THE MEXICAN WAR AND ITS WARRIORS; COMPRISING A COMPLETE HISTORY Of all the oPERATIONS OF THE WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND ANECDOTES OF THE MOST ARMY AND VOLUNTEER FORCE. BY J. FROST, L.L.D. Author of "The Pictorial History of the World," "American Illustrated with numerous Engravings. NEW HAVEN AND PHILADELPHIA: Mrs. Valentine Matt Porter Hollywood, fal. (Perkins Memorial Collection) ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of John Frost THE present contest between the United States and Mexico has called forth the military energies of this country, and has led to displays of valour and military science which have astonished the whole civilized world. In a succession of battles, sieges, marches, and skirmishes, lasting through a period of nineteen months, the arms of the United States have been uniformly triumphant. Wherever our armies have met the enemy they have conquered. Of such a contest the history cannot but prove interesting to the whole body of the American people. The scattered details which have been furnished by the public journals, although they have served to allay anxiety for the moment, are quite insufficient to satisfy the lively curiosity which such events are well calculated to awaken. "A round unvarnished tale" of the whole progress of the war is necessary to form a portion of the historical library of every family; and it is due to the heroic officers and men who have served in this war, that their claims to the gratitude of their 2105 (5) country should be distinctly recorded and preserved in a permanent form. It is with these views that the following history, and the biographical sketches which accompany it, have been written. The author's aim has been to do justice to all, and he hopes that this intention will atone for any imperfections to which this, in common with every work of its class, is necessarily liable. |