Slike strani

Die vorstehende Deklaration ist von Deutschland, Österreich-Ungarn, Belgien, Spanien, Frankreich, Grossbritannien, Italien, Luxemburg, Montenegro, den Niederlanden, Persien, Rumänien, Russland und der Schweiz ratifiziert worden.

Das Protokoll über die Niederlegung der Ratifikations-Urkunden ist am 10. August d. J. geschlossen worden.



Déclaration concernant la protection des marques de fabrique et de commerce; signée à Luxembourg le 25 janvier 1900.

Parliamentary papers, Treaty series No. 4. 1900.

de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande, et le Gouvernement du Grande-Duché de Luxembourg, désirant assurer une protection complète et efficace à l'industrie manufacturière des nationaux des deux pays, les Soussignés, dùment autorisés à cet effet, sont convenus des dispositions suivantes:

The Government of the United Le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, being desirous of securing a complete and effective protection to the manufacturing industry of the native subjects of the two countries, the Undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have agreed upon the following provisions:

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In order to secure for their marks Pour assurer à leurs marques la the protection stipulated for by the protection stipulée par l'Article prépreceding Article, British subjects in cédent, les sujets Britanniques dans the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, and le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, et Luxemburg subjects in the United les sujets Luxembourgeois dans le

Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- | Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne land, must fulfil the formalities pre- et d'Irlande, devront remplir les forscribed to that effect by the laws of malités prescrites à cet effet par la the two countries. législation respective des deux pays.

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Convention supplémentaire dite „Clayton-Bulwer" concernant l'établissement, d'un canal navigable entre l'Atlantique et le Pacifique du 19 avril 1850, signée à Washington le 5 février 1900.

Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, février 900. United States No. 1. 1900.

Signed at Washington, February 5, 1900.

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and the United States of America being desirous to facilitate the construction of a ship-canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, aud to that end to remove any objection which may arise out of the Couvention of the 19th April 1850*) commonly called the

*) V. N. R. G. 2 s. XV, 187.

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, to the construction of such canal under the auspices of the Government of the United States, without impairing the general principle" of neutralization established in Article VIII of that Convention, have for that purpose appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:

Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, the Right Honourable Lord Pauncefote of Preston, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; and The President of the United States of America, the Honourable John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States;

Who, having communicated to each other their full powers, which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

Article I.

It is agreed that the canal may be constructed under the auspices of the Government of the United States, either directly at its own cost, or by gift or loan of money to individuals or Corporations or through subscription to or purchase of stock or shares, and that, subject to the provisions of the present Convention, said Government shall have and enjoy all the rights incident to such construction, as well as the exclusive right of providing for the regulation and management of the canal.

Article II.

The High Contracting Parties, desiring to preserve and maintain the general principle" of neutralization established in Article VIII of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, adopt, as the basis of such neutralization, the following rules, substantially as embodied in the Convention between Great Britain and certain other Powers, signed at Constantinople, 29th October 1888*) for the free navigation of the Suez Maritime Canal, that is to say:

1. The canal shall be free and open, in time of war as in time of peace, to the vessels of commerce and of war of all nations, on terms of entire equality, so that there shall be no discrimination against any nation or its citizens or subjects in respect of the conditions or charges of traffic, or otherwise.

2. The canal shall never be blockaded, nor shall any right of war be exercised, nor any act of hostility be committed within it.

3. Vessels of war of a belligerent shall not revictual nor take any stores in the canal except so far as may be strictly necessary; and the transit of such vessels through the canal shall be effected with the least possible delay in accordance with the regulations in force, and with only such intermission as may result from the necessities of the service.

Prizes shall be in all respects subject to the same rules as vessels of war of the belligerents.


4. No belligerent shall embark or disembark troops, munitions of or warlike materials in the canal except in case of accidental hin*) V. N. R. G. 2 s. XV, 557.

drance of the transit, and in such case the transit shall be resumed with all possible dispatch.

5. The provisions of this Article shall apply to waters adjacent to the canal, within 3 marine miles of either end. Vessels of war of a belligerent shall not remain in such waters longer than twenty-four hours at any one time except in case of distress, and in such case shall depart as soon as possible; but a vessel of war of one belligerent shall not depart within twenty-four hours from the departure of a vessel of war of the other belligerent.

6. The plant, establishments, buildings, and all works necessary to the construction, maintenance, and operation of the canal shall be deemed to be part thereof, for the purposes of this Convention, and in time of war as in time of peace shall enjoy complete immunity from attack or injury by belligerents and from acts calculated to impair their usefulness as part of the canal.

7. No fortifications shall be erected commanding the canal or the waters adjacent. The United States, however, shall be at liberty to maintain such military police along the canal as may be necessary to protect it against lawlessness and disorder.

Article III.

The High Contracting Parties will, immediately upon the exchange of the ratifications of this Convention, bring it to the notice of other Powers and invite them to adhere to it.

Article IV.

The present Convention shall be ratified by Her Britannic Majesty, and by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof; and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington or at London within six months from the date hereof, or earlier if possible.

In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Convention, and affixed thereto their seals.

Done in duplicate at Washington, the fifth day of February, in the

year of our Lord 1900.

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Convention destinée à rectifier la ligne de frontière entre les deux pays; signée à Copenhague le 12 février 1900,*)

Reichs-Gesetzblatt. No. 10. 1902.

Seine Majestät der Deutsche Kaiser, König von Preussen, im Namen des Deutschen Reichs, und Seine Majestät der König von Dänemark, von dem Wunsche geleitet, die durch die Regulierung der Norderau und der Kjärmühlenau erforderlich gewordene Änderung der Grenze zwischen dem Königreiche Preussen und dem Deutschen Reiche einerseits und dem Königreiche Dänemark andererseits festzustellen und zu diesem Zwecke eine Vereinbarung unter sich zu treffen, haben zu Bevollmächtigten ernannt: Seine Majestät der Deutsche Kaiser, König von Preussen Allerhöchstihren ausserordentlichen Gesandten und bevollmächtigten Minister, Geheimen Legationsrat Wilhelm von Schoen,

Seine Majestät der König von Dänemark

Allerhöchstihren Minister des Äussern ad int., Vizeadmiral
Niels Frederik Ravn, Ritter des Elefanten,

die nach Austausch ihrer in guter und gehöriger Form befundenen Vollmachten sich über nachstehende Bestimmungen geeinigt haben.

Artikel 1.

Die vorbezeichnete Grenze wurde nach der beigehefteten Karte bisher zwischen Grenzpfahl 91 und Grenzpfahl 94 durch die Norderau (Fovsau) und zwischen Grenzpfahl 124 und Grenzpfahl 126 durch die mit der Kjärmühlenau zusammenfallende Grenze zwischen den Kirchspielen Heils und Aller gebildet, und zwar folgte die Grenze überall der Mittellinie der beiden Auläufe.

Artikel 2.

In neuerer Zeit sind beide Auläufe, die Norderau durch die NorderauEnt- und Bewässerungsgenossenschaft, und durch eine Vereinigung von Grundbesitzern auf der dänischen Seite, und die Kjärmühlenau durch den Besitzer der Kjärmühle, reguliert und hierbei in der Weise gerade gelegt worden, dass gegenwärtig an der Norderau einzelne Teile des deutschen Gebiets rechts und einzelne Teile des dänischen Gebiets links, an der Kjärmühlenau einzelne Teile des deutschen Gebiets links und einzelne Teile des dänischen Gebiets rechts von den neuen Auläufen liegen.

*) Les ratifications ont été échangées à Copenhague le 11 février 1902.

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