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J. W. Stansbury in the chair.
Mr. S. Hopkins from the committee, re-
ported the following resolutions, which were

Resolved, That the plan of colonizing the free colored population of our country, presents the only safe and practicable means of elevating them to a proper place among the members of the human family.

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Catskill, 22d July, 1834. MESSAS. EDITORS.-As we believe that Resolved, That while we sincerely depre- the promotion of the Colonization Society is cate the existence of slavery in our land, we the only feasible method of benefiting the coconfidently apprehend that immediate and lored population of our country, and of preuniversal emancipation would prove disas-serving the community from the horrors controus to the liberated slave, and seriously in- sequent on the excitement of popular indigterrupt the harmony of our federal union. nation respecting the subject of abolition Resolved, That, although the extinction of-we are very happy to communicate some slavery in our land is a consummation ar- account of a Colonization Meeting held in dently to be desired by every patriot, we en- this place last evening. tirely disclaim any legal right whatever, to interfere in the subject of slavery, and desire to work only through the influence of moral suasion.

Resolved, That the political emancipation of the colored population of our country, pre- | sents one of the most interesting and important considerations for the deliberation of our enlightened people, and that the elevation of their moral and intellectual character, unfolds one of the noblest fields for philanthropic enterprise.

Resolved, That the ancient and deep-rooted prejudices existing throughout our country, and several radical distinctions of char- | acter, interpose invincible barriers to the political and social amalgamation of the colored with the white population.

This was an adjourned Meeting from a foriner one a fortnight since. Dr. Porter was called to the chair, and Rev. Mr. Owen opened with prayer.

The following resolutions were moved and carried without a dissenting voice.

Resolved, That the apathy of the community to the interests of the Colonization Society is deeply to be deplored and portentous of evil.

Resolved, That the Colonization Society is a generous, rational, and practicable expedient to do good to the coloured population of the United States, and has redeemed its pledges as far as the period of its existence could lead us to expect.

Resolved, That any past mistakes in the management of the Colonization Society con stitute no reason why efficient pecuniary aid should now be withheld.

Resolved, That while this meeting entirecondemns the riotous proceedings directed against the abolitionists in N. York, and elsewhere; yet we perceive in these acts the anticipated and legitimate results of the Abolition scheme.

Resolved, That the voluntary emigration of the free colored population of our country to the land of their fathers, is calculated to exert a most happy influence, in clevatingly them in the scale of rational beings; in checking the enormities of the slave trade, and in introducing civilization and christianity among the barbarous tribes of Africa. Mr. Dixon from the committee, presented a constitution, which was adopted.

The following persons were then elected officers of the Society:

Resolved, That Messrs. Dr. Haugland, and Maltby Sayre, be a committee to solicit from our citizens subscriptions in favour of the Colonization Society.

These Resolutions were supported by ap

SAM'L M. HOPKINS, President.
WILLIAM MILFORD, 1st V. President.propriate and energetic addresses, by Rev.



JAS. W. TILLMAN, Rec. Secretary.
CHARLES BUTLER, Cor. Secretary.
E. K. BLYTH, Treasurer.

GREVES, P. M. Dox, L. W. HAMLIN, Board

of Directors.

On motion of Mr. C. Butler,

Resolved, That the Board of Directors be requested to confer with the different clergymen of this village, upon the propriety of presenting the subject of colonization to their respective congregations, and taking up a collection in aid of the objects of the Society.

Resolved, That the Board of Directors be instructed to call a special meeting of the society on the evening preceding the commencement of Geneva College, and to appoint a person to deliver an address on that

Messrs. Smith, Van Liew, and Wyckoff, and Francis Sayre, Esq. In the course of the meeting, the reply to Dr. Cox's letter contained in the June number of the Repository, was read with great acceptance. No doubt public opinion among us is greatly strengthened in favor of Colonization, by recent Yours,




We are informed that Mr. Van Rensselaer [son of Hon. S. Van Rensselaer of Albany,] has preached to the slaves at more than 20 different places in Halifax, and that he has been sustained and encouraged in these labors, by the proprietors of the largest plantations and the most respectable citizens of that county. The estimation in which his labors are held, wherever he is known, is of

