Slike strani

JAN. 17, 1837.]

Executive Administration.

[H. OF R.

loss arising from the charges of collection, and with the loss also of interest, while the money is performing the unnecessary circuit; and it would therefore be unwise. If it is to be collected from one portion of the people, and given to another, it would be unjnst. If it is to be given to the States in their corporate capacity, to be used by them in their public expenditures, I know of no principle in the constitution which authorizes the Federal Government to become such a collector for the States, nor of any principle of safety or propriety which admits of the States becoming such recipients of gratuity from the General Government.

"The public revenue, then, should be regulated and adapted to the proper service of the General Govern. ment."

These views were presented by one of the Senators from Kentucky, [Mr. CLAY.] These views were sustained by the minority which were found on the deposite bill of the last session; and it could not be objected to by that minority, that from those with whom they differed in sentiment they could obtain support for the course which they pursued. It is the pledge that we shall have aid in relieving the people from burdens of a grievous character, and a pledge which we have a right to insist on being fulfilled."

one, I will not desecrate the temple of our Union by any attempt to deface one particle of those brilliant names that may cast their splendor over it. Fidelity to our own principles never can be incompatible with justice and toleration for those of our opponents. I speak of this point not as a partisan, but as an American. I cannot be deterred, by the fear of being termed a flatterer, from doing justice to any man. I ask gentlemen how they can hope that the people will attend to their charges? We are told it is to inform the people of the dangers they have passed-of the conspiracies against their liberties that have been exploded. Why, sir, Cicero himself would not have been heeded when the conspirators were deprived of all power to injure. The people of this country will not, as the hour is approaching which is to separate them from him who has for years enjoyed their highest confidence, stand with ready ear to listen to denunciations. Not while one spark of gratitude remains will they refuse to shield him. They will be seen protecting him from the flames of political persecutions; they will be the first to rescue him-the patriot who has led their armies to victory and given permanency to their Union-from the ignominy of being placed in the same niche of immortal infamy with a Commodus or a Severus. There is one aspect in which the present discussion will be viewed with interest by the country. It is the objections which have been raised against the coming ad. ministration. We are told that the people have no pledge of any line of policy; that the President elect is untrammelled by any promises. He can sustain a tariff or an anti-tariff policy; he may be for internal improvements by the General Government, or against them; he may be for a national bank, or against it; for distribution, or against distribution—that upon leading political questions he is in no manner committed. What, sir! no policy promised? If there is any point on which the President elect is not committed, the fault lies not with him. Not far from me is the member from Kentucky, [Mr. WILLIAMS,] who submitted questions of the highest importance to the country before the election. The reply to those queries is part of your political history. That reply formed the chief point of attack in your presidential contests. On most of the points which agitated the country, the people of this country have had an ample exposition of the views of the individual who has been elevated by their suffrages to the first office within their power. You have, in the document to which I refer, his opinions with regard to the Bank of the United States. You have his views on the great and absorbing subject of your public revenues, and the policy of distribu-ble to the pains and penalties of a præmunire. But even tion. When he speaks of this measure, it is but in accordance, so far as results are concerned, with the opinions of a distinguished statesman, whose course is sustained by a large portion of the opponents of the administration, and whose sentiments are given in a speech, delivered some years since, in the Senate of the United States. The Clerk of the House will read the passage in that speech to which I refer.

The clerk then read as follows:

Speaking of the public debt, he remarked: "It is so near being totally extinguished that we may now safely inquire whether, without prejudice to any established policy, we may not relieve the consumption of the country by the repeal or reduction of duties, and curtail, consid. erably, the public revenue. In making this inquiry, the first question which presents itself is, whether it is expedient to preserve the existing duties, in order to accumulate a surplus in the Treasury for the purpose of subsequent distribution among the several States. I think not. If the collection for the purpose of such a surplus is to be made from the pockets of one por tion of the people, to be ultimately returned to the same pockets, the process would be attended with the certain

