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princess who married John Rolfe, is interred in the chancel (see Doyle's 'English in America', 1882). Windmill Hill, at the back of the town, now almost covered with the buildings of the increasing suburbs, commands a fine view of the Thames, Shooter's Hill (p. 305), London, with the hills of Highgate and Hampstead beyond, and (to the S.) over the county of Kent, with Cobham Hall (see below) and Springhead as conspicuous points.

Pleasant excursion to Cobham Hall, the seat of the Earl of Darnley, in the midst of a magnificent park (fine rhododendrons, in bloom in June), 7 M. in circumference, lying about 4 M. to the S. of Gravesend. (Tickets of admission to the house, which is open to visitors on Fridays from 11 to 4 only, may be obtained at Caddel's Library, King Street, Gravesend, and High Street, Rochester, price 1s.; the proceeds are devoted to charitable purposes.) The central portion of this handsome mansion was built by Inigo Jones (d. 1653); the wings date from the 16th century. The interior was restored during the present century. The fine collection of pictures includes a *Portrait of Ariosto and Europa and the Bull by Titian, *Tomyris with the head of Cyrus by Rubens, and examples of Van Dyck, Lely, Kneller, and other masters. The Parish Church of Cobham contains some fine old brasses.

The pedestrian may extend his walk, through the famed woods of Cobham Park, and down the valley of the Medway, to Strood, a suburb of Rochester, a walk of about 7 M. in all from Gravesend. The direct road from Gravesend to (6 M.) Rochester runs viâ *Gadshill and the old village of Chalk. Gadshill, which commands a splendid view, is famous as the scene assigned by Shakspeare to the encounter of Sir John Falstaff with the 'men in buckram', commemorated by an inn bearing the name of the worthy knight. Nearly opposite is the picturesque house in which Charles Dickens resided, and where he died in 1870 (comp. Baedeker's Great Britain).

The railway from Gravesend to (7 M.) Strood passes only one station, called Higham, 31/2 M. from which is Cowling Castle, built in the time of Richard II., and now a picturesque ruin. Beyond Higham the train penetrates a tunnel, 11/4 M. in length, and enters the station of Strood, a suburb of Rochester, on the opposite bank of the river Medway. Some of the North Kent trains go no farther in this direction, but others cross the Medway, and proceed to Rochester and Chatham, which practically form one town, surrounded by fortifications defending the entrance to the river.

Rochester (Crown; Victoria & Bull; King's Head), to the N. of Chatham, a very ancient city, with a pop. of 21,590, a fine Norman Castle, and an interesting Cathedral, is described at length in Baedeker's Great Britain.

Chatham (Sun; Mitre), with 46,806 inhab., on the E. bank of the Medway, below Rochester, is one of the chief naval arsenals and military stations in Great Britain. See Baedeker's Great Britain.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Chancery, Court of 139. Chancery Lane 67. 136. 135.

Channel, Passage of the 5.
Chapels, Baptist 51.

Congregationalist 51.
Independent 51.
Methodist 51.

-, Swedenborgian 51.


Unitarian 52.

Charing Cross 147.

Bridge 145.
Hospital 145.
Road 147.

Station 33. 145.

Metrop. Railw.

Station 37. 145.

Charities 72.

Charles I.'s Statue 147.

Charles II., Statues of

Cambridge Hall of Va-Charlton 344.

rieties 44.

Camden Road 332. 33.

Town 227. 34.

104. 292.

Charterhouse 97.

Chatham 346.

Cheapside 101.

Botanic Gardens 293. Bridge 299.

Campbell, Statue of Co-Chelsea 68. 292. 34.

lin 219.

Canada 2.

Canning's Statue 192.

Station 33. 117.

- Street Police Court 179. Cannon Street 116.

Boxing 48.

Brandenburgh House325.

Breakfast 6.

Brentford 323. 325. 334. Bridewell 115.

Bridgewater House 265.
Britannia Theatre 42.
British Museum 233:
Anglo-Roman and
Anglo-Saxon Rooms

Assyrian Gallery 245.
Bronze Room 250.
Coin Rooms 250.
Egypt. Antiquities 247.
Elgin Room 241.
Etruscan Room 251.
Hellenic Room 243.
King's Library 236.
Library 235. 255.
Manuscripts 235.
Medal Room 251.
Mediæval Room 253.
Print Room 253. 236.
Reading Room 254.
Sculpture Gallery 238.
Vase Rooms 250.

Brixton 34.

Broad Sanctuary 217.
Broad St. Stat. 34.
Bromley 33. 34.


Metrop. Station 37.

Canonbury 34.
Tower 227.

Canterbury Hall 43.
Carlton Club 74. 219.

House Terrace 256.219.
Carlyle's Statue 294.
Castelnau 325.
Castle Hill 334.
Catholic Apostolic

Churches 227. 51.
Cattle Market 27.
Cavendish Square 224.

Abney Park 294.
Bunhill Fields 98.
Highgate 328.
Kensal Green 294.
Norwood 294.
St. George's, Hanover
Sq. 263.

Central Crim. Court 93.
Central House for Nurses
for the Poor 232.
Central London Meat
Market 96. 26.
Chalk 346.

Chalk Farm Station 229. 34.

Brompton Oratory 291. Chancellor of the ExStation 37. 34.

chequer's Office 183.

Embankment 114. 294.
Hospital 292.

Old Church 293.

Suspension Bridge 292.

Chemical Society 222.
Chesham 37. 332.
Cheshunt 330.
Chester 4.
Chesterfield House 225.
Child's Bank 140.

Hill 332.
Chiltern Green 334.
Chingford 329.
Chipping Barnet 332.
Chiselhurst 345.
Chiswick 325.
Christchurch 299.
Christie and Manson's
Auction Rooms 220.
Christ's Hospital 91.
Churches 50:

All Hallows, Barking

Staining 107.

Saints' 225.

Souls' 225.

Bow 101. Brompton Oratory 291. Catholic Apostolic 227. 51. Christchurch 299. City Temple 93. Dutch 104. Ely Chapel 94. Foreign 52.

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