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The "Church Review" Symposium on Christian Reunion. 165

But the position of Dr. Briggs' paper in this historic symposam, the directness and fearlessness with which he expresses imself upon the whole subject, coupled with an evident enthuastic attachment to the Church Principle, gives to his discuson the first place among contemporary utterances on Unity. The other writers, as is natural, for the most part either ecline to enter upon any consideration of the fourth proposal s at all practicable, or demand that it be relinquished by nglicans. The Lutheran writers, however, do not decline to onsider it, though they demand fuller explanation. Dr. Horn, f Charleston, S. C., sums up thus what he has to say of it: If it proposes Episcopacy as a convenient method of governent, it is worthy of consideration; if it asserts it as a necesty because of Divine institution, then the Bishops must make ood their claim out of Holy Scripture against the conviction f the vast majority of their fellow-Protestants, and the equal ut inconsistent claim of Rome." Prof. Mann, of Philadelhia, is willing to accept Episcopacy as of expediency, but not f Divine right; "giving it the preference before all other orms of Church government," not "as a conditio sine qua on for the existence of the true Church." Professor Wolf, of Hettysburg, says, after stating at length the historic claims of Episcopacy, its perpetuation in some of the Lutheran Churches, nd its advantages,—"But if it must be accepted as ' essential the restoration of unity among the divided branches of hristianity,' then I would humbly but firmly say it were far etter to have these divisions continue, sad and reproachful as hey seem, than to accord a Divine right to that which, so far 8 God enables us to see, is lacking the proper credentials for ach a claim."

And what have the Episcopal contributors to say in reply? ome with mildly veiled expressions, others with blunt directess a reiteration of the indispensableness of the jure divino heory of the Episcopate. If we misconstrue their statements, is not because we have taken no pains to try to understand hem, but because of hopeless obtuseness. Of course there is

among the writers no Bishop Potter, of New York, or Huntington, of Syracuse; Bishop Vincent, of Southern C left standing very much in the cold with his (apparently palm branch; there is, seemingly, no one to stand up fr and say, "I for myself believe the Episcopate apostol instituted, but that belief is after all an adiaphoron, a you loyally accept the Episcopate you may do so on wha theory you wish." No, not one. We cannot but regr For there are men who, yielding to none as loyal Epis Churchmen, do take that position; and at this time it w have been peculiarly refreshing and encouraging to


None the less the present writer will say that (he is speal only for himself) he as a Presbyterian Churchman is wi to stand in that small minority with Dr. Briggs, as he four years ago willing to stand with Dr. Shields. One can but feel gratified that there should be in the Presbyter Church two such men, eminent in position, and surpassed learning by none, masters of the Puritan and Westmins history, who have the courage and the devotion to truth a Church and Christ to speak out as they have done.

At the same time we cannot but feel that the chief need of t hour is not to plan terms of reunion, but to recover the Chur Idea. And, shocking as it may seem to our Episcopal bret ren, to them also we commend the deeper study of that clau. in the Apostles' Creed, "the Holy Catholic Church." The strength lies in apprehending the Church as an organization which, indeed, it is: they for the most part fail to see in th Church an organism, which is the deeper truth of the two That continuous Life of the Mystical Body of our Lord is bu very poorly represented by the outward continuity of a valid and regular Ministry, necessary as such an institution is.

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Two years ago the Rev. Charles C. Starbuck took up Dr. Morgan Dix's famous "reticulate argument for an unbroken Apostolic Succession. We regret that lack of space forbids our quoting from it freely; but this sentence certainly

The "Church Review" Symposium on Christian Reunion. 167

to the point: "Surely there can be no argument for the connuity of a channel meant to convey waters, either natural or piritual, comparable to the patent fact that these waters flow rough it." It is worth the while of our Episcopal brethren to eflect upon that. Some of them do reflect upon it. Bishop Huntgton conceded the fact in that wise and large-hearted address f his before the Presbyterian Social Union of New York City, e 12th of January: "You are as energetic as we are in preading the Faith. . . . We see among you such beauty of oliness, such insight into the things of the Spirit, such fair nd radiant reflections of the mind of Christ, lives so brave with ne valor of Paul and so sweet with the loveliness of John." and again, he speaks of "a past from which God has evidently ot withheld His gracious benediction," to wit, the past of he Presbyterians he is addressing. In other words, the fruits f the Spirit do abound under non-Episcopal ministrations.

What then of the famous sentence of Cyprian,-" Part a ray f the sun from its orb, and its unity forbids this division of ght; break a branch from the tree, once broken it can bud no hore; cut the stream from its fountain, the remnant will be ried up?" Or of this, "He who leaves the Church of Christ attains not Christ's rewards!" Seven years ago Monignor Capel turned these and like words against Episcoalians; and the best reply that Anglicans could make to the oman Catholic attack was, that evidently the branch did bud, and the stream was not dried up. It is a valid reply, although, s we understand it, the Anglican Episcopate is, in the Cyprinic sense, in schism. However that may be, if "he who eaves the Church attains not Christ's rewards," then it must be at Anglicans are still in the Church to-day. And as with 8 non-Episcopalians the branch is still budding, the stream ot dried up, the rewards of Christ still attained: it must be hat we are still in the Church, vitally, whether technically or ot. By which token let us learn anew that the continuity f the Church is not in her ministry alone, Episcopal or Presyterial; even if there be irregularities or breaks in that out

ward chain, irregularities or breaks arising from no impi contempt of Divine order on the part of Christ's peop Head of the Church will not suffer her to be overcome, bu supply her wants out of His own fullness.

This is not to say that there may not be great inte spiritual interests, which now suffer, and which may be vanced by a restored unity; and that, at this present time general reinstitution of the Historic Episcopate may be important means to the restoration of unity. And if that so, would it need the mechanical props of jure divino the to commend it to the Christian conscience? Let Episcop ans, if they are prepared, show non-Episcopalians the hist claims which may be made good in the court of historical c cism; let them show how their proposal would restore un not only with themselves, but in Christendom at large; them show how the office they magnify would still more bu up the Kingdom of Christ, purify and strengthen the soc order and minister to the needs of humanity. This is the or sort of Divine Right to which it is worth their while appeal; if they can show it, it will be Divine enough f all intents and purposes, and it will not fail to comman


Whether in my favorable opinion of an Episcopate strippe of untenable pretensions many will concur with me, or few of this I am assured: that no disciple of the late Dr. Nevi can fail to see at this hour the need of such words as he wa wont to reiterate until they were burned into his readers' and hearers' minds; the message of a Holy Catholic Church, the Body of the Glorified Christ. What that Church is; what the principle of her life is; what her relation is to the Faith, and to the souls who find in her a home; what is her mission to humanity-these are the questions our Protestant Christianity needs now to ponder as never before, and there is, as we have said, little use to plan terms of reunion till we know why we have a Church, and what is the reason of her being. Westfield, N. Y.


Who laid the corner-stone thereof, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?


THE sum of human knowledge has grown into such vast proportions that any single mind can neither master nor retain it all. Especially during the last three hundred years the free spirit of research and the love of invention have not only made incalculably important strides in tearing aside the veil of

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