Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, Količina 16F. Hunt, 1847 |
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American amount annual average banks barrels bbls Belgium bill bill of lading Boston Britain British bushels Canal capital cargo cents per pound Charleroi coal coast commercial Company consumption corporation cost cotton court creditors currency debt debtor district dollars duty employed England English established exports feet fishery flour foreign France French important increase interest iron Island January labor Lagerhjelm land Liverpool loan London Louisiana manufactures Massachusetts ment mercantile merchandise merchant miles mineral mines Mons District N.Pacific Namur navigation Norway Orleans paid Pennsylvania Philadelphia port present principal produce provisions quantity Railroad river road Russia Sag Harbor schooner Schuylkill Canal secure ships silk silver specie sperm statement steam sugar tariff tariff of 1842 tion tobacco tonnage tons Total trade Treasury United vessels whale wheat wool York
Priljubljeni odlomki
Stran 119 - No money shall ever be paid out of the treasury of this State, or any of its funds, or any of the funds under its management, except in pursuance of an appropriation by law; nor unless such payment be made within two years next after the passage of such appropriation act...
Stran 119 - No such law shall take effect until it shall, at a general election, have been submitted to the people, and have received a majority of all the votes cast for and against it, at such election.
Stran 541 - Walker's Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names.
Stran 119 - In addition to the above limited power to contract debts, the State may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or defend the State in war; but the money arising from the contracting of such debts shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever.
Stran 408 - Sykes's hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength than the strength of proof, and for any greater or less quantity than a gallon, viz.
Stran 168 - When people understand that they must live together, except for a very few reasons known to the law, they learn to soften by mutual accommodation that yoke which they know they cannot shake off; they become good husbands and good wives from the necessity of remaining husbands and wives; for necessity is a powerful master in teaching the duties which it imposes.
Stran 613 - Agents are authorized to require the assistance of the local authorities, for the search, arrest, detention and imprisonment of the deserters from the ships of war and merchant vessels of their country.
Stran 119 - The Legislature may at any time, after the approval of such law by the people, if no debt shall have been contracted in pursuance thereof, repeal the same; and may at any time, by law, forbid the contracting of any further debt or liability under such law; but the tax imposed by such act, in proportion to the debt and liability which may have been contracted, in pursuance of such law, shall remain in force and be irrepealable, and be annually collected, until the proceeds thereof shall have made...
Stran 613 - And where, on the death of any person holding real estate within the territories of the one party, such real estate would, by the laws of the land, descend on a citizen or subject of the other, were he not disqualified by alienage, such citizen or subject shall be allowed a reasonable time to sell the same, and to withdraw the proceeds without molestation and exempt from all duties of detraction, on the part of the Government of the respective States.
Stran 120 - The Legislature, shall have no power to pass any act granting any special charter for banking purposes ; but corporations or associations may be formed for such purposes under general laws.