We understand that the Ladies'

itself a refutation of the remark which good | BETH THOMPSON's School in the Methodist men sometimes countenance,-that "northern Meeting House, and I cannot express the ministers will not be received by the people, or great interest felt on the occasion. Our cannot be useful at the South." This remark, warehouses were shut up, so that all might in the unqualified manner in which it is attend. It was very largely attended, alsometimes uttered, implies a slander on the though each had to pay 12 1-2 cents. Mr. intelligence and character of the southern EDEN, at New Georgia, among the re-cappeople, which we consider very unjust. It tured Africans, is doing well." takes it for granted that the people are so fully under the dominion of local prejudices and have so little liberality and discrimination in their estimates of character, that the fact that a man was born or educated north of the Potomac, is a sufficient reason for them to exclude him from their Society, or at least to refuse him admission to spheres of usefulness where his services are greatly needed. The imputation of such a prejudice to the southern people en masse, is very unjust. There may be soine narrow minded souls of this sort in every parallel of latitude-but this is not the character of the enlightened christian community, and of intelligent citizens generally in the southern States. Let northern men possess the principles, spirit, and character, which Mr. V. R. has manifested, and they will be well received by respectable citizens as soon as their character shall be known.-Richmond Tel.

[From Poulson's Daily Advertiser.] LIBERIA.

We rejoice to notice that each arrival from the Colony affords new proofs of the benefits conferred on long-suffering Africa by the wise and philanthropic labors of the American Colonization Society. The following extract from the letter of an old and highly respectable colored colonist, to a gentleman of Philadelphia, will, we are sure, gratify the friends of the


"Our new and excellent Governor (PINNEY) is quite indefatigable in his labors to push forward the interests of the Colony, and strongly reminds us of the sainted Ash


He has determined upon and taken measures to re-establish a public farm near Caldwell, on the plan of Mr. Ashmun, where all idle persons and vagrants may be placed. Many persons are going to farming, and I am within bounds when I say that three times the quantity of ground will be put under cultivation this season, over any preceding year."

Society intend very shortly establishing a Manual Labour School, under the charge of a highly respectable friend and his wife, in the new Colony of Pennsylvania, founded by the Young Men's Colonization Society, at Bassa Cove, and as their funds are inadequate for meeting the heavy expenditure of their extended benevolence, we hope they will be remembered and patronized by some of our affluent citizens.


The following Letter and Resolution were expected to appear in former numbers of the Repository, but were casually omitted:

[From the N. Y. Spectator, June 2d.]

COLONIZATION SOCIETY. The following gratifying letter with its enclosure, was received on Saturday:—

NEW YORK, May 31, 1834. permit me to state the following circumDear Sir-In presenting this 100 dollars stance:-About a week since, a person called on me, and stated that, in May, 1 came to my office and exchanged some dollars more than he was entitled to, and money, and he thinks he received a hundred that he called several days after to see if our cash indicated such a mistake, but th... the clerk not ascertain certainly that this was the case. He hesitated some about returning it, and yet felt unwilling to retain it. I inquired if under the circumstances he would I satisfied to have the amount presented to the Colonization Society, to which he replied yes. This therefore, is cheerfully given in the hope that it may aid the good cause in which your society is engaged. I am yours,




At a meeting of the Board of Managers, held July 22,

Of that admirable lady, Mrs. SANSOM, whose inestimable labors in planting Schools in Africa, are but too little known and appreciated, he says: It was resolved, That a Select Committee "I am happy to inform you, that the be appointed to inquire and ascertain what Schools supported by the Ladies of Phila- free persons of color sustained injury in their delphia, continue to exert the most bencfi- persons or property during the late riots in cial influence on our rising generation, and this city, with power to collect subscriptions many will live to bless the name of BEULAH for their benefit, and apply the same to their SANSOM. We had an exhibition of ELIZA-relief.


To the American Colonization Society in the month of September, 1834. Gerrit Smith's First Plan of Subscription.

John S. Walton, New Orleans,

Collections from Churches.

