing that in large measure she becomes responsible

(whether she knows it or not) for her husband's success or failure in life.

"In addition to home government women often stand with their husbands in responsible places and share in some measure the success or failure which characterizes their husband's administration of affairs. In selecting men to occupy responsible positions in the Church, it not infrequently happens that a useful and competent man is barred from consideration because of the deplorable want of fitness in the wife; and thus though a wife may not always bar a husband's opportunities, she may nevertheless prove a great hindrance to him in the discharge of the duties that belong to his office. If our

sisters could only realize how helpful they might be to their husbands who hold responsible positions in the Church and if they would only take pride and pleasure in their husband's administration of affairs, the conduct of men in pubic office would in many instances be very greatly improved."2

The responsibility which women bear in this respect is very grave and they should understand it and prepare themselves early in life to be true help-meets, dependable inspirations to all the good men whose lives they will share.

In like manner men may encourage or handicap women in the exercise of their gifts. The two are linked so closely together that their united lives becomes a mirror of the true worth of each.


It is a great satisfaction to know

"Gospel Doctrine," Joseph F. Smith, p.

2"Gospel Doctrine," p. 363.

that each may become a greater man or woman through association with the other.

4. The Lessons of United Lives.

It is the learning of the priceless lessons of life that brings joy to mortals and in no other way can real abiding happiness be attained. Hap

platter. Even the happiest marriage cannot always be as a joyous dream experienced as if living on a bed of roses. Sorrow and grinding care come sooner or later to all mortals and they must know how to meet it and how to translate necessary suffering into a precious lesson that will tend to unite rather than to separate life partners in happiness.

piness is never handed around on a

To gain the greatest satisfaction from life one must know the meaning of struggle, of trial, of constant endeavor to overcome faults in one's self and of overlooking faults in others. The constant application of the law of adjustment of difficulties, of the meaning of compromise, and of arbitration will give great breadth to human character and make for greater sympathy with life and for a broad and comprehensive human understanding. Marriage and family life give a wonderful chance to learn well these intangible life lessons and develop the best of one's nature as can no other relationship.

If all these lessons of life are learned well a happy home may be assured to every earnest student of these lessons. The certain possession of great joy and power in their mission of righteousness on earth may be promised.

III. They Become as Gods.

The modern Prophet Joseph Smith taught that even in God-hood men and women are united. He taught that there is a Mother as well as a Father in Heaven. How else indeed

can one interpret the first chapter of Genesis: "in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." But it remained for modern revelation to make clear to the world the first chapter of the Bible!

When men and women live together in righteousness and testify to the full meaning of their creation by having a splendid family of children then do they truly "become as Gods."

* "For they are given unto him to multiply and replenish the earth, according to my commandment, and to fulfil the promise which was given by my Father before the foundation of the world; and for their exaltation in the eternal worlds that they may bear the souls of men, for herein is the work of my Father continued, that he may be glorified."3

"Then shall they be Gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be Gods, because they have all power and the angels are subject unto them."4

Thus it is made known that in marriage and parenthood only is man living to the full stature of his being and in no other way can he fully glorify his Maker and carry out the plan for eternal progression and perfection of the human race. If man does less than this, wilfully, he is shirking his duty and is on the downward path. But if he puts himself in full harmony with this law he is on the sure road to eternal progress 3Doc and Cov. 132:63. 4Doc. and Cov. 132:19-20.

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1. What is your favorite lesson of all the sixteen you have studied in this course on An Everlasting Covenant? and why? (Ask three or four girls to answer this.)

2. What are a few of the most valuable truths you have learned during this course of study?

3. Do you feel that you are a better and a wiser girl than you were a year ago, and why?

4. In what ways are you better prepared to meet your future life than you were a year ago, and why?

5. (a) What will you do with your life if you never marry? (b) In what ways do you intend to make of yourself a useful member of your Church and of society?

6. Name three factors that make for a successful courtship and discuss them.

7. Name three factors that may make marriage a success or failure and discuss them. (Ask three or four girls this question.)

8. Tell what you feel about Temple marriage and why it is desirable.

9. In what ways can you be of service in causing civil marriages in our Church to be reduced to a minimum?

10. How have these lessons strengthened your testimony regarding your faith in your religion?

Doc. and Cov. 132:23-24.

ASKED BY YOUNG PEOPLE. parties and balls and amusements that dissipate their strength, but more in terms of serious concern regard

SOME PERTINENT QUESTIONS There are many questions that young people are continually asking regarding the important subject of marriage. This is a good sign-ing a life journey that stretches away young people should think more not into the eternity beyond. less about this far-reaching step in their lives. But they should think more seriously not in terms only of

Two of the many pertinent questions will be briefly considered here, though no conclusive answer can be

given to either one of them this side of eternity.

i. One Special “Mate.”

So many young people ask if there is one special mate for every man and woman born into the world. Around this question cluster many conjectures and one could hazard any number of conflicting theories which are after all mostly guesses.

Often one will find a couple who are perfectly assurd upon the first or second meeting that they associated before they came here and that they will be associated throughout eternity-they are so sure of this that they recognize each other upon first meeting and never lose the conviction that they belong to each other.

Again, one will find too many couples who are unhappy at the thought of even being tied together "for time" and for whom the thought of eternal association produces abso lute terror.

Why such apparent divergence. ask the young people of today. Then, too, what about the few men and many women who go through life r ever seeing anyone whom they could care enough for to marry?

To all these questions there is a simple answer: we do not know definitely that there is a soul-mate on earth for every individual born. There has never been any revelation directly bearing on the subject and conjecture thereon is worse than useless.

We do know, however, that there is a "belongingness" about this important association and that one is entitled to Divine guidance concerning it.