But, sir, his opponents were not satisfied with the course which the President elect had pursued before the nation in a long life of political action; they were not satisfied with his open and avowed declarations, but in every section of the country he was represented to entertain different views, but always those which might be particularly unpopular. I will not attempt to follow the whole train, but I cannot forego the opportunity of referring to one of the means called into action against him. I allude to the fact of dragging his opinions on religious manners into the political contest. His opponents, aware of the prejudice existing against one creed in this | country, eagerly seized upon it to operate with effect upon some portion of our citizens. We are told that the votes of States were given against him on this reason. The spirit of intolerance-that spirit which has at all times, and in all countries, left the evidences of its triumphs in the blasted happiness and withered prosper. ity of thousands, was brought into the contest. In vain was the avowal of my colleague [Mr. VANDERPOEL] in favor of the candidate, showing that he did not entertain certain opinions. It was insisted, that even if he did not entertain them, yet he had been guilty, at least, of an act which, in England, would have rendered him lia

in England, under an enlightened and liberal legislation, that badge of barbarity had been destroyed, and in this country never had existed. Punishment was due for the transgression, and the guilty must be reached through the ballot-box. Sir, no language can express the deep humiliation with which I refer to this topic; I feel that in a land of freedom-that land which gave to the cause of civil and religious liberty a Carroll, and contains the ashes of him whose pride was not alone to have been the author of the Declaration of Independence, but of the code to secure freedom of conscience--that there is a spirit which would drive a portion of our fellow citizens from the advantages of the Government, and place them as outcasts without the pale of your constitution. If this is to be the consequence of entertaining certain opinions, your constitution will be a mockery, your pledge of equality of rights is violated. Are they who have unloosed this whirlwind blind to the ravages it has elsewhere committed? Are they desirous of substituting the war of fanaticism for the peace and charity which exist at present through the country? Let them consid er that the persecution which follows and crushes one sect to-day may turn upon another to-morrow.


[blocks in formation]

them not hope to be able to check the fiery steeds they have driven to the edge of the precipice," and to save themselves from dashing down into the abyss where myriads lie entombed the victims of a similar spirit! Is this the age in which such scenes are to be enacted? No, sir; extinguish the lights of civilization and intelligence, before you illumine the torch of fanaticism. Its lurid glare will be lost in the blaze of freedom. Bring back the days of the Vandal and the Goth. Let then the ministers of savage orgies shout with joy around the tombs of the dead they have violated, and with frantic exultation amid the blazing ruins of seminaries of learning; at such a time, let the demon of persecution be unchained, and rush from one end of the country to the other. But if we desire peace, if we seek for the exercise of feelings of charity, we must not violate the spirit of that constitution which secures protection to all. The persecution of the ballot-box is but the precursor of penal legislation. We must not permit the ballot-box to be converted into an engine of oppression upon any portion of our countrymen. Let it be remembered that amongst those who are denounced are those whose integrity and devotion to the country are not to be questioned; that they are your fellow-citizens, who ask for nothing more than their constitutional rights, and ought not, will not, submit to less. I cannot be mistaken in my countrymen, or our institutions, when I say that in the intelligence and the liberality which should ever distinguish Americans, there is a guarantee for liberty of conscience which can never be destroyed; and that American liberty consists in freedom of opinion, freedom of industry, freedom of conscience.

We have been told that the approaching administration will be brought into power by the vilest means; that it is the triumph of the New York system. I find that it is the fashion of the hour to refer to that State. Her immense resources, her natural and artificial advantages, are paraded to excite a jealousy against her interests and her sons. Is this the spirit in which this Union was framed, or can be maintained? Why, to secure a petty triumph of party, is this effort made to array section against section, State against State? In sorrow, not in anger, have I heard the charges made against that State. I have witnessed the efforts to injure her fair fame; but still I look upon my native State with pride. Not one particle of her reputation is yet tarnished. That State can look back upon the past with high satisfaction, and look forward to the future with the brightest anticipations. What, sir, has been her system? She has had "a giant's strength, but she has used it like a giant." She stands erect in the consciousness of her sacrifices to the independence, the liberty of the country, and to the Union of these States. She presents to you her Saratoga, as her evidence of her devotion to the cause of the Revolution. Every point of her whole frontier is the theatre of resistance to the invasion of a savage or a civilized foe. In peace, as in war, no sordid policy has characterized her course. I challenge gentlemen to point out in the votes of her Representatives here, or in the legislation of the S ate, any disposition to elevate that Siate at the sacrifice of the rights or interests of any section of this confederacy. Her history contains not a single line for which one of her sons need blush. Proud of her history, proud of her enterprise, for one, I would, in the language of one who has given glory, not only to that State, but to the whole confederacy, as soon forget the mother that gave me birth, as that State the trophies of whose system may be seen in the unrivalled prosperity of her millions of inhabitants. The power she wield, was never exercised for oppression. Mighty she has been, but none has been more meek. To be the equal, not the superior, of her sister Stats, has ever been her object. Gratitude demands

[JAN. 17, 1837.

this humble tribute from one who owes her much; and justice requires that her character should not be misrepresented.

