United Service Club 75. Tabernacle, the 299. 218. Tattersall's 27. Statue of George IV. 146. Tabard Inn 297. of General Gordon 146. of Henry VIII. 94. of Lord Herbert 219. of Huskisson 105. of James II. 181. of Jenner 262. of Lord Lawrence 219. of Sir C. Napier 146. of Gen. Outram 113. of Sir R. Peel 90. 192. of Shakspeare 223. 227. of Tyndale 113. of Queen Victoria 104. Steel Yard 117. Steamboats 2. 38. Steinway Hall 43. Teddington 321. 326. Telegraph Office 91. Telephones 55. Temperance Hotels 10. Temple 136. Bar 140. 330. Church 136. Gardens 137. Station 37. Tennis 47. 48. Terminus Hotels 7. Theatres 39. Times Office 115. Dock 127. Toole's Theatre 41. Topography 66. Tottenham Court Road Stephenson's Statue 227. 226. Stepney 35. Stock Exchange 104. Stockwell 34. Stoke Poges 335. Stone Church 344. Store Street Hall 43. Storey's Gate 257. Strand 141. Strand Theatre 41. 142. Subways 126. Sudbrook House 326. Surgeons, College of 177. House Museum 312. Sutherland House 265. Swimming Clubs 49. Tower 117. Bridge 112. Subway 126. Toxopholite Society 229. Trinity Church 108. Trocadero 43. Underground Railways Union Club 75. 147. Museum 182. University Boat Race 48. Club 75. 218. College 226. Hospital 227. Sports 47. Uxbridge 334. Road 37. Vaudeville Theat. 41. 144. Verulamium 333. Station 134. 34. -, Statue of Queen 104. Waltham Abbey 330. Steps 219. (station) 332. Westminster 68. William III., Statue of - Dockyard 305. 344. William IV., Statue of Wraysbury 336. Town Hall 217. Whitechapel 67. 108. 109. Williams' Library 17. York Column 219. Zoological Gardens 229. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF EMINENT PERSONS MENTIONED IN THE HANDBOOK. The following is a list of distinguished persons mentioned in the Abercromby, Sir Ralph Blessington, Lady 271. 86. Aberdeen, Earl of 197. Addison 97. 201. 208. 210. Albert, Prince 270. 338. Aldrich 217. Alleyne 312. 297. André 200. Andrews, Bр. 295. Blow, John 198. Boleyn, Anna 123. 182. Boswell 435. Bourne, Vincent 217. Boyle 221. Bradshaw 190. Catharine of Braganza 142. Brougham, Lord 139.271. 255. 338. Bruce, David 124. Brunel 113. 199. 294. Charles II. 208. 225. 301. 104. 292. Buckingham, Duke of Chatham, Lord 196. 341. Anne, Queen 82. 208. 262. 145. 209. Anne of Denmark (wife Arbuthnot 294. Argyll, Duke of 202. 226. Atterbury 294. Buckland, Wm. 200. Bulwer Lytton 206. 271. Bunyan 98. 297. Burdett Coutts, Baroness 27. 134. 329. Burgoyne 219. Burke 336. Burleigh, Lord 143. Bacon, Lord 139. 329. 333. Burney 198. Bailie, Joanna 327. Balfe 198. Baliol 124. Barham 89. Barrow 97. 201. Barry, Sir Chas. 201. Baxter 144. 297. Beaconsfield, Burns 113. 202. Busby 203. Butler, Sam. 180. 203. Buxton, Sir T. F. 198. Chaucer 111.144. 203. 297. Chesterfield 225. Churchill 217. Clarence, Duke of 123. Claypole, Eliz. 209. Clive, Lord 225. Clive, Kitty 326. Clyde, Lord 201. 219. Cobden 197. Cobham 124. 190. Coke 336. Coleman, Geo. 217. Coleridge, S. T. 92. 202. Byron 222. 225. 329. 332. 323. 329. Cade, Jack 117. 304. Lord 93. Calamy 144. 184. 192. 196. 335. Beaumont 101. Becket 102. 142. Bell, Dr. And. 201. Calonne 316. Camden 92. 201. Campbell 202. Collingwood 86. 88. Congreve, Wm. (the poet) 200. Congreve, Sir W. 144. Constable 327. Cooper, Sir Astley 86. 89. Canning 192. 196. 222. Coote 197. Bennet, W. Sterndale 198. 325. 