Slike strani

e American Colonization Society, since the Colony

e half of the three thousand colonists are manumit-
bolitionists and anti-slaveites been instrumental in
ng half that number? or shall we not be willing, my
of our earthly wealth so much as to keep these peo-
hall we endeavor to impede the operations of a be-
as spent so much time and money and risked and
luable men, agents of the colony, the climate being
, but not so much so to the man of color; shall we
the necessaries of life? Shall we let the infant co-
n we see there is almost an overwhelming inclination
d captivated African race to return to the land of
desire they have to return from their long captivity
grants last year was equal to one third of the inhab-
d not only so, but there are thousands in the south-
and anxious to go, if the colony was large enough
e funds of the Society sufficient to defray the ex-
n. I know a number of instances of late, of owners
ves to Liberia, not very far from my own place of
ell informed of a great many more at a distance, in
ave States, that are anxious to send theirs, and I
persons of color who would gladly go to Liberia—
people. Shall we trample under foot with impuni-
this, which has at the risk of the lives of a number
r Providence opened an highway and prepared an
ble labor and at great expense in Africa for all that
there? Shall we proscribe a whole benevolent soci-
has some evil designing men in it. We do not ex-
s perfection in any human institution, but let us re-
twelve Apostles there was a Judas, and the brilliant
h firmament has his spots. Shall we let them
h Colonists and Colonizationists, for the want of that
not, but we will attend for a moment to the page of
the proclamation of King Cyrus to his people, and
ldren of Israel in his Persian dominions.

ation from the book of Ezra.


Garrison's Liberator a paragraph in which he denounces the iety, as resting upon "persecution, falsehood, cowardice, and to be "a creature without heart, without brains, eyeless, unand then goes on as follows:-]


from ciatio

Cowa critica

1 how many thousands of respectable men both in ern states, are condemned by these dogmatical deknow that it indirectly includes the whole religiin North Carolina, Tennessee and part of Virginia,

[blocks in formation]

We have existed as a religious Society, and in a yearly meeting capacity, nearly a century; situated about the centre of the slave states, we have borne our testimony against slavery above fifty years; we pursued a regular course of memorializing the legislature for forty years on the subject of slavery, for laws to enable conscientious persons to manumit their slaves, but without success. We have in the course of ten years past assisted our people of color, our slaves in the eye of the law, [about one thousand] to emigrate to free governments, which has cost the society near twenty thousand dollars, in which we have been generously aided by other yearly meetings of Friends upon this continent, and a considerable portion of it from London yearly meeting. After all this, by the above positive denunciation we are indirectly assailed by the colonization persecutors, as liars, cowards, infidels, without heart, without brains, eyeless, unnatural, hypocritical, unjust. Such language, my brethren, is not calculated to conquer enemies, gain friends, soften hard hearts, or convince infidels, even if it

were true.

My main object is to bring to your view the trying situation of the Society of Friends in North Carolina, in regard to about five hundred people of color under our carè, slaves in the eye of the law, as were the thousand we have sent away: and as some of you may not understand this subject, I will inform you in brief. When Friends first settled in America, they bought and held slaves like other people, not duly considering its inconsistency with christian principle; but about fifty years ago the society became convinced of the great evil of slavery, and formed its discipline so as to require our members to manumit their slaves; believing no doubt at that time, that the laws of North Carolina admitted of legal emancipation.Whether they did or not, I cannot say, but such was the fact, that more than a hundred of our manumitted people were taken up and sold into perpetual slavery, either by a different construction of the law or an expost facto.

In the mean time we consulted council and were advised to appoint agents in our yearly meeting, to receive the rights of slaves from our members to hold them in a society capacity, according to a law of this state in 1776, incorporating all religious societies or congregations to hold property to any amount real or personal, except land, not to exceed two thousand acres, and worth not more than two hundred pounds a year. We then availed ourselves of the privilege of this law and acted accordingly; our members conveyed the titles in their slaves to our agents, until the society became possessed of about one thousand. We still continued to petition the legislature for a law for conscientious persons to manumit their slaves, but failed in obtaining it, until we thought it a hopeless case; the legislature becoming more and more averse to the emancipation of slaves, always giving as their main reason the great number and low character of the free people of color already in the State. And now for about ten years past, we have been deeply engaged in assisting our people of color to free governments until about one thousand have gone, as I before observed. We have about five hundred still in possession; and I must observe, that when we commenced the work of emigration, we had but about that number, the rights of others having been conveyed to us since, and they have augmented considerably by natural increase. We sent some to the state of Ohio, others to Indiana, some to Pennsylvania, and to other free States, as they are called. We sent one hundred and nineteen to Hayti, and several hundred to Liberia, all with their own consent and choice, for we have compelled none go any where. But now for two or three years past, the prejudices of the people of the free States have been so great against the increase of a colored population, that we cannot get homes for them any where upon


this continent (except Canada, and that we think much too cold for southern people) though we have repeatedly solicited our friends in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, by epistles from our meetings, for sufferance to theirs, by personal inquiry, and private correspondence.