This debate, sir, is the announcement of a course of policy which the country ought fully to understand. What is the development that we have seen made? That opposition is at once to be formed to the coming administration. We are told that a war is to be waged, a war of extermination, against him who has been placed in power by the sacrifice of the principles of liberty. A war against the man is to be declared. Why not avow at once a struggle, a "war to the knife," with the democracy? Where is the evidence of the violation of any rights by the successful candidate? Where the proof that, in his triumphant march to the Capitol, he has dr ven his chariot with savage exultation over the mangled corse of your constitution? If opposition is at once to be arrayed, let the country know it. I cannot believe that he who sustains the coming administration must neces sarily be a "traitor to the interests of the South," as we heard in this discussion. I will not admit that the South, which has but within a few short weeks past given evidence of its confidence, is at once to be marshalled in opposition, and that this position is to be assumed-that no matter with what purity, no matter with what patriotism, no matter with what success, the policy of the coming administration may be distinguished, still it must be paralyzed, still it must be crushed, must be annihilated. This I will not admit. The people will afford to their Chief Magistrate the same lenity and the same rule they would apply to the humblest servant in the public service. They will judge of him by his acts. It will be in vain to denounce the manner in which he was electednose could be more honorable. In vain will they denounce the success of the man-they will discover that the strug gle which has closed was not concluded by the triumph of any man. Let me assure gentlemen it is not the triumph of the candidate which causes the exultation which they observe on every side. It is the triumph of the true principles of your Government of the Union; it is the triumph of the people. We have been told that the people have been routed by the prætorian cohorts. No, sir; gentlemen mistake the scattered and retreating bands. The people are not seen flying in every direc tion. The people are not vanquished, but victorious, proudly victorious. They are victors over combinations unheard of in the annals of political warfare; victors over misrepresentation; victors over prejudice; victors over principles of every nature. "The flag of the country is still flying." Sir, 1 repeat the language of the gen tleman from Virginia, [Mr. W18E:] the flag of the country is still flying. We differ, sir, as to the character of that ensign. It is not the drapeau blanc, not the flag with a single star emblazoned on its folds; not the flag which was seen flying on one portion of your coast, the signal for the advance of a hostile fleet, but the flag which floated in triumph over Jefferson; which was seen amidst the blaze of an enemy's cannon in the days of Madison; that flag around which have always rallied the un'errified friends of liberty; that banner is still flying; never, I trust, never to be struck down. And who, sr, are the prætorian bands who are rushing to the rescue' Look, sir, to the majority of this House; to a majority of the other branch of your Legislature; a majority of the people of this country. You may see them rushing from the granite hills of the East; you will find them pouring down in hordes from the North. They are to be found in the boundless and fertile prairies of the West, and may be seen gathering from the chivalrous South, even from the Old Dominion. On every side the yeomanry of the land have been eager to rally under this labarum. And yet these are the marauders, the trainbands, the obedient janizaries, the præto/ian cohorts, who are


Abolition in the District of Columbia; a memorial from Dana, Judah, elected from the State of Maine, to sup-
ply the place of Ether Shepley, resigned, took
his seat, 79.

the grand jury of Washington county, 507,
Alabama and Mississippi; a bill to advance a million dol-
lars on the two per cent. land fund of these
States, 986; bill laid on the table.
Allyn, Captain Francis; a bill to remunerate him for
conveying General Lafayette, in the year 1824,
ordered to be engrossed, 988.
American Colonization Society; memorial for a charter
for it, 564; memorial laid on the table, 568;
motion to take up rejected.

Appropriation bill for the civil and diplomatic expenses
of the Government for the year 1837, read a
third time and passed, 1018.

Appropriations for the army, navy, Indians, light-houses,
&c., will be found under the several heads of
Army, Navy, &c.

Arbuckle, Colonel; a bill for his relief, 991; negativ-


Armory bill; a bill to establish a foundry or armory in
the West or Southwest, arsenals in the States
in which none have yet been established, and
depots for arms in certain States and Territo-
ries, was ordered to be engrossed, 800; and
Belgium; a bill from the House, respecting the duties on
Belgian vessels and their cargoes, was consid-
ered and ordered to its third reading, 800; bill
passed, 806.

Books, on the distribution of; a resolution for distribu-
ting the American State Papers among the new
Senators, 725; laid on the table.

for committee rooms, a resolution for supplying,
laid on the table, 1010.