Accomac and Northampton counties, Va.-from three Methodist Episcopal congregations, received from James A. Massey,

Do from Mr. Massey and another friend,

Alexandria, at the 1st Presbyterian church, by Rev. Elias Harrison,


at the 2nd


do at the Baptist church, by Rev. S. Cornelius,

Bath, New Hampshire, by Rev. D. Sutherland,

Belmont county, Ohio, Crab Apple Congregation, by Rev. J. Coon,
Creagerstown, Maryland, by Mr. Mettane,

Cross Creek, Jefferson county, Ohio, St. James's church, by Rev. J. Morse,
Danby, Tompkins county, N. Y. New Jerusalem church, by Rev. Lewis Beers,
*Indianapolis, Presbyterian church, by Rev. W. A. Halliday,



Methodist do by Rev. Calvin Ruter,

Lawrence Presbyterian church, by Rev. Henry Axtell,

Lebanon, Alleghany county, Pa. Presbyterian church, by Rev. T. D. Baird,
Lee, Massachusetts, in Rev. Joshua N. Danforth's church,
Maryland, by Rev. William Matchett,

Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland, by Rev. A. O. Patterson,

New Hackensack, N. Y. Reformed Dutch church, by Rev. C. Van Cleef,

Norfolk, in the Presbyterian church,

Petersburg, in the Methodist do, 1833,

Richland, Pa. by Rev. John Glenn,

Slippery Rock, Pa. congregation,

Sawickly congregation, Pa. by Rev. A. O. Patterson,

[blocks in formation]

Trenton, N. J.-in the Methodist Episcopal Church, by Rev. T. J. Thompson,
Windham, Ohio, by Rev. Wm. Hanford,

Winchester, at the Episcopal Church, by Rev. James Jackson,

Xenia, Ohio, in the congregation of Rev. Andrew W. Poage,

in the Associate congregation of Rev. Andrew Herron,

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In the receipts from Auxiliary Societies, published in the August No. of the Repository, for "Crawford county, Va. $39,” read “Crawford county, Pennsylvania, $30.” African Repository.

Allen Leeper, Farmington, Tenn. per H. D. King,

C. Goodrich,


Collections made in Ohio, last year, by the Rev. F. W. Thomas, Agent, not before ack1833.

September 23, At a meeting in Dr. Beecher's Presbyterian church,

11, At a meeting in Lebanon, $5-17th & 20th, in Dayton, $27 43,
Received from Rev. Franklin Putnam, of the Presbyterian

[blocks in formation]

From Rev. J. S. Galloway, Pres'n church, for 4th July coll'n,


9 & 11, At a meeting in the Methodist church at Urbana,
From the members of a new Auxiliary Society,

15 16


From Adam Musgrove, Tr. of the old do, a balance on hand of
After an Address in the State-House at Columbus,
In hopes of raising funds for the Society, Mr. T. announced a
course of Literary Lectures, and obtained 35 names at $1
each, which he delivered,




Mr. T. received the following sums, 4th of July collections:
Rev. J. Wilson, Cincinnati,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

From the same at Palmyra, $2 75-from the same $8 61, **The same gentlemen collected at these churches last year $75, which was acknowledged in the Repository, as received in a draft from Isaac Coe, without any other specification.

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A Letter from JAMES G. BIRNEY, Esq. to the REV. THORNTON J. MILLS, Corresponding Secretary of the Kentucky Colonization Society, dated Mercer County, Ky. July 15, 1834.

THE readers of the African Repository have had an opportunity of perusing, in several of the numbers for the past and the present year, some letters, originally published, we believe, in the Huntsville (Ala.) Democrat, from the pen of Mr. JAMES G. BIRNEY. This gentleman was recent ly Agent of the American Colonization Society for the south-western district, composed of the States of Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, and the territory of Arkansas; and the object of those letters was to vindicate, by making more fully known, the principles and course of the Society. Though not concurring in all the views taken by the writer, we were not deterred by that consideration from copying his essays into the Repository; and he may feel assured, that the suspension of their republication after the seventh number proceeded only from the casual loss of the subsequent letters. Should he be able to supply them, it will give us pleasure to complete the series, though, perhaps, at the risk of renewed censure from intelligent friends who had objected to some passages of the republished numbers, as having a PRO-slavery tendency. It was our design, should we recover the missing numbers, to accompany the translation of them to this Journal, with an attempted defence against that imputation. Our anxiety on the subject, was soon, however, interrupted most unexpectedly by rumours that the party for whom we were meditating an apology had surrendered to his assailants, and was about to fulminate from their camp charges against the Colonization Society, similar to those which had been made against himself. The flourishes with which the organs of Immediate Abolition announced, in advance, Mr. BIRNEY's abjurement of the Colonization cause, were in due season followed by the appearance of the letter, of which the title is given at the head of this article. Instead, therefore, of defending the officer of the Society against his adversaries, we are placed in the sudden necessity of defending the Society against the Parthian warfare of the fugitive officer.

