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Zion Cosma


By "Mormona."

The train drew nearer to Salt Lake City, and the look of glad anticipation deepened in the girl's eyes and made her cheeks grow a rosy pink. At the depot she called a taxi to take her to the inter-urban station. She left her baggage there and turned eagerly toward the temple block.

While she was a few yards from the gate another girl entered it from the opposite direction. Lael caught but a glimpse of her face, but it sent a cold thrill to her heart. There was so much of bitterness expressed by the tight drawn lips, such an agony of horror in the deep gray eyes, that at sight of them Lael almost stopped on her eager way.

The stranger disappeared around the Bureau of Information, and Lael forgot about her as she glanced up at the Seagull Monument. A bitter look on a strange face could not retain her thoughts before the flooding memories of her grandparents and their stories of the days when the seagulls had answered a desperate people's prayer.

She had been raised on pioneer stories and her whole past was colored by what to her was the message of the Temple Block. The wood of the Tabernacle, the great stones in the temple, the symbolic figures of sun, moon, and stars above its windows, and the statued angel on its tallest spire, each spoke to her of sacrifice, struggle, and romance. She lingered to drink in the inspiration of them all.

As she approached the statues of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, she saw again the girl who had entered the

gates ahead of her, and recalled the expression of her face.

The stranger stood in a dejected attitude, with every line of her figure drooping downward. As Lael approached her, she walked closer to the statue of Joseph Smith, and raising her right arm swiftly hurled something at its head.

The same righteous indignation flared up in Lael's heart, that had moved her girl grandmother in the towns of Missouri many years before. "Hateful little mobocrat," she thought, "you can't reach him, so you must insult his memory."

Then the humor of the incident brought a quiet smile to her lips.

The other girl had moved away and sunk in a huddled little heap upon the grass.

Lael picked up the missle. It was a book, and the words "Book of Mormon" on its back changed her smile again to a frown.

She straightened the leaves and as she did so a white card fell out. Half of it was gone. On what remained was the address of the Central States Mission and "Elder Ta-, Salt L

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On the fly leaf of the book was written, "To Zion Cosma Wayne, with love from mother," followed by the date of Christmas two years before.

"Zion Cosma," Lael repeated, "What an odd name. Zion,-because her mother loved the gospel and wanted to come to Utah, I suppose. And Cosma-Cosmos-the Universe. Zion must have been the heart of the universe to her." She smiled at her speculations as she turned the page mechanically.

Five Books You May or May Not Want to Read

By Frank R. Arnold

"The Americanization of Edward Bok"-Scribners. The life history of the well known former editor of the Ladies' Home Journal. The story The story of a man who is 200 percent American because he is a Dutchman. He has utilized American opportunities and also applied to American life the Dutch qualities of thoroughness. thrift, and respect for authority. A book to delight the heart of every Westerner, especially those who have European roots and who are proud of the qualities they brought to America as well as those they acquired here. A book to be discussed in every school and meeting house. You can buy it for seventy-five cents or three dollars and at either price it is priceless.

"My Brother Theodore Roosevelt," by Corinne Roosevelt RobinsonScribners. Every woman in Utah who has loved her big brother all her life will enjoy this happy record of one sister's devotion to her brother. The Roosevelt children and their playmates were well worth knowing and in this book you are welcomed to a charming family circle. It is a revelation of a side of Roosevelt's character that we all suspected existed. Now we may know him as a member of our own family.

"Human Traits and Their Social Significance," by Irwin EdmanHoughton, Mifflin & Co. A fascinating title and a useful book for thoughtful young men and women. even though it is written in a hard. uninspired style totally lacking in personality. All teachers, now-a

days, teach by ultimates. That is. they pick out absolute essentials and hammer away at them and make even unessentials point the way to essentials. This book gives the ultimates in everything that has to do with the social life of a man. Every freshman in Columbia has to read it. Lots of Utah young men and women would find it hard but profitable reading. and Foch says that a thing that isn't hard to do isn't worth doing.

"To Let," by John Galsworthy. The third and last novel in Galsworthy's trilogy, a series that is going to rank among the world's great books. greater even than Dickens or Thackery, because it has more humor, human interest, philosophy, insight into life and above all more distinction than either. If you love to read family history and to know what things life can do to you, you will want to read these last chapters in the history of the Forsyte family. But read first, "The Man of Property" and "In Chancery."

"Three Soldiers," by John Dos Passos, published by George H. Doran & Co. The most talked of book at the present moment. Everyone is taking sides and saying it is or is not disloyal to the army. Your brother who went to France will tell you that it is all true and if you read it, it should make you a red hot pacifist. It should make you want to use every one of your faculties towards reducing armaments and making the principles of the Sermon on the Mount prevail all over the world. If the

book will make you a stronger Christian soldier in the world's progress towards peace, you will do well to

read it. Otherwise it is a chamber of horrors that will give you bad dreams.

What of Her

By Bertha A. Kleinman.

O little hand so helpless in its hurting,

So soiled and heedless clinging to your dress,
And you with tasks that will not brook diverting,
Must leave them all to pity and caress,

Dear little hands 'tis you that heal and bless
For what of her whose days grind out their measure,
Though night's compline proclaims her duty-free,
If in the lonely hour of her leisure,

No little hands are clasped beside her knee!

O little feet so noisy in their clatter,

And little shoes so dirt-begrimed to lace,
O little footsteps printing where you patter-
Such little milestones wearisome to trace,
That you all worn and tired must efface-
Yet what of her adown the long years groping,
When she is old and night is coming on,

If in the dusk of O so little hoping,

No stalwart arm is there to lean upon!