Burning of the public buildings; a bill to alter and amend

the act for the punishment of certain crimes
against the United States was considered and
ordered to a third reading, 802; bill passed,
Cherokee Indians; a memorial from 2,500 Indians, east
and west of the Mississippi, remonstrating
against a treaty ratified at the last session, as
fraudulent, laid on the table, 1010.

Choctaw reservations; a bill to adjust certain claims to
reservations of land under the 14th article of
the treaty of 1830, 852; the bill was laid over;
ordered to be engrossed, 872; and afterwards

Coal; petitions praying for a duty on this article, 19.
Commerce and navigation; yearly statement to be made

at the commencement of every session of Con-
gress, by Secretary of the Treasury, 5; agreed
to, 18.
Copy-rights to foreigners; an address from a number of
British authors on the subject, 670; the memo-
rial was laid on the table and ordered to be

Courts of United States, a memorial praying for a build-
ing for, at Philadelphia, 325.

Deposite banks; a call on the Secretary of the Treasury
for certain information respecting them, 68.

a bill to extend the provisions of the act regula-
ting public deposites, 79; referred to the Com-
mittee on Finance.

Dickins, Asbury, elected Secretary of the Senate, 6.
Distribution question, on the fortification bill, 992; on a


motion to strike out the second section of the
bill, which provided for a deposite of the sur-
plus revenue, on the 1st January next, with
the several States-motion carried, 1008; the
House disagreed to the above amendment; the
Senate insisted on it, and notified the House
accordingly, 1021; the House insisted on its
disagreement, and the Senate, after further
debate, adhered to its vote, by yeas and nays,

the reduction of, proposed to be referred to the
Committee on Manufactures, 70.

a bill for the remission-of duties on goods destroy-
ed by fire at the late conflagration in New
York, 847; ordered to a third reading, and

Expunging the journal; notice given by Mr. Benton of
his intention of renewing his motion for this
purpose at an early day, 4; resolution intro-
duced, 128; taken up, 380, 428; agreed to,
504; and the journal was expunged accord-

Extra session of the Senate, 1035.
Falmouth and Alexandria railroad; a bill to aid the com-
pany to construct their road within the District
of Columbia; the bill was ordered to its third
reading, 1021; and passed.

Foreign emigrants; a memorial from sundry inhabitants
of the State of New York, in relation to Cath-
olic emigrants, referred, 533.

Fortifications, a bill making appropriations for, 779, 794;
ordered to a third reading, 1008; bill lost by
the disagreement of the two Houses on an
amendment, 1034.


and Neapolitan_indemnities; a bill to anticipate
the payment of stipulated indemnities, 513; or-
dered to a third reading and passed, 1009.
Goldsborough, Robert H., from Maryland; his death an-
nounced by his colleague, Mr. Kent, 3.
Hall's rifle; a bill to remunerate Captain John H. Hall
for improvements in firearms, 988; bill laid on
the table, 991.

Harbors; a bill making appropriations for certain har-
bors, and for removing obstructions at the
mouths of rivers, 1014; ordered to a third
reading, 1015; and passed.

Inauguration of President Van Buren, a committee of
arrangements appointed for, 992.
appropriation bill for 1837, 893; ordered to a
third reading, and passed.


Cumberland road; a bill for the continuation of the Cum-Johnston, Colonel Philip, the petition of the heirs of, 123.
berland road in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, 802; Kinnard, Mr., a Representative from Indiana; a token of
ordered to a third reading, 807. (See Road
mourning to be worn for thirty days to his mem-



ory, 7.

Land; Mr. Clay's bill for dividing the proceeds of the | Pierce, Franklin, elected a Senator from New Hamp

[blocks in formation]

a cession of the public land; a bill introduced to
effect the object, 739, 780; laid on the table,

laws and decisions; resolutions calling on the Sec-
retary of the Treasury and Secretary of the
Senate to furnish information on these sub-
jects, 967; agreed to.
Lowrie, Walter, resigns his office of Secretary of the
Senate, 5.

Light-houses; a bill making appropriations for light-

houses, light-boats, &c., for the year 1837, or-
dered to be engrossed, 1009; and afterwards
McKinley, John, elected as a Senator for Alabama, from
the 4th of March next; his credentials present-
ed by Mr. King, 204.
McCartney, John; a bill for his relief ordered to be en-
grossed, 986.