Such inci

This task is undertaken with a strong feeling of regret, at the loss which the cause of Colonization has sustained in the desertion of an adherent conspicuous for official zeal and diligence, and enjoying a high reputation for his literary attainments, moral respectability and ardent piety. dents, however, though painful, are not discouraging. The excellence of the cause will, as it has heretofore done, raise up for itself new supporters; and in the retirement of one champion from its defence, its constant friends will recognise a fresh motive for perseverance and energy on their parts.

As it was scarcely six months before the date of Mr. Birney's letter, when the Kentucky Auxiliary elected him one of its Vice-Presidents, without, it would seem, any whisper from him, that the honour was inappropriate, Mr. Mills, unless more than ordinarily penetrated with the truth of the wise man's saying-"there is no new thing under the sun”— must have started with surprise at the first tidings of the new functionary's new movement. This emotion was probably even more lively in the breasts of such friends of the Society, as knew that so lately as last fall, when Mr. B. informed the Parent Board that his intended change of resi dence would close his Agency for the south-western district, the information was coupled with professions of undiminished zeal for the Colonization cause, with pledges of future service, and with an intimation of his willingness to accept an Agency for Kentucky. That the Managers did not act on this suggestion, was owing, it is presumed, to the fact, that their interests in Kentucky were then in charge with another gentleman.They received, during the winter, fresh assurance from Mr. B. of his continued attachment.

The suspicion excited by the suddenness of Mr. Birney's conversion, that it proceeded rather from some mystical afflatus, than from full reflection, is not removed by the apparent elaboration of his manifes to. For though this paper reaches the formidable length of some 15 or 20 columns of the Liberator, much of it will be found to be, not the result of original reasoning, but the accumulation of trite commonplaces against Colonization; in collecting which, a sharp pair of scissors was quite as important as a sharp intellect. Long as the manifesto is, the reader will be dismayed to learn that it contains only "some of the reasons which have persuaded" the writer to abandon the Colonization Society. Possibly, when the reserved reasons shall be forthcoming, some indications may seen in them of the "unequalled force of logic," which the Secretary of an Anti-Slavery Society facetiously ascribes to the reasons which are proclaimed. On these, it is our purpose now to submit some observations.


After an introductory account of his early impressions concerning the Colonization Scheme, and of his exertions as Agent of the Society for the south-western district, Mr. Birney notices the formation, through his instrumentality, and that of Mr. Polk, of an Auxiliary Society at Huntsville:

"This," he adds, "was the first instance of direct action in the South, for the benefit of any part of the coloured population, of which I then had a personal knowledge. I was greatly encouraged at the favorable aspect of things on this, the first trial, for it was made in a town where, considering its size, there is unusual concentration, of intelligence, and in the very midst of a population numbering a majority of blacks. At that time, I believed there was in the project so much of a vivifying spirit, that to ensure success, it was only necessary for the people of the South once to become interested in it: that there was in it so much of the energy of life, that it required nothing more than once to be set on foot to put beyond all question its continuance and growth. As auxiliary to the impulses of benevolence, I calculated upon the selfish advantages to the South. These, I thought, could be so clearly and powerfully exhibited, that there would be none to gainsay or resist, and that, by the union of benevolence and selfishness, the co-operation of the whole South might be secured. I unhesitatingly declare, that the total incongruity of these two principles did not strike my mind as it has done, since I witnessed their dissociable and mutu

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