341. Bentinck 224. Berkeley, Bishop 180. Blackstone 97. Blake, Adm. 192. Blake, Wm. 98. Carlyle 294. Cartwright 217. Casaubon 201. Castlereagh 197. 324. Cornwallis 86. Coverdale, Miles 111. Cowley 203. 217. Cowper 200. 217, Craggs 199. 208. Catharine of Arragon 113. Cranmer 124. 209. Fox, Charles 197. 199. (Henry VIII. 94. 182. 255 Cromwell, Henry 275. 192. 209. 263. 316. Foxe 96. 301. 316. 322. 338. Herbert, Geo. 200. 217. Cromwell, Thos. 123. 139. Francis, Sir Philip 325. Herbert, Lord 219. Cruikshank, Geo. 89. Franklin, Ben. 95. 145. Herschel, Sir John 198. Franklin, Sir John 214. 336. Cumberland, Duke of 219. Frere 89. 113. Gainsborough 218. Gaunt, John of 94. George, Prince, of mark 208. 220. 262. George I. 301. Herschel, Sir Wm. 221. Hill, Sir Rowland 105. Hogarth 95. 107. 180. 223. Den-Hooker (the ologian) 137. Hooker, Sir Joseph 322. Hooker, Sir Wm. 322. George II. 209. 302. 316. Horne, Bp. 345. George III. 218. 99. 143. George IV. 146. 338. Gibbon 217. 324. Horner, Francis 197. Howard, John 85. Howe, Adm. 86. Gibbons, Grinling 84. 87. Hunt, Leigh 92. 294. 327. Gibson 294. Godolphin 200. Goldsmith 89. 135. 137. 138. 202. 227. Gordon, General 87. 146. Gower 295. Grabe 201. Edinburgh, Duke of 125. Grattan 197. Edward the Confessor Gray 107. 203. 336. 193. 213. 217. 337. Gresham 100. 105. 106. Edward I. 212 322. 330. Grey, Lady Jane 123. Edward III. 212. 337. Edward V. 210. 120. VI. 209. 301. Eleanor, Queen 145. 147. 211. 330. Eliot, George 294. 328. 333. 336. 344. Ellenborough, Lord 97. Essex, Earl of 124. 141. 124. Hunter 177. 199. 223. Henry IV. 216. Henry V. 210. 211. Henry VII. 207. 209. 322. Lauderdale 326. 190. 298. Fairfax 263. Falstaff 109. 346. Farquhar 146. Fawcett, Hen. 200. Fawkes, Guy 190. Fielding 326. Flaxman 227. Fletcher, Giles 217. Foote 180, Fletcher, John 101. 295. Henry VI. 123. 124. Laud 107. 124. 115. Lawrence, Lord 200. 201. Lawrence, Sir Thos. 89. Lely 180. Leopold of Belgium 220. Longfellow 203. Louis Philippe 326. Lovelace 97. 135. 298. Lyndhurst 271. 328. Lytton, Bulwer 206. 271. Palmerston 192. 196. 331. Shaftesbury, Seventh Macaulay, Lord 201. 222. Macaulay, Zachary 199. Mansfield, Lord 139. 197. Marlborough, Duke of Marvell 226. Mary I. 209. 301. Mary II. 208. 263. 332. Penn, Wm. 93. 124. 125. 332. Philippa, Queen 211. Mary, Queen of Scots 208. Phillips 203. Mason 203. Massinger 295. Mathews, Chas. 294. Maurice, F. D. 139. 200. May, Sir T. Erskine 192. Melbourne 87. Middleton 92. Mill 113. Milman 84. 85. 89. Milton, John 91. 95. 96. 101. 135. 182. 192. 203. 257. Monk 208. Picton 87. 88. Pindar, Peter 180. 125. Earl of 199. 224. Sharp, Granville 202. Shovel, Sir Cloudesley Shrewsbury, Talbot, Earl of 205. Pitt, Wm. 139. 197. 199. Sloane, Sir Hans 293. 294. 224. 324. Pocahontas 345. Pollock, Sir Geo, 201. Pope 300. 326. 327. Priestley 267. Prior 203. 217. Purcell 198. Radcliffe, Mrs. 263. Smith, Jas. 146. Smith, Capt. John 93. Somerville, Mrs. 294. Southampton, Earl of Raffles, Sir T. S. 198. 229. Southey 202. 217. Monmouth, Duke of 124. 230. 332. Montagu, Lady Mary Montpensier, Duc de 209. Mulready 294. Napier, Adm. 85. Napier, Sir Chas. 85. 146. Napier, Gen. Wm. 87. Napoleon III. 271. Raglan, Lord 217. Raleigh 120. 124. 191. Rennie 89. 110. 117. Richardson, Sam. 92. 135. 324. Speed 96. Rodney 87. Ross, Sir John 294. Tait, Abp. 203. Nelson, Lord 86. 88. 145. Roubiliac 146. |