Madison's writings; a letter from the President in rela-

shire for six years from the 4th of March next;
Mr. Hubbard presented his credentials, 872.
Pilots, a bill concerning, read a third time and passed,

Post Office; an inquiry instituted into the cause of the
destruction of the late General Post Office
building, 19.
Department; a bill to give security to correspond-
ence between the United States and foreign
countries, providing for additional clerks, and
for the erection of a new building, was ordered
to be engrossed, and subsequently passed, 1009.
President's annual message received, (see Appendix,) 3.
message in relation to a communication between
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 343.
message in relation to Mexico and Texas, 524.
letter to Mr. Calhoun, in reference to a speech
made by that gentleman, in which he charges
those in power with speculating in the public
lands, 753.

message convening an extra session of the Senate,
President and Vice President, a joint committee appoint-
ed for counting the votes for, 617, 698, 777.
Revenue, a bill for the reduction of, introduced, 569.
Road bill; a bill making appropriations for the repair
and construction of certain roads, (including
the Cumberland road,) ordered to a third read-
ing and passed, 1019.

tion to a purchase and publication of them, 4; Scott,
the report of the committee was taken up for
consideration, 849; and ordered to a third read-
ing; discussed and passed, 872.

Marine corps; resolution instructing the Committee on
Naval Affairs to inquire into the construction
of the act of June, 1834, &c., 535.

Meade, Richard W., a bill for the relief of the executrix
of, 557; bill passed, 846.

Mexico, a message of the President in relation to inju

ries sustained from the Government of, 723.
and United States; a report of the Committee on
Foreign Relations on the subject, 854; order-
ed to be printed, 857; taken up, 982; and re-
port concurred with, 986.

Michigan; a message from the President stating its read-
iness for admission into the Union, 128.

a bill to admit the State of Michigan into the
Union introduced, 167, 204; considered and
passed, 325.

Messrs. Norvell and Lyon, her Senators, were
qualified, and took their seats, 550, 563.
Military appropriation bill taken up, 795; passed, 798.
Military establishment of the United States; a bill to in-

crease it, and for other purposes, ordered to
its third reading, 797; bill passed, 840.
Mint bill; a bill supplemental to the act for establishing
a mint and regulating the coins, 226; ordered
to a third reading, 327; and afterwards pass-

National bank in New York; a memorial from the Board
of Trade in favor of such an institution, 418,

Naval service, a bill making appropriations for, for the
year 1837, ordered to a third reading, 1014;
and subsequently passed.

Nourse, Joseph; report of the Committee of Claims in
his case, 645.

Order, points of, 707, 708.

Patent Office; an inquiry instituted into the extent of the

loss lately sustained by fire, 21.

a bill supplementary to the act for the improve-
ment of the useful arts, 795; ordered to be en-
grossed, 797; and afterwards passed.

General; resolution calling on the President for a
copy of the proceedings of the late court of in-
quiry at Frederick, in relation to the Florida
war, 840; referred to the Committee on Mili-
tary Affairs, 846.

Senators, a list of, 2.

Sick and disabled seamen; a resolution calling on the Sec-
retary of the Treasury for information as to the
cost of erecting hospitals for relief of seamen,

Slave property, foreign aggression upon; a resolution
calling on the President for information in regard
to the authorities of Bermuda having committed
aggression on a Southern vessel freighted with
slaves, and driven by distress into that port, 725.
Spence, John, S., elected a Senator from Maryland, to
supply the place of the late Mr. Goldsborough;
his credentials presented by his colleague, Mr.
Kent, 360; re-elected for six years from the 4 h
of March next, 981.

Standing committees appointed, 6, 7.
Steam boiler bill ordered to a third reading, 777; and
afterwards passed.

Surplus revenue; a bill to renew in part the deposite bill
of the last session, introduced, 376.
Tariff; a bill reducing the duties on certain imported ar-
ticles; the bill taken up and considered, 872.
Texas, a message from the President respecting, 104.
a proposition for acknowledging as an independ
ent State, 360, 797; postponed, 986; resolu-
tion agreed to, 1013.

a motion made to reconsider the above vote, and
negatived, 1019.

Treasury circular; a resolution offered for its repeal, 8,
21, 70, 89, 104, 128, 172, 327, 360, 533, 577,
619, 636, 778; bill passed, 778.

Unexpended appropriations; a motion to print a docu-
ment lately received from the Treasury Depart-
ment on this subject, 150; agreed to, 167.
United States courts, (see Courts.)

Vice President, retirement of, and his address on the oc-
casion, 617.

thanks of the Senate for his impartiality, dignity,
and ability, in the chair, 635.

