The Romance of Modern Photography: Its Discovery & Its AchievementsSeeley & Company, 1908 - 344 strani |
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The Romance of Modern Photography: Its Discovery & Its Achievements ... Charles Robert Gibson Predogled ni na voljo - 2014 |
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apparatus appear artist block blue bullet camera obscura chapter chemical clear colour photography colour screens criminal Daguerre Daguerre's daguerreotype dark developed dots effect electric current enter the camera ether waves experiments exposed exposure film fluorescent screen gelatine glass graph green and violet green rays impression interest invisible rays iodine lantern sheet lens lenses light falling lines look lower illustration means mercury merely metal microscope negative Niépce object obtained opaque ordinary photographic paint paper pass pencil of light Pencil of Nature photographic film photographic paper photographic plate picture pigments portrait position produced Professor radio-active rays of light reader record red rays red vase reflected reproduced retina salts Scotland Yard seen selenium sensitised sensitive shutter silver silver nitrate simple spectrum stars subtract surface Talbot Thornton-Pickard three colours tion transparent violet rays waves white light X-ray photograph yellow
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Stran 46 - Camera throws upon the paper in its focus — fairy pictures, creations of a moment, and destined as rapidly to fade away. "It was during these thoughts that the idea occurred to me how charming it would be if it were possible to cause these natural images to imprint themselves durably and remain fixed upon the paper?
Stran 18 - The mirror shows the objects exactly, but keeps none ; our canvases show them with the same exactness, and retain them all. This impression of the images is made the first instant they are received on the canvas, which is immediately carried away into some dark place": an hour after the...
Stran 61 - We have therefore to make use of temporary expedients. A person dressed in a black coat and open waistcoat of the same colour, must put on a temporary front of a drab or flesh colour, or, by the time that his face and the fine shadows of his woollen clothing are evolved, his shirt will be solarized, and be blue, or even black, with a white halo around it.
Stran 53 - Groups of figures take no longer time to obtain than single figures would require, since the Camera depicts them all at once, however numerous they may be : but at present we cannot well succeed in this branch of the art without some previous concert and arrangement.
Stran 50 - ... frustrated the hope with which I had pursued, during nearly five years, this long and complicated, but interesting series of experiments — the Hope, namely, of being the first to announce to the world the existence of the New Art — which has been since named Photography.
Stran 45 - One of the first days of the month of October 1833, I was amusing myself on the lovely shores of the Lake of Como, in Italy, taking sketches with Wollaston's Camera Lucida, or rather I should say, attempting to take them : but with the smallest possible amount of success. For when the eye was removed from the prism — in which all looked beautiful — I found that the faithless pencil had only left traces on the paper melancholy to behold.
Stran 18 - The elementary spirits have studied to fix these transient images ; they have composed a most subtile matter, very viscous, and proper to harden and dry, by the help of which a picture is made in the twinkle of an eye.
Stran 30 - ... heated iron, which is wrapped round with several folds of paper, from which by this method all moisture had been previously expelled. When the varnish has ceased to simmer, the plate is withdrawn from the heat, and left to cool and dry in a gentle temperature, and protected from a damp atmosphere. In this part of the operation a light disc of metal, with a handle in the centre, should be held before the mouth, in order to condense the moisture of the breath.
Stran 176 - This apartment would thus become filled (we must not call it illuminated) with invis bie rays, which might be scattered in all directions by a convex lens placed behind the aperture. If there were a number of persons in the room, no one would see the other ; and yet nevertheless if a camera were so placed as to point in the direction in which any one were standing, it would take his portrait, and reveal his actions.