At the present there appears to be no open door for the reception of our people except in Liberia; and we believe that to be much the most suitable place for them; and many of them would willingly go there if they could, but cannot for want of funds. Several heavy lawsuits have been commenced against us for about forty or fifty people of color within two years past, which suits we have good reason for believing would not have been commenced if we had been permitted to continue a regular course of emigration: but since that has been suspended, some avaricious heirs have come forward to our agents and told them if they would send them away to free governments they would not bring any suits for them, but seeing they did not send them away, they, the claimants, might as well hold them, as for our agents to do so. This they had not offered to do while the benevolent work of emigration continued its annual and regular course for ten years. These adverse circumstances have very much exhausted our funds. It is proper here to say, that the greater part of the expense of the before mentioned shipment was furnished by our kind friends of Philadelphia, and all the expense of the one thousand sent away, except about two thousand dollars that we raised ourselves has been kindly furnished by the different Yearly Meetings on this continent, and Friends of England, and to the lasting credit and Christian benevolence of the Friends of Philadelphia they have furnished more than half the whole sum.

Now, my brethren, I appeal to your good sense and Christian feelings. I am prompted to it for the melioriation of the condition of the African race, and more especially and immediately for the deliverance of the five hundred people of color under our care from a state of legal bondage, for although we do not hold them as slaves, yet they are so according to law. I propose to your serious consideration the propriety of your endeavoring to conciliate public opinion in the free states, so far at least, that they may be willing to aid our people of color who desire to emigrate to Africa.







Now a few additional lines on the subject of reformation in our Abolition and Anti-slavery societies-there surely is need of it my friends, especially as it respects the style and manner of some of our distinguished members in treating this subject. They have been too harsh, and in some instanees apparently vindictive, so much so, that some of the friends of humanity have mourned, and believed that these have not acted in accordance with the precepts of the Gospel, or under the influence of the good spirit of Jesus Christ our Saviour. We ought to be true and candid in all our expressions and yet gentle; if in this manner we fail to make powerful impressions even on the most inveterate enemies to the good cause, in vain may we expect to assail them with satire and vituperation. The American Colonization Society have had cause to complain of this harshness, and some have acknowledged they are faulty and they have set out for a reformation; let us follow their example and let there be no jarring sound heard between these benevolent institutions, nor among the friends of this great cause throughout the world. Let all the philanthropic societies and all the Christian denominations keep in view the grand object, which ought to be that of cancelling the mighty debt which we owe them for the long, long and grievous captivity and degradation that they have suffered under us and our fathers, which cannot be done without their emancipation from a state of slavery, and the restoring as many of them to the land of their native habitation as desire to go. And let it be

Colonization Reports. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 12th and 15th Annual Reports of the American Colonization Society being now out of print, it has been the intention of the Board of Managers to reprint them, but the state of their funds has not hitherto permitted the expense. This, they much regret, as they are solicitous to comply with many pressing calls, both from Great Britain and the United States, for complete sets of the Reports. The Officers of the Society therefore, take this method of requesting the several Auxiliary Societies and other friends to whom the Reports have been sent for distribution, to forward to the Colonization office at Washington, as many copies of those first enumerated, as they can spare or procure; for which, if desired, any other of the Annual Reports will be given in exchange. It is supposed that many of the Reports wanted, may be lying idle in various places, and may be discovered by a little exertion. A compliance with the request now made, will, it is believed, be of essential service to the cause of Colonization.

EMIGRATION AND PROPOSED EXPLORATION. Extract from the Journal of the Board of Managers of the American Colonization Society.

August 1st, 1834.

It being a well-established fact, that emigrants arriving in Liberia during the rainy and sickly season, suffer much more severe attacks of fever, (which more frequently prove fatal) than those do who arrive in the dry and healthy season; and it being ascertained that the middle of the month of November is the best time to sail from this rountry to the colony

Resolved, That, in future, this Society will endeavour, as far as practicable, to send out their emigrants to Liberia in the month of November annually, that they may expeience the seasoning sickness of the climate s lightly as possible.

August 7th, 1834.

earliest opportunity of carry the wishes of this Board (in Resolution passed February lished in the African Reposit and particularly referred to mental Report of this Board c number for the present mon work) to obtain, if practicab thy and suitable tract of co tance from the sea-coast, t settlements at Monrovia and found to be, in order that ag suits, which are deemed n than any other, may be pu ceasing, effective industry a

COLONIAL PRES In the African Repos ly last, were announce butions of kind friends ty in New York, for s colonial printing press v


cessary apparatus. additional intelligence or is extracted from the Spectator of August 20th

"All the materials were this city, and thirty dollars to by the manufacturers-Mess There was a balance due to men of two hundred dollars sum for a keg of Printing-in two hundred and ten dollars. we have the pleasure to stat mitted to us by Rev. Cortland aer-being a donation from t ty at Albany."