Vice President pro tempore, Mr. King elected, 618; his

address on taking the chair.

Richard M. Johnson elected by the Senate Vice
President of the United States for four years,
commencing on the 4th March, 1837, no elec-
tion having been made by the college of elect-
ors, 738; his letter of grateful acknowledg-
ment of his election, 779; takes his oath of of-
fice, enters on the duties of President of the
Senate, and delivers an address, 1035.

Volunteers; a bill to make compensation to the Kentucky
and Tennessee volunteers who were discharged
without being called into service, considered,
and ordered to a third reading, 807.

Yeas and nays, on referring the bill to extend the provis-
ions of the act regulating public deposites, 89.
the admission of Michigan, 267, 293, 294, 325.
Treasury circular; 376, 563.

expunging resolution, 504.

land bill, 557, 661, 662, 666, 667, 668, 669, 692,
693, 694, 695, 696, 706, 727,728,729, 736,777.
taking up the memorial of the American Coloni-
zation Society for a charter, 636.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 711, 723,
724, 739.

on the bill for ceding the public lands, 753, 794.
on the bill to designate the kind of funds receiva-
ble for the public revenue, 778.

on the fortification bill, 779, 794, 795.
taking up the resolution proposing to recognise
the independence of Texas, 797.

[blocks in formation]

reduction of the tariff, 874, 884, 939, 965, 966,
975, 981.

United States and Mexico, 985.

on recognising the independence of Texas, 986,

on the bill to advance a million of dollars on the
two per cent. land fund of Alabama and Missis-
sippi, 986.

on a motion to strike out the 2d section of the
fortification bill, which provided for a deposite
of the surplus revenue, on the 1st of January
next, with the several States, 1006; the House
disagreed to this amendment, and insisted on
its disagreement, and the Senate adhered, by
yeas and nays, 1034.

French and Neapolitan indemnity bill, 1009.
harbor bill, 1014.

general appropriation bill, 1018.
road bill, 1019.

on the bill to aid the Falmouth and Alexandria
Railroad Company, 1021.



Bayard, Mr., Delaware, on the admission of Michigan, Black, Mr., Mississippi, on bill for the relief of the ex-


expunging resolution, 458, 724.

land bill, 561, 660.

abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia,
711, 713, 714.

bill for the improvement of the useful arts, 796.
Choctaw reservations of land, 853, 872.
Benton, Mr., Missouri, his call for annual statements in
relation to commerce and navigation, 5.
Treasury circular, 21, 104, 533, 534, 578, 778.
expunging resolution, 128, 380, 485, 505, 506.
the admission of Michigan, 128, 172, 246.
unexpended appropriations, 150, 155, 159, 167.
the land bill, 378, 379, 530, 556, 681, 731, 733.
French and Neapolitan indemnities, 517.
distribution of books, 726.

bill for ceding the public lands, 750, 792.
the fortification bill, 779.

the armory bill, 798.

bill to compensate the Kentucky and Tennessee
volunteers, 807.

bill to increase the military establishment, 809,
828, 840.

on the late court of inquiry on General Scott,
841, 842.

reduction of tariff, 884, 902, 939, 966.

distribution question, 1001.

supplying the committee rooms with certain
books, 1010.

Black, Mr., Mississippi, on the Treasury circular, 376,

land bill, 662, 681, 728, 731.

ecutrix of R. W. Meade, 846.

Choctaw reservations of land, 852, 872.
Captain Hall's improved rifle, 991.

Brown, Mr., North Carolina, on the admission of Michi

gan, 278.

abolition in the District of Columbia, 508, 510.
land bill, 667.

bill for the cession of the public lands, 741.
reduction of the tariff, 911, 914, 915.
distribution question, 998.

Buchanan, Mr., Pennsylvania, on the admission of Mich-
igan, 169, 171, 235, 310.

building for United States courts at Philadelphia,
325, 326.

the land bill, 378, 379, 559, 560, 561, 693, 731.
expunging resolution, 440.

French and Neapolitan indemnities, 521, 523.
marine corps, 535.

American Colonization Society, 566, 567, 568.
copy-rights to foreigners, 671.

abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, 709.
bill for ceding the public lands, 792.

bill for promoting trade with Belgium, 800, 805,


bill to amend the act for the punishment of cer-
tain crimes against the United States, 801, 802.
report on the relations between United States
and Mexico, 854, 982, 983.

reduction of the tariff, 873, 880, 948, 961.
distribution question, 1003.

recognising the independence of Texas, 1012,

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