Drury Lane Theatre 40. Fenchurch St. Stat. 34. German Hospital 106. 72. 142. 180. 108. Fetter Lane 135. Reed's Entertainment 44. Technical College 272. Globe Theatre 41. 141. Fire Brigade 70. 296. Fishing 47. Fish Markets 26. 96. 111. Prison 134. Street 134. Floral Hall 179. Flower Market 26. 180. Flushing to Amsterdam 5. Folkestone to Boulogne 5. Churches 52. Foresters' Hall 43. French Hospice 134. Fruit Market 26. 180. Gloucester 4. Road Station 37. Gower Street 226. Station 36. 227. Thurrock 344. Great Eastern Railway Fire 65. 81. 110. Greenhithe 344. Greenwich 68. 301. Hospital 301. Railway 33. Gresham College 100. Grosvenor Gallery 45. Square 225. Guards' Club 74. 220. Guildhall 98. Library 99. School of Music 114. Epping Forest 330. 33. Epsom 316. 46. Erith 33. 343. 345. Guilds 72. Ethical Societies 52. Eton 341. -, Chelsea Botanic 293. Gunnersbury 37. 34. Garrick Club 180. 74. Exchange, Royal 104. Theatre 41. Exeter Hall 143. Gas-lighting 66. 68. Hackney 68. 134. 33. 34. Exhibition Galleries 288. Gates of London, Old 63. 329. 233. Exhibitions of Pictures General Hints 71. Hampton Court 316. 34. Hospice for French Pro-Kentish Town 327.33.34. testants 134. Hospitals 72. Houndsditch 67. 108. Houses of Parliament Hughenden 335. Humane Society, Royal - Wick 326. Hanover Chapel 224. Square 224. Hansoms 28. Hanwell 334. 299. Harcourt House 224. Harpenden 334. Hartshorn Lane 147. Harwich to Antwerp 5. Hungerford Market 145. to Hamburg 5. to Rotterdam 5. Hatfield 332. Havelock's Statue 146. 33. Hayes 334. Theatre 40. 218. Her Majesty's Theatre Herne Hill 34. Hertford 331. House 268. Higham 346. 105. Hints, General 71. Holborn 94. 228. Station 34. 93. Horticultural Society Hunting 47. Imperial Institute 272. 272. Hall 43. 332. Kew 322. 325. Botanic Gardens 322. Bridge Station 322.34. Observatory 323. Palace 322. Kilburn 37. Kingsbury 37. Cross Station 33. 227. Station 36. King Street 192. Ladies' Mile 261. Palace 297. 17. Langley 334. Ironmongers' Hall 107. Latimer Road 37. Irvingite Churches 227.51. Isle of Dogs 128. Isleworth 325. 34. Islington 227. 34. Law Courts, New 141. Lawrence's (Lord) Statue Italian Opera, Royal 40 Lea, The 47. 330. 179. James II.'s Statue 181. Jewish Synagogues 51. 220.74. Army and Navy Club 220. 74. Carlton Club 219. 74. Leadenhall Market 27. Street 107. Leathersellers' Hall 106. Leicester Square 223. Levees 256. Leyton 329. United Service Club Lincoln's Inn 148. Linnæan Society 222. Justice, Royal Courts of Liverpool to London 4. 139. Kempton Park Races 46. Cem. 294. 332. High Street Station 37. Museum 275. Liverpool Street Station -, Chatham, and Dover Institution Library 17. Omnibuses 29. Ophthalmic Hospital Oratory, the 291. House 108. Music Hall 44. Street 225. Pindar's House, Sir P. Queen Victoria Street Pinner 37. 332. Pitt's Statue 224. Plymouth to London 5. Polytechnic Institution Pool, the 110. Popular Concerts 43. and Cambridge Club Port, the 126. 110. 75. 220. Oyster Shops 15. Portland Place 225. Road Station 36. 229. Paddington Station 33. Portman Square 225. Palace of Westminster Pall Mall 218. Palmerston's Statue 192. Panoramas 45. 311. 329. Panshanger 331. Panyer Alley 91. rieties 44. of Va- Portrait Gallery, Na- Post Office 53. --, General 53. 90. Directory 71. Orders 54. 102. 115. Queenborough to Flushing Queen's Road Station 37. Tobacco Pipe 127. Queenstown 3. Races 46. Rackets 47. Radlett 332. Raikes's Statue 113. Raleigh Club 224. 75. Reading Rooms 17. Regalia 122. Regent Circus 222. 224. Street 224. Savings Banks 90. Regent's Canal 128. Postal Districts 54. Orders 54. Regulations 51. 53. Traffic 90. Poultry 102. Market 26. 96. Praed Street Station Park 228. Registrar-General's Office 143. Restaurants 11. 12. Prince of Wales Theatre Catholic Churches Royalty Theatre 42. Runnimede 336. Russell Square 226. Rye House 331. Sacred Harmonic Society Saddlers' Hall 102. Sadler's Wells Theatre St. Albans 332. 333. Alphage's Church 96. Bartholomew's 95. Bride's 134. Catherine Cree's 107. Church 224. Giles, Cripplegate 96. Palace 255. 220. Park 256. Station 37. Square 219. Street 220. [St. Olave's 108. Pancras 227. Old 227. Station 33. 227. Paul's Cathedral 81. Peter's 107. Peter ad Vincula, Peter's College 217. Salters' Hall 117. Savile Club 220. 75. Theatre 41. 144. Jude's 108. Katherine's Docks126 Magnus the Martyr's Theatre 41. Shakspeare's Statue 223. Shepherd's Bush 32. 37. Shooter's Hill 305. Statue of Achilles 260. of Prince Albert 94. of Queen Anne 82. of Lord Beaconsfield 192. of Duke of Bedford 226. of Lieut. Bellot 302. of Lord Bentinck 224. of Brunel 113. of Burgoyne 219. of Burns 113. of Byron 261. of Colin Campbell219. of Canning 192. of Carlyle 294. Sion College 17. 114. Margaret's Church 191. Mary le Bow 101. Mary's Church 136. of Charles I. 147. of Charles II. 104. 292. Slough 334. of Duke of Cumber- of Lord Derby 192. of Queen Elizabeth 104. 135. of Fox 226. of Franklin 219. of Sir Bartle Frere 113. of George II. 302. of George III. 99. 143. 218. |