The aid thus furnishe lonial press, by the be zens of New York, is and judiciously bestowe beria Herald, though con ability and in an interes

Resolved, That instructions be sent to Mr. has not hitherto receive

Colonial Agent at Liberia bu

There is

appearance suitable to its merit in Colonization and slavery. other respects. Some time longer deep and strong feeling at work for must of course elapse before the colo- the benefit of our whole colored popnial subscription list can be expected ulation. We rejoice in all wise and to authorise an increase of expense in judicious measures for the improvepublishing the paper, it is highly de- ment of their condition and the elesirable that it should receive a liberal vation of their character. patronage in the United States. Subscriptions to the LIBERIA HER-ciation of Connecticut, on the 19th ALD, will be received at the Office of the American Colonization Society. Terms TWO DOLLARS a year in ad


[From the National Intelligencer, August 16.]


At a meeting of the General Asso

of June, the following resolutions were introduced by Rev. Leonard Bacon, and adopted.

1. Resolved, That to buy or sell human beings, and to hold them and treat them as merchandize, or to treat servants, free or bond, in any manner inconsistent with the fact that they are intelligent and voluntary beings made in the image of God, is a violation of the promises of the word of God, and should be treated by all the church of our Lord Jesus Christ as an immorality inconsistent with a profession of the Christian religion.

Messrs. Editors: Many of your city readers will remember JAMES BROWN, a coloured man, formerly a resident here, and universally esteemed as one of the most intelligent and industrious men of colour among us.He left this city for Liberia in November last, since which time many reports of his death, loss of family, &c. have been circulated 2. Resolved, That this Association reamong the coloured people of this vicinity. gards the laws and usages in respect to slaIt will, doubtless, gratify his friends, and the very, which exist in many of the States of friends of the colonization cause, to hear of this Union, as inconsistent with the charachis well-doing. We have to-day seen a letter and responsibilities of a free and Christer from him, in which he expresses his great tian people; and holds it to be the duty of satisfaction with the country and his pros- every Christian, and especially of every pects. Indeed, he is already reaping the minister of the gospel, to use all prudent fruits of his industry and perseverance. At and lawful efforts for the peaceful abolition the time of writing (May 14th) he was convaof slavery. lescent, after a slight illness of 10 days from the "seasoning fever," with which himself and family were attacked. If you can find room for the annexed advertisement, taken from the Liberia Herald of April 29, it will probably do more to satisfy his coloured brethren here that he really is in Liberia than any thing that can be written.


DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J.BROWN, Druggist and Apothecary, late of Washington City, respectfully informs the citizens of Liberia, that he has taken the house formerly occupied by W. L. Weaver, Esqr. in Broad street, where he is now opening an extensive assortment of Drugs and Medicines, imported in the brig Argus, from the United States, which he offers for sale on

reasonable terms.

Also, Spices of different kinds, &c.
Lamps and Lamp Oil, &c.
Liberia, April 28, 1834.

[JAMES BROWN carried with him, from this city, the respect of every man, white as well as black, who knew him. He spent several years in the store of Messrs. Todd & Co. of this city, druggists and chemists, in learning the business which he has commenced in Liberia.-Editors Nat, Intel.]

GENERAL ASSOCIATION OF CONNECTICUT. Many of the Ecclesiastical Bodies of the country are beginning to express their opinions on the subject of

3. Resolved, That this Association regards with great sympathy and hope, the efforts which have recently been commenced by Christians of various denominations in the slave-holding states for the thorough instruction of the colored population in the Christian religion; and looks to the gentle and peaceful yet mighty influences of the gospel of Christ, as the great and indispensable means, not only of making the masters willing to emancipate and enfranchise their slaves, but also of preparing the slaves for the use and enjoyment of freedom.

4. Resolved, That in view of the recent exposition of their principles and plans by the managers of the American Colonization Society, in their address to the public, and in view of the efficiency, fidelity, and wisdom, of the present Governor of Liberia, as manifested in the narrative of his proceedings, contained in his late communication to the Board of Managers, this association entertains an increased confidence in that institution, and does hereby recommend to the ministers and churches of Connecticut to continue their cooperation in that benevolent undertaking, especially by contribut ing to the funds of the society at some convenient opportunity on or about the 4th of July.

COLONIZATION MEETINGS. Pursuant to previous notice, a public meet ing of the Fayette County Colonization

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