All spirits born into the world are in need of certain phases of earth-experience to help them gain stre: gth of character; and if they live in accordance with law they will receive only those expereinces that

will enrich them and make them ready for progress here and in the life to come. All having their free agency they may always go down as well as up hill. As regards marriage, they may be foolish, hasty; may marry for a mere whim or for spite or may refrain altogether. The mistakes of men cannot be fastened to anyone but themselves.

2. How to Recognize One's Mate.

Another question often asked is: "How is one to know when he has found the right one?" The young man remarks that there are so many fine girls-one could scarcely make a mistake by choosing one of a half dozen or so. The young girl may have a similar difficulty.

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The answer is given that when after earnest and honest prayer, the decision is made it should not be

questioned. When one has found the "right partner" for this stage of life. experience, he is perfectly sure concerning it. He may doubt everything else in the universe but can never doubt that he has found his true companion.

a. Prayer the only sure guide. In making any important decision one is entitled to Divine Guidance if he lives so that he is entitled to it. Prayer is the only sure guide one has with respect to the important step of marriage. But it must be prayer in the right way: as when one places all he has on the altar and accepts the guidance and inspiration that fol lows. One does not truly pray when he pleads to be able to do as he wants to do; or asks, "Let me do this; or let this or that happen." A prayer must always concede that there is a right thing to do; and he wishes for guidance to know what is that right thing, and then for strength to do it.

If young people will early form the habit of prayer and especially regarding their marriage they will

not make a mistake but may rest assured that whatever experiences cone to them as a result of prayerful decisions are for their soul's eternal progress and to serve some righteous purpose. If only joy were experienced on earth many of the most valuable lessons of life would go unlearned. Sorrow and suffering are often the surest way to enrich one's soul or character.

If sorrow and suffering result from such decisions they may know that such experiences are for their own good-to enrich their souls or character. Still man is entitled to have joy-but he must often take things as they come and shape them so that joy or at least peace may result.

If a mistake seems to follow a prayerful decision regarding marriage one may rest assured that in eternity readjustments will be made and that there, if not here, the true mate will be found.

It must be remembered, also, that this earth experience tends to round out character and to overcome faults and that those who seem incompatible here may in the resurrection be most companionable. All must learn to trust their heavenly Father for all his ways are just. We are perfectly assured that all who have honestly lived their religion and been true to their marriage vows on earth will be joyously happy in the Hereafter.

Bee-Hive Lessons


These lessons contain material required for the Bee-Hive work. If meetings are held on Sunday please arrange another time for any part not suitable for that night.




(For Tuesday, March 7, or Sunday, March 12.)

Song: The Early Riser or Sunbeam

(Page 50, Handbook.)


ruts, or sandwiches and lemonade may be served by the girls or by the Bee-Keeper. The song and recita

I. Report on Foundation Cell No. tion assigned with lesson XIV or an

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impromptu program, may be given. V. Assignment:

and make a bed. (a.) Write in your tablets how to air

(b.) Find a Structural Cell involving bed-making and start to fill it.


(HOW TO BATHE BABY.) Sunday, March 19.)

II. Sleep and cleanliness of a baby are two first considerations of its care. Explain the bathing of a baby. 1. Preparation. 2. Frequency.

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Prayer. Singing.

2. If possible demonstrate making a baby's bed.

IV. Assignment:

(a) During the week watch a baby bathed, noting the important things.

(b) Make a baby's bed if possible. (c) Structural Cells, 155, 154, 152, 150. V. Song practice or a game.


(For Tuesday, March 21, or Sunday, March 26.) To be planned by Bee Keeper and Girls.



(For Tuesday, March 7, or Sunday, March 12.)

I. Consider the pictures girls have brought of gowns, coats, etc., which they think beautiful. Let each girl tell what she admires in the picture.

II. Demonstrate how a short, stout girl may be made to look shorter and stouter by having broad stripes or ruffles run around her skirt or by large patch pockets on her skirt; demonstrate how the same girl looks taller and more slender by the lines of her gown running up and down, in stripes, panels, straight draperies, "V" neck, or straight collar lines extending down toward waist.


III. Demonstrate how the tall, slender girl is made to look taller. and thinner by having her gown made with stripes running up and down, by narrow collar extending down to the waist, by a long "V" neck, by straight panels, etc.: how she appears less extremely tall by having ruffles run around her skirt; by wear. ing a tunic or other drapery, shorter than her skirt; by a coat or cape that cuts the long length of skirt in two; or how she may wear patch pockets to advantage.

IV. Show the effect of a broad brimmed, low crowned hat pressed down on the forehead.

(a) Of a short, stout girl;
(b) Of a tall, slender girl.

(c) Show the effect of a small, rather high crowned hat on the same girls.

V. Show the effect of some article of wearing apparel of brilliant color on a girl who is herself rather pale. Show the same article on the girl of brilliant color. (This should show the group why some girls feel obliged to paint their cheeks-because they try to wear too brilliant colors.)

VI. On the same pale girl show the effect of some of the colors that have been more or less grayed (see Principles of Color Harmony, Pg. 76. Bee-Keeper's Book) or that are the color of her hair or eyes, or the delicate pink in her cheeks.

VII. Show the effects on different

types of different textures, like satin, velvet, crepe, serge.

VIII. Show the effect of coral, jade, agate, and such stones, contrasted with brilliant ones. See the effect of long and short strands of beads on different types of girls.


1. What kind of clothing is suitable for school, business, or the street?

2. Why is it wiser to have good school, business, or street clothes rather than fine party dresses if you can not afford both? (See page 151 of the Bee-Keeper's Book.)

3. What are the best ideals in regard to

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