O little head so many times intruding,

O restless weight so heavy on your breast,
Such baby greed all other rights precluding,

Insistent there when you so need your rest-
O troubled days of all your days the best-
For what of her whose sheeny silks and laces,
Are never rumpled by a climbing knee,
Whose dreams by night of baby charms and graces,
Are mocked by your sublime reality!

O little heart to yours so full confided,
O baby shrine replete with you alone,

Through day's routine, nor e'en at night divided-
The simple trust so all in all your own,
No purer charge hath God Himself to loan-
For what of her with hope so unrequited,
With empty arms no task can satisfy,

With heart a-hungered, sore reproached and slighted,
Who has not e'en a little one to die!

The teacher-training work for the Church during 1922 will be a study of the "Principles of the Gospel.' The material has been prepared in outline form and will be ready for distribution by the Deseret Book Store, December 27, 1921, price 35 cents, the name of the pamphlet being, "An Outline Study of the Principles of the Gospel."

The Correlation-Social Advisory Committee, under whose direction the outline has been prepared, strongly recommends that every teacher in the Church obtain one of these outlines, and further that regular at tendance at teacher-training classes in every ward in the Church be the practice of every individual who has been called to the most important duty and privilege of teaching the gospel.

In connection with the class work to be carried on, the committee recommends a slight change over last year's schedule of meetings. The practice has heretofore been as follows:

1st meeting: Regular normal class. 2nd meeting: Business meeting of the various organizations.

- 3rd meeting: Regular normal class. 4th meeting: Department groups of the various organizations for the purpose of study and outlining les


The committee recommends no change in the procedure of the first three meetings. With reference to the fourth meeting, however, it is recommended that the work formerly scheduled for that meeting be taken up at a regular monthly stake union gathering. In some stakes union meetings (sometimes called "Priesthood meetings") are already being held, in connection with which the

auxiliary organizations do their regular stake union work, and in some stakes each of the various organizations have separate stake meetings each month. It is contemplated under either of these conditions that no additional union meeting shall be provided, but that the work of preparing lessons be done at whatever stake meeting is being held. In stakes where no stake meeting has been provided for the doing of such work, it is recommended that such a meeting be instituted. A well conducted union meeting is most helpful to the organizations of the Church.

It will be observed that under the plan outlined above only three ward meetings per month have been scheduled, the fourth session to be a stake session. However, where the stake meeting will not interfere, a fourth meeting, devoted to the course of study, may be held in the wards.

Referring to teacher-training work in general, as now organized it constitutes a three years' course, one of the following major aspects of the teaching process being emphasized in each of the three years:

1. The Principles of Psychology.
2. The Principles of Pedagogy.
3. The Principles of the Gospel.

Attention has been given during the past two years to the first two of these courses: Psychology, or the Who in teaching; Pedagogy, or the How in teaching. For 1922 the work will cover the What in teaching: "Principles of the Gospel." As a result of the conventions held during 1921 it is evident that we may well give attention to emphasizing the fundamentals of our faith. In order to counteract the appeal of commercialized and other agencies upon the youth of the Church, there is a

great need for better teaching in our quorums and classes. Many pupils have been found to have but vague conceptions relative to some of the most important principles of the Gospel. Others confess their difficulties in believing certain other doctrines which evidently have been but indifferently crystalized as vital matters in their religious lives. It is hoped that a good vigorous study of these fundamentals on the part of the teachers in the various organizations will result through their teaching in a clearer understanding and greater appreciation of the Gospel by the children of the Church.

The outlines containing the work for 1922 have been drawn up by some of the most capable teachers in the Church, and while they follow the same general plan they are as different as outlines drawn by different individuals always ought to be. The variety has been presented that no one should be led to believe that there is one best form of outline for all teachers.

An outline at best is but a skeletonized statement of procedure. Each man must say how he can best proceed. It is suggested, therefore, that in presenting these lessons each teacher prepare his own outline of the material covered.

It is suggested further that teach ers be led to discuss the questions raised as they may affect the lives of the boys and girls whom they teach. In other words, it is hoped that the teacher-training work will find an echo in all the teaching done during the year. "How can I vitalize each principle presented for my class members?" is a good question for the various teachers to keep in mind.

In good teaching it is impossible to separate subject matter and method. It is recommended, therefore, that throughout the year's work,

attention be given regularly to the methods of teaching discussed during 1921. This year's work offers an excellent opportunity for applying the principles studied last year. Teachers should be concerned not only with the subject "Baptism" for instance, as a subject, but should be concerned to know just how best to present it so as to win the interest of a class in its importance as a step in the plan of salvation. Occasional reviews of chapters of last year's text will be helpful.

While it is hoped that vital problems and questions will be raised regularly in the course of the year's work, it is earnestly recommended that teachers avoid quibbling about uncertain philosophical points of belief. There are many points with reference both to the here and the hereafter concerning which nothing definite has been revealed. There is little to be gained in discussing such vagaries. Rather should we center our effort on understanding fully the basic principles of the Gospel concerning which the word of the Lord is clear. In this connection safety lies in adhering to the word of the Lord as contained in the Standard Works of the Church. The regular use of a good Ready Reference will be a most helpful practice. The year's work will enable every teacher in the Church to cultivate a practical acquaintance with these books and I will enable him to build for himself an intelligent working faith which will prove an anchor in all his life.

The Correlation-Social Advisory Committee desires the Stake TeacherTrainers to use every effort in seeing that the officers and teachers of all organizations obtain one of the outlines covering the work for 1922, and that they are in attendance regularly at the teacher-training classes to be held